Previously, the contestants had to collect envelopes while avoiding the lasso of a cowgirl. 100/200 points were earned, bumping up the pot to 360/660 points and Justin earned an exemption for his efforts. Uma was later revealed to be the next to be executed and that shocked many. Who did she suspect? Who is the Mole?
Lena: "How could I fail? Can I undo this?"
Tanya: "Nancy, I heard you're going to Harvard. The tuition fees must be expensive."
Zoe: "It's a fine school, only meant for the elite of the elite."
Nancy: "Yes. I'm hoping to use my winnings to pay for them."
Lena: "Woah, big talk for a small girl there."
Nancy: "I'm not little any more!"
"Good morning contestants. It is time for your next mission. But first, please pick the most suspicious contestant out."
Nancy: "There is no way I'm revealing who I'm truly suspecting."
Tanya: "I think that's Vlad. He's been the Mole before."
Wayne: "Naw, I think it's Justin. Sorry man, but you've gone wrong many times."
Tanya: "But he did bring in a lot of points in the previous mission."
Vlad: "I think we can put this to the vote but I think Lena is one to watch out for."
Lena: "Me? No way. I agree in nominating either Justin or Vlad just because he said that."
Tanya: "I'm going for Vlad."
Wayne: "Justin is the Mole, dawgs and b****. I bet the one we pick gets to sit out or is locked up or something. This is our time to prevent the Mole from doing anything."
Zoe: "I agree. I think we should pick Justin."
Nancy: "It's clearly a common view."
Lena: "Hmm, I think there's more to that..."
Justin: "Well, I guess there's no way I can fight back now."
"Justin is most suspicious?"
Justin: "Yes."
"Very well. Justin will not be participating in the next mission."
Tanya: "Hey Wayne, you were right."
Justin: "I am completely fine with being the most suspected. If they suspect me then they aren't suspecting the right Mole. Or am I the Mole?"
"Out of the rest of you, four of you will get to learn to ride horses. The other two will have something else in store for them."
Zoe: "Horses. Interesting."
"For the four, you will compete in a race. However, along the way there are questions to be answered. For every question answered, 10 points are added to the pot. The winner of the race will earn an exemption."
Vlad: "I hate the sun. You all know that. I guess I'll be sitting this one out too."
Wayne: "I'd rather run on my two feet actually."
Nancy: "Hmm, I think I'll go horseriding."
Tanya: "It's not really a secret that I'm not a big fan of those gigantic horses, so I'm going with Vlad. Please, Wayne?"
Zoe: "Oh. Interesting."
Wayne: "Fine. Anything for a fine lady."
Nancy: "Vlad is too passive. He's never really in a position to sabotage. If he really is the Mole he's a terrible one."
"Tanya, Vlad, what the others have just been told is a lie. This mission isn't worth any points. Rather, for every question the others answer correctly, 5 points will be deducted from the pot. You could lose up to 200 points this mission for an exemption. The two of you must find them and prevent them from answering questions if you want to save the pot."
Justin: "Oh, wow. Cruel."
Lena: "I like horses. They are trustworthy steeds. They run much faster than Sims do, which is useful for time-sensitive quests. And now I get to ride one IRL. It's so awesome."
These are the four horses to be ridden, from left to right: Skedaddle, Shadow, Glint 3.0, Freebird.
The contestants get some lessons on how to mount and ride horses.
Zoe: "I'm not wearing the right clothes for this."
Zoe: "This is harder than it seems."
Zoe: "I must look so pathetic."
Zoe: "Finally."
Zoe: "Wait, why am I staring at its butt?"
Wayne: "Wrong way, Zoe."
Nancy: "Seriously you suck."
Zoe: "Can we edit this part out?"
Zoe: "Who's a good horse?"
Wayne: "Aww, it actually likes me."
Wayne: "Woah, are you peeing in front of me?"
Freebird: "Neigh!"
"On your marks..."
"...get set..."
Nancy is in the lead!
Nancy: "How do you slow this creature down? Which side do I kick?"
Zoe: "You're not beating me."
Wayne: "I think it likes her."
Lena: "I'm not going to lose without a fight. Giddy up, boy!"
Meanwhile, Tanya and Vlad are searching Appaloosa Plains for the other four. Can they succeed?
Zoe: "Oh, here's a question. True or false: Horsehair is commonly used to make violin strings."
Zoe: "I know this is true. Am I right, Skedaddle?"
The others catch up.
Zoe: "The answer is True. I'm sure of it."
Wayne: "Then I'll answer true too."
Lena: "Hey! Wait for me! True!"
Nancy: "I'm not sure why she's helping us. I better verify just in case."
It's a close race between these two.
Vlad: "Are they here?"
Vlad: "There's a question here but nobody's here. I'm not going to stay here under the sun forever though."
Tanya: "I expected them to be I too late?"
Tanya: "Hey, is that Wayne?"
Tanya: "Guys! Wait up!"
Zoe has a clear lead.
Nancy: "I'm not a country girl! I can't tame this beast!"
Zoe: "I see the next question there."
Zoe: "Who is my horse's owner?"
