Sunday, 29 January 2017

28.10-Do my boobs look smaller?

Previously, the contestants had to translate a phrase, pembaziran tou temps, into Simlish within 20 minutes. They succeeded in finding it out despite Sue's sabotages and Kieran's wrong initial deduction about tou. They got 140/140 points, or 434/600 points in the pot. Who will be next to leave?


Lynette: "I want to ask you about the mission, Sue."

Sue: "What about it? We won, didn't we?"
Lynette: "Yes, but you sabotaged quite a fair bit. It was quite apparent."

Sue: "Are you implying I'm the accomplice? Would an accomplice not want to earn points for herself? Think what you may but I'll sue you for slander."

Sue: "Come to think of it, the Mole is making us to our dirty work for him. Or her."

Lynette: "I think Sue is the accomplice but not the Mole. She was acting rather strangely in the mission but I never saw her sabotage before. Or maybe she's deliberately being obvious so that we won't think she's the actual Mole."


Junico: "Why won't you listen to Pops? We made it here so far with Sue. Continue with her."
Rico: "Lalalalala. I can't get through to you, Pops."

Beth: "I think you're quite hot, murders aside. As long as you agree not to kill me, I think we can make this work."

Kelvin: "No guarantee."
Beth: "Ooh I like surprises."

Sue: "Are you upset about your missing journal?"
Kieran: "It's fine."

Kieran: "I would like to have it by my side though. There are so many things I want to record. Do you think it was taken for a mission?"
Sue: "Maybe, but they're not taking mine or I'll sue them."

Lynette: "Woah, nearly tripped."


Lynette: "Beth, I want to discuss with you our new plan."
Beth: "Do I look fat?"

Lynette: "No. Anyway, Lisbon is out, so we're back to square one. We must pick a new suspect. I think we should split, and perhaps consider approaching from the accomplice angle too."
Beth: "Do my boobs look smaller?"

Lynette: "Beth!"
Beth: "Sorry. Well, I think that if we keep spreading, at this point of time no less, we won't be doing very well."
Lynette: "That's true. We're running out of time though. The quiz is tomorrow. How about we just pick the accomplice for this quiz? I think it's Sue."
Beth: "Whatever you say. Maybe I should wear some pushup bras."


"Get ready to take the quiz tomorrow everyone. Just so you know, Kelvin earns a hidden exemption for saying 'exemption' in a different language in the mission."

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?

A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Mole been an accomplice?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: In Mission 5, what car did the Mole take?
A: Purple
B: Green
C: Grey

Q4: In Mission 5, did the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: How many other contestants were in the same car as the Mole in Mission 5?
A: 1
B: 2
Q6: In Mission 5, did the Mole give a wrong translation?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: In Mission 5, did the Mole use the computer?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: Did the Mole get a hidden exemption in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 5, was the Mole primarily on the first or second floor?
A: First
B: Second

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Beth Bette
B: Junico Laurence
C: Kelvin Kitn
D: Kieran La Dana
E: Lynette Pratchett
F: Rico Jury-Laurence
G: Sue Una Law


"Another night, another execution. One of you will be saying goodbye, but not the Mole Accomplice..."

"...Sue Una Law."
Sue: "Yes, I'm the devil's advocate."

Lynette: "I thought so."
Kieran: "Hmm, I wasn't fully sure if it was you but now I know at least."

"With that out of the way, it is time to see who will be the next victim."

"Junico Laurence."

Junico: "I'm out? No wait, I'm in!"
Rico: "Aiyay, Pops."

"Rico Jury-Laurence."

Rico: "Woohoo!"
Junico: "Oi! No woohoo until marriage, son."
Beth: "Times have changed, Nico. I can help you to keep up. Wink."

"Beth Bette."
Beth: "After I'm seen to be safe first."

Beth: "Yay! Let's woohoo together, Nico and Rico!"
Kieran: "You need to learn something about responsibility, Beth."

"Lynette Pratchett, Kieran La Dana, one of you will be leaving us tonight. Who wants to see their fate first?"
Kieran: "Like we have a choice."

"Kieran La Dana."

"Sorry but Kieran La Dana, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Junico: "Bye bye."
Rico: "Weren't you taking lessons from him?"
Junico: "Oh yeah. Don't go."

Kieran: "Sorry, but I have to. The outside world is calling me. Just so we're clear, I'm a neurologist, not the Mole."

Lynette: "I suspected him least, I think. Such a shame."

Kieran: "It's been nice, other than the countless explanations of my profession. I think what caused my downfall was my missing journal. I think it really put me at a disadvantage."

Kieran: "What's done is done anyway. My strategy didn't seem to work out. Good luck to the rest. May the best player win."


The neurologist has been executed! He's not the Mole, but who is?

Pot: 434/600
Beth: 0
Darroll: 0
Edmund: 0
Godfrey: 0
Junico: 82
Kelvin: 0
Kieran: 0
Kit: 0
Lisbon: 0
Lynette: 84
Rico: 0
Sue: 0

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