Ruby: “Ronald, you look really troubled.”
Ronald: “I’m just worried about dear Theresa.”
Ruby: “I’m sure she’s fine. Why don’t you trust production
to take care of things? I’m sure they’re humane enough to ensure a sickly lady
is attended to. If you don’t mind me asking, what is she down with anyway?
She’s been sick for two seasons now.”
Ronald: “Cancer.”
Ruby: “What?”
Ronald: “Stage 4. Lungs.”
Ruby: “I’m sorry to hear that. She should be receiving
treatment instead of joining this show. Or are you strapped for cash and want
to earn the money? If so, I can willingly pull out.”
Ronald: “No, there’s no need to do that. That wretched woman
refused to listen to me when I told her to stop smoking. She brought it on
herself. And she seems well enough to fool around in bed on national TV!”
Ruby: “What? When did that happen?”
Ronald: “Last season. Blair admitted it.”
Ruby: “He just likes to stir trouble up. I’m sure that’s not
true. I mean, they did make out—“
Ronald: “WHAT!?”
Ruby: “But she was apologetic! And to be fair, it was
Blair’s fault!”
Ronald: “That woman should go and die.”
Ruby: “I’m sure you don’t mean that.”
Ronald: “I heard enough.”
Ruby: “I hope I didn’t cause a rift in their
relationship…how could I have been so careless?”
Ulysses: “This washing machine is so noisy. I’m getting out
of here.”
Ulysses: “Hey, that’s my makeup case!”
Judith: “It is? Oh, so sorry! I forgot you used makeup.”
Ulysses: “It’s okay. I guess you like my makeup.”
Ulysses: “You know, I have a feeling we can be best buds.”
Judith: “Totally. Keep in contact after the show?”
Ulysses: “Totally.”
Contestants take the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole
share a room?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 4,
what car did the Mole ride in?
A: Black
B: Green
Q4: In Mission 4, did
the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 4, who
was to the left of the Mole initially?
A: Ruby Green
B: Ulysses Wayne Dez
C: Judith Longbow
D: Nobody

Q6: In Mission 4, who
was to the right of the Mole initially?
A: Ruby Green
B: Ulysses Wayne Dez
C: Ronald Parker
D: Nobody
Q7: In Mission 4, did
the Mole land on a mine?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 4 of
Season 22, did the Mole land on a mine?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not
make it to this mission
Q9: How many
exemptions has the Mole earned this season?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Ruby Green
B: Ulysses Wayne Dez
C: Judith Longbow
D: Ronald Parker
D: Ronald Parker
“Welcome to the final execution ceremony you will probably
have to sit through. One of you will not join Ronald in the finale. Who will it
“Ulysses Wayne Dez.”

“Unfortunately, you have been the last to be executed.
Please pack your bags and leave.”
Ulysses: “I bear no regrets. I had a great time. Who can say
that they get two tries on the Smole, once as a Mole and once as a player? I
still managed to get far, so I’m proud of that. Good luck to the rest, though
you probably don’t need it because you know who the Mole is already. I was torn
between two, but I guess I chose the wrong option.”
“Thank you Ulysses for joining the Smole.”
Judith: “This is it! We’re in the finale! I can’t believe
it! I made it so far!”
Ruby: “I’m so happy for all of you.”
Ronald: “I bet you’re going to win, Ruby. You’re the veteran
Ruby: “Oh, only time will tell. I’ll be going to bed first.
Good night.”
Judith: “Well, I find it weird that the last in place could
climb up so much.”
Ronald: “Speak for yourself. Now go away. I have some pent
Ronald: “Gah! Go in you stupid ball!”
Only 3 left! Who will win, and who is the Mole?
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