Friday, 13 November 2015

24.01-Banged up abroad

Welcome to the Smole, Season 24! We're back for another season! This season, 12 more contestants will vie for that top spot and the money, which they will earn during missions. Among them is the Mole, a saboteur and double agent hired by producers to take away points (=money) from the pot and into his/her own pot. The other 11 contestants must take a quiz to figure out the identity of the Mole after every mission, with the lowest scorer being eliminated. This will continue until we reach the final 3, where the winner and Mole will be revealed.

This season, corrections are reintroduced. These corrections can be earned like exemptions and serve to correct one of the user's wrong answers. Don't underestimate its importance; one mark can mean life or death. 

Also, those that fail the quizzes (below half of the total marks) will be in danger this season, with the slowest among the failures being executed. Time is really of the essence this season.

Now, without further ado, let us introduce our contestants!

Is it Sean Blushore, 25, unemployed?

Is it Olivia Spring, 26, tour guide?

Is it Bernard Hunter, 29, cognitive scientist?

Is it Rebecca Liberosa, 30, librarian?

Is it Dimitri Vlasglow, 31, paparazzi?

Is it Yvonne Aja, 32, unemployed?

Is it Joanna Eughberton, 34, businesswoman?

Is it Oliver Dean, 37, professional soccer player?

Is it Jeremy Lewting, 38, unemployed?

Is it Randolph Evan, 40, scientist?

Is it Patrick Shwatz, 44, watch shop owner?

Or is it Herman Sheen, 49, unemployed?


This season will take place in an all new place: Simplandia! In a bid to attract tourists, the Simplandian government has asked us to hold our show in their small town. But it looks like we have a problem...

Sylvester: "You're under arrest."
Dimitri: "Me?"

Sylvester: "Yes. And all of you."
Patrick: "What is going on here?"


Patrick: "Let me out of here! I did nothing wrong!"

Sylvester: "You have all been detained because we have received a tip-off that one or more of you are been smuggling drugs."

Oliver: "Ridiculous. I step foot on a new town and I'm banged up abroad?"

Oliver: "I didn't sign up for this!"

Sylvester: "Don't even think of escaping, even though there are spare keys in each of your cells that we forgot to remove, because none of the keys would work in your individual cells. Don't let me catch you with one though, or I'll be taking it."

Joanna: "This is stupid. At least there's TV though...oh, come on! Poor reception?"


Olivia: "At least I can dance! Whee! This'll be fun!"

Patrick: "I shouldn't have signed up."

Bernard: "I didn't do anything wrong. What did I do to deserve this?"

Dimitri: "At least they didn't take away books to read from."

Sylvester: "Right. Off for my coffee break. Don't get into any funny business while I'm gone."

Rebecca: "Hmm... :("

Herman: "This show is boring. I want more action!"

Randolph: "Did I hear someone? Hey, there's a hole in the wall. Hey, you! On the other side! Can you hear me?"

Herman: "I sure can! Never realised this here! This will be so cool!"

Herman: "I'm Herman Sheen! What's your name?"
Randolph: "Randolph Evan. Are you smuggling drugs?"
Herman: "Of course not! Are you?"
Randolph: "Never! This must be some conspiracy. We must help each other escape!"

Rebecca: "Hey! Hey! Can you hear me? Oh, it's no use. He's too far away. And I'm too soft..."

Sean: "There's some kind of crack down here."

Sean: "Wonder what's inside?"

Sean: "A key! Let's see if it works. Oh it doesn't."

Bernard: "Who's there?"
Sean: "My name is Sean Blushore."

Sean: "I found a key, but it doesn't work in opening my lock. Maybe it'll work for yours? Here! Catch!"

Bernard: "Woah!"

Bernard: "Oops. I dropped it. Okay. Let's see if it works...darn. It doesn't fit."

Bernard: "I'll just pass it on. Maybe it'll work for someone and they can set us all free!"

Bernard: "Psst! PSST!"
Jeremy: "Huh?"


Yvonne: "What was I thinking about again?"

Yvonne: "I was distracted by that hole in the wall."

Yvonne: "Hey, I don't remember seeing that there."

