Last time on the Smole, the 10 contestants had to write a line to a story and then guess who wrote which line. Yvonne, Oliver and Bernard were unable to guess correctly, thus 80/110, or 295/650 points. In the execution ceremony, Dimitri was executed, much to the relief of everyone else. The creep may be gone, but the Mole still lurks in the shadows. Can they bring him to light?
Oliver: "Can I get a big 'boo-yeah'? Dimitri made my skin crawl, but now that he's gone, it's time to celebrate. His last words were still quite creepy, but at least I don't have to deal with him anymore. And neither does the rest of the house. That is one execution we are glad to see."
Rebecca: "I feel so relieved now that I don't have a stalker following me around."
Joanna: "Oh my goodness! Yucks! Herman, you are disgusting! Stop acting like a prepubescent boy!"
Joanna: "Grow up already."
Herman: "Oh my mama. Look at that!"
Joanna: "Huh?"
Joanna: "What am I supposed to be seeing? I don't even see a bug on this wall or anything."
Herman: "Heh heh."
Herman: "Bullseye!"
Joanna: "Hey!"
Joanna: "I'm wet now!"
Herman: "That's what she said."
Yvonne: "You really need to take it easy once in a while. Relax and have fun. This is a game, after all."
Joanna: "One with high stakes. Not that you would care."
Yvonne: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Joanna: "You know full well what it means, Yvonne. What are you doing out here anyway?"
Yvonne: "Oh right. I was going to share with you something I found out before I was rudely interrupted."
Joanna: "Distracted."
Yvonne: "Whatever!"
Bernard: "Is that a cat fight waiting to happen?"
Randolph: "Women are cats. Of course. Thank you for pointing this out to me! Cats are evil. Women are cats. So women are evil! It all makes sense now."
This is the next mission. Contestants have to grab a key from one of the holes and find out which chest it unlocks. The chests may contain an exemption, a correction, points or nothing at all. They are given 2 minutes to try and unlock as many chests as they can before the next contestant has a go. This is worth 200 points in total.
Patrick is up first.
"Your 2 minutes starts now."
Patrick: "Okay, whose wise idea was it to throw a bunch of keys down a hole and make us fish for it?"
Patrick: "I'm not amused."
Patrick: "Is this some prank or something?"
Patrick: "Seriously. This is a horrible idea. Why not just hang the keys on a wall or something?"
Patrick: "At last."
Patrick: "Must have wasted a lot of time."
Patrick: "Okay. It's best to be systematic about this."
Patrick: "Doesn't work."
Patrick: "What about this chest...doesn't fit either."
Patrick: "Being the first disadvantages me a lot."
Patrick: "At last."
Patrick: "Nothing? This is a waste of my time."
Patrick: "Time to get the next key."
Patrick: "Got it at last."
Patrick: "Well, what do we have here? 50 points"
Patrick: "Another key."
Patrick: "Time to do this all over again."
Patrick: "I love points as much as I love money. Even if it's only 20 points."
Patrick: "Time's running out."
Patrick: "Dammit."
Patrick: "Maybe I can tinker with the lock and key...but that would take up too much time. And I don't have the necessary resources."
Patrick: "There we go. That must have taken forever to reach here."
Patrick: "Hmm..."
"Time is up. Please leave the room."
Patrick: "Well, it wasn't a total failure, but being systematic sure took up a lot of time."
"Your 2 minutes starts now."
Joanna: "Sometimes I wonder why I chose to put up with all this, digging for keys and all."
Joanna: "Better not waste time moaning."
Flipped chests mean they have been opened by another contestant.
Joanna: "Call me selfish, but I decided to start with the row of chests nearer to me to save time. I have a lot of unopened chests to deal with. And I may find myself an exemption. Let the others run more and waste time."
Joanna: "Doesn't work."
Joanna: "Come won't open! Why not?"
Joanna: "Okay, ditch this key."
Joanna: "I'll go get a new key."
Joanna: "This doesn't work."
Joanna: "Open!"
Joanna: "Well, I finally got something. And it's the exemption I wanted."
Joanna: "This is a mad rush."
Joanna: "I'm sweating already."
Joanna: "This key doesn't belong here."
Joanna: "Well, who decided to have it be the last chest? And who decided it should be empty?"
Joanna: "I'm tired already."
Joanna: "Should have known better than to wear heels."
Joanna: "Open, for crying out loud."
Joanna: "How much time do I have left?"
Joanna: "Huff..."
Joanna: "Got it!"
Joanna: "Now time to take these measly 10 points."
"Your time is up."
Joanna: "Well, at least I got 2 items."
"Your 2 minutes begins now."
Herman: "This will be fun."
Herman: "It was fun but extremely tiring. I think you can tell from my size that I don't exercise much."
Herman: "Let's start with this chest."
Herman: "10 points."
Herman: "Now, where is that key...oh, I think I feel something...some things."
Herman: "AAAHH!"
Herman: "Eww. But at least I didn't drop my key."
Herman: "Open sesame."
Herman: "Abacadabra...nothing?"
Herman: "Still nothing?"
Herman: "I don't have all day, you know."
Herman: "My, that took forever. And it's empty."
Herman: "I'm tired already."
