Monday, 25 May 2015

19.07-This is harder than it looks

Welcome to another episode of the Smole! Previously, our 12 contestants decided to do a little game of “This Old Man”. 40/50, or 220/320 points, were earned, with Helen grabbing yet another exemption. Kimberly Flanning was understandably upset when she was executed, but she wasn’t the only one to leave. Contestants got the shock of their lifetime when they discovered it was a double execution, meaning another would have to leave. That player was Hector Fleur. Who will be next?

Chester: “There goes Hector. It’s too bad. He couldn’t even get to see the look on Ellen’s face when she saw the bug in her bed! But our coalition members are leaving one after the other. I hope I’m not next. Thankfully I’ve got Sue to tell me who the real Mole is. She’s so nice and considerate. And I’ve now got the whole room to myself considering both Kim and Ashley are gone! Booyeah!”


Gretchen: “Great. Now that Hector’s left I’m stuck in a room with Becky BBBB. Alone. Grr. I’d like to move, but then I’d seem like the weakling. Why couldn’t it be her? Wait…I have a plan. I’m going to trick her into using that fortune cookie machine!”


Gretchen: “Sue, I must absolutely thank you for telling me about the fortune cookie machine! It must have saved me from elimination! I now know who the Mole is thanks to you!”
Sue: “No problem, dear.”
Gretchen: “Wait, where did you come from, Becky? I hope you weren’t eavesdropping.”


Becky: “…The Mole goes by a nickname?”

Sue: “Oh Chester, you know, you’re lovely and all, but…I feel so sad that the others must be executed for our sake!”
Chester: “There there…uh…it’ll be fine…”

Joshua: “Great. This stupid shower’s spoiled.”


Terrence: “As I was saying…”
Sue: “Oh, hi guys! What are you doing out here?”
Walter: “I must be a chick magnet.”
Terrence: “She’s mine! I mean…uh…gotta go!”
Sue: “How cute!”

Joshua: “Check out my moves!”

Gretchen: “Sit far away from me.”
Becky: “…I am not the Mole.”
Gretchen: “Aha! So you admit it! I never said you were the Mole! I’m surprised you would open your mouth. Stop acting so pitiable and just leave for the good of all of us.”


The next mission begins. Contestants are welcome to “Sabotage Studios”. There are 5 rounds. Each round, two contestants will be nominated, or sabotaged, to compete. If they fail in that challenge, they are eliminated. If they succeed, they may pick off any of those still seated to be eliminated. This will continue until the final 2. The ultimate winner gets an exemption. For every challenge both players fail to complete, 20 points are added, making this worth 100 points.

Contestants begin their nominations, which are public. They each nominate one, and the highest nominated two contestants will be chosen to play the first challenge.

Here are their nominations:

Becky: Walter
Helen:  Chester
Terrence: Sue
Walter: Sue
Sue: Helen
Gretchen: Joshua
Elena: Terrence
Chester: Chester
Leonard: Becky
Joshua: Elena

Sue and Chester have the highest nominations of 2, so they will play in the first challenge!

Chester: “I wanted to play so I nominated myself. I took a scan of the studio. All the challenges look easy. I can easily win if I wanted to!”

Sue: “Why me? Why did they not want me to win the exemption? I can’t believe them! And it’s Terrence and Walter! It must be because I walked in on some secret conversation earlier!”

The first challenge is skee ball! Sue and Chester have to get at least 20,000 points to pass and nominate any of the other wight.

Chester: “Come on, come on…”
Sue: “No!”
Chester: “This is harder than it looks.”

How in sync of them.

Joshua: “Watching them is boring. I’m going to play with that soccer ball instead.”

Sue: “Why? This is so unfair! I’m so hurt!”
Chester: “I’m sure it’ll be alright. Shall I tell you a joke?”
Sue earned 11,000 points while Chester earned 10,000 points. They both lost, but at least they earned the first 20 points.

They have been eliminated.


It’s time for the second round.

Becky: Joshua
Helen: Joshua
Terrence: Walter
Walter: Terrence
Gretchen: Joshua
Elena: Joshua
Leonard: Leonard
Joshua: Leonard

Looks like Joshua and Leonard will be up next.

