Previously, the 12 contestants got locked up in jail. Half of them escaped, earning 120/240 points. For being the first to escape, Bernard earned a hidden exemption. However, it proved useless because it was a non-execution ceremony and everybody made it through, much to the relief of everyone but the Mole. There won't be a second time however, and the lowest scorer earned a -2 penalty. Can he or she survive the next execution?
Bernard: "You are extremely suspicious. You're the sister of someone famous."
Joanna: "Says you. You're the son of Kat Hunter and Doug Hunter. I heard Doug was a spare or something."
Bernard: "How dare you!"
Rebecca: "Do you mind putting on some clothes?"
Oliver: "Can't resist a hairy beast like me?"
Rebecca: "I prefer intellectual people, thanks."
Oliver: "They say hair equals wisdom. And I've got a ton."
Rebecca: "Are you hitting on me?"
Oliver: "Can't tell?"
Rebecca: "..."
Oliver: "Kidding, man. Chillax. I'm happily married. You're not my type anyway."
Rebecca: "I'm quiet and soft spoken, and he's loud. I love books, he's obsessed about exercise. We're on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. I'm beginning to regret my decision to join."
Bernard: "Herman, you have two bowls. One is impaling your hand."
Joanna: "That explains his size."
Rebecca: "Joanna, shall we discuss our findings and suspects?"
Joanna: "Not in front of everyone else!"
Joanna: "What about the rest of the women anyway?"
Rebecca: "I trust your savvy, star-like business mind."
Joanna: "Very well. I shall brush off the fact that you wear the same pyjamas as me and take it to be good taste."
Joanna: "To be honest, I don't trust half of my coalition members. In prison, I was surrounded by Yvonne and Olivia. They gave off a suspicious vibe. And you'll never know if producers try to make one of the women the Mole. Between the two I feel Yvonne is more suspicious. At least I can dismiss Olivia as being annoying. Yvonne is just too easily distracted, like her head isn't even in the game at all. If she goes far, she's the Mole."
Randolph: "I'm on to you, alien."
Herman: "Ugh! Imagination is fun, but not when you impose it on everyone else."
"Attention everyone. It is time for your, mission. You will be split into 3 groups of 4. You will go to NG Studios and assigned to go to one of the sets. There will be a bookcase with a script of what you need to act out and 4 envelopes which contain the role you will play. Take. A random envelope and then memorise your script and dress up for the part within 10minutes. If you complete the scene, 300 points will be earned, 100 per group. Every time you make a mistake however, 5 points will be deducted. There will not be negative points, however, so the worst you can do is 0 points. You are allowed to skip tasks but any mistakes (NGs) you made for that task will still be counted. Good luck."
Joanna: "No more left for me? Looks like I will have to go hungry. This will not end well."
Bernard: "Okay, I found our script and the envelopes. Everybody just take a random one."
Olivia: "I found a note in my envelope that told me my role. Apparently I can get a correction if I choose to ignore the task and just read for the entire scene. Ooh, this is so thrilling and mysterious! Should I give up the points for this correction?"
Jeremy: "Breathe, Jeremy. One of the tasks in my scene is to dance in sync with Gymmer A and B. I'm Gymmer C. But the thing is, I found a note saying that if I didn't dance in sync, I can get a correction. I just need to do it once. But I'll lose points. But I may go home without this correction. I don't want to lose this opportunity! Either way, I'll lose. I'm such a loser."
Sean: "So...what's this I found? A note, promising me a correction or something. As long as I blatantly ignore the tasks given to me. See, in my scene, I'm a groom. In a weird turn of events, the guest at my wedding marries the bride. If I marry the bride instead, however, I can get a correction. Tempting. But it'll be hard to sabotage so openly."
Contestants get ready to dress up. This is the Office Group.
Worker A-Olivia
Worker B-Randolph
Worker C-Bernard
Randolph: "Why won't this thing open?"
Randolph: "This must be a conspiracy!"
And then my game crashed, so I had to rebuild the entire there will be some changes from the original, like the dressing room.
Bernard: "Makeup? I'm a guy! We're not judged based on our looks anyway, so I'll just throw on a shirt and call it quits."
Rebecca: "All the clothes are too big for me."
Yvonne: "No way I'm wearing a white wedding gown. I don't want to look like a ghost. On my actual wedding, I want to wear my favourite colour...hey, there's some designer lipstick in here!"
