Previously, the final three had to spot 10 differences between two rooms. They only identified 5 correctly and earned 45/100 points. The pot is at a grand total of 887/1500 points. Who will win the money? Who is the Mole? Find out now.
We are at Moonlit Stroll Park for the 47th finale of the Smole.
More than 2 weeks ago, 11 contestants came back to try and get to the finale.
Many of them failed but three of them succeeded.
Out of the three, one is the Mole.
Kenneth: "What do you think they will make us do?"
Derek: "Considering how we are dressed to sweat, probably a physical activity."
Melvin: "1800?"
Derek: "Don't mock me. I know I'm dumb, okay?"
Melvin: "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."
Venus: "You didn't even bother to answer."
Monique: "I couldn't think of it."
Sandra goes next and she too stops the ball.
Kenneth: "Everyone could be the Mole. I don't trust them and I can't and I won't. However, there are three of them I especially don't trust: Reynard, Sandra and Venus."
Kenneth: "No!"
"Unfortunately, Kenneth Crunch, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Derek: "Why do you keep asking me to walk forward? They are just a bunch of trees."
Monique: "You won't know until you go closer."
Reynard: "Why do we need to get limes anyway? They don't go on pizza and we're looking for eggplants."
Sandra: "Oh, well you see...we can get bonus points if we pick it. Some other plants give bonus points if picked while others lead to penalties."
Derek: "Another pair must have taken the exemption, Monique. That's two less spots in the final 9."
Monique: "Screw it. We don't have much time. Follow my lead."
Stephanie: "I suspect Sandra, Matty, Melvin, Henrietta, Monique and most importantly Jasmine."
Reynard: "Come on now. You already have the build. Your makeover is the easiest. Just strip and paint yourself green."
Henrietta: "Do you know what you're doing?"
Monique: "Yes. I know how to style myself and my clients."
Sandra: "Crap, I forgot which way it was facing."
Matty: "Does it matter? Just flip the painting the other way around if it's wrong."
Matty: "The Mole could be Monique or Henrietta for the horrible makeover, but Melvin can't seem to do anything right."
"Matty Crewe, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sandra: "Here goes nothing..."
Monique: "Ow!"
Reynard: "HELP! VENUS!"
Derek: "Something's not right. Why are you calling out to me?"
Sandra: "I want to strike a deal with you."
Henrietta: "I have four suspects: Jasmine, Sandra, Venus and Reynard."
Derek: "You're out, Henrietta."
Henrietta: "What?"
Henrietta: "Grr..."
Reynard: "Yes! Karma's a bitch, boys!"
"Unfortunately, Henrietta Hitchcock, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Derek: "I don't believe Reynard. The only one willing to give the exemption up is Melvin. Everyone else wants it. I don't know how to divide them best."
Sandra: "None of the guys are taking anything. I need to narrow my options down."
Monique: "I barely made it with 16 balls."
Reynard: "Venus has always been my only suspect. Who she is in real life doesn't affect who she is in the game. And in the game, she's the Mole."
Reynard: "Fuck!"
"Unfortunately, Reynard Connors, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sandra: "Crap, I don't remember. How many eggs did Derek have?"
Monique: "I may have to guess on this one. I'll come back to it later."
Derek: "We're split 3-3. Someone has to change their vote."
Sandra: "Come on guys!"
Venus: "I was half expecting this."
"Venus Ixora, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sandra: "Is there anything here? I feel like I'm just grabbing at air."
Jasmine: "It's either me or you. Monique is wearing red shoes."
Monique: "Jasmine is wearing blue shoes."
Derek: "Shit! He's going to see me!"
Derek: "Err...Melvin is wearing grey shoes."
Derek: "I hope that's right."
"Jasmine has been eliminated."
"Unfortunately Jasmine Risotto, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Jasmine: "Hm."
Sandra: "So I just blow?"
Monique: "Here goes nothing."
Monique: "It's out!"
Sandra: "You did it!"
Melvin: "Just in time too."
Melvin: "Please let it be my name..."
Melvin: "Yes! I found it!"
Derek: "Where is the sign?"
Sandra: "Am I at the right place?"
Melvin: "You should let me through. I have the full 100 points."
Monique: "I also have a lot of points."
Melvin: "Guys, I have the 100 points."
Sandra: "It's too late for that."
"Melvin has been eliminated."
"Melvin Willis, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
"For more than 2 weeks someone played a dual role. For more than 2 weeks one of you has been lying to everyone's faces. For more than 2 weeks, one of you became the Mole."