Zoe: "I'm not sure of this actually. The producer?"
Lena: "Good thing I checked the background of Shadow here. His owner is Chuck Hobble."
Zoe: "Maybe there are some clues around here. You look like that horse from the previous mission. I'm just going to say cowgirl and move on."
Nancy: "My horse's name? I don't know. Pass."
Nancy: "I'm not going to let that exemption slip from me."
Lena is currently in the lead.
Wayne: "That's why I prefer dogs. Come on, horsey."
Tanya: "Wait, there's a horse there!"
Tanya: "Zoe! You got to stop."
Zoe: "I have an exemption to chase!"
Tanya: "You can do that but don't answer any questions. Vlad and I are here to tell you that for every question you answer correctly, 5 points are deducted from us!"
Zoe: "What? They lied to us. Thanks for the info though. At least I don't have to stop to answer questions now."
Tanya: "I'm told you still have to visit every question stop though, just not answer them."
Lena: "Who had to find Pantoufle Pelly in Mission 3? Who is that...wait, I think that was the name of the pink poodle Nancy had to find. My answer is Nancy Harvard. Now let's go win, Shadow!"
Wayne: "I must be last. This is horrible Okay. My horse's owner? How do I know that? Bedazzle. I don't know."
Nancy: "Pantoufle...that name rings a bell...oh, it was the pink dog. I had to look for it."
Tanya: "I wonder if they'll stop by here."
Vlad: "Why did I think they would have to pass by the gym?"
Zoe: "This is the next stop so I passed it. Moving on."
Lena: "Which ex-Smole contestant had pink hair? Nobody had pink hair."
Lena: "Do they mean pink clothes? If so then my answer is Poppy La Tootie."
Nancy: "Who had pink hair? The answer is Adelyn Kokop. It's a good thing I decided to rewatch past seasons."
Zoe: "Where is that car going? Does Vlad not see the horses here?"
Zoe: "Nancy, stop!"
Nancy: "You're not preventing me from getting the exemption. I can catch up to Lena!"
Zoe: "Sigh..."
Wayne: "Ooh, dino...okay, who had to find Pantoufle Pelly in Mission 3? Mission 3 was...the one about finding pets, yeah. So I think that was Nancy."
Zoe: "My bottom is a little sore..."
Tanya: "Nobody is here and it's been a while. I don't think they will be passing by here."
Lena: "Alrighty, Shadow. We're at the pond now. Let's an Appaloosa Plains contestant...I don't think anyone here is from Appaloosa Plains. Wayne, maybe?"
Lena: "For some reason it just wasn't clicking that the answers didn't have to come from this season. Otherwise I would have gotten them all."
Wayne: "Pink hair...what was her name again? Pantalene? Whatever. Let's just go."
Vlad: "Lena! Thank goodness I found you."
Lena: "Hey Vlad."
Lena: "Can't stop now!"
Vlad: "Wait! Oh, there's Zoe. Zoe!"
Zoe: "I know what's going on! Stop Lena! I'll stop Nancy!"
Nancy: "Come on, think..."
Nancy: "Argh, this is so disappointing. I can't remember it. Pass."
Zoe: "Nancy! Stop, you can't answer any more questions."
Nancy: "Why not?"
Zoe: "Tanya and Vlad are to stop us because if we answer correctly we lose points."
Nancy: "You have to be kidding me."
Zoe: "We can still win the race and exemption though. We just need to stop by all these questions but not answer them."
Wayne: "Appaloosa Plains contestant? I think that crazy lady Imogen Pelly lives here and appeared one season after me."
Tanya: "Do I see a horse there?"
Lena: "I think we're in the lead. Good boy, Shadow."
Shadow: "Neigh!"
Lena: "Woah! Oh, it's Tanya."
Tanya: "Ack, I lost her."
Tanya: "Shh...don't tell anyone but I was speeding. I pressed the pedal so hard to catch up and when I did I nearly crashed into something so I had to swerve away before stopping...then I lost her. On a side note, why does Vlad think that horses can go indoors? That's the only reason he kept entering buildings, right?"
Tanya: "Where did she go?"
Vlad: "I don't see anyone here."
Nancy: "Maybe I should focus on reaching the end first and getting the exemption."
Tanya: "Vlad, have you seen anyone?"
Vlad: "I saw Zoe. She was going to tell Nancy what happened. I tried to look for Lena but I lost her."
Tanya: "Me too. She's too fast."
Vlad: "I know that there's a question that they have to answer somewhere though."
Tanya: "Let's go together."
Nancy: "Wayne, stop!"
Wayne: "Not a chance! I'm gonna get that exemption! Outta my way!"
Lena: "How many Appaloosa Plains residents are there, not including homeless Sims? How would I know?"
Lena: "There's gotta be an answer somewhere."
Lena: "I see you're thirsty, Shadow."
Wayne: "Finally caught up. How many residents are there...I don't know, maybe 40?"
Nancy: "Lena, good. You cannot keep answering questions. Vlad and Tanya are told that if you do we will lose points from the pot."
Lena: " Good thing you stopped me. We can still race, right?"