Oliver: "Come on Oliver, don't lose to a drawer."
Sean: "I think I'll look quite dashing in a tux, if I do say so myself."
Yvonne: "Better touch up my makeup. Where is that eyeshadow...oh, look! They've got a cute bunny earring! Should I wear it? No! Focus, Yvonne!"
Rebecca: "This is the best I can find. Does it look too casual for a wedding officiant?"
Joanna: "Looking fantabulous there."
Joanna: "I hope nobody else ruins it for me though."
Patrick: "This shirt itches a little."
Jeremy: "I don't look too bad in this."
Dimitri: "Better do some makeup."
Jeremy: "We're exercising. We're going to be sweaty and the makeup will run."
Dimitri: "Must look good for the camera, mmm."
Jeremy: "You sound horribly creepy saying that."
Joanna: "Okay, I'm ready for this scene."
It's just a usual day at the office.
Bernard: "Such a cool game! Hope my boss doesn't find out."
Randolph: "Yes, I love you No, Alicia, yes. That's right. Nearly forgot my own 'lover's' name there."
Olivia: "I hate this suit...anyway. I THINK I'M THIRSTY. Whoops, too loud. *cough* I think I'm thirsty. I could drink 10 cans of soda!"
Olivia: "This could be fun."
Olivia: "I'll buy all 10 cans first to save time."
Olivia: "YAAH!"
Olivia: "Hey, stop it you! Hee!"
Olivia: "Well, I finished whatever's left of that can, so that should be counted as 1 can down."
Olivia: "Time for the second one. Mmm, so refreshing."
Olivia: "Okay, I feel sick."
Olivia: *burp* "Excuse me!"
Olivia: "I need to pee real bad."
Olivia: "I can't hold it in any longer."
Olivia: "Oops! Accident here."
Olivia: "Oh, how embarrassing."
Bernard: "Gosh! Olivia! You wet yourself?"
Randolph: "Must be some conspiracy. Why else are they forcing us to do these weird antics and forcing you to down so many drinks at one go? They clearly want to kill you! You must stop now before you die, Olivia!"
Bernard: "Don't exaggerate."
Olivia: "There. All 10 cans done. Now, what's my line again...ah! Now I feel hydrated. Time to get back to work."
Randolph: "Hope to see you too, munchkins. Munchkins? Ew! Disgusting and cheesy!"
Olivia: "They didn't really specify what I needed to do next. What should I do?"
Bernard: "Hey, this is quite fun actually!"
Herman: "Ahem--ew, why does it smell of fizzy urine in here?"
Randolph: "Don't ask."
Herman: "Ahem. You missed your cue."
Bernard: "Oh sorry. I got carried away. Shall we try that again?"
Herman: "Okay. Be on your toes."
Randolph: "I miss you every second that I'm not with you...ugh! I can't bring myself to read and type any more of this!"
Bernard: "I'm feeling tired. Oh, my boss is here!"
Herman: "What are you doing, Worker C?"
Bernard: "Nothing...I mean, something, Boss. Working. That's what."
Bernard: "Thank you all for working overtime today. I know it's been a long day. But we need to finish this ASAP. And I just found out something that would be extremely important to your work."
Herman: "The first 30 digits of pi! I hope I don't forget this."
Herman: "The digits are"
Olivia: "You can do this!"
Herman: "...9265...35...897.."
Randolph: "Okay, I am never touching this computer again."
Herman: ""
Herman: "4338...27! Yup!"
Bernard: "Well done, Herman...I mean, boss."
Olivia: "Yay you!"
Herman: "I surprised myself there. Who knew I could remember the first 30 digits of pi?"
Olivia: "I think Worker B would want to kiss you for your efforts? Is that right? Erm, psst. It's your cue."
Randolph: "Ugh."
Randolph: "Just my luck."
Randolph: "This must be some conspiracy."
Randolph: "I just don't feel comfortable kissing a guy. I'm straight."
Randolph; "F*** it! I'm not going to ridicule myself! That would be falling into their trap!"
Herman: "Aw, no kisses? Let loose, Randolph. YOLO, right?"
Randolph: "Don't utter those 4 letters together ever again."
Olivia: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
Olivia: "Wait, where's he going?"
Herman: "Wait, so he's just going to abandon everything like that? How irresponsible."
