Saturday, 1 July 2017

32.05-Trust is a two-way street

Previously on the Smole, the final 7 had to pick fruit from a garden and squish them without being caught by the gardener. Everyone was eliminated before time was up and 67/200 points were earned, making the pot 67/300 points. Monica's dream was stopped short when she was revealed to be the next to be executed, leaving her in shock. Who will be the next to be executed? Who is the Mole?


Caleb: "Bryce, with Dmitry and Monica gone now, who do you think the Mole is?"

Bryce: "I'm not sure. At this point I'm inclined to spread over everyone."
Caleb: "I was actually thinking the same."

Immanuella: "Breakfast will be ready soon."
Ivan: "I can't wait. As in, I literally cannot wait because I'm too hungry."

Ivan: "It seems to me that my roommate Caleb Styles has started a showmance with fellow flirt Margaret Welsh. While it's none of my business, I feel that as a roommate I need to intervene."


Ivan: "Caleb, there you are. Why are you in Margaret's room?"

Ivan: "You're looking like a desperate, horny f*** right now, you know?"

Caleb: "She's the only one who's given me something every other woman was too scared to. Everyone thought I was weird or gay or trans. Only she accepted me for who I am."

Ivan: "Are you that naive? She's just using you, like everyone else is."

Ivan: "Once she's found someone better she'll move on. Everyone's motivated by selfish interests. Don't be dumb, Caleb."

Margaret: "Did I hear someone talking about me behind my back?"

Margaret: "Hello there, what a nice surprise. What brings you to my room?"

Ivan: "Bye."

Margaret: "Caleb, you're early."

Margaret: "As usual, the fee please."
Caleb: "Bryce and I are planning to spread over everyone."
Margaret: "Oh? I really don't think that's wise. There's a 3/4 chance you're wrong."

Margaret: "Caleb and I have an...agreement, let's put it that way. I give him what he wants and he gives me what I want. I can live with the terms. What hasn't been inside me yet?"

Sophie: "Did Ella burn her waffles?"
Bryce: "I'm still getting used to these nicknames. And no, I decided to try making them."
Sophie: "Yuck. I am so not settling for this."


"It is time for your next mission. You will get a chance to earn 200 points from this mission or lose it, depending on how you perform later."

Contestants are offered 10 corrections, which will make its appearance for this mission only and can only be used for the coming quiz.

For those who are in the dark, corrections were from Season 21. When played, they turn a random wrong answer on the quiz into a right one, but the player will not know which one.

The final 6 get to discuss how to divide up the corrections. 

There are two rounds to this, meaning that each player must go twice in total.

They are allowed to take 0,1,2 or 3 corrections each turn.

If they are able to divide all the corrections up at the end of 2 rounds, 200 points will be earned. Otherwise, they lose 200 points. Since the pot is so pathetic already, this will mean that the pot gets reset back to 0, no negative points.

Contestants get 5 minutes to discuss. They must go to the room with corrections before the 5 minutes are up or the mission would end prematurely and 200 points are lost. When a contestant returns from the room, they get another 5 minutes to discuss.

Immanuella: "10 corrections but 6 of do we divide them up?"
Caleb: "I have a proposal if you all don't mind."
Immanuella: "Go ahead."

Caleb: "To give all of us as equal a footing as possible, each of us takes only 1 correction each time, except for two of us, which would be the 2 most suspicious in the group, who only get 1 in total and take 0 corrections in one round. Does that sound fair?"
Immanuella: "I'm okay with it. It sounds like a good plan. I like the incentive to stay trustworthy."
Caleb: "I'm thinking that the ones who get 1 correction only. That's Sophie and Ivan. Is that okay with everyone?"

Ivan: "Absolutely not."

Ivan: "Why do we have to divide up the corrections like that?"

Margaret: "I think you are kind of suspicious, Ivan. So you can just take 1 if you're the Mole since you don't need it."

Margaret: "This gives everyone as equal a footing as possible."

Ivan: "Why not Bryce?"

Ivan: "Why can't Bryce be the one who take 1 correction."
Sophie: "Do you see me complaning?"

Ivan: "Are you insane, Sophie? Why would you only want one correction while everyone gets two?"
Sophie: "It's to give everyone equal footing."

Ivan: "Well, why do we have to have equal footing? Why can't I get an advantage over the rest? This mission is clearly designed to give us an advantage and we're wasting it."

Sophie: "Why was Ivan so against it? He totally spoiled the whole mood. Asshat."

Ivan: "I don't mind resetting the pot back to 0 if it means I get to stay for another episode. It''s negligible anyway."

Immanuella: "1 point is worth 100 Simoleons. 67 is 6,700 Simoleons already! How is that negligible?"