Nancy: ""
Nancy: "Wait, where did Wayne go?"
Nancy: "I need to find him."
Lena: "I think she just lied to me to slow me down. Let's go, Shadow."
Vlad: "Hurry up, Tanya."
Wayne: "Hmm...what place did Uma Phile get in Season 20? I think she said this before...I'm going with 5th."
Zoe: "How did I end up so far behind?"
Nancy: "I must've just missed him. It may be worthwhile to take down the questions though."
Lena: "What do we do now? Do we try to stop Wayne or sprint to the finish?"
Zoe: "Are you willing to give up your exemption?"
Lena: "No..."
Zoe: "Then it's clear."
Wayne: "What is the question number of the stop where there was a dinosaur? There's a dinosaur here so...Q8."
Tanya: "I don't see anyone, Vlad."
Vlad: "Let's just be patient. Isn't that you?"
Tanya: "Huh?"
Vlad: "It's a pun. You work in a hospital where there are a lot of patients...never mind."
Wayne: "Huh? Who's there?"
Nancy: "Hey don't stop suddenly!"
Nancy: "Good thing this horse has good reflexes."
Wayne: "My Freebird's ass..."
Nancy: "You finally stop. You can't continue or you'll lose points."
Wayne: "Who says?"
Nancy: "Tanya and Vlad."
Wayne: " could have told me that earlier."
Nancy: "That's what I've been trying to do!"
Wayne: "We can still go to the finish right?"
Nancy: "No."
Wayne: "Then I suppose you won't mind staying behind me?"
Nancy: "...Fine. We can."
Vlad: "See? There they are."
Tanya: "Lena, you have to stop..."
Lena: "So I was told."
Vlad: "Where are the others?"
Zoe: "I don't know. We're the last two so they must have passed this checkpoint already."
Zoe: "The last question and finish line is at the training grounds."
Vlad: "Got it. Let's go."
Lena: "We still need to pass by this question."
Lena: "What place did Uma Phile get in Season 20?"
Lena: "5th, right?"
Zoe: "What are you doing? I told you you can't answer questions."
Lena: "How do I know you weren't lying to me to slow me down?"
Zoe: "Lena just answered a question in front of my face after I and Nancy told her that answering questions will cost points. Seriously, Lena?"
Lena: "I better skedaddle."
Zoe: "That's my horse's name!"
It's a race to the finish. Who will win?
Tanya: "Nobody's here yet."
Vlad: "The question was outside."
Wayne: "What colour is the G in Google's logo? I don't know man, green?"
And Wayne crosses the finish line first!"
Wayne: "Booyeah!"
Tanya: "So you finished the race?"
Wayne: "So you were supposed to run after us?"
Nancy: "I was so close. I'm such a disappointment."
Lena: "At least I'm not last."
Zoe: "I had a lead...I should have just went for the finish line instead of stopping others."
"That was an exciting race. We shall now see the results."
"In first place is Freebird Johnson and rider Wayne Goppud."
"Coming a close second is Glint 3.0 Singleton, ridden by Nancy Harvard."
"In third place is Shadow Hobble, who was ridden by Lena Estenson."
"The last place goes to Zoe Lin and her horse Skedaddle Darnell."
"That means Wayne gets the exemption. You shouldn't try to reveal anything though, because Justin has a chance to steal the exemption for himself if he accurately says which one of you won."
Lena: "We did it again. We put him in a wonderful position again. I should have realised there was something up. I dreamed of a cake yesterday. The cake is a lie. I should have made the connection."
Justin is done inspecting the horses and is ready to decide who has the exemption.
Justin: "Hmm..."
Justin: "Which horse did you ride, Nancy?"
Nancy: "Not telling you."
Justin: "Did you get the exemption, Zoe?"
Zoe: "You're horrible at this. Who will straight up admit it?"
Justin: "Hmm...Wayne?"
Wayne: "Not me."
Justin: "Lena?"
Lena: "I would love to have it but alas, I didn't win."
Justin: "I think I've got my answer. It's Zoe, isn't it?"
Zoe: "Sorry Justin. You are wrong. I came in last, not first."
Justin: "Oh..."
Wayne: "I got it! I fooled you, didn't I?"
Justin: "Really? You? Based on your comments this morning I thought you weren't going to have good chemistry with your horse."
Tanya: "Enough about that though. How many points did we lose?"
"Zoe answered two questions, of which one was correct. Lena answered 7, of which 4 were correct. Wayne answered 8, of which 6 were correct. Nancy answered 5, of which 3 were correct. Altogether, there have been 14 correct answers, leading to 70 points deducted from the pot. The pot now has 290/660 points."
Wayne: "Oops, I forgot I wasn't supposed to answer a can we stopped being punished now? Get us out? Please?"
A summary:
zoe answers 2q before being stopped Q1 v Q2 x
lena 7 Q1 v Q2 v Q3 v Q4 x Q5 x Q6 x Q7 v
wayne 8 Q1 v Q2 x Q3 v Q4 x Q5 v Q6 v Q7 v Q8 v Q10 x
nancy 5 Q1 v Q2 x Q3 v Q4 v Q5 x
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