These are the tasks they needed to complete in order.
- Worker A drinks 10 cans of soda.
- Worker B chats online and reads out all his messages.
- Worker C plays computer games and stops just as Boss enters. (NG once)
- Boss says the first 30 digits of pi.
- Worker B kisses Boss.
- Boss slaps Worker B.
- Worker A runs around screaming.
- Worker C throws darts at Boss.
- Worker B solves 3 mathematical equations on the whiteboard.
- Boss leaves by running out one door, then enter and leave through the other door.
In total, 4/10 tasks have been completed, and a total of 1 mistake was made. So far 35 points have been earned. Can the rest do better?
Look, a rainbow!
Rebecca: "Today
is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of
family, and of two people who are in it for forever. You don’t have to
have a ceremony to have a marriage. And when you think about it, the whole
thing is kind of weird, right? You’re standing on in front of a lot of people,
looking fancy, holding flowers, and being stared at by pretty much everyone who
has meant anything to you. So why do we do it? The marriage ceremony
has been an important feature across nearly every culture, religion,
generation, and society. We have thousands of important moments that
happen throughout our lives, but this one is regarded as one so critical, we
acknowledge its special status by sharing it with others. We have all
loved in our lifetimes, and in this moment..."
Rebecca: "No wait. That's not right. Let me redo that."
Rebecca: "Today
is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of
family, and of two people who are in it for forever. You don’t have to
have a ceremony to have a marriage. And when you think about it, the whole
thing is kind of weird, right? You’re standing on in front of a lot of
people, looking fancy, holding flowers, and being stared at by pretty much
everyone who has meant anything to you. So why do we do it? The
marriage ceremony has been an important feature across nearly every culture,
religion, generation, and society. We have thousands of important moments
that happen throughout our lives, but this one is regarded as one so critical,
we acknowledge its special status by sharing it with others. Why this
moment? Because despite all of our differences, love is what we all share. It’s
the great unifier — our one universal truth. That no matter who we are,
where we’ve come from, what we believe, we know this one thing: love is what
we’re doing right. And that’s why you all are here to watch them stand up
here. We have all loved in our lifetimes, and in this moment, we’re
reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of our humanity. All
of us here today have our own love stories. Some are short, others long. Some
are yet unwritten, while others are just getting to the good part. There
are chapters in all of our stories that are sad or disappointing — and others that
are exciting and full of adventure. And that brings them here, a time to
pause, look back, and smile at all the moments that brought them here."
Rebecca: "...what's next? I forgot."
Rebecca: "Today is a day for, no, no! Get it right! I cannot let the team down! Okay, take a deep breath and retry."
Rebecca: "Fate decided that I would be the celebrant. And I was the one who opened the scene. Unfortunately, I kept fumbling and had to do several retakes. I lost count. I eventually got it though, but it must have cost a lot of points. To be fair though, memorising that entire scripture within 10 minutes is madness. They were out to kill us. I want to think the Mole chose this passage."
Rebecca: "Today
is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of
family, and of two people who are in it for forever. You don’t have to
have a ceremony to have a marriage. And when you think about it, the whole
thing is kind of weird, right? You’re standing on in front of a lot of
people, looking fancy, holding flowers, and being stared at by pretty much
everyone who has meant anything to you. So why do we do it? The
marriage ceremony has been an important feature across nearly every culture,
religion, generation, and society. We have thousands of important moments
that happen throughout our lives, but this one is regarded as one so critical,
we acknowledge its special status by sharing it with others. Why this
moment? Because despite all of our differences, love is what we all share. It’s
the great unifier — our one universal truth. That no matter who we are,
where we’ve come from, what we believe, we know this one thing: love is what
we’re doing right. And that’s why you all are here to watch them stand up
here. We have all loved in our lifetimes, and in this moment, we’re
reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of our humanity. All
of us here today have our own love stories. Some are short, others long. Some
are yet unwritten, while others are just getting to the good part. There
are chapters in all of our stories that are sad or disappointing — and others
that are exciting and full of adventure. And that brings them here, a time
to pause, look back, and smile at all the moments that brought them here. And
a time to look ahead to all the moments that are still to come. I’m here —
we’re all here — because we want those moments for you. We’re here to hope
with you, to support you, to be proud of you, and to remind you that love isn’t
happily ever after, love is the experience of writing your story. It’s not
one moment — not even this moment. It’s every moment. Big ones like saying
“I love you,” moving in together, getting engaged — but mostly a million little
ones that come in between the big moments. Falling asleep next to one
another, making dinner together, spending holidays with your families, getting
a big hug when you get home from work… These everyday moments fuse
together into one big experience. And even though this experience is so
incredible, words fail us when we try and explain it. That’s just the way
it is with love — it’s meant to be felt, not described. But trying to
describe love is one of our favorite pastimes. We use the words we have to
write stories, and poems, and songs about love. And even though we describe
love in different ways — and even though love can look different from one
person to the next — we all know it when we see it. And we see it here."
