Saturday, 12 October 2019

47.18-Friends with benefits

In the last episode, the final 4 had to race to the finale by going to four different locations, with the last to reach each location forced to drop out of the race. In the end, Sandra managed to beat Derek and got to the end first, earning an exemption and 25 points to make the pot 842/1400 points. Either Monique, Melvin or Derek will be the final contestant executed. Who will it be? And who is the Mole?

Derek: "Sandra, you have the exemption. Why do you look so sad?"

Sandra: "I'm not. I'm really glad to manage to get the exemption. It's just that after all the adrenaline is gone and I have time to reflect...I could have died. I nearly swerved off the mountain."

Derek: "Oh my god. Are you okay?"

Sandra: "Fortunately I managed to save myself. At that time I wasn't thinking too much. I was focused on getting to the end-point, but now I realise how dangerous it was for me."

Sandra: "I always craved the feeling that I had while racing and I finally managed to get it, but it wasn't what I hoped it would be. I don't feel pumped. I actually felt scared."

Sandra: "Maybe the life really isn't for me any more. It really was just a phase. I assume it's going to be the same for Logan."

Derek: "If you really think he's worth fighting for then go and find him."

Sandra: "No, even if we got back together we could never love each other the same. After all, he abandoned me the moment he found out who my dad was. That kind of man is not worth chasing after. We were just passengers in each other's lives. I wouldn't trade the times we had together away but I won't expect it to last forever. I used to love the chase but I've come to my senses. I think I really do just love the idea of him."

Derek: "If you're sure. For me, I would regret it if I didn't put in the effort to secure my love."

Sandra: "Exactly. A relationship needs both sides to put in effort for it to work. He's the kind who would enjoys the risk but when things become serious he'll chicken out. He'd risk his life on the track but not risk his life for me."

Sandra: "So as advice, I think it's better to pull out early. You said it yourself that Dawn doesn't remember you. How will it work out if you're the only one who's ever putting in the effort? You said she just viewed your relationship as friends with benefits."

Derek: "I love Dawn and I know she truly cares for me too. I can see it in her eyes. Her forgetfulness means every date will be our first. We will love each other like we never have before and always be in the honeymoon period."

Sandra: "I don't know. She may think that way but I think over time it will get tiring for you."
Derek: "I'll prove it to all of you. If you think our love won't work out you're wrong. I'll make it work."


Monique: "You were really worth 100 points?"
Melvin: "Why would I lie?"

Monique: "Then why didn't you say something before we started?"

Melvin: "It just didn't come up."

Monique: "Really? You are the one with the most points and you didn't think to mention it?"

Melvin: "Would all of you really have let me take the exemption if I said something?"

Monique: "We could at least try to get somewhere."

Melvin: "You need to relax, Monique. I think you're getting burned out."
Monique: "I'm fine."

Melvin: "No you're not. Forgive me Monique but the Smole isn't just about finding the Mole. It's more than that."

Monique: "I don't care about any of that. They're just distractions."

Melvin: "So that's what we are to you? Distractions?"

Monique: "...Yes. If you're not the Mole you're just an obstacle in my way of getting to the finale. Don't get too emotionally involved, Melvin. It won't be good for you."

Melvin: "This isn't good for you either. If you ask me I think you're just running away from reality."

Monique: "Says the one who wanted to build a happy pod."

Melvin: "I don't deny I wanted to escape from reality too. But I realised that was the wrong way of thinking. Pretending your problems don't exist won't solve anything. I've been taking steps to fix my own problems. I've been trying to befriend Derek and overcome my fear of big guys. It worked. He's not as scary as I thought and I'm not afraid of him any more."

Monique: "If you think you're so clever, tell me what I'm running away from?"

Melvin: "Morris? You keep insisting that there's nothing between you and you just see him as a client and money-making tool but I don't think you really believe that. Surely you've bonded in the time you spent together."

Melvin: "I'm sorry if I stepped too far, Monique. This is getting really tense so I won't say any more, but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. I'm not trying to distract you. I'm just concerned about you because after weeks under the same roof, I see you as a friend."


Melvin: "I've gotten closer to everyone here so it pains me to have to sit through all the executions. It pains me even more that not everyone sees it the same way. I feel bad for Monique. She looks stressed all the time and she doesn't seem happy. I can't do anything to help her but I hope she can take the first step and be honest with herself."


Derek: "It's either you, me or Melvin tonight."

Monique: "I have confidence in myself."
Derek: "I do too. I think I actually have a good shot at winning this. I would love the extra security though. I can't believe I didn't think to check the second floor and lost my lead."

Derek: "Monique, what was your first impression of me?"

Monique: "A jock."

Derek: "So you don't think I'm smart?"

Monique: "You didn't really prove yourself in the first mission, so no."

