Almost three grueling weeks have passed. 10 contestants slowly dwindled to three as they took part in crazy, challenging missions. 662/1200 points are currently in the pot. One of the three finalists will walk away with the money. Who will it be: Clavés Vann, Kelly Hoggart or Zane Aason Averridge? And who is the Mole?
We are gathered here at the Lucky Simoleons Casino for the finale of the Smole. Finally, after an intense three weeks, all will be revealed. Some will win big money while some go home as the biggest loser.
The executed contestants are currently catching up in the lobby as they await the arrival of the finalists.
Jane: "All of you are making me feel underdressed."
Stanley: "You are giving too little effort into the importance of the occasion but someone is dressed like she's the bride of a wedding."
Kaylie: "It's a beautiful gown that I hardly have excuse to wear. It's so exciting to know who has been fooling me all this while."
Pamela: "I really hope Zane wins."
Jennifer: "Maybe he's the Mole."
Pamela: "Then I would feel absolutely horrible because I trusted him."
Jennifer: "I'm just here so that my adoring fans don't forget that I was on this show. I still think it's rigged. How can someone as famous as me be executed so early?"
Hans: "If you did stay on then it'll be rigged."
Jennifer: "Shut up. No one is interested in hearing you spout morals."
Jennifer: "You guys are boring me. I'm going to go listen to the performance."
Chase: "Across this new divide~"
Chase: "Wow...when did all of you get here?"
Chase: "I'm done performing. Entertain yourselves elsewhere."
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 41."
"May we put our hands together for our three finalists!"
Kaylie: "Woo!"
Pamela: "Go Zane!"
Stanley: "If Kelly is still in the game that means I must have done something right."
"Let us welcome our first finalist on stage to give a few words. Ladies and gentlemen, Kelly Hoggart!"
Kelly: "The Smole was definitely an interesting experience for me. It pushed me in ways never before, both physically and mentally. It stretched me to my limits. I'm thankful because in the process I learned more about myself and how far I can go."
Kelly: "It has been a deep honour to be standing here as one of the final three. I worked hard to get here and I hope that I have showed all of you that I'm more than what my age defines."
Kelly: "If I didn't, too bad, sucker. I enjoyed myself and that's what matters."
"Thank you Kelly."
"Let us invite our next finalist Clavés Vann to say a few words."
Claves: "Good evening, my friends and comrades. I'm happy and proud to be in the finale. It's an amazing experience that is hard to describe in a few sentences. This game is about striking balances. It was not easy for me to find the balance but I think I did quite well if I can be right here today."
Claves: "The Smole helped me hone my skills and sharpen my senses. There are other things that I should say but I shall not to keep things short. I sincerely hope I win. Thank you."
"Thank you, Clavés."
"Let us now invite our only male finalist on stage. Zane, please."
Zane: "Hi guys. I'm having a great time. What about you? I can't say I'm bursting with joy right now but I really am glad to have made it all the way to the final three. I chose to take things easy and not get too personally involved, so I didn't expect to last all the way to the end. I may be a finalist but the Smole is as much about me as it is about all of you."
Zane: "All you hot peeps."
Kelly: "Why does my back feel cold?"
Zane: "I think we all got to be a part of the Smole and that is what counts."
"Thank you Zane."
"Our three finalists got here through skill, speed and luck. However, they also got here through sabotage. All of you seated here have suspected the finalists at one point this season, and with good reason. Let us recap the sabotages each of the finalists pulled off this season.
Kelly Hoggart
- Kelly did not shoot many hoops in the first mission.
- She only hit 3 dummies in the second mission.
- Kelly was one of those who suggested splitting in a way that almost every door would have something in the third mission, thereby reducing the possible total winnings since only one door could be chosen at the end.
- Kelly's chosen pictures in Mission 5 were not very clear to Zane and Pamela, resulting in a wrong guess.
- Despite getting a lot of Simoleons in Mission 6, Kelly only earned 2 points from begging.
- Kelly got one contestant wrong in Mission 7. She also hid so well that only one contestant guessed her character.
- In Mission 8, Kelly was caught because she activated the commentary for one of the exhibits, alerting the guard to the sudden noise. She nearly exposed Zane's hiding spot by running in his direction.
Zane Aason Averridge
- He missed a lot of shots in the first mission.
- In the second mission, Zane missed all his shots.
- Zane failed to guess two of the movies in the fifth mission.
- Zane did not get all contestants correct in Mission 7. In addition, he hid himself so well that nobody could guess him to earn points.
- In Mission 8, instead of helping Kelly, Zane told Kelly to run back in the direction of the guard. He also hid for far too long, wasting too much time before eventually being caught.
Clavés Vann
- In the first mission, she kept giving uncommon letters such as X.
- She failed to hit a single target in Mission 2.
- She did not get any points in Mission 6 while begging. At the casino, she lost 15 points overall.
- She only identified one contestant correctly in the seventh mission.
- She was caught in the control room in Mission 8.
- She left the pot unattended at one point in the final mission, giving the hunter a chance to steal from the pot. She also contributed the least out of the three."