Herman: "Woohoo! Got treasure on my first try!"
Herman: "And it's a correction! I wonder how they work."
Herman: "Take this as exercise, Herman. Like you're playing tag."
Herman: "It won't budge."
Herman: "I hope I didn't break the key."
Herman: "Nothing inside here."
Herman: "Don't give in to your legs!"
"Your time is up."
Herman: "Oh well."
"Your 2 minutes begins now."
Bernard: "Why did they choose to hide the keys here?"
Bernard: "I'll start with this chest."
Bernard: "Hey, an exemption! Hopefully it will be useful this time."
Bernard: "My back aches from all this bending."
Bernard: "It's not opening."
Bernard: "Still locked."
Bernard: "Where is...aha!"
"Your time is up."
Bernard: "Should have been more systematic in my approach."
"Your 2 minutes begins now."
Randolph: "I can't see behind me. This must be some ploy to kick me, then the hole will enlarge and I will fall in and be trapped forever!"
Randolph: "Why isn't it working?"
Randolph: "Come on you stupid thing."
Randolph: "It must be some conspiracy. I bet this key doesn't work for any of the chests."
Randolph: "I'll switch my keys. You evil producers, conspiring to make me lose time so that I open less chests."
Randolph: "This won't open. Switch the key."
Randolph: "Do any of the keys work?"
Randolph: "Finally."
Randolph: "It's empty? This must be a conspiracy. I bet there's nothing in any of the chests and you're stalling for time or something."
Randolph: "Hmm.."
Randolph: "Actually, why am I still trying?"
Randolph: "Because I don't want to let the others think I'm conspiring something behind their backs. Did I just answer my question?"
Randolph: "Empty again?"
Randolph: "This is taking a toll on my legs...wait, this must be your motive."
Randolph: "Am I talking to myself."
"Your time is up."
Randolph: "This answers that."
"Your 2 minutes begins now."
Rebecca: "Got my first key."
Rebecca: "This won't open."
Rebecca: "How about this chest? Nope."
Rebecca: "This is tiring."
Rebecca: "This chest...yes. I have a correction."
Rebecca: "The key doesn't work. Let me find another one."
"Your time is up."
"Your 2 minutes starts now."
Sean: "I'll try this chest."
Sean: "Not working."
Sean: "Maybe another key will work."
Sean: "Will this key fit? No it doesn't."
Sean: "Another one then."
Sean: "I'm beginning to doubt the legitimacy of this mission."
Sean: "My tactic was to open one chest at a time, finding new keys until they opened that chest. That's right. I had a plan."
Sean: "I'm hoping the next key works."
Sean: "At last."
"Your time is up."
Sean: "So fast?"
"Your 2 minutes starts now."
Oliver: "Are there trick holes or something?"
Oliver: "They're crawling all over my watch. Great. Now I have to get rid of them first."
Oliver: "That wasted a lot of time. And I still haven't opened a chest yet."
Oliver: "Time to find another key."
Oliver: "I'll try this chest instead. It doesn't work."
Oliver: "Time to get a new key."
Oliver: "I'm starting to panic."
Oliver: "Better double up. I don't want to seem like a loser and burden to everybody."
Oliver: "Booyeah! There's nothing in here!"
"Your time is up."
Oliver: "So close."
"Your 2 minutes begins now."
Yvonne: "Aah!"
Yvonne: "Those gross insects. This reminds me of the time...wait, what was I supposed to do?"
Yvonne: "Open the chest. That's right. There's no time to be distracted."
Yvonne: "What's in here? Nothing? Really?"
Yvonne: "Time to find a new key."
Yvonne: "Let's try it on this one...hmm, nope."
Yvonne: "Time to...oh, yucks. I see one of those bugs crawling around. They better not crawl into my shoes or up my dress."
Yvonne: "The thought of it is disgusting...RIGHT! Get back to work and open more chests."
Yvonne: "Got it on my first try. Nothing? Did someone open this chest already or what?"
Yvonne: "This key doesn't work here."
Yvonne: "Better hurry. I shouldn't have worn a dress."
Yvonne: "I see 50 points in here."
"Your time is up."
Yvonne: "Finally."
"Your 2 minutes starts now."
Olivia: "This will be challenging and fun."
Olivia: "Will that chest open?"
Olivia: "Let's try it on this one...nope."
Olivia: "How about the one next to it? Nope either."
Olivia: "I think I'll have better luck with a new key."
Olivia: "This doesn't work here, but what about the one next to it?"
Olivia: "Yay! A correction!"
Olivia: "I hope my luck continues."
Olivia: "Nope."
Olivia: "Being the last sure has its perks. Sure, items may have been taken, but I don't have to try so many chests. I'd be so lost."
Olivia: "Am I talking to myself? Silly me."
Olivia: "Doesn't work here. Let's get a new key."
Olivia: "Oh, bummer."
Olivia: "It doesn't work here, but what about the other one?"
Olivia: "30 points! Yay me!"
"Your time is up."
Olivia: "Aww..."
Altogether 170/200 points have been earned. One chest containing 30 points had not been unlocked. The pot now has 465/850 points. Joanna and Bernard are exempt from the next execution.
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