Credits to whoever wrote this--I found this on the
Internet. It wasn't written by me :)
"At last. I'm quite proud of myself for that."
Oliver: "Am I late? Sorry, I overslept! But I rushed over here!"
Rebecca: "Yes, we can see that. Please take a seat. I didn't know they invited guests."
Oliver: "I'm their best friend. Of course I have to be invited!"
Rebecca: "Anyway, without further ado,"
Rebecca: "The bride,"
Rebecca: "And the groom."
Rebecca: "Time to play the music."
Sean: "Oh my goodness, Oli...John."
Sean: "This is my big day! How embarrassing!"
Sean: "How can he be so slipshod about it? Nevermind, I'll just pretend I didn't see him. Focus on the bride. The most *gags* wonderful, most beautiful bride."
Sean: "Ohh, er, er, Susan! Yes, Oh Susan."
Yvonne: "Oh Arnold...oh look! This place is so pretty."
Sean: "Focus...hey, where are you going?"
Yvonne: "Hey, why are you in your PJs?"
Yvonne: "You look horrible!"
Sean: "That went horribly off the script."
Oliver: "I'll just improvise, Sean. Er, Susan, is it? You know, you look so refined and elegant today."
Yvonne: "Really? Thanks."
Oliver: "I can't resist, but I must kiss you!"
Yvonne: "Er, what?"
Yvonne: "I'm not comfortable with you randomly kissing me like this, Oliver. We're not even dating!"
Oliver: "Did you not read the script at all?"
Yvonne: "I got distracted halfway."
Oliver: "Well, we're madly in love and you want to kiss me."
Yvonne: "If you say so."
Rebecca: "Excuse me, guest, but I think you're not the groom today. We are here to watch the wedding of the bride and groom."
Oliver: "But I am the groom! Soon, anyway. Now, Susan...hey look over there!"
Yvonne: "Where?"
Yvonne: "You tricked me!"
Yvonne: "But I must admit. You're quite the kisser."
Oliver: "I've had years of practice."
Oliver: "Erm, you're supposed to want to be Jack and Rose now."
Yvonne: "Oh, really? Okay then. Oh,, whatever your name is, let me be your Rose! Let us re-enact that iconic Titanic scene! I've never felt my heart flutter so much before!"
Sean: "You think they bedded each other before this?"
Rebecca: "You'll never know."
Oliver: "So, forget that man. You know you want me. What do you say?"
Yvonne: "...I don't know. What do I say?"
Oliver: *whispers* "You say that you already have a ring. And then I'll propose and we get fake married."
Yvonne: "Got it. OH, BUT I ALREADY HAVE A RING!"
Oliver: "Well, why not I give you another one?"
Oliver: "Susan, will you marry me?"
Yvonne: "Oh, yes! Yes I will!"
Yvonne: "This is such a pretty ring! Where did you get it? Oh sh*t. What's my next line again?"
Oliver: "Just hug me."
Oliver: "I love you so much. We were meant to be together."
Sean: *cries*
Rebecca: "Well, this is an amusing turn of events."
Rebecca: "I can't say I approve, but my job is just to wed others."
Sean: "You have got to be kidding me. He was my best friend!"
Yvonne: "Now what?"
Oliver: "Er, er...let me think...come on, you memorised a whole playbook before."
Yvonne: "I memorised a whole playbook before!"
Oliver: "No, that's not the line, you dimwit! Oh, wait. I remember."
Oliver: "Everything has been set up for us perfectly. The only thing lacking is you and me under the arch."
Yvonne: "Man, the flowers are so pretty."
Oliver: "Ahem."
Oliver: "Let us get married now. Will you marry me, Susan? Say yes."
Yvonne: "Yes?"
