Friday, 30 June 2017

32.04-I just kissed air

In the last episode, the contestants had to squish fruit illegally collected from a garden they were trespassing whilst avoiding being caught by the gardener. Everyone was eventually eliminated and 67/200 points were earned, resulting in 67/300 points in the pot so far. Who will be eliminated from the game next?


Ivan: "I want to know why you were eliminated so early, Sophie."

Ivan: "The rustling of the leaves when he walked gave it away for most of us. How did you not hear him?"

Sophie: "I don't know. I just didn't. Some things just can't be explained,"
Ivan: "Typical for a Stewart."
Sophie: "Excuse me? I'm offended. Not everything can be just blamed on my family like that."
Ivan: "Prove me wrong then. Earn points in the next mission."

Dmitry: "There you are, babe."

Monica: "Who's that? Oh, it's you...did you just call me babe?"

Dmitry: "Come here and kiss me, sexy."

Monica: "Oh my goodness..."

Monica: "This is a dream come true..."

Monica: "Oh, your lips are so soft..."

Monica: "You make me tingle."

Monica: "Wait, where did he go? Was I dreaming?"

Monica: "I just kissed air...what is wrong with me?"


Sophie: "Perfect for my figure."

Caleb: "You're already so skinny. You don't need to diet any more."
Sophie: "Nonsense. I can't fit into that designer dress from Victoriboat."

Caleb: "Oh, those clothes...honestly, you're never going to wear it more than once."

Caleb: "You should opt for something more practical while not sacrificing style. Like my clothes, if you don't mind the shameless plug."

Sophie: "But the feel when you were the clothes of the elite. You're pushed into the heavens!"

Caleb: "It's all an illusion."

Sophie: "I don't hate functional attire but I prefer to wear that Victoriboat dress even if it's only once in a lifetime. It makes it all the more special. At least I don't wear a French hat. That's just cultural appropriation."

Monica: "What did I ever do?"

Caleb: "Suit yourself."
Bryce: "I see you're studying hard already."

Immanuella: "Yes. I need to be prepared."
Bryce: "What do you think this season's Mole is like?"

Immanuella: "Are you trying to get information from me?"
Bryce: "Maybe..."

Immauella: "Ha, I really don't know. I don't watch the show so I'm at a disadvantage. Quite frankly I hope to see a Mole defect to the contestants' side. Like they have conscience strike them and they realised that even though they're the Mole they don't have to be the production's lackey and sabotage."

Quiz time.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Yellow room
B: Blue room
C: White room
D: Green room

Q3: Does the Mole have fair or dark skin?
A: Fair
B: Dark

Q4: Before Mission 2, what did the Mole wear during the briefing?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear
C: Athletic wear

Q5: In Mission 2, in what order did the Mole get eliminated?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th

Q6: In Mission 2, how many fruits did the Mole have in their possession when eliminated?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 5

Q7: How many types of fruit did the Mole have when eliminated in Mission 2?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q8: In Mission 2, what fruit did the Mole have when eliminated?
A: Nothing
B: Grapes
C: Pumpkins

Q9: In Mission 2, did the Mole squish fruit?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Bryce Wells
B: Ivan Klades 
C: Caleb Styles
D: Margaret Welsh
E: Monica Harback
F: Sophie Stewart 
G: Immanuella van Coevorden


Monica: "Oh, they installed lights."

"Tonight, one of you will have to say goodbye to lovely France again. Who will it be?"

"Bryce Wells."
Bryce: "I feel that I'm wiser now."


"Margaret Welsh."
Margaret: "This is tense."


"Immanuella van Coevorden."


"Ivan Klades."


"Caleb Styles."

"You are also safe."

"Monica Harback,"

"Sophie Stewart, one of you ladies will be packing and leaving this evening. Who will it be?"
Sophie: "Sure hope it's not me."

"Monica Harback."

"Unfortunately, Monica Harback, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Sophie: "Better her than me. She was weird anyway."
Monica: "I can hear that..."

Monica: "I'm just shocked by this result...I thought I had it right all along...I was so confident...not to sound cocky. Am I sounding cocky right now? I hope not. I have no right to since I just got executed and...oh gosh, why am I still sitting here talking? I was never good with words. That's why I prefer writing as my main mode of communication...why am I still here?"

Monica: "I really should get going. Erm, good luck, I guess? I'm sure you all have better luck than me. Not that I doubt your capabilities. I'm sure you all are more competent at finding the Mole at me; that's why you're here. Unless you're the Mole of course. Right...goodbye."
Immanuella: "It was nice knowing you, Monica. Good luck for future endeavours."
Bryce: "You stole my line."

"Thank you for joining, Monica. We hope to see you again."

"And seven becomes six. Two more stand in the way of the finale."

The socially awkward songwriter has been executed. Who is the Mole?



Ivan: "Are you that naive? She's just using you, like everyone else is."


Ivan: "Are you insane, Sophie? Why would you only want one correction while everyone gets two?"
Sophie: "It's to give everyone equal footing."

Ivan: "Well, why do we have to have equal footing? Why can't I get an advantage over the rest? This mission is clearly designed to give us an advantage and we're wasting it."

Sophie: "Why was Ivan so against it? He totally spoiled the whole mood. Asshat."


Immanuella: "You're not going?"
Ivan: "I'm not going."
Immanuella: "Are you sure?"
Ivan: "Very sure. I'm staying put."
Margaret: "Go, Ivan! Go!"


Sophie: "I can't believe it. All this time you went on one big rant about how you can't trust us but in the end, you're the one we can't trust, Ivan."
Immanuella: "I'm just going to say what's on everyone's mind: Ivan is sabotaging."


Margaret: "Oh..."


"Caleb, Ivan, please come down."
Margaret: "I just sat down. I haven't told them how many are left yet...this is a disaster."

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