Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to find households that had a certain number of residents or pets in 3 hours. Only Zoe and Nancy succeeded. However, Nancy was given the choice of predicting whether they would succeed to earn 180 points. She predicted correctly that not everyone would succeed, hence she saved the mission and earned the full 180 points, bringing the pot to 220/360 points. One more mission stands in the way of the Mole's next victim. Who is it? Have the others gotten enough information to pinpoint the Mole yet?
Vlad: "I feel like I'm probably targetted because I'm the only one here who has been the Mole before. They don't outwardly show it but they do seem wary when talking to me. It just makes me feel so isolated, like I'm not part of the group. I do understand why though. I have the prior experience and know what to look out for, but I still wish I was more accepted."
Nancy: "I need to think like the Mole. That's how last season's winner did it. I've been trying to memorise all the sabotages and think how a Mole would sabotage in every mission. I'm working damn hard...oops, sorry Mother. I meant I'm working really hard this time. I'm not going to let the others pull me into petty fights. I've got a goal and nothing's going to stop me."
Zoe: "It's funny seeing you here."
Lena: "Why is that so?"
Zoe: "You're always so on the ball. I'd never think you'd come and relax in the hot tub."
Lena: "It's a hot tub! I can't say no to it. Anywho, what are your suspicions at right now?"
Zoe: "I am not having this conversation right now. I don't want to be playing the game 24/7."
Lena: "Hmm...fishy."
"Good morning contestants. It is time for another mission. I need 3 soccer players."
Justin: "I am quite athletic."
Dmitry: "Then so am I."
Wayne: "I want to do it. I'm great with balls."
Vlad: "Chewing them, maybe."
Wayne: "Oi! Wanna fight?"
Lena: "It's not about who's the fittest. It's about who can play soccer the best. That means high stamina and leg power."
Tanya: "It's clearly not me."
Vlad: "I can't go under the sun."
Zoe: "So it's the three men then?"
Uma: "I have a lot of fiery passion. I'm sure my explosiveness will help."
Justin: "Not really."
Nancy: "I'm with them on this one. Justin, Dmitry and Wayne it is."
"The three of them will doing penalty kicks. For every goal they score, 10 points will be earned. The rest of you will be providing the soccer balls. You have to find the soccer balls around town and bring them to the three. There are 10 balls in total, making this worth 100 points. You have one hour. Good luck."
Nancy: "Oh, there are clues to some of the soccer balls."
Lena: "I'll go upstairs to check. If you need me, shout, okay?"
Nancy: "Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I'm a kid, okay? Sheesh."
Nancy: "There was one ball in the place for the fit...isn't it the gym?"
Lena: "Where are you?"
Lena: "Aha!"
Vlad: "Why would I even think they're hiding here?"
Tanya: "Oh! There it is!"
Tanya: "Ack!"
Tanya: "It fell in the pool."
Tanya: "Looks like I have to dive in to retrieve it. I hope nobody's watching."
Tanya: "Aah!"
Tanya: "Nooo..."
Tanya: ""
Tanya: "blrrrbrrb."
Uma: "Where is that ball?"
Uma: "Where is it? Oh, it's on the other side."
Uma: "I've got you now."
Wayne: "Are you always such a showoff?"
Justin: "What? It's more cooling if I'm topless."
Wayne: "Then why wear pants, huh? And by the way, my muscles are huger than yours. I'm goinna kick ass later."
Lena: "Hurry up Nancy!"
Justin: "The girls are here."
Lena: "Here. We've found one ball."
Wayne: "Let me do the honours. Watch me."
Wayne: "Watch and learn, young pups."
Wayne: "I don't care if you're the best goalkeeper or the U.S. President. I'm going to score either way."
Dmitry: "There it goes!"
Justin: "Does he succeed?"
Wayne: "Woo!"
Wayne: "Booyeah!"
Wayne: "You're no match for me."
Justin: "Great job!"
Wayne: "Try and beat that."
Lena: "Wait, where did Nancy go?"
Nancy: "At last. I'm away from her. I know another clue said something about a ground for feline."
Lena: "Nancy made off with all the clues. I think that's weird. But it's not like I need them."
Justin: "Where is the next ball?"
Uma: "Right here."
Justin: "Where did you come from?"
Wayne: "Dmitry, your turn."
Dmitry: "Can I go last?"
Wayne: "Getting cold feet? Ha. Leave it to me."
Uma: "Hmm..."

Justin: "No, we all need to go one turn. If he's not going then it's my turn."
Justin: "Alright. Maybe I can pull a bluff."
He shoots...
...he scores!
Barrington: "****."
Justin: "Ha! What's the score now?"
Dmitry: "20 points."
Justin: "Woo! You can't stop me."
Lena: "I guess I need to start scattering hay."
Lena: "Oh, I see something."
Lena: "Yup, another one."
Uma: "The things I do..."
Wayne: "Why are you so wet, Tanya?"
Tanya: "I fell into the pool...just get going."
Wayne: "Dmitry, shoot right!"
Justin: "Shh! You want the goalkeeper to hear you?"
Wayne: "Oops."
Dmitry: "Here I go."
Barrington: "Finally I don't suck. I'd be off the team if I couldn't save a single one."
Dmitry: "Oh..."
Dmitry: "Piz'da."
Wayne: "Whoops. But you should have known to shoot left after the goalkeeper heard me."
Wayne: "My eye. On you."
Dmitry: "Just be quiet next time."
Lena: "Hey guys. I found one more. Who's next?"
Wayne: "Me."
Dmitry: "Wayne."
Barrington: "I'm getting the hang of it."
Wayne: "What?"
Wayne: "Oh f*** off, dude."
Nancy: "Looks like I have to climb over the fence. I'm not properly attired though...should I do it?"
Tanya: "Aha! Another one!"
Tanya: "I better get going again."
She's missed two balls. Although one of them was in the men's bathroom.
Dmitry: "Are they coming yet?"
Justin: "We have about 10 minutes left."
Lena: "I should be unlcoking an achievement for fastest ball finder."
Lena: "Wait, Dmitry? Aren't you at the park?"
Dmitry look-alike: "Who?"
Lena: "Woah...must be some glitch in the matrix."
Tanya: " you go."
Uma: "Another ball incoming."
Does Justin score?
He does!
Justin: "Woot! Perfect track record so far."
Wayne: "Yeah, yeah. We have over 5 minutes left. Dmitry, it's your turn. Don't stone."
Justin: "Come on, come on..."
Justin: "No."
Justin: "You're not really helping us right now. Have you played soccer?"
Dmitry: "Not really..."
Wayne: "Alright, who the hell sent that Russian astronaut to us? I think Uma would have been a better choice."
Dmitry: "This was agreed. You cannot blame me. Don't be another Ivan Klades."
Wayne: "There's Nancy."
Nancy: "I'm just going to watch since there's no time to go find another."
Wayne: "This is the last chance to make it count."
Wayne: "It's you and me, buddy."
Justin: "Come on..."
Barrington: "No!"
Barrington: "My head is going to be sliced off once they find out this happened."
Wayne: "Booyeah!"
Justin: "Good job, Wayne!"
Nancy: "Come on, Dmitry. Why aren't you cheering?"
"Time is up. 7 soccer balls have been found but only 4 penalty kicks were successful, so 40/100 points have been earned, making the pot 260/460 points."
Dmitry: "I just realised that I did not see Vlad or Zoe at all."
Zoe: "I was thinking of collecting a few balls at once to save the hassle of multiple trips. I couldn't find any, however."
Vlad: "I was avoiding the sun."
Where were Vlad and Zoe? Is one of them the Mole, or was the Mole actively participating?
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