Sunday, 15 January 2017

28.03-I'm a neurologist, not a psychic

Welcome back. Previously, the twelve contestants had to find their way to Twinbrook Industrial Train Centre. Only 8 managed to do so, and they could have earned 80/120 points, except for the fact that 14 clues were used, hence deducting 42 points and leaving 38/120 points in the pot. Junico earned the rest of the points for being the Mole's Accomplice. Darroll failed to identify the Mole and the accomplice, leading to his execution. Who will be next?


Kit: "Time to show everybody my culinary skills."

Lisbon: "And why do you want to sue me?"

Sue: "For indecent exposure, of course! Beth is going gaga over you and it's disgusting."

Lisbon: "Why not sue her?"
Sue: "Oh, I will, but I need to sue the perpetrator first."

Lisbon: "Don't be ridiculous, Sue."
Sue: "I'm recording every statement you said in my journal."

Edmund: "So dudes, I can join your coalition?"
Junico: "Yessy."
Rico: "But Pops--"
Junico: "I call the final shots here. You can go out now, Edmund."
Edmund: "Thanks Nico. And Rico."

Rico: "Pops, we cannot be sure if we can trust him. Look at Darroll!"

Junico: "How dare you raise your voice at me, son!"

Junico: "You ingrate! I raised you so hard and this is how you treat me?"

Rico: "If he is the Mole, it will be your fault!"
Junico: "I will take the blame then! Don't need you care!"
Rico: "You're retarded, Pops. By the time you realise you've been duped, it is too late."

Junico: "What did you say?"

Rico: "Sorry Pops."


Beth: "So, you're a neurologist? Cool. You must be able to see into other's brains and stuff. What's going on in my mind now?"

Kieran: "I don't know. I'm a neurologist, not a psychic."

Godfrey: "What do you do for a living, Kelvin?"
Kelvin: "I'm unemployed."
Godfrey: "How curt. Aren't you going to ask me back?"

Kelvin: "You're going to tell me, aren't you?"
Godfrey: "Well, I'm a banker. Pretty average job, really. For an average chap like me."

Kit: "Breakfast is ready!"
Kelvin: "I would kill for some food right now."
Godfrey: "So would I."
Kelvin: "No you wouldn't."


Lisbon: "I wonder what was going through the producer's mind when they only had a table for six."
Kit: "They probably didn't think we eat altogether."

Edmund: "There's an empty seat there...I hope I didn't cause a strain in their relationship."


Contestants are to do their next mission. They have to transcribe a soliloquy. When they are done, all their transcriptions will be sent to every computer, to which the contestants must select the transcription they think is the most accurate. If they choose the soliloquy with no more than five errors, they can earn 100 points, all or nothing.

Our actor had an untimely throat infection, so we'll be playing the soliloquy through the gramophone instead.

Sue: "Really? A gramophone in wide open space? The sound will be very muffled and those at the back will hardly be able to hear anything! I must sue the producers for setting up such an unfair challenge."

Gramophone: "To be, or not to be..."

Gramophone: "...that is the question..."

Sue: "Anyone at the back can easily cheat, but I suppose it's only to make up for the lack of sound back here."

Kieran: "Wait, can we hit replay on that? This doesn't make sense."

Junico: "I'll just copy that guy's work."

Kieran: "Really? Of all soliloquies they choose Shakespeare's? The obtuse one that nobody understands? Well, I suppose it is the most famous, but still."

Junico: "I dunno what gibberish that machine was yapping."

Beth: "I hope nobody thinks I'm wearing yesterday's clothes. I just have tons of these in my wardrobe. Oh no, I missed what was said. Time to cheat, hee."

Rico: "Will not cheat."

Lynette: "I'm all too familiar with this soliloquy. Being an actress has its perks, even if it is for a different stage."

Gramophone: "...devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep..."


Gramophone: "...for who would bear the whips and scorns of time, th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely..."

Rico: "Hmm...this just doesn't feel fair, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I never did well in spelling."

Beth: "Did he just delete his entire work? Okie, time to do the same."

Beth: "I forgot how to undo. Whoops!"


Gramophone: " all my sins remembered."

That's the end. Now, it's time for them to choose. They may communicate via the chatroom.

Beth: "How nice of them to provide a chatroom for us."

Edmund: "Beth, why is yours blank?"
Beth: "Isn't yours too?"

Edmund: "What? It ain't blank...oh, she was looking at mine the whole time! Well, she should have seen that Ctrl+Z button, girl."

Kit: "I think mine is fine."

Rico: "I say we pick Lynette's. She is an actress. She should know best."

Lynette: "I wouldn't say that. I don't know if it's perfect. I think Kit's one isn't looking all that bad. It looks quite similar to mine."

Kelvin: "You know what else is similar? Junico and Kieran's work."

Junico: "Ey, you accusing me of cheating, boy?"
Kelvin: "Nobody said that. Only you did."

Godfrey: "Why not mine? I'm seated the closest to the gramophone. I can hear the best!"

Lisbon: "But do you know all the words?"

Sue: "Shut up, people, or I'll sue all of you. I think we can narrow it down to Lynette's, Godfrey's, Kit's, Kelvin's and Lisbon's. I'm voting for Lynette."

Kieran: " should I respond? I want to pick Godfrey and watch his reaction."

Kieran: "I don't trust Godfrey. Not completely. The fact that there were two of us who made it back last mission without using a single clue says something. Granted, I'm not one to talk, but he used the most clues and couldn't come back. Junkyard? Really? Did he really think he'd have to dig through to get something? And he was so close to the actual premises as well, it's a bit far-fetched for him to say he failed to realise he was wrong."


Sue: "It's settled. We're using Lynette's work."
"Lynette's soliloquy has three errors in total, so congratulations, you managed to earn 100 points! This means 138/220 points for the pot."


Kelvin: "You cheated."

Junico: "I did nuthin' of that sort."
Kelvin: "I hate liars."

Junico: "Which eye saw, huh?"
Kelvin: "And you're still not admitting it."

Kelvin: "You don't want to make me mad. You know what happens when I get mad? It won't be pretty, let me tell you that."
Junico: "I'm not scared."
Kelvin: "You aren't? Because I can sense fear in your breath. Now what happens if I go after your son instead?"

Junico: "Err, err...wait! Don't you hurt my son!"


Lynette: "Tell me honestly, Beth. Are you the Mole's Accomplice? Because yours is the only one completely blank."

Beth: "Believe what you want, but I think it's better that we focus on the Mole. I didn't understand anything that was going on and I couldn't hear, so you can't blame me! Anyway, why not you spend time socialising with the rest instead of sticking so closely to me?"


Pot: 138/220
Beth: 0
Darroll: 0
Edmund: 0
Godfrey: 0
Junico: 82
Kelvin: 0
Kieran: 0
Kit: 0
Lisbon: 0
Lynette: 0
Rico: 0
Sue: 0

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