Margaret: "Okay, we can choose not to go with Caleb's plan, but do you have a better one?"

Bryce: "Personally I want to have more corrections too, so I can understand Ivan's feelings. Maybe we can discuss who gets the 1 corrections?"
Sophie: "I'm fine with it, really."

Ivan: "I'm not. And you can't expect me to come up with something perfect on such short notice."
Immanuella: "Then we follow Caleb's proposal. You can sit here and pout and be responsible for our loss or you can actually cooperate."

Caleb: "Speaking of which, is anybody timing this?"
Margaret: "No. We better hurry then. How about Sophie gets none and Ivan gets 2?"

Sophie: "This is ridiculous."

Sophie: "Why do I have to suffer because of one stubborn mule?"

Bryce: "We're running out of time. Let's just stick to the original plan, whether you like it or not, Ivan."

Margaret: "Okay, who goes first?"

Margaret: "I propose Ivan."
Sophie: "I agree. He's so against this."

Ivan: "No. I want to be able to see how many corrections are left behind. I'm not going first."

Immanuella: "You're not going?"
Ivan: "I'm not going."
Immanuella: "Are you sure?"
Ivan: "Very sure. I'm staying put."
Margaret: "Go, Ivan! Go!"

Immanuella: "Then I'm going."
Ivan: "How many corrections are you going to take?"
Immanuella: "1. That's discussed."

Immanuella: "Ridiculous. Really."
Caleb: "Seriously, Ivan, why are you being so stubborn?"
Margaret: "Such a turn-off."
Sophie: "You're really being an ass."
Ivan: "Well, F you all too."

Immanuella: "Maybe I can still make it if I hurry."

Caleb: "Let's set a timer. I have a watch so I'll set the time."
Bryce: "...Fine. Go ahead."

Immanuella: "Is it here?"

Immanuella: "I hope I'm not late."
"You're just in time."

Immanuella: "Phew. Okay. How many corrections should I take? I can be self-sacrificing and take none so that Ivan gets one, but then I'd be giving in to the bully."

Immanuella: "I'll just hold my end of the agreement and hope everyone else does the same."

Immanuella: "I trust they will keep their promises."

Ivan: "How do you know if we can trust each other? I sure as hell don't trust any of you here."
Caleb: "If we say we'll take it, we'll take it, okay?"

Ivan: "The Mole can easily say yes and then secretly take some behind our backs."
Sophie: "Then he's an ass."
Ivan: "He's an ass but he's still playing the game and getting more corrections and sabotaging."
Immanuella: "Geez, they're still at it."

Immanuella: "I'm back."
Caleb: "I should start timing."
Sophie: "How many did you take?"
Immanuella: "One, as promised."
Ivan: "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Immanuella: "Here. See? I took one."
Ivan: "You could have hidden one somewhere."

Immanuella: "Ivan Klades, you listen to me right now. I don't care if you feel this is unfair. You have to think of the whole group. Stop being so silly and stubborn."
Bryce: "You tell him!"

Immanuella: "No matter what, we're all in this together. I'm sure we can trust each other's words."
Bryce: "I hate to break it to you, but this is the Mole. It's built on lies."
Margaret: "Not helping. Just trust in us, okay?"

Ivan: "Trust is a two-way street. What happens if I trust in you and you don't trust me or you betray me? Then I'll end up with the short end of the stick and can't do anything about it."

Margaret: "Ugh. There's just no way we can get through to you."

Bryce: "Mole! Stop Moleing, Ivan!"

Bryce: "We've wasted too much time bickering over something so simple. Ivan, you go next since you don't trust Immanuella."
Sophie: "I agree."

Ivan: "No, you all just don't get it! I don't trust ANY of you. I'd be stupid to. Do you guys really trust one another? Are you all so foolish?"
Caleb: "2 minutes left. Ivan, just go already."

Ivan: "I give up."

Sophie: "Go."
Ivan: "No. I want to see you go first. Let's see if you'll really be so noble."
Sophie: "...Fine."

Sophie: "Which way is it, Ella?"
Immanuella: "Down the stairs, there's a door on the right. Go through it then turn right and go straight to the end."

Sophie: "Okay. Should I take one now or later?"

Sophie: "I don't trust Ivan. He could be right, really. The Mole will just secretly mess things up. I'll take one for security."

Sophie: "I'm back guys."

Caleb: "Time's started. Who will be next?"
Margaret: "How many did you take, Sophie?"
Sophie: "One."

Ivan: "I don't believe you."
Immanuella: "There you go again."
Caleb: "Ivan's clearly not going to go next. Do you want to go next, Marge?"