Yvonne: "Might as well check it out."

Yvonne: "It's deep. Reminds me of the time...focus, Yvonne! I think I got something!"

Yvonne: "A key! Looks nothing like the one to open my door, though."

Yvonne: "Oh, another hole in the wall! I can communicate with the guy next door!"

Yvonne: "Pooey! This key stinks!"

Oliver: "Oh, it's all ruined! My future is ruined!"
Yvonne: "Hey! Anyone there!"

Oliver: "Yes! Oliver Dean here!"
Yvonne: "Nice to meet...see you. I'm Yvonne Aja. I found a key but it doesn't work for me. I'll throw it to you. See if it works."

Oliver: "Watch it!"

Oliver: "Maybe I'll be saved! Oh, it doesn't work. Darn."

Oliver: "Yo! Anyone there? I have a key!"

Randolph: "Excellent! We've got something going on here!"

Oliver: "Catch!"
Randolph: "Yaah! Were you trying to kill me?"

Randolph: "Should I trust that stranger? Well, it's my only hope..."

Randolph: "I hope it!"

Bernard: "How come she's so carefree about it? How can she be dancing about being stuck in prison?"

Joanna: "Wait, what's that by the wall? Never noticed that there before."

Yvonne: "Ow! I knocked my toe against this drawer! And it's empty! Waste of my time."

Joanna: "I should know better than to stick my hand into random objects."

Joanna: "Success! Time to try it out now."

Sylvester: "I'm back."

Sylvester: "YOU! Stop right there!"

Sylvester: "I see you found a key. Hand it over."
Joanna: "Never!"
Sylvester: "You think you're so smart, eh? I bet you're the ringleader."
Joanna: "I'm not a ringleader! I signed up for a reality show! I live here for crying out loud!"
Sylvester: "You'll be living here all right, if you don't hand it over now."

Joanna: *grumbling* "Fine. But only because I don't want to look like I'm guilty of something I didn't do."

Sylvester: "Now, where did this belong? Ah, over there."

Sylvester: "I'll place this here so that I can remember which keys have been found."

Sean: "Doesn't hurt to loosen up a little."

Dimitri: "Let's see which button works."

Sylvester: "Time to patrol the rest of the cells."

Sylvester: "Darn. I have to attend to something."

Sylvester: "I'll be back."

Patrick: "They made a mistake. I shouldn't be here. Great, now the old thing's broken! Inferior good."

Patrick: "Oh, the floor's cracked too."

Patrick: "I think I see something in there."

Patrick: "I can feel something."

Patrick: "Did something happen? It felt like a switch."

Patrick: "Yes! A key! But it doesn't fit my lock."

Patrick: "Psst! You there! I have a key to give you. If you find a key, please pass it to me too."

Dimitri: "Well, some buttons work at least."

Sylvester: "I hope they didn't try anything funny while I was gone."

Jeremy: "Let's see if this key I got from that guy works."

Jeremy: "Oh, it doesn't."
Sylvester: "Huh?"

Sylvester: "Hand the key over."

Jeremy: "I'm such a loser. Sigh."
Sylvester: "What did you say?"

Jeremy: "Nothing! Please don't hurt me!"

Sylvester: "Good boy."

Sylvester: "Time to place this key here."

Randolph: "I need to go."

Randolph: "I heard something."

Randolph: "I knew there must have been something up!"

Randolph: "I must get to the bottom of this conspiracy."

Randolph: "Ah-ha-ha!"

Herman: "Rudolph, found anything?"
Randolph: "It's Randolph. And yes, yes I did. But it doesn't work for me."
Herman: "Pass it to me."

Jeremy: "I found a guitar behind the bed. But how do you tune it?"

Herman: "Hey there. The one making that awful noise. I have something that might be of use to you. Man this gives me such a kick."

Herman: "Hey, never noticed that there."

Herman: "Couldn't hurt, right?"

Herman: "AAHH!"

Herman: "Ew!"

Herman: "Yucks."

Herman: "But I got this old key."


Sean: "Okay, how do I get out?"

Dimitri: "Let me out of here!"

Dimitri: "I did nothing wrong!"