Oliver: "I knew you would say yes."
Rebecca: "Oh, this is so touching. At least someone got married. I'm all for true love."
Sean: "But..."
Sean: "She was supposed to be my wife!"
Rebecca: "Oh no! Sean, we were specifically told not to sit!"
Sean: "Oh, right. Let's redo that scene."
Oliver: "Susan, will you marry me?"
Yvonne: "Yes. John, will you marry...hey, I don't remember having this ring before--"
Oliver: "Yes! Yes I will!"
Oliver: "We are now officially husband and wife."
Rebecca: "I officially you pronounce you dead...just kidding. I officially pronounce you husband and wife. May you two eternal bliss."
Sean: "Whatever. I'll just dance my sorrows away."
Rebecca: "I am dreading this...ahem. To celebrate, I shall feast."
Sean: "Oh, food."
Rebecca: "No, Sean! You are to keep dancing until your next task!"
Sean: "Oh, sorry."
Oliver: "Let's just retry that from after we get married."
Yvonne: "John, you are the best man I ever met in my life. I'm so glad I made the right choice and married you."
Oliver: "I'm so glad you married me too."
Yvonne: "Argh! What's next?"
Yvonne: "Do we need to kiss?"
Oliver: "I have a wife, you know. I don't want to kiss unless necessary."
Rebecca: "Right, sorry. I now pronounce you husband and wife. May you have eternal bliss."
Yvonne: "I was such a burden to the others. We weren't marked based on our lines, but rather our actions and if we fulfilled the task. Unfortunately, I was too distracted by everything to fully memorise the script and movements within 10 minutes, so...hey, there's a speck of dust on this camera. Let me go clean it."
Sean: "I'll just dance away my sorrows."
Rebecca: "Time to feast."
Rebecca: "I feel full already. I have a small appetite."
Rebecca: "Why was I so unlucky to have gotten this role?"
Sean: "Still dancing here."
Rebecca: "I'm going to throw up. I feel so fat already."
Rebecca: "I want to skip this task. I'm sorry, you all."
Rebecca: "I need a toilet."
Yvonne: "So I break up now? Okay. No! You're a liar! Or something. I forgot the reason but all I know is that I must divorce you!"
Oliver: "But we just married!"
Yvonne: "You cheated me of my feelings!"
Yvonne: "My one true love is, that man in the tuxedo over there.Oh wait, is his name John? Then what's yours...nevermind."
Oliver: "How dare you!"
Oliver; "My plan to break you up nearly worked. Well, I'll have to go home and think of a new plan to separate you two then."
Yvonne: "Well, now what."
Sean: "Hey, I'm still dancing. I could get used to this, but I'm starting to feel tired. This tuxedo is so restraining."
Sean: "Susan, I see that you finally saw the light. Well, now that we're alone, shall we make out to make up?"
Yvonne: "If that's part of the script."
Yvonne: "You're such a sloppy kisser."
Sean: "You're the one whose tongue went all over the place! Anyway, shall we get married now?"
Yvonne: "Yes!"
These are the tasks the wedding group needed to complete in order.
- Celebrant makes a speech word for word. (NG thrice)
- Guest enters in pajamas.
- Bride and Groom enter from opposite sides.
- Guest kisses Bride. (NG once)
- Bride and Guest marry.
- Nobody sits while Bride and Guest marry. (NG once)
- Groom dances by himself from here onwards without stopping. (NG once)
- Celebrant eats entire buffet by herself. (Skipped)
- Bride and Guest break up.
- Bride and Groom make out.
9/10 tasks have been completed, and a total of 6 NGs have been made, deducting 30 points. There is now a total of 95/200 points have been earned. Can the gym group win back the pot?
Jeremy: "Huff."
Jeremy: "Oof!"
Dimitri: "Don't keep falling or my arms will fall off soon."
Jeremy: "I'm trying! It's so hard to keep on this treadmill. I suck."
Jeremy: "Okay, 30 minutes at last."
Dimitri: "Yes."
Jeremy: "The way you said that was so creepy. And did you seriously just lick your lips and stare creepily into my eyes?"
Patrick: "Hey, shall we play a game of table tennis?"
Joanna: "Oh, sure."
Patrick: "Don't screw up."
Joanna: "Oops."
Patrick: "Hey!"
Joanna: "You hit it too far to the side! How was I supposed to return it?"