"Our three finalists are back on stage. In front of them is a light. It is time to find out who the winner of the Smole, Season 41 is."
"Zane Aason Averridge, you are not the winner. However, are you the Mole?"
Zane: "I am not the Mole."
"Zane was a laid back contestant in terms of personality, although he always tried his best during the missions. He had the looks and often found himself in the centre of many women's affections. The most notable women of the lot was Pamela, Zane's partner. The two hit it off and soon started to work together. Their loyalty to each other was unbreakable and attempts at sabotage to their coalition failed."
"However, Zane understood that the Smole was just a game and was thus willing to play the game. Ultimately it could be seen that Pamela was more loyal to the coalition than Zane was. The coalition was eventually not enough and Zane traded information with those outside his coalition to aid his game. However, he trusted himself most, which was how he survived the final execution while Pamela failed, and how he got to the finale and became third on Season 41 of the Smole."
"Once again, Zane Aason Averridge!"
Zane: "Thank you everyone. I didn't win. So be it. Being in the finale is good enough a prize for me."
"Only two ladies remain on stage. Which one of them is the winner?"
"Is it Kelly Hoggart?"
"Or is it Clavés Vann?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the Smole, Season 41 is none other than Clavés Vann!"
Kelly: "Huh? How is that possible?"
"Clavés at first glance seemed like a sweet, meek girl who needed love and protection. However, only few know about her undercover role and the complicated operations she is involved in. She is fully capable of defending herself and more. The Smole was a stage for her to dance on, weaving in and out of subtlety and aggressive force. She aimed to look like a Mole trying to look like a contestant, sabotaging missions and trying to manipulate other contestants. However, people are unpredictable, and not all attempts succeeded."
"What she did succeed in was gathering information from all sources without any of the sources realising that they weren't her only source. A master collector, she got no exemptions but many clues which were far more valuable to her. It is indeed her wealth of knowledge that brought her this far to the victor's stage."
"Beneath this tough exterior is still a fragile rose that strives to be in control of her own fate but at the same time yearns for the love and care of others. Ladies and gentlemen, Clavés Vann."
Claves: "It's an honour to have won."
"Kelly Hoggart, say it loudly for those in the back. Are you the Mole of Season 41?"
Kelly: "No, I am not."
Stanley: "What? Is there some sort of mistake?"
Hans: "It must be a twist. Maybe there's no Mole, or maybe the Moles are sitting down here."
"May the real Mole stand up."
Jane: "Nobody is standing up. Other than the two already standing, I mean."
"If you haven't guessed it yet, this season's ultimate twist is that there is no Mole. Each contestant was executed solely based on speed unless they answered the equivalent of 'there is no Mole' for any of the questions. This is because technically all of you would be scoring 0/10 for the quizzes, which is in line with the rules of the twist. Later, when questions regarding executed contestants were added, executions were 50% based on score, out of 5, and 50% based on speed as then explained."
Kaylie: "This isn't fair! I feel cheated! You mean to say I was executed randomly?"
"It is thus an extremely difficult task to be part of the final three because there is very little control over the outcome. Thus, Kelly Hoggart should deserve recognition and applause for being able to stand on stage too."
Kelly: "This is arseshit. I feel mocked right now. I just want to grab some wine and hit the road and preferably find a hole to crawl into."
"Kelly may be the oldest contestant this season but she's proven to be just as capable as any of her younger peers. She's triumphed in athletic missions, surpassing expectations. Early on she also shown that she's not a force to be reckoned with with the exemptions she earned. With the green token in her possession, she had the power to nominate anyone and keep anyone safe. Later when she herself was on the block, she managed to escape the fate of execution each time. She's a strong, tough woman who's handled tough situations before. The Smole was a breeze to her."
Kelly: "However, Kelly also has a heart of gold and shows her care for other contestants in 'tiger mum' ways. Her coalition with Stanley prepared her especially in terms of speed. That added to her hard work ultimately led her to the position of first runner-up on the Smole. We congratulate Kelly once again and wish her all the best in her pursuit of higher education."
"Clavés was the only one who managed to discover the ultimate twist this season, and she only put down 'nobody' as the Mole in the very last quiz. As such, 1 point will be transferred to the group pot, which is now hers to keep. Congratulations Clavés. You earn 663/1200 points which translates to 662,000 Simoleons!"
"For the rest of you, not to fret. Since there is no Mole, the remainder of the pot will be shared among all of you. Zane and Kelly, as finalists, get 62,000 Simoleons each, while the rest of you will walk home with 59,000 Simoleons each."
Kelly: "That's not too bad."
"The twist may come as a surprise to you but we at the Smole don't spring surprises. We will always have clues that hint to the identity of the Mole, or in this case, the lack thereof."
"Every odd-numbered episode hints to the fact that there is no Mole. Take the first letter of each of the following episodes to spell out 'NO MOLE HERE'.