"Someone up here has been sabotaging all the missions, trying to keep the points at bay. Everything ends tonight. Tonight, one of them will take off their mask and show the world who the Mole really is."

"Is the Mole Monique Plaita?"
Stephanie: "I think she's the Mole. She is never able to stay calm and integrate with the group. She always feels like she's hiding something and is an outcast."
Henrietta: "Monique earns big money but she also loses big money. Her failures have had a big cost on the group and the pot, like 300 points at the card game and 50 points at the race."
"Is the Mole Derek Zora?"
Jasmine: "My opinion hasn't changed since I was still in the competition. The Mole is Derek."
Melvin: "Derek lay low in the early stages of the Smole so that he wouldn't be caught but when the group did too well he had to show himself or he would end up getting next to nothing."
"Is the Mole Sandra Rius?"
Venus: "I suspected both Monique and Derek. I hope that I'm wrong and it's actually Sandra or I would be so pissed with myself."
Reynard: "Sandra's a good actress and liar. She's led a double life. All the signs were there but she was always less suspicious than someone else so she always slipped past me."
Reynard: "Sandra's a good actress and liar. She's led a double life. All the signs were there but she was always less suspicious than someone else so she always slipped past me."
Kenneth: "Sandra is the only one out of the three I suspected most that is still there. She has to be the Mole."
Matty: "Nobody thinks it's Sandra because nobody thinks the Season 46 girl would be the Mole. She works so hard you think it can't be her but then again, not all her hard work brings in the points."
"All of you suspect different finalists but not all of you can be correct. Most of you suspected Sandra."
"Sandra Rius, are you the Mole?"
Sandra: "No, I am not the Mole."
Henrietta: "I knew it!"
Jasmine: "I can't wait to see the look on all your faces when you realise that Derek is the Mole."
Venus: "Noo! I actually had the right Moles. Why couldn't you have been the Mole, Sandra?"
"Sandra Rius is not the Mole. But is she the winner or the runner-up?"
"Sandra Rius, you are the runner-up of the Smole, Season 47!"
Sandra: "First of all I'm honoured to be brought back for a second season. It's an improvement to be almost in the finale and then to actually be in the finale. But even if I didn't make it here, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was exciting to try and figure out the Mole. I think there were Sims watching over me, guiding me to the right path. I still do want us to get together again a few months later and I'll still sponsor even if I have to fork out my own money."
"Thank you Sandra. You were a wonderful contestant and we are glad to have you back."
"Two finalists left. One of them is the Mole and the other is the winner. If the Mole is Derek, Monique wins the 887/1500 points in the pot. If Monique is the Mole, she gets 1500 points instead because neither finalist was right."
"Under the light of the moon, the Mole will reveal their true colours."


"...the Mole?"

"Sandra Rius is not the Mole. But is she the winner or the runner-up?"

"Sandra Rius, you are the runner-up of the Smole, Season 47!"

Sandra: "First of all I'm honoured to be brought back for a second season. It's an improvement to be almost in the finale and then to actually be in the finale. But even if I didn't make it here, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was exciting to try and figure out the Mole. I think there were Sims watching over me, guiding me to the right path. I still do want us to get together again a few months later and I'll still sponsor even if I have to fork out my own money."
"Thank you Sandra. You were a wonderful contestant and we are glad to have you back."

"Two finalists left. One of them is the Mole and the other is the winner. If the Mole is Derek, Monique wins the 887/1500 points in the pot. If Monique is the Mole, she gets 1500 points instead because neither finalist was right."

"Under the light of the moon, the Mole will reveal their true colours."



"...the Mole?"
Venus: "I suspected Reynard and he's gone so now I have to start afresh. Both Derek and Monique are suspicious but I have to pick one so I pick Monique."
Jasmine: "If it's not Venus then the only thing saving me must be my first answer in the quizzes. The Mole has to be male and Derek is more suspicious."
Melvin: "I picked Derek in the previous quiz. If I want to stand any shot at winning, It's got to be Derek."
Derek: "I am the Mole."
Monique: "And I am the winner."
Reynard: "No way! Derek, we were in a coalition! How could you fool me?"
Jasmine: "Was it really a surprise?"
Melvin: "What a relief. If it had been my initial suspect I would be so mad at myself."
Kenneth: "Derek Zora...I should have known. There really is nobody I can trust."
Stephanie: "We all should have known. I was wrong in my initial assumptions."
