Friday, 13 January 2017

28.02-It's an exemption outfit

Previously the twelve contestants had to find Twinbrook Industrial Train Centre by 5pm. Only 8 made it, excluding Kit, Godfrey, Junico and Sue. Altogether 14 hints were used, meaning 42 points were deducted, hence leaving the pot with 38/120 points. Lynette stepped through the door first and clinched the first exemption of the season. Who will be the first victim?


Junico: "Ergh."

Rico: "She is such a b****!"

Rico: "I'm Rico Jury-Laurence. Yes, my father is Junico Laurence, yes my mother's last name is Jury. What else? Oh, I hate that fat-ass woman Sue Law. She's always kicking up a fuss and threatening to sue. Like, she just threatened to sue the Mole and Mole's accomplice for such a bad start when we got home."

Kieran: "Where did you get outfit anyway?"
Lynette: "It's an exemption outfit."
Kieran: "Sure it is."
Lynette: "I'll change out of it if you don't like it."
Kieran: "I'm a neurologist, not your mother."


Beth: "So, hot stuff, where were you this lovely day?"

Junico: "I, er...couldn't...beach?"

Beth: "Oh, is that so? What were you doing?"
Junico: "Er...I...women."

Rico: "I bet Pop's flirting again."
Junico: "The way she twirls her hair is making me crazy."

Junico: "Hello there. You're quite hot too. What was your name again?"
Lynette: "It's Lynette."
Beth: "Ugh, Lynn! I was doing fine playing the good cop."

Lynette: "Now, you better tell me why 2/3 of us can make it and you can't."
Junico: "Not hot."

Lynette: "Excuse me?"

Beth: "'re not convincing or menacing enough."
Lynette: "Look here, you better spill the beans before I spill your guts."
Junico: "Okay, okay! Don't need no violence."

Beth: "Never mess with an actress."
Kieran: "I should listen in."

Beth: "Lynn and I formed a coalition. We did make it to the end together, after all, even if she did get that exemption. I can't stay mad at her forever. I asked Kit but she doesn't seem to like us.Our first task was to get all those who failed to get to the train centre to explain themselves. What I've learned so far is that Lynn is quiet but don't mess with her and Junico isn't very good at Simlish."

Lisbon: "You look pretty down. Let me show you 13 ways to cheer someone up, starting with number 13."

Lisbon: "Alright, here goes nothing."

Kit: "You're quite good at this. It's like one of those perfect date moments."


Kelvin: "I have an itch."
Rico: "Scratch it then. Pops, come in here."

Darroll: "Why did you come invite me to play pool? I don't really know how to play. Man, my stick is so long."

Darroll: "Do I blow off the dust here?"
Edmund: "I wanna form a coalition with you, bruh, but that guy over there is ruinin' it."

Kelvin: "I can hear you. I won't budge."

Kelvin: "There we go. Pierced right through the skin."

Edmund: "Gulp. He kinna scares me a little, y'know?"
Darroll: "I think we can leave the 'secret' out of 'secret coalition'. It's never truly secret since we're on TV and all, anyway."
Edmund: "Right on, brother from another mother."
Darroll: "No, that makes no sense. I am not your brother. My dad didn't cheat on anybody so I'm not your half-brother either."
Edmund: "Yeesh."

Junico: "Now son, since we're in this together..."
Rico: "You mean a coalition? I don't seem to remember forming one with you."

Junico: "Too bad. I'm your pops. 'nywhoo, lemme let you in on some lil secret. I'm the Mole."

Rico: "I don't believe you."

Junico: "How dare you unrespect your pops like that. What I meant was that I'm that b****** Mole's accomplicy."

Rico: "I wanna win this my own way, pops, not by colluding."
Junico: "No, accomplish. Not colludin."
Rico: "Nevermind. So, you gonna answer yourself on that next quiz?"