Bernard: "Okay, that's enough moping."
Jeremy: "Yo! Got a key!"

Bernard: "Keep it down!"
Jeremy: "Sorry."
Bernard: "Thanks. Got it."

Bernard: "Time to test it."

Sean: "Man I need to go."

Bernard: "The teeth match. This is my way out. But shouldn't I help the others escape too?"

Bernard: "But if I don't leave now, I may never get another chance!"

Bernard: "Screw it. I'll look for the key in my own room first."

Bernard: "Where is it? Oh, what's that?"

Bernard: "I hope the guard doesn't come in at this time, or I'll lose both keys. Assuming the other one's in here."

Olivia: "What is that guy doing?"

Olivia: "He looks like he's having fun."

Olivia: "Sigh. I'm kind of bored. Wait a minute..."

Olivia: "Yoo-hoo! Anyone on the other side of the wall?"

Bernard: "Got it!"

Bernard: "Hey! You over there! I have a key to give you. Bye!"
Sean: "Thanks."

Bernard: "Now...freedom, here I come!"

Bernard: "Ouch."

Bernard: "At last."

Bernard: "The guard isn't here. Maybe I can help rescue the others."

Bernard: "Hey! Miss!"

Rebecca: "What are you doing?"
Bernard: "Rescuing you, duh."
Rebecca: "The warden is coming."
Bernard: "But--"
Rebecca: "Go! Save yourself first! Go find help! I can see his shadows!"

Bernard: "Okay. I'll go find help."

Rebecca: "Sigh. I still have this oddly-shaped key here with me. If he escaped, maybe I can help someone else escape too. I did notice holes in the wall after all."

Randolph: "It's no use. None of the keys fit!"

Sylvester: "Hey! That rascal escaped!"

Sylvester: "I'm taking this key for safekeeping."

Sylvester: "Nobody else shall escape."

Sylvester: "I see another key over there."

Sylvester: "While she's in the toilet, I'll sneak in and take the key."

Rebecca: "Did I hear something?"

Rebecca: "Wait, where is the...oh dear, he's taken it."

Rebecca: "Actually, now that I think about it, the best place to hide keys is in holes like this."

Rebecca: "I hope he doesn't catch me doing this."

Oliver: "I must distract the officer. The key she's looking for could be mine."

Rebecca: "Yes. A key!"

Oliver: "Alright. It's my turn now. His back is turned. I don't know why I never thought to look in the cracks in the floor."

Oliver: "Boo-yeah! Oops. Too loud."

Sylvester: "OI!"

Oliver: "Sh*t."
Sylvester: "Hand it over, young man."

Sylvester: "Better put all these keys in a safer place first."


Sean: "Man, they've got a sick guitar in this room."

Olivia: "That bitter-sounding lady said to look for keys in holes."

Olivia: "Holes like this one."

Olivia: "I've struck gold! Hee!"

Olivia: "Yay!"

Olivia: "Excuse me! I've got a key! It doesn't work for mine but maybe it will for yours?"
Patrick: "Thanks a lot."

Patrick: "Psst. I've got something for you."
Rebecca: "Okay."

Rebecca: "It doesn't fit mine either. Hello there. Do you mind passing this key along to someone who can use it?"
Dimitri: "Sure thing."
Rebecca: "Boy, he sounds extremely creepy."

Dimitri: "Hey, got a key for you."
Sean: "Thanks."

Sean: "I have 5 keys now. So far all of them didn't work, but maybe this new one will."

Sean: "Here goes nothing."

Sean: "I can sense it."

Sean: "Alright! It fits!"

Sean: "A hidden wall! Awesome!"

Sean: "Wait."

Sean: "Hey man. Take all of these keys. Thanks a lot, and see you if you get out!"

Sean: "Time to get out of here."

Sean: "I see the light!"

Dimitri: "I've got a lot of keys for you. You can take your time and try them."
Rebecca: "Uh, thank you kind sir. Unfortunately none of these fit."

Rebecca: "Excuse me..."
Patrick: "It's Patrick."
Rebecca: "Right. There are a lot of keys coming your way."