Derek: "Yes, I'm the Mole. I don't think I did a very good job. The pot is so high. This season's contestants were too strong for me to beat. They were constantly doing well in missions and making my job difficult. I wanted to show I could be more cunning and outsmart them but I just couldn't find a way. I'm not as smart as these two finalists beside me but it makes me feel better that only four of you ever suspected me."
"Let us give our congratulations to Derek once again. Indeed, the only contestants to have suspected him were those in the final five: Monique, Sandra, Melvin and Jasmine. The four of them put Derek's name down in the quizzes a total of 17 times, taking 17 points from the Mole's earnings to the winner's. Derek, you walk home with 596,000 Simoleons, which is a considerable amount. It took 7 quizzes for the rest to catch on that you were the Mole."
"However, there was one contestant who had your name down in the second quiz, and was the only one to do so for the next few quizzes. That contestant is our winner, Monique Plaita. A round of applause please."
Monique: "I am thankful for this second opportunity. I let the victory slip from me in Season 35 but this time I managed to grab hold of it. I thought it was weird that Derek didn't always want to listen to me, and coincidentally it was when he had a chance to eliminate himself and someone else. He also looked a lime tree in the eye and told me there were no limes. A contestant wouldn't give up the exemption. I begun testing him. From then, I had my eye on him and I never let go since. The longer both of us remained, the more sure I was of myself. I worked hard and focused only on the Mole and I am proud to say that I have unmasked the Mole."
"Let us congratulate Monique once again for a resounding win. With the 887/1500 points in the pot and the additional 17 from the quizzes, you walk home with 904,000 Simoleons, close to 1 million Simoleons!"
"We now know the winner, the runner-up and the Mole. But how did he do it?"
Derek: "What are we doing at a school? Is it going to be a mental mission?"
"Mental and physical. You'll see ten signboards on the field and soccer balls beside it. You will be asked 10 questions. The first to reach the end can play soccer for an exemption. The other contestants will be goalkeepers. Every goalkeeper who defends the goal successfully will lose points."
Derek: "Sounds simple enough. Don't get all the answers right and make sure I defend the goal. I can play soccer so I can control this quite well."
Melvin: "1800?"
Derek: "Don't mock me. I know I'm dumb, okay?"
Melvin: "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."
Derek: "Got it!"
"If you don't want to see the big picture you will be blindfolded and placed in a spot in this garden. As the Mole, you will get a smartwatch when in the garden. This allows you to see the map in real-time, which the big picture contestants will see."
Derek: "I can see a dot."
"That's you. You will also see the dots of the other contestants in the maze."
Derek: "Isn't this dangerous? Surely they'll think something is up if I suddenly wear a smartwatch. I think I'll put it in my pocket."
"You have to take extra precautions. Anyway, they are not supposed to be able to see anyone else. If they do they will be eliminated."
Derek: "Then that's what I have to do."
Derek: "Why do you keep asking me to walk forward? They are just a bunch of trees."
Monique: "You won't know until you go closer."
Derek: "Monique made it hard to sabotage. No matter how I tried to reject her instructions she would always insist on it. I had no choice but to listen to her or she'll think I'm the Mole for defying her orders. I couldn't even use the limes as a herring because she didn't mention it to me at all. Not that I could find the limes anyway."
"The time-keeper will sing songs for 1 hours and stop the clock at 1 hours, with an error margin of 5 minutes. The artists with good memory will have to dive underwater to see hieroglyphs which must then be recreated."
Derek: "That's an easy position to sabotage without being caught."
Derek: "I think I have a good memory too."
Monique: "I'm not an artist but I can memorise things and I also have an eye for detail. I was trained as a lawyer. I am very attentive to details."
Melvin: "Oh. I was going to fight for the art memory group but you can take it."
Henrietta: "No. I think Melvin is a better fit. I'm no good with art but I think I can take on the other role."
Derek: "Fine by me."
Derek: "What is the last group? In case I don't get a choice."
"The impersonators will see a close-up image of someone they must dress up as. The artists will later have to guess to earn points."
Derek: "This will be harder to sabotage. But I can make it work if I wear a few confusing items."
"You will have to dress as The Incredible Hulk."
Derek: "What? That's so easy to guess. And I don't want to be seen as just a muscle dude. The first two missions already give that impression."
Derek: "I'm not comfortable with that."
Reynard: "It's for money."
Derek: "I'm not a piece of meat. And I don't think they have body paint here."
Matty: "I think Derek is the Hulk."
Venus: "He's definitely massive but he's not the Hulk. The Hulk is green."
Matty: "A lot of men bared their top on screen. This is hard. He didn't even change his hairstyle."
