Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to run around a warehouse trying to stop clocks. Altogether, they managed to earn 150/300 points, making the pot 530/1200 points. For stopping the green clock, Wilson earned himself a hidden exemption and a ticket to the finale. Who will join him? Who is the Mole?
Wilson: "Hell yeah! And nobody thought I would make it. I'm laughing in all your faces right now, "
Dorothy: "You're all grungy and dirty. Didn't your mother tell you not to lie on the bed when dirty?"
Wilson: "Probs, but do you think I listen? You all just don't get me. And you're not my mother."
Dorothy: "Do you think I should give up? Let others get a chance to taste the finale."
Wilson: "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Wilson: "You worked hard to get here and now you're just going to give it up to someone less deserving? What happened to taking a stand and not being a pushover?"
Dorothy: "You're right. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."
Wilson: "I hate the word 'sorry'."
Dorothy: "You're not the Mole, are you?"
Wilson: "What the f***, Dorothy? We've been through so much together and now you're doubting me?"
Wilson: "My conscience is clear, believe it or not. If you don't believe me, that's not my problem."
Wilson: "I've been led by the nose by Jimmy. I just hope that I wasn't a fool for believing him all this while."
Miranda: "So, our last time together as the final four. It's so exciting yet scary at the same time."
Miranda: "One of us is going home later, and then after the finale, we'll all be back doing whatever we used to do."
Miranda: "I still don't know what I want. How do you cope with being unemployed, Jimmy?"
Wilson: "I don't let it get to me. My savings can tide me over in the meanwhile anyway. Plus, once I win, I won't have to worry about getting a job."
Owen: "Except you do, because I'm going to win."
Dorothy: "Now, now there. Let's' play nice."
Time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole share a room?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: What is the first digit of the Mole's age?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
Q4: In Mission 7, which floor did the Mole first start at?
A: Ground
B: Middle
C: Top
Q5: In Mission 7, did the Mole stop a clock that went into the negative?
A: Yes
B: No
"It's time for the final execution ceremony. Wilson, who do you want to see called down first?"
Wilson: "How about Miranda?"
"Very well. Miranda Calsberg."
"You are safe."
Miranda: "I'm in the finale? I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me."
"Owen Front, Dorothy Channel, one of you will join the others in the finale, while the others must say goodbye. The last one to be executed this season is none other than..."
"Dorothy Channel."
Dorothy: "I really tried my best. I even made sure to re-read the questions and answer carefully. I'm happy for all of you for making it to the end though. Good luck!"
Wilson: "Best my ass. I bet she gave in to you guys."
Owen: "If that's true, I don't know why she joined if she didn't want to win."
The finale is coming up soon!
Once more, the suspect list:
- Miranda Calsberg
- Wilson Richzker
- Dorothy Channel
- Miranda Calsberg
- Wilson Richzker
- Owen Front
- Owen Front
- Wilson Richzker
- Dorothy Channel
- Miranda Calsberg
- Owen Front
- Dorothy Channel
- Miranda Calsberg
- Owen Front
- Wilson Richzker
- Dorothy Channel
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