Previously the contestants had to work together and reveal an answer to the question on their quiz to earn 100 points. They succeeded, bringing the pot to 134/195 points. Unfortunately, this made catching the Mole harder and Mabel had first-hand experience with that, being the second to be executed. Who is the elusive Mole?
Contestants will be playing Sudoku with colours for their next mission. The goal is simple: solve the puzzle in 30 minutes to earn another 50 points.
The contestants have each chosen a colour prior to seeing the grid. They will input their colour on the board one by one.
There is a counter indicating how many colours they have left. Once they run out of colours they are removed from the mission. The first to be removed gets an exemption.
Jay: "I like puzzles. I have solved many Sudoku puzzles so this should be a walk in the park."
Jay: "In the spirit of fairness we should let those with more colours left go first."
Emily: "It will be easier to solve the puzzle by starting with the more abundant colours on the board. And by that logic I have to wait until all of you had a go."
Maximillian: "I agree it's not very practical to try and impose that rule on us."
Jay: "The exemption is all on our mind. It's the fairest way."
Joyce: "I don't think any of us but the Mole will throw away all 50 points just for an exemption. That is way too expensive."
Oscar: "You underestimate the nature of Sims."
Jay: "I'm not benefitting from this either. I'm waiting for Joyce, Derrick and Noel to make their moves even though I can see an answer already."
Maximillian: "Then share the answer."
Noel: "I don't think he will because he won't be the first to complete his set."
Oscar: "We cannot solve the puzzle by starting with the colours we know the least about."
Derrick: "I can see where to put the next green. Should we do it?"
Noel: "We should but some of us aren't in agreement. I'm willing to forgo the exemption. It's a one in nine shot anyway."
Maximillian: "I think we can compromise. We don't start with Emily but we don't have to start with Joyce or you two either."
Noel: "So who do we start with?"
Maximillian: "I propose me. I'm not the one with the least at the moment."
Noah: "Just do it. For all we know Emily won't be the first to finish."
Maximillian: "I want to put brown here."
Jay: "This is harder when it's not numbers."
Noah: "Emily, you should go next. It's very obvious that you can fill in another square."
Emily: "But Jay doesn't want me to."
Noah: "It's better than guessing and making more mistakes. Why do that when we can be definite of some answers?"
Jay: "Emily, you can go. Ultimately all of us want to finish this in time."
Emily: "Thank you. But which one do I put?"
Maximillian: "The one closest to you. Can you not see it?"
Emily: "Oh, I think I do now."
Emily: "This is the spot right?"
Joyce: "It gets harder from here. Is this even solvable?"
Maya: "I sorry. No help."
Maya: "Hard."
Oscar: "We are going to have to make some assumptions."
Jay: "Oscar, I think the next move should be yours. You always have two possibilities from the way I see it. Once we put that down we can continue."
Noah: "I don't agree. That's essentially gambling."
Noah: "There must be some other colour we can fill first if we look hard enough."
Joyce: "We can always change the colour if we discover we are wrong."
Noah: "But by then we will probably be too confused and lose track of which colours are correct and which are wrong. Furthermore, we can only change colours as long as we're not removed from the mission."
Noah: "I just don't agree."
Oscar: "There is no other way. You have to think two steps ahead."
Oscar: "I have a good feeling it's here."
Oscar: "While I'm at it I think we can fill this too."
Noah: "Oh he's gone and done it. He's made TWO assumptions."
Joyce: "Let's hope they're right. We can still fix it."
Emily: "If we're wrong we know where it all started."
Maximillian: "I thought Oscar was only going to make one guess?"
Derrick: "We can change it later but for now we have no reason to."
Oscar: "If you think you can solve it another way, why not you come down here and show it?"
Noah: "Oscar, you dirty rat. I always knew there was something shady with you."
Oscar: "I am as pure as white. Otherwise I would not be a civil servant."
Jay: "Emily, I think you have to go next. I see another spot you can fill green."
Emily: "Here, right?"
Emily: "And here too."
Noel: "I hate to say it but it looks like the only way to solve it is to let Emily have that exemption."
Maximillian: "You can't be serious. Jay?"
Jay: "I don't want to either but we're in stasis right now, relying on guesses."
Maximillian: "We can always remember where she's supposed to fill since it's so obvious."
Derrick: "It's easier for everyone if there's visuals."
Derrick: "Why do I get the feeling you're trying to take advantage of her because she's clueless about Sudoku?"
Maximillian: "I'm not. I just don't think she should get it since she's not contributing much."
Maximilllian: "She is useless if I am going to be blunt."
Derrick: "That's precisely why it won't matter whether she stays behind or not, right?"
Jay: "I am very unwilling to just hand it over without fighting for it but..."
Maximillian: "Jay, you were the one who started this. You can't change your tune now."
Derrick: "Let's not put him in a spot. Just let Emily finish it and get an exemption. We can make a deal to let her give the rest of us a chance in the future. She doesn't seem unreasonable...hopefully."
Joyce: "If we have a solution we shouldn't hold it back. Let Emily complete her go."
Maximillian: "You will regret this."
Derrick: "Emily, move there too!"
Emily: "Here?"
Emily: "And here too."
"Emily, you have run out of colours. You have been removed from the mission. You also get an exemption."
Emily: "I'm surprised I'm the one with the exemption. I suppose I just got lucky."
Joyce: "With the exemption out of the way I think we can finally focus on trying to solve the puzzle."
Oscar: "I think I know where to move next."
Maximillian: "I can see one for Maya too."
Oscar: "This should be it."
Maximillian: "Yes, there."
Noah: "I don't think that's right."
Maya: "Here too."
Noel: "We are running out of time. Our best bet is to assume everything is right and colour this grid like it's a Skittles explosion."
Jay: "I'll pretend it's here first. Why isn't there a note function?"
Derrick: "If we're playing it that way..."
Derrick: "A 50% chance. I'd say that's pretty good."
Oscar: "It should be wait, here."
Oscar: "That means the next one is here."
Noah: "Don't fill in the last one.We may need you again."
Joyce: "I have to do my part."
Maximillian: "Everyone's guessing anyway. What the hell."
Maximillian: "If it's there, then I should also go here."
Noah: "I am assuming that everything so far is correct."
Maya: "Here."
Derrick: "We're almost out of time."
Joyce: "We can do this!"
Joyce: "I haven't seen any errors yet."
Joyce: "Time for me to fill in the line."
Noel: "Yay! I'm finally making my mark!"
"Time is up!"
Maximillian: "Fuck."
"Contestants, clearly you did not manage to fill in the board correctly given the many blank spaces. That means no points are earned in the mission and the pot is now at 134/245 points. It's time to see what the correct solution was."
"This was the correct solution."
The group appears to have lost their momentum and teamwork the moment an exemption was introduced. Will the exemption be the one that divides the group or will the Mole have to put in the effort every mission?
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