Gretchen: “I think we can all agree how annoying Joshua is. I mean, he even decided to play soccer just now on his own! How disrespectful!”

Sue: “I’m not staying to watch this.”

The second challenge is a hot dog contest. Joshua and Leonard have to eat finish the entire plate of hot dogs within 20 seconds to pass.

“On your marks…get set…”


Leonard: “BLARGH! It’s so hard to chow down on so much so fast!”

Joshua: “Ugh.”


Joshua: “Yeah! Suck it, Leonard! I hope you remember the day where I beat you!”

Leonard: “I don’t feel so great.”
“Leonard’s timing was 2 minutes. Joshua’s was 45 seconds. Neither of you passed.”
Joshua: “****”

Leonard: “I don’t feel so good.”
Joshua: “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The next pair of eliminated players. So far four have been successfully sabotaged.


Who will be next to be sabotaged?

Becky: Becky
Helen: Walter
Terrence: Gretchen
Walter: Helen
Gretchen: Gretchen
Elena: Elena

Elena: “I was guessing the next one would be the treadmills. I think I am good with gizmos. But those two that were chosen…they’re bound to lose.”

Gretchen would be playing. We decided to ask the remaining contestants who they wanted to play and results show that Walter would be next.

The next challenge is indeed using the treadmills. Gretchen and Walter must run on the treadmill without falling for half an hour to pass.

Gretchen: “Aah!”
Not 5 minutes in and she falls!

Can Walter do it?

Gretchen: “Go Walter!”
Walter: “Arfh! Stupid Gretchen! You wretch, you distracted me!”
What a pity. He was 22 minutes in. He could’ve made it.

They both lost. I honestly thought winning would be easier.

Round 4. Who do they pick?

Becky: Terrence
Helen: Elena
Terrence: Helen
Elena: Helen

Helen is going into the next round. We asked the eliminated contestants again and they chose Terrence to go next.

Terrence: “There was no way I was going to let Helen win again. Since I was chosen, I must win.”

The fourth challenge is to drink 5 trays of alcohol without feeling tipsy or feeling the need to use the toilet. If they succeed, they get to pick off the other two.

Helen: “This tastes disgusting.”
Gretchen: “Go! Beat Becky!”
Joshua: “Just lose already old woman.”

Helen’s already on her second tray.

Who wins?

Helen succeeds!
Helen: “I only feel hungry and bloated.”
She gets to eliminate either Becky or Elena, and she picks…


Terrence unfortunately didn’t empty his bladder beforehand and failed.

…And my game hanged.

So I replaced the last challenge (which was more interesting and exciting) with this bowling challenge. Becky and Helen must get a score of at least 100 to win. The higher scorer will get an exemption. It is possible for both of them to not get an exemption if they fail.

Helen: “So heavy.”

Becky: “Woah.”

Helen: “Please, do well.”

Becky: “Spare. Yes.”

Helen: “Thank you gods!”

Helen: “I did not only hit one pin now!”

So at the end of the day, who wins? Nobody. Becky got a score of 92 and Helen, 24. Fortunately, someone does win a hidden exemption. 80/100 points were added, making the pot 300/420.


Joshua: “Ha! I still got the exemption even though I was eliminated! Now, time to seek revenge on those b****** that sabotaged me. I believe Gretchen was one. And Terrence, I think?”

Sue: “You worked hard.”
Helen: “Thank you”
Sue: “So, who do you think this Mole is?”
Helen: “Me? I do not know. I am guessing but is it Becky?”
Sue: “I believe it is Ellen. I discovered clues.”
Helen: “Thank you for telling me! I now know what to choose!”
Sue: “No problem. What are friends for? Women should help women.”

Elena: “You almost made it Becky! You were so close!”
Becky: “….Thanks.”
Elena: “I just wish Helen hadn’t chosen to pick me off. That was so unfair! I’m quite surprised she could drink, but then again I heard it was sake, which can be found in Japan.”



Joshua: “You are a dweeb. You can’t win an old lady? I could’ve easily drunk 10 times the amount you did!”
Terrence: “It was sake! Of course she’d win!”

Joshua: “Whatever. I’m just going to dance.”
Terrence: “I’m going upstairs.”

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