Saturday, 31 December 2016

27.13-Run into the negative

The last time on the Smole, the final 5 had to perform assigned tasks 5 times without anyone else guessing to earn a secret exemption. Only Miranda earned the exemption, whereas 120/150 points were earned, making the pot 380/900 points. Roy tried too hard (and possibly got punched too hard), leading to his execution. With only one more player standing in the way of the finale, have you figured out who the Mole is yet?


Miranda: "I don't know what I'll be doing after the Smole. It's all so fast...I should really focus on doing well here first."

Wilson: "All the quiet mysterious ones are gone. I think this Mole likes the company of others. It's good that that f**** Roy left. He's a big cheater. I wonder how many journals he peeped through?"


Wilson: "And check."
Owen: "What? I must admit, you're good at this game. I guess I really haven't seen it all yet."
Wilson: "I'm full of surprises, bud."


"Congratulations for making it this far. Your next mission will involve you visiting a  warehouse. There are 11 alarm clocks throughout the warehouse. Each begins with a different starting amount of points. The moment you enter, they will start ticking down. When all clocks have been stopped, whatever the clocks show will be the what will enter the pot. Do note that the clocks can run into the negative, so if you're too slow, you can actually end up removing points from the pot. This is worth 300 points in total, so conversely, if you have more points than that, they will end up as bonus points. Good luck."


Wilson: "Hurry up."
"And your time begins."

Miranda: "Jimmy that eager bunny was so far ahead of us. The moment he stepped into the warehouse the clock started ticking. Maybe he's not as pure as I thought."

Miranda: "How shall we do this?"
Owen: "You two take the bottom floor. Jimmy, take the top floor."
Wilson: "I'm not taking orders from anyone. I'm going to the second floor."
Owen: "Fine. I'll take the top. Stop those clocks!"

Miranda: "Don't tell me I have to dig into these barrels. I'm not wearing the proper clothes."

Dorothy: "Aha! This is stopped at 22 points."

Wilson: "I bet that's the one. 15."

Owen: "46 points."

Owen: "Based on experience and gut feeling, those boxes won't be hiding them. I just need to listen out for the ticking sound."

Owen: "I hear something."

Owen: "It's not in these bowls."

Owen: "There we go. 59 points. Excellent."

Owen: "Oh, there's another one. 13 points. Darn."


Wilson: "I can't believe they didn't provide us with a crowbar."

Owen: "Jimmy!"

Owen: "One of the clocks is behind those crates!"

Wilson: "Huh?"

Wilson: "Where?"
Owen: "To your left!"

Wilson: "This one says 23 points."

Owen: "Of course they'll hide it here. -11 points? That's way too fast."

Dorothy: "So, all these oil barrels are empty?"
Miranda: "Yes. To think I wasted my time and energy opening them."
Dorothy: "You did a good job. Let us continue searching."

Dorothy: "Okay, time to open this up. Oh, if only I can reach that clock in. Miranda, could you help?"

Miranda: "Where is it? Oh, -26 points. We were too late."

Wilson: "Aurrgh. At last. This is shut tight. Now where is that clock? Nothing here. I'll move on. Oh! Oh, I stopped that one already."

Wilson: "A black one? Is this supposed to be a clock? Meh, won't hurt."

Owen: "So you two are saying it's completely empty down here?"
Miranda: "Yeah, unless they crushed the clocks under those logs."
"And the mission is over. Here is what you have earned:
22 points
15 points
46 points
59 points
13 points
30 points
-11 points
2 points
-26 points
0 points
This tallies up to a total of 150/300 points. One of the clocks is also an exemption, namely the green one, so Wilson earned himself a hidden exemption. The pot now stands at 530/1200 points. The Mole is doing well."

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