Patrick: "Lady with the chirpy voice! There's a key for you! Or four."
Olivia: "Okay! Oops. I dropped one."

Olivia: "Oh, it fits! Mustn't forget to pass the others along first though."

Olivia: "Yay I'm out!"

Olivia: "Time to do a victory dance."

Olivia: "Better run before I get caught again."

Oliver: "Boo-yeah! A key that finally works!"

Yvonne: "Nothing else in here. Oh, a spider."

Oliver: "Better not make too much noise in case I alert the officer or something."

Oliver: "Yes. The light!"

Oliver: "I'm free!"

Herman: "I'm hungry. Got food over there?"

Randolph: "It better not all be a trap."

Jeremy: "Nope."
Herman: "Okay. Oh, wait."
Jeremy: "I wonder what's going on..."
Herman: "Hey! There's a key you may want to try."

Jeremy: "Here goes nothing."

Sylvester: "Time to patrol this place again.

Jeremy: "It fits!"

Sylvester: "What was that?"
Jeremy: "Better keep my volume down."

Sylvester: "What the? How did more people escape from their cells?"

Rebecca: "Excuse me, but I've got another key. Hurry. Take it."
Dimitri: "Okay."

Dimitri: "Time to try out this key."

Dimitri: "Well, well."

Dimitri: "But that guy's in here. I can't leave yet."

Dimitri: "Hmm...oh, what's that hidden there?"

Dimitri: "Let me go explore that hole. Aha!"

Dimitri: "I've got another key."
Sylvester: "You there."

(I know the key isn't in the lock in the following pictures. It's a mistake. Oopsies!)

Sylvester: "I see that key in your hand. Now give it up."

Dimitri: "Darn. Well, it's not like it could have reached anyone else now."

Dimitri: "I'm feeling very hungry right now though."

Sylvester: "Yeah, yeah. Detainees aren't obliged to get food. Now let me patrol the other cells."

Joanna: "Officer! You have to let me go! I'm innocent! Really!"
Sylvester: "Sure."
Joanna: "Well, you'll be hearing from my lawyer when I get out of this dump!"

Sylvester: "Keep on yakking, missus."

Joanna: "That's not fair. How can others escape while I continue sitting in here?"

Joanna: "Officer! Wait!"

Sylvester: "What is it?"
Joanna: "Someone just escaped. You really think the escapees are innocent, rather than those quietly sitting in their holding cells?"

Sylvester: "What the...hey! You're not going anywhere! Freeze! In the name of the law!"

Dimitri: "This is the perfect time to escape."

Dimitri: "Hasta la vista."


Rebecca: "Well, ignoring the fact that I've been wrongly accused and may be hanged, it's actually not too bad. I've still got music and a book."

Randolph: "What is this conspiracy! Are you trying to starve us?"

Patrick: "I'm tired."

Sylvester: "Okay, I'm back. *cough* apparently the tip-off was wrong. I' about this. I'll be letting you all free now."

Randolph: "Well, hurry up and open it!"

Sylvester: "You look like you're going to eat me. I'll just leave the spare key outside and make my way now."

Sylvester: "Oh, pass this to your friend who's stuck in the corner cell."
Randolph: "How did you even manage to get him in there anyway?"
Sylvester: "I don't know. It's a loophole. Moving on!"

Joanna: "I will murder you."

Sylvester: "Here."
Joanna: "Did you seriously just kick the key into my cell?"

Sylvester: "Hey lady. Ignoring me, huh?"

Sylvester: "Well, then I'll just throw the key into your cell then!"

Sylvester: "Continue giving me the cold shoulder, lady. I did nothing wrong."

Sylvester: "And one more key for the corner guy. Wait. I'm still missing a key. Let me count...yup, 6 more detainees still here. Where is that last key?"

Sylvester: "Ah. Found it. Turns out that guy who looked like a loser didn't even bother checking his own cell for keys."

Sylvester: "And my job is done."


We might as well count this as the first mission (okay, who am I fooling? This is the first mission). Half of them escaped, so 120/240 points have been earned. Bernard will get a hidden exemption for being the first to escape.



Aliens have to grocery shop too.

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