Not part of the equation (Episode 15)
On the dot (Episode 7)
More haste, more waste (Episode 3)
Over and over and over again (Episode 13)
Looking for love (Episode 1)
Even sweeter than my nipples (Episode 5)
Hot stuff (Episode 11)
Ew, disgusting (Episode 9)
Ready for it (Episode 19)
Everything happens for a reason (Episode 17)"
"The word 'ultimate' and its variants can be heard quite often. This is a reference to The Ultimate Twist which states that there is no Mole."
"Except for Pamela, every executed contestant would see a red screen. At the bottom right of the screen were the words 'The Mole did not execute you'. Contestants are always said to have been executed by the Mole because of a lack of knowledge on them. However, this season there is no Mole to execute them."
![]() |
Turn up the contrast to see the words. |
"In Episode 9, each of the movies have a link to the identity of the Mole (or lack thereof in this case):
Terry Pratchett's Going Postal - Lynette Pratchett (same last name) was one of the contestants on Season 28, the only other season thus far with no Mole;
Legally Blonde - It is a movie involving lawyers. Sue Una Law was a lawyer and a contestant on Season 28.
A Nightmare on Elm Street - This movie is about someone a killer in the night (hence the nightmare). Kelvin Kitn's surname means 'kills in the night'. He was on Season 28 as well.
The Kitchen - Kit Chen was a contestant on Season 28.
The Jade Pendant - Godfrey Gao acted in it. He shares the same first name as Godfrey Chellow, a contestant on Season 28."
"In Episode 13, only Clavés's letter arrived. The difference between her letter and Hans and Pamela's was that hers was not from the Mole. There is no Mole this season, which is why Hans and Pamela did not receive a letter."
"In Episode 13 as well, Clavés received a clue. It was a dossier file called 'All the Moles to date'. To date, there are 41 seasons but only 40 Moles. Hence there were only photos of the previous 40 Moles."
"In Episode 16, Kelly accidentally turned on a clue in the museum. The URL in the commentary was composed of 'abcdefghi' and 'the Mole is' inter-woven. Visiting the URL would lead to a 404 not found page. This page is seen when the URL does not exist. In other words, 'the Mole is' non-existent."
TV: "For more information about the origins of woven basket, you may visit the following website in your free time:"
Kelly: "How do I turn this thing off?"
"All public toilets seen this season were separated by gender except for the library toilet in Episode 17. Just like how the toilets were for neither male nor female, the Mole is neither male nor female. This is only possible with this cast if there is no Mole."
"The mission seen in Episode 18 was actually from Season 28, which first used the twist that there was no Mole."
"In Episode 19, Clavés received a clue. Each executed contestant told her who they suspected in the last quiz they took. Given their status, they are all highly likely to be wrong at that point. As all three finalists were named by the executed contestants, all three finalists are unlikely to be the Mole."
Kaylie: "But I can tell you that despite my better judgement, I gambled everything on Kelly being the Mole in both my quizzes."
Kaylie put EVERYTHING on Kelly. Even without knowing about the ultimate twist, it is very probable that she was executed first because she failed the quiz. Given that her quiz was answered only with Kelly in mind, Kelly is unlikely to be the Mole.
Stanley: "Zane."
Stanley answered Zane for his quiz.
Stanley: Given that it's not Jane, the Mole must be Zane. He answered my movie with record speed, as if he had foreknowledge of what my movie was.
The above was taken from the last quiz he took. His only Mole was Zane. Following the same logic as above, and knowing that not everyone is on the same suspect, Zane is not the Mole.
Pamela: "This is a bit awkward because I thought you were the Mole."
Pamela named Clavés as the Mole. It was clear that the final four had different suspects, so if Pamela was executed instead of someone else with a different suspect, Pamela is likely to be wrong in her suspicion. Given that Pamela will not put herself and that it has been established that Zane and Kelly are unlikely to be the Mole, regardless of how Pamela took the whole quiz (aka all on Clavés or spread out), Clavés has a low probability of being the Mole as well. In fact, if Pamela had spread out and one of the finalists was the Mole, given that everyone's suspect is different, someone should have been more wrong than Pamela and thus lose half the battle, and hence someone other than Pamela should have had a higher chance of being executed.
Jane: "My brain hurts."
"Everyone walks home a winner this season. Thank you all for participating and once again, let us congratulate Clavés for being the only contestant to have figured out that there was no Mole. Have a great night everybody."
- Red means executed, black means not in game, dark green means exemption earned, bright green means exemption played, gold means player was nominated for execution, purple means player used 2 corrections, italics means player was fastest, underlined means player was slowest.
- Zane used a correction in Quiz 7.
- Zane gave Pamela his exemption for Quiz 7.
- Jennifer was the fastest in the first two quizzes before she became slowest in the last quiz.
- The scores for Quiz 6 onwards are out of 5 and are for the additional questions invoked by the Season 19 twist. 0.5 marks are given as per Season 38's twist of partially correct answers.
- Claves was the only one to put nobody as the Mole.
- Most contestants suspected Pamela to be the Mole toward the end of the season.
- Kaylie was slowest overall for the first 2 quizzes.
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