Last time, the contestants had to search a warehouse for clocks to stop, earning whatever points was shown on the clock when stopped. They managed to earn 150/300 points, making the pot 530/1200 points. Dorothy was revealed to be the last victim of this season's Mole. With only three left, who is the Mole, and who is the winner?
Owen: "Better revise while I can."
Wilson: "I'm itching to speed. I suppose I have to settle for this."
Miranda: "I really don't want this to be over. This was a time when I could temporarily forget I'm supposed to get a job and get married and whatever. After this, I won't know what I'm supposed to do. I still haven't figured out what my heart wants yet."
Owen: "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. There's no need to rush such things."
"Congratulations for making it to the end. Your final mission will be coming up soon. You will be playing a mini version of 'Celebrities in Disguise', the hottest, trendiest reality show in Bridgeport. Six celebrities have been disguised and are roaming around the city. Your job is to find these celebrities within four hours, 50 for each celebrity found. This is worth 300 points, and is the last chance to turn the tables, so good luck."
Owen: The park. Sounds like a good place to start. There must be some celebrities hidden around here."
Owen: "None of us are from Bridgeport, so this was a very difficult challenge for us. Jimmy doesn't care for celebrities, and I haven't got every celebrities' face noted down yet. Miranda has visited and she seems the most likely to help, but I'm not counting on her either. You win this time, Mole. It was an expected result anyway."
Owen: "Excuse me, have you seen any celebrities in disguise?"
Marcus: "Hey there, beautiful."
Bridgit: "My eyes are up here."
Miranda: "I can't believe this is the only club open."
Marcus: "Wanna let a hunk like me enter?"
Bridgit: "There's no restriction, sir. I'm just here for decoration."
Miranda: "Then what's the point of these ropes?"
Marcus: "Oscar Wilde once said that women are a decorative sex."
Brdigit: "Get in before I change my mind."
Miranda: "Typical wannabe clubber."
Miranda: "I think the VIP room is over there. Mister, could you help distract that bouncer while I sneak in? I need to look for someone."
Marcus: "The name's Marcus, by the way."
Marcus: "I suppose I don't mind helping a beauty like you."
Miranda: "You're making me blush."
Miranda: "Here goes nothing."
Marcus: "Good day, my dear. What's with those gloves?"
Miranda: "Keep going."
Pin: "Are you seeing what I'm seeing? How brazen."
Miranda: "I'm in!"
Marcus: "Nope, you must be hallucinating."
Wilson: "End of the road? What the hell?"
Wilson: "Cool rock. Won't hurt to collect one."
Owen: "Excuse me..."
Fortuna: "Kiss me."
Owen: "I never agreed--"
Fortuna: "Apologies. I was hiding from my boyfriend. He chased me all the way from Champes Les Sims."
Owen: "So you're not a celebrity in disguise?"
Fortuna: "I wish. Then I can have bodyguards to chase that scum away."
Owen: "I believe you. You're too Frenchy. I need to go find someone. Bye."
Owen: "That's striking. Unless she's a sculpture, I think I've got my celeb."
Owen: "Excuse me, miss, but why are you standing here so conspicuously?"
Owen: "Oh my mama, you're a man!"
Rosette: "My name is Rosette, nice to meet you. Don't you find me pretty?"
Owen: "I'm not falling for it."
Raphael: "Just say my name already. This outfit and makeup is disgusting. I look like I'm from the Sims 2."
Owen: "Never heard of it. Anyway, your name was...Rosette?"
Raphael: "Raphael. Raphael Striker. Just put me out of my misery already."
Wilson: "If anyone of you is wearing a disguise, 'fess up now, or feel my wrath."
Lea: "I'm not afraid of you, punk."
Wilson: "It must be him. He's getting away!"
Wilson: "Time for this loophole where I magically lose my clothes and change into swimming trunks that I'm not wearing right now."
Wilson: "Get back here!"
Blooper alert. She just walked casually in here and then promptly complained she can't get out. Now, on to our usual programme.
Miranda: "Are any of you wearing a disguise? I don't recognise you all. Or maybe you're not famous enough to be a celebrity."
Lucy: "That drink was good."
Wilson: "You're a celebrity aren't you?"
Lucy: "What? No, I'm Lucy Hall, a pregnant woman."
Wilson: "I don't see no baby bump."
Lucy: "I'm still in my first trimester. I'm wearing this to be extra cautious."
Wilson: "If you're pregnant and cautious, why were you drinking just now?"
Lucy: "That? Oh, er..."
Wilson: "Give up. I caught you. I don't know who you are but I caught you."
Jessica: "Okay, you got me. I'm Jessica Talon. I'm only famous because of my socialite lover."
"Time is up."
Owen: "I brought back one man...woman...tranny...thing...creature..."
Raphael: "I think they get the point."
Owen: "Are you telling me both of you came back empty-handed?"
Rosette: "Can I get out of this get-up first?"
Raphael: "Ta-da! I'm Raphael Striker."
Wilson: "I do have someone. Come on in now."
Wilson: "Someone doesn't though."
Miranda: "I tried my best. This lad was insistent that he wasn't a celebrity and so I had to let him go."
Jessica: "Hello everybody."
Jessica: "Take a stab at who I am."
Owen: "Not interested right now. I'm super pissed at our results."
Jessica: "Well, I'm Jessica Talon."
"Only two celebrities have been found in time, so 100/300 points have been earned. There is now a grand total of 630/1500 points in the pot. Looks like the Mole won this season."
Miranda: "I really tried my best. I can't believe they're blaming me for it now. If they were so great, then why didn't they find all six? It's not as easy as it looks. I've seen the show before, and I know the rules and how it works. A celebrity is only considered found if you say his name, and contestants are given as long as they needed to. So this was unfair to us from the outset. And I really wanted to meet my Matthew Hamming..."
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