Derek: "I'm most likely going to be a bodyguard. There's no way they'll let me be a celebrity. All I need to do is to seem really into the exemption and protect my celebrity. I'll also have to get rid of the other bodyguards before they try and eliminate a celebrity."
Derek: "And you're out too."
Venus: "Damn it Derek. Can't you be a nice guy and let me off?"
Derek: "I won't have you trying to touch Melvin."
Sandra: "Henrietta...ow! Derek!"
Derek: "Sorry. I had to. I don't think Henrietta is ever going to agree."
Derek: "I just had to bump into Reynard. He saw me. I had to chase after him and he just couldn't outrun me. And then Melvin and I actually found Henrietta's hiding spot. Those were points I didn't want to earn."
"Only chests that contain 15 to 24 balls will earn points."
Derek: "Sounds simple enough. I just need to either give the rest too little or too much."
Derek: "Shit. They wanted to discuss a way to divide things up. I didn't expect that to happen. Venus came up with a perfect solution too. I had to try and steer things away and make sure the plan doesn't go through."
Melvin: "I am willing to take the least. It's only fair because I had an exemption earlier."
Derek: "Then you have to give your balls to someone who you think should have it, and you have to divide it such that nobody exceeds the limit."
Derek: "There's no point in trying, Monique. Everyone's just going for themselves. Any discussion is useless."
Derek: "It was too close for comfort. Fortunately it didn't work out in the end and Venus and Reynard were being so shady."
Derek: "Good thing I have access to these cards beforehand. There's no way I can remember them in 3 minutes. I'll do my best in the first part so that I can convince everyone to choose me to double the pot only for me to 'accidentally' lose it. I don't see how anyone can memorise more than one set so they'll surely want to try and double."
Derek: "We should do it."
Melvin: "I wouldn't take the risk."
Derek: "Shit, how are they so good? I'm not surprised they didn't want to risk 300 points. Sandra and I were campaigning hard to go for it but we failed to make them take the risk."
Derek: "This is what they look like? I won't remember. I'll just casually walk past them and maybe try to hide a few texts. Maybe pick up one or two. It's dark and I can't see shit."
Derek: "I can't see anything with the heavy fog and low lighting."
Derek: "I can't look too exemption-hungry here, can I? If I go around eliminating everyone else and then claim I can't find anything they'll definitely think something is up. I need to be eliminated early."
Derek: "Err...Melvin is wearing grey shoes."
Derek: "The group is doing too well. I had to be bold in the next mission if I wanted it to fail. That means no collecting any texts and making sure everyone else didn't collect any too. I only knew what colours were available but not who wore what colour so I couldn't get rid of them. I failed badly and now look very suspicious. Looks like I need to lay low in the next mission. I'm not good at this Mole thing."
"This basket is worth the most. You have to kiss a cobra to earn the points."
Derek: "Damn. I'll let the rest choose first and then I'll take whatever's left and fail. Or depending on the situation take the least and succeed."
Derek: "It would be nice to learn snake charming though. I want to give it a go."
Derek: "Why isn't it working?"
Derek: "I think my snake is broken."
"There will be a bonus mission when you get back. It will be fall by then and there will be piles of raked leaves. 11 of them have golden exemptions with every single contestant's name on it. However, yours wills say 'Link'."
Derek: "Then I have to find it before anyone else does."
Derek: "Yes, it's my box."
"For the next mission you will be racing to a final location. At three different stops the slowest one is left behind. You will also have to submit a list of suspicions, from there your worth will be affixed. You can decide how much the rest are worth, with the maximum being 100 points. You'll be given a GPS on the day itself but for now you can take a look at the map."
"Derek, you are worth 10 points. How many points will you give the rest?"
Derek: "I thought so. I'll just follow the list...wait, actually swap Sandra and Monique. Sandra's raced before. If she wins she'll earn less and then they'll look at her instead."
Sandra: "I made it!"
Derek: "Can we change this table?"
"Of course."
Derek: "Great. Then let's do it. Maybe I'll mess around with the flowers on the actual day and pretend that's the difference."
"That's not allowed. Any additional differences will give the group bonus points."
Derek: "Damn it. But I guess it makes sense. I'll probably rearrange the, that's too obvious. I bet that's the first thing they will look out for."
Monique: "The potted plant has been shifted forward."
Sandra: "Are you sure? It's very hard to estimate it."
Monique: "Which is why the Mole would do it."
Derek: "I think this should be worth the most. I doubt they'll pay that much attention."