Junico: "Now that the potato's outta that bag, it's such a huuge relief. Like, I din' know nothin'. Nobody say what to do. But now I get all that points in my pot, oh yeah. Good thing I have my son here with me to remind me that I can answer myself on the quiz. I'll ace it, I tell you, and so will he."


Kieran: "My, what a crowd."

Beth: "Oh, Lisbon, you're 50 things every man should be like."

Quiz time. The exemption holder and Mole's Accomplice cannot be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a job?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 1, where was the Mole dropped off?
A: Fishing Spot
B: Pool
C: Business Centre
D: Park
E: Beach
F: Laundromat
G: Amphitheatre
H: Art Gallery
I: Graveyard
J: Hangout
K: Library
L: Junkyard

Q4: In Mission 1, how many clues did the Mole use?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3

Q5: In Mission 1, which code did the Mole text first?
D: The Mole did not text a clue

Q6: In Mission 1, did the Mole make it to the train centre?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: In what order did the Mole make it to the train centre in Mission 1?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: The Mole did not make it

Q8: Did the Mole talk to any Twinbrook resident in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Which row did the Mole sit at the end of Mission 1?
A: Front
B: Middle
C: Back
D: The Mole did not make it

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Beth Bette
B: Darroll Florizel
C: Edmund Joacquester
D: Godfrey Chellow
E: Junico Laurence
F: Kelvin Kitn
G: Kieran La Dana
H: Kit Chen
I: Lisbon Merino
J: Lynette Pratchett
K: Rico Jury-Laurence
L: Sue Una Law

Lynette: "I made a mistake! Good thing I'm exempt."

Kieran: "Oh dear. I'd fix this on my own but I'm a neurologist, not a computer technician."


Kieran: "Ow! Why is there a bobby pin here?"
Beth: "Oops, must have dropped it there. Silly me." *wink*

"Welcome to your first execution ceremony. While we wait for Godfrey to be done cooking, let us reveal our first Mole's Accomplice this season."

Godfrey: "I don't want to miss this. This dish is failed without premier ingredients anyway."
"The Mole's accomplice is..."

Junico: "I, the Mole's accomplice."

"Now, without further ado, let us begin our execution proper."

"Beth Bette."

Beth: "Yay! I'm so happy I could kiss someone right now."
Junico: "How 'bout me?"

"Kelvin Kitn."

Kelvin: "I am the executor, not the executed."

"Lisbon Merino."
Beth: "I hope he doesn't go. It'll be such a shame."

Lisbon: "Yes!"

"Edmund Joacquester."
Edmund: "I'm not ready to leave tonight."

Edmund: "Nothin's gonna stop me, not no Mole, not no Junico."

"Kit Chen."

Kit: "I try to keep the gender ratio more even."

"Darroll Florizel."
Darroll: "If my coalition partner is staying, then so am I."

"Unfortunately, Darroll Florizel, you have been the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Junico: "Whuh?"

Kieran: "Interesting development."
Lynette: "It sucks being the first to go."
Kit: "Indeed."

Godfrey: "Well, wasn't seeing that coming."

Godfrey: "I wasn't feeling so confident of myself."

Beth: "Man, one less man meat to chow on."
Edmund: "No way, my buddy?"

Darroll: "I'm not your buddy."
Edmund: "...pal?"
Darroll: "Not that either."
Edmund: "Come on, friend. Don't do this to me."
Darroll: "We've only just met. We are at best acquaintances. And perhaps I trusted the wrong one."
Kelvin: "Heh."
Edmund: "Don't hurt me like that."

Darroll: "I'm sad that I'm the first to be eliminated. It's never a good feeling."

Darroll: "By the way, since no one is dying, stop using the word execution."

Darroll: "Adios, and good luck!"

Darroll is the first victim! Was it Junico's doing?

Pot: 38/120
Beth: 0
Darroll: 0
Edmund: 0
Godfrey: 0
Junico: 82
Kelvin: 0
Kieran: 0
Kit: 0
Lisbon: 0
Lynette: 0
Rico: 0
Sue: 0

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