Derek: "Oh..."
Monique: "But you're this close to the finale. You're here instead of seven other contestants. You outsmarted them, you were more strategic, you managed to stay on while the rest were executed. So I think you made up for it."

Derek: "Really?"
Monique: "I don't tell lies."

Monique: "I really don't get why you're so harped up on this anyway. I know so many men who would be jealous of you right now."
Derek: "If they're smart I'll gladly trade with them."

Monique: "Maybe you're not that smart after all. If you were, you would realise that the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can be smart and fit."

Derek: "But look at the rest of you. You're more educated and smarter than I am."
Monique: "There will always be someone smarter than you or better than you. Does the presence of someone smarter cause you to lose your brain cells? It doesn't. Even if there are smarter Sims, it doesn't take away from the fact that you are still smart."

Derek: "But I want everyone to see me as more than just a jock."

Monique: "You don't get it, do you? Nobody can tell someone's intelligence just by looks alone. Those that claim they do are either lying or actually see others as geeks. Do you really want to be labelled a geek?"

Monique: "The bottom line is you have to prove you're smart. If you don't think you've done enough then work harder. The fact that we're actually discussing this is so inane. It shows how little self-confidence you have. If you were smart, you would be able to hide that and portray yourself as the most confident man in the world."

Monique: "Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do."


Melvin: "What are you doing?"
Sandra: "Looking at my tattoo. I forgot about it this season."

Melvin: "I don't get you."

Sandra: "This tattoo was a reminder to never go back to my past and to never break the law or disappoint my dad again. But I forgot about it."

Melvin: "Sandra..."
Sandra: "It's fine. I don't want to burden you with a sob story. I've come to my senses. I'm sorry to say that you probably won't be making money with your time machine."

Melvin: "That's fine with me. The core reason I made it was to allow everyone to find their happiness. If you're happy without it, that's good."

Melvin: "So...this is it. You're in the finale, and it's down to the rest of us."
Sandra: "I know. I can't believe it's going to be over so soon again."

Melvin: "We're still having that reunion, right?"

Sandra: "Of course. If I win, I'll sponsor all the tickets and accommodation."

Melvin: "Then I hope you win."

Sandra: "You don't sound confident of yourself."

Melvin: "It's just...if I don't make it to the finale with you, I am still grateful nonetheless for surviving so long a second time. If not for you I'll probably be long gone."

Sandra: "Don't say that, Melvin. It was your hard work that got you here. I'll be rooting for you to get to the final three."

Melvin: "Thanks Sandra. I'm so happy I got to know someone like you."
Sandra: "Likewise."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour is the quilt the Mole uses at night?
A: Green
B: Blue
C: Peach

Q3: In Mission 9, who did the Mole think was the most suspicious?
A: Derek Zora
B: Sandra Rius

Q4: In Mission 9, who did the Mole think was the second-most suspicious?
A: Monique Plaita
B: Sandra Rius

Q5: How many points was the Mole worth in Mission 9?
A: 10
B: 25
C: 50
D: 100

Q6: In Mission 9, who sat opposite the Mole?
A: Sandra Rius
B: Monique Plaita
C: Melvin Willis
D: Derek Zora

Q7: In Mission 9, which scooter did the Mole use?
A: Red
B: Green
C: Purple
D: Black

Q8: In Mission 9, where was the Mole eliminated?
A: Palacial Pools
B: Graciella's Groceries and Delfina's Diner
C: Cypress Retreat
D: The Mole was not eliminated

Q9: In which order did the Mole reach the first stop in Mission 9?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Melvin Willis
B: Derek Zora
C: Monique Plaita
D: Sandra Rius


Derek: "Sandra was behind me but somehow despite having a near-death accident during the mission continued, managed to catch up and even overtake me to win. She only brought in 25 points as well when there were others who were worth more. I don't quite know whether to believe whether she really had an accident or not. She's shown that she's a very good actress and liar."


"Contestants, you had to race to the finale. Sandra won the race and reached the finale first. Two of you will join her but one of you will miss the finish line just yet again."

"Melvin Willis."

"Melvin Willis, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sandra: "No! Not Melvin!"

Sandra: "Melvin..."
Melvin: "It's okay. I expected this. Frankly speaking I saw the red screen coming weeks ago. I didn't think I would make it so far. I'm actually quite impressed with the result and I think I played a good game. I wish the rest good luck. You all got this."

"Thank you for joining Melvin. We hope to see you again."

"Contestants, the three of you once fell short, but today, you have made it to the finale. One of you knew that all along of course. Who among you is the Mole?"

"Is it Derek Zora?"

"Is it Monique Plaita?"

"Or is it Sandra Rius?"

Find out in the finale, which will be here sooner than you know!

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