Monique: "The frames of these two are swapped."
Derek: "Are you sure?"
Monique: "Absolutely. I knew something was wrong here. Let's move on."
Derek: "Changing the cushions will be obvious and make them think the differences are as clear cut as this. I'll make it worth the least and then spot it so that it looks like I did my part."
Derek: "Guys, I think the cushions changed."
Derek: "All of you were too good and sharp. Even with so many errors you managed to get nearly half the max amount in that mission."
Sandra: "I was testing you with the one or two difference part with the pens. You said one but later quickly accused me of suggesting two differences so I was 100% sure it was you."
Derek: "You weren't sure?"
Sandra: "I was but I wanted to see what my Mole would do. Apparently he would also try to claim a different difference but mark the same area. That's actually quite smart but when we came to check we managed to change it to the correct difference: the different table rather than the flower pot."
"Derek was stopped time and time again by all of you. In part, that made it harder to find him since not as many things went wrong as they could have. However, if you managed to spot some clues you may have been able to identify him."
"The first clue was in the first quiz. In the final question, the names were arranged by the second last letter, followed by the third last letter, then the fourth and so on. This was true for everyone except Derek, who was arranged by L and O, the second and third last letter in the word 'MOLE'."
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Kenneth Crunch (C,N)
B: Henrietta Hitchcock (C,O)
C: Melvin Willis (I)
D: Stephanie Ball (L,A)
E: Derek Zora (L,O)
F: Reynard Connors (R,O,N)
G: Venus Ixora (R,O,X)
H: Monique Plaita (T,I)
I: Jasmine Risotto (T,T)
J: Sandra Rius (U)
K: Matty Crewe (W)
"Whenever Derek was called in an execution ceremony, he would always either be the 1st and 6th. This is because he was from Season 16."
"Derek Zora."
"Derek Zora."
"Contestants, the numbers are dropping fast. It has come to the time again to execute one of you. Who will survive another round of execution and who won't?"
"Derek Zora."
"Contestants, only seven of you left. You have made it to the halfway mark but for one of you, that is the furthest you will go this time."
"Derek Zora."
"Derek Zora."
"In Mission 3, every contestant had a different character to dress up as. In particular, Sandra would have to dress up as Dora the Explorer and Matty as Sora from the Kingdom Hearts franchise had they been a part of that group. Both Dora and Sora rhyme with Zora, Derek's last name."
Reynard: "There was a folder in front of us with our faces and a close up of all our characters. I figured out a few of them, like yours is Cleopatra and Sandra would have been Dora the Explorer. I think Melvin was Dr. Watson? Or maybe he was The Penguin. I couldn't figure out the rest."
"The next clue has the same reasoning. In the next mission at one point in time Cora Somalie could be seen in the background. Cora rhymes with Zora."
"In Mission 6, the 16th card of each deck were a: diamond, egg, rainbow, exemption, kite and mat. The first letters of these items spell DEREK M, or DEREK the Mole."
![]() |
D for diamond |
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E for egg |
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R for rainbow |
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E for exemption |
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K for kite |
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M for mat |
"Derek's golden exemption in the bonus mission was not his own name but the name Link. Link is a character from the Legend of Zelda series. In that series, there is a character and a race called Zora."
"The last clue is in the penultimate mission. If Sandra had taken the tour, she would have been acquainted with various Roman gods and goddesses. However, the names of certain Roman deities were replaced with contestants' names. In particular, Derek was Mendacius, the Roman god of trickery and deceit. Derek is the Mole tricking and deceiving everyone."
Sandra: "Crap, maybe I should have accepted the offer."
Monique: "But you didn't need it. That's 25 points you saved on."
Sandra: "That's true."
"Both finalists didn't need clues to find the Mole. It was a race between Sandra and Monique as they battled for first place. Monique had a head start but later Sandra caught up and overtook her. However, she slipped up in the final quiz, allowing Monique to reclaim the victory. Nonetheless, it was an exciting fight between the two female finalists and we should applaud both of them."
"Contestants, if you remember, there was a tie in the season. Cumulative scores were introduced to reduce ties, but yet two contestants were constantly tied in their cumulative score. One of them was Reynard. Who was the other one?"
"If the contestant paid enough in the next mission, she would have realised she was the one with the tie. In Venus's card set, there is an arrow pointing up at a tie. Venus was the one who tied with Reynard."
Venus: "To think we suspected each other and got executed back to back."
"Contestants, we have come to the end of the finale ceremony. Thank you once again for making this season a success. You may proceed to the pub for the after-party."
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