Margaret: "No. I don't trust Ivan. I'm not going until he's going."
Caleb: "If you're sure..."
Ivan: "What? She should prove it."
Immanuella: "Just show him the correction, Sophie."
Sophie: "Why should I? It's mine."
Ivan: "See? I bet she's something up her sleeve."
Sophie: "Even if I show you one you're going to assume I took more. That's what you said to Ella."

Bryce: "I'll go next if nobody is going."
Margaret: "Yes, go."
Sophie: "I think this mission is failed with Ivan around. Why couldn't you leave first?"
Ivan: "And why couldn't you? I'm just fighting for my rights here."
Margaret: "At the expense of everything else."

Bryce: "I need a breather."

Caleb: "Why the heck was he running? Over-dramatic. Or maybe it's the adrenaline."

Bryce: "Things got really heated really quickly. Everyone's just stressed and frustrated. I'm actually on Ivan's side but the way he argued was just so bad I couldn't support him. It was almost like he was stalling for time so that we'd forfeit...which is something the Mole would do. This is so confusing. And it was like there were two separate conversations going on. I was just sitting there, listening. Ima, Ivan and Sophie are in one world while Marge and Caleb are in another. Sitting there listening got really confusing and irritating."

Immanuella: "This mission brought out the worst in us. No team spirit, no mutual trust, nothing."

Bryce: "Ah, there they are."

Bryce: "Should I take one? How many? If I take 3 now, I can prevent the Mole from doing anything else."

Bryce: "No. Trust is more valuable. I won't take any. I'm confident in my abilities."

Bryce: "I'm back guys. I took nothing. My pockets are empty. See? I sacrificed myself so you don't have to."
Immanuella: "You shouldn't have caved, Bryce. It's not your fault."

Ivan: "F you all, really. You must see me as public enemy #1 now."
Caleb: "Do you want to go next?"
Margaret: "Why are you pushing me?"
Caleb: "So that we can verify that everyone has been telling the truth so far."

Ivan: "I'm going last and that's final."

Caleb: "None of us are gonig to move unless you are, Ivan. Do you want to be responsible for our loss?"

Ivan: "Yes, push the blame to me will you? I suddenly become the ultimate sinner. I don't f****** care about your loss."

Ivan: "I'm just very motivated to win. If the others don't appreciate that, that's their problem. I made such a big scene, it was easy for the Mole to hide behind and just silently side with the majority while secretly doing something behind our backs."

Bryce: "How about you go, Marge?"
Margaret: "Me?"

Ivan: "See? You're reluctant to go too."
Sophie: "That is pretty fishy. How much time do we have left, Caleb?"
Caleb: "Less than 2 minutes."

Margaret: "If everybody wants me to go, then I'll go. But Ivan must go next."

Margaret: "Deal?"
Bryce: "Why are you looking at me?"
Margaret: "I don't know. You suggested it."

Caleb: "Is everyone okay with Marge taking one correction?"

Sophie: "I am if he is."
Ivan: "Fine, whatever."
Caleb: "Excellent. Now we're getting somewhere."

Margaret: "Okay, here I go."

Margaret: "Eh?"

Margaret: "7 corrections?"

Margaret: "Everyone was telling the truth...the question is whether I will too."

Margaret: "I'm still here, so whatever. I don't really need it."

Margaret: "Everyone's telling the truth."
Immanuella: "See? We can trust each other."
Ivan: "Can we trust her?"
Margaret: "And I didn't take any."
Caleb: "Why not?"
Margaret: "I believed in myself. I don't need a correction to survive."

Ivan: "Sure."

Ivan: "Can you prove you took nothing?"
Immanuella: "Don't be ridiculous. How can you expect her to prove anything if she did nothing?"

Caleb: "Ivan, it's your turn. You can go and take 1 correction because both Marge and Bryce declined."

Caleb: "We'll need to re-think this though to make sure everything adds up in the end."
Ivan: "No. You go, Caleb."

Sophie: "You said--"
Ivan: "I said I'm going last, period."
Margaret: "You promised me. You promised you were going next."

Ivan: "People lie for their own benefits. If there's one thing I learned from job-hunting, that's it."

Sophie: "I can't believe it. All this time you went on one big rant about how you can't trust us but in the end, you're the one we can't trust, Ivan."
Immanuella: "I'm just going to say what's on everyone's mind: Ivan is sabotaging."

Caleb: "Time is running low. I'm not about to let 200 points slip. If he won't go, then I'll go first. We'll see if he follows his promise of just taking 1 correction later."

Caleb: "I still can make it if I run."

Caleb: "Here they are."

Caleb: "So far so good...should I shake things up a little?"

