Friday, 2 December 2016

27.01-I'm okay!

It is another season of the Smole. This season, ten hopeful contestants play for a shot at the grand prize. Through missions, they earn points for the pot, which will translate into money, if they win. However, there is a Mole among them, sabotaging. Whatever he/she keeps out of the group pot, he/she keeps. The others must find out who the Mole is before it is too late, because whenever they score the lowest (or in the event of the tie, is the slowest one), they would be executed and have to leave the game.

This season is a little special. The quiz would be shortened to only five questions. That takes up 50% of their total score. The other half will be based on their suspicions. This season, they have to rank the contestants in order of suspicion. The higher the Mole's ranking is to the top, the better, of course. This puts their detective skills to the test.

Now without further ado, let us introduce the contestants. From left to right:
Roy Costello, 38, financial investor.
Mallory Friends, 29, part-time singer.
Tricia Stein, 30, unemployed.
Gus "Asparagus" Espinez, 25, unemployed.
Owen Front, 46, businessman.
Dorothy Channel, 44, full-time mother.
Miranda Calsberg, 28, unemployed.
Wilson "Jimmy" Richzker, 31, unemployed.
Wilfred Melrose-Isetay, 34, opera singer.
Sandy Shorres, 22, unemployed.


Contestants are living in the Sanguini Hotel in Bridgeport. They are currently gathered for their first mission. The contestants were previously told to give their first impressions of all the other contestants. Now, they must figure out who each statement is about to earn 10 points. This is worth 100 points in total. A hidden exemption will be awarded to whoever is chosen the most.

Here are the first impressions they must find out:

"Seems like she's going through some sort of identity crisis." 
"Too old to be playing." 
"A total wreck."
"Schizoid. Lacks emotional capacity." 
"I better stay away from him." 
"Yet another bimbo." 
"Too cocky for his own good." 
"What's up with that hair?" 
"She told me that she has no idea what she wants in life."
"That accent is sexy." 

Miranda: "Some of these sound hurtful."

Wilson: "Why not we just say which statement each of us said?"
Roy: "Isn't that cheating?"
Wilson: "Nobody said anything about that. I was the one who called this lady beside me a bimbo."
Sandy: "Hey!"

Wilson: "Well, my job here is done."
Wilfred: "And you are just going to go like this?"

Sandy: "Whatever. He was totally rude and wrong about me. But I suppose that's 10 points."
Mallory: "Are you sure he's telling the truth?"
Roy: "Let's just take a gamble. If anyone can prove he is lying, object now. No? Okay. I'm going to say that the second last one is by me, and is referring to Miranda. Is that right?"

Miranda: "Yes."
Wilfred: "I wrote the first one. I'm referring to that woman opposite me."
Gus: "This is so boring if we're all just going to spill who said what."

Mallory: "Oh...truth is, I kinda called you sexy..."
Dorothy: "If we're all going to be honest here, I was the one who honestly felt that Owen was arrogant. No hard feelings though."

Owen: "Here I was thinking you said that, punk."
Wilson: "Yeah, just because I have a mohawk and leather jacket means I'm a punk. Shithead."
Owen: "What did you just call me? I can have you sued!"
Wilson: "I'm so scared."

Wilfred: "Let us not fight. I am flattered you think I am sexy, Miss Mallory."
Mallory: "Just call me Mallory."
Gus: "I'm just wondering who called me asparagus."
Wilson: "Nobody did, genius."
Gus: "Oh, right. I call myself Asparagus. That statement about me and that hair is so ambiguous though."

Wilfred: "Why, can it not be Wilson?"
Miranda: "Erm...I wrote it. It was directed at Gus, yeah. No hard feelings."
Gus: "I'm not that petty. But if that's how it's gonna go, then fine. I said that Roy is a schizoid."

Wilfred: "Today I learned what a schizoid is."

Owen: "I called Tricia there a total wreck."
Tricia: "I'm so hurt."
Gus: "You've been very quiet there."
Tricia: "I just don't like to talk."
Miranda: "Which statement is yours, and who is it referring to?"
Tricia: "I'm not comfortable saying it."

Wilson: "Say it. Or else..."
Tricia: "Gulp. It''s referring to you. I wanted to stay away from you."
Wilson: "I see. Now we've got that cleared up. I'm not going to do anything to you, for the record, but don't expect me to coddle to you. Right, but we've got all but one first impression down. Who hasn't confessed yet?"
Sandy: "Okay, that last one is mine. I was referring to Owen."
Owen: "Excuse me?"

Roy: "If that's it, then I think we should finalise our answers. If there are objections, please raise your hand. None? Okay."
Owen: "I'm gonna sit down for this one."
Wilson: "That seat's all yours."
"All the answers are correct, so good for you! You are off to a good start, with 110/110 points earned."

Gus: "That mission was way too easy and BORING. Like, everyone was playing it safe and just 'fessing up. Like, what's the point, man? If the Mole was gonna be a wuss, I should've stepped up to the plate and stirred a little something up."


Gus: "Oof."

Gus: "I'm okay!"

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...I think I meant the statement sandy said to be for Dorothy, but oh well. Nobody said everyone was referred to once.


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