Jeremy: "You can do this! I have more confidence in you than I have in myself."
Dimitri: "Don't miss, Patrick."
Patrick: "You made me lose my concentration."
Dimtri: "What can I do to make it up to you?"
Patrick: "Just...shut up. And look away. It stresses and creeps me out when you look and talk."
Patrick: "Damn it!"
Dimitri: "I could plant a tree and it'll grow by the time they are done. Do you two want to give up?"
Joanna: "Never!"
Patrick: "Not again."
Patrick: "Okay, it's in our best interests to just skip this. We're losing too many points at this rate."
Joanna: "For once I agree."
Jeremy: "I can't believe I'm saying this but you suck."
Joanna: "You come and do it then!"
Jeremy: "Okay, you're right. I'll suck more."
Joanna: "What was wrong with you? Why couldn't you rally properly? Are you trying to create a shooting star shower?"
Patrick: "Me? You were the one who had poor hand-eye coordination."
Joanna: "Says the old man!"
Patrick: "Hey! I'm not Herman! Don't insult my age!"
Dimtri: "Guys, stop fighting and ogle at me."
Dimitri: "Errfff...4..."
Dimtri: "OooOoof."
Dimitri: "You can do this. Erfgh!"
Dimitri: "I'm falling again."
Dimitri: "Alright. I should skip this. I am not fit."
Jeremy: "This is not going well."
Patrick: "You're a mad woman."
Joanna: "You're a fraud."
Patrick: "I am not!"
Jeremy: "Okay, I'm supposed to admire myself, right?"
Jeremy: "I look so...pretty?"
Joanna: "Come on. We have business to do."
Patrick: "Yes."
Joanna: "So. Don't screw this up."
Jeremy: "Gulp. No guarantees."
Joanna: "We'll show you that dancing is fun."
Patrick: "And not a girl's sport...or something along those lines."
Joanna: "You are out of sync!"
Jeremy: "Sorry!"
Jeremy: "Alright! We're actually in sync!"
Dimitri: "I hate music. I hate fun. I hate happiness."
Patrick: "That sounds so like what you would say in real life. Right...who broke the stereo?"
Joanna: "You can be fit through dancing too. Wait, did someone break the stereo?"
Joanna: "You! How dare you!"
Dimitri: "I hate humans."
Dimitri: "You can't do anything about it."
Joanna: "That wasn't part of the was supposed to be you being all macho or something to get my attention."
Dimitri: "Well, just go with the flow, madame."
Joanna: "Apologise and fix it now, or else!"
Dimitri: "Or else what?"
Dimitri: "No, I don't want to hear it. You can't hurt me."
Joanna: "Is that a challenge?"
Dimitri: "You bet that's a challenge!"
Joanna: "You think I don't dare to hit a man?"
Dimitri: "I dare you to!"
Joanna: "Well, you asked for it."
Joanna: "Take that, you !@#@#!!$@!$%!$@#$##!@!#@!$#$!#%^!&*!"
Dimitri: "Ow! That really hurt. You really went all out."
Patrick: "Well, if I can't dance, I'll run around three times!"
Jeremy: "Who needs music to dance? Thanks for making me realise the true meaning of exercise and the notion of toxic masculinity! Is that how it's supposed to end?"
These are the tasks they needed to complete in order.
- C runs on treadmill for 30 minutes without stopping. (NG twice)
- D lifts weights for 30 minutes simultaneously.
- A and B play table tennis, rallying back and forth 10 times consecutively (NG 6x, skipped)
- C and D run towards the centre and bump into each other.
- D does 10 pullups consecutively. (NG 6x, skipped)
- C walks to the dance mirrors and admires himself.
- A, B and C start dancing in sync. (NG once)
- D sabotages a stereo.
- B slaps D.
- A runs around the gym 3 times.
7/10 tasks were completed, with 15 NGs, so -5 (rounded up to 0) points have been earned. They negated themselves. A grand total of 95/300 points have been earned, bringing the pot to 215/540 points.
Jeremy: "I didn't realise we forgot a task! If not we still could have earned 5 points. We are so lousy. I bet it's my fault."
Dimitri: "So, my face is as puffy as a moon now. You were really harsh with your words and slap."
Joanna: "I meant every word of it."
Dimitri: "Why you gotta be so rude?"
Joanna: "Why you gotta be so creepy?"
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