Caleb: "In all honesty I don't think Ivan is the Mole. I can't say with certainty but I think Dmitry went home on Ivan. He's just trying to make himself look suspicious, so I might as well help him there. Plus I get more security."

Caleb: "I'll take one first."

Caleb: "I'll go to hell for this if I take another one, because I would've betrayed the group."

Caleb: "I'm sorry guys, but it's a game and I want to stay."

Caleb: "I took one."

Margaret: "Ivan, it's your turn."

Immanuella: "How many will you take?"
Ivan: "As many as I want."
Bryce: "He'll be the death of all of us."

Ivan: "F***, I knew it!"

Ivan: "Someone lied."


Sophie: "How many did you take?"
Ivan: "None."
Bryce: "I don't believe you."
Sophie: "Neither do I. There's no way you'd leave empty-handed."

Ivan: "Too bad. I really didn't take any. Do I have to do a strip search?"
Sophie: "That sounds like a great idea."

Ivan: "Oh for Christ's sake. Don't you see what's going on?"

Ivan: "I went down there. Someone took more than he or she was supposed to."

Ivan: "Someone lied!"

Ivan: "Margaret, you said everything was fine."
Sophie: "So Caleb took extra?"

Bryce: "Or Ivan's just trying to mess with us. You're going too far as the Mole, Ivan."
Sophie: "How about we reverse the order this time? Ivan goes first and Ella goes last?"

Ivan: "I see you pointing fingers at me, Bryce."

Ivan: "And Sophie, that's just trying to confuse matters."

Immanuella: "I have to agree with him. I think we'll just stick with our original order. I'll go down and decide from there what to do."
Caleb: "It's all falling apart."

Immanuella: "There are 6...just right for everyone. What was Ivan going on about?"

Immanuella: "I'll take one."

Margaret: "How's it down there?"
Immanuella: "There were 6 when we went down. If each of us takes one we can still win."
Caleb: "Huh? So everyone followed the plan then?"

Immanuella: "I took another one. Here."

Immanuella: "Ivan, I don't know why you were making such a big fuss about things."

Ivan: "I really wasn't lying. As much as I wanted to, I still want to win points. So I was forced to sacrifice myself."

Ivan: "Happy now? I'm one correction poorer than you all and Sophie still has one."

Ivan: "Your turn to go down. Don't mess this up."
Sophie: "Right back at you."

Sophie: "I'll take one."


Bryce: "You took one, right?"

Sophie: "Of course. You just need to take one later."

Bryce: "I'll take one."

Bryce: "...I don't trust the rest. I was always supposed to take two."

Bryce: "Guys, something's wrong."
Caleb: "Oh, come on! Sophie?"
Sophie: "Bryce has to be lying."
Margaret: "So how many did you take?"

Bryce: "I took one, see? I tried to even things out as far as I can. I don't want to say this but I think it's game over. Someone was sneaky."
Margaret: "I'll go down and check."

Margaret: "Oh..."

Margaret: "Stupid...someone really messed up."

Margaret: "Ivan can rot in hell for all I care. I'm taking one and leaving the last to Caleb."


"Caleb, Ivan, please come down."
Margaret: "I just sat down. I haven't told them how many are left yet...this is a disaster."

"Caleb, how many corrections will you take?"
Caleb: "I'd feel really bad if I took another...and I have to think about what Ivan would say, but I want that security too..."

"Ivan, how many corrections will you take?"
Ivan: "In this mission we can only think about ourselves. Since I'm the last I have to predict how many are leftover after Caleb..."

"You can enter the room, Caleb."

Caleb: "What left?"

Caleb: "It's a good thing I decided not to be greedy."


"Ivan, you can enter the room now."
Ivan: "One."

Ivan: "I chose to take one."

Ivan: "I feel so stupid for choosing to be the last now. I only have one correction."

Bryce: "How did it go, guys?"

"Hiccups aside, in the end the corrections were well divided because there was exactly 0 after Ivan, hence 200/200 points have been earned, making the pot 267/500 points."

Ivan: "Someone didn't follow through. I knew you all couldn't be trusted."

Sophie: "Lighten up. We did it, didn't we?"
Immanuella: "I'm so proud of us."



Margaret: "Oh, this is juicy."


Margaret: "Let me take that off for you...what about Sophie though? You two seem to be hanging out a lot recently."
Caleb: "Let's not talk about her right now."


Sophie: "Is're writing poetry?"


Immanuella: "I hope she's okay."


"Tonight, six will become five. Who will leave amidst the unhappy tension?"


Immanuella: "No way. I can't believe it."



Look at that guy's abdomen. And I don't know why all the explorers aren't wearing proper clothes.

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