In the first episode, the eight contestants had to be split up. One group, consisting of Ivan, Margaret and Dmitry, had to arrange wine according to age, whereas the other group had to play instruments in sync with music to give a clue to the trio. They had 20 minutes and the order was completely wrong, causing 0/100 points to be earned. The atmosphere became very tense in the basement of the nectary, and it will only be more tense as the first execution approaches.
Monica: "He's so good do I approach him? Ah, I'm feeling so hot."
Monica: "That Russian astronaut is so strong and muscular and good-looking...look at me, I'm gushing all over him."
Ivan: "I should record everything down. I wish someone could tell me what happened on the other side."
Immanuella: "Hey."
Ivan: "I'm a little busy."
Margaret: "Hey Ivan, mind if we study together?"
Ivan: "I'm not going to share notes."
Margaret: "That's fine. I'll just sit here and revise peacefully."
Immanuella: "I guess I should leave."
Margaret: "So, Ivan, you're quite the wine expert, aren't you?"
Ivan: "Shut up. I'm not here to find a partner."
Caleb: "I'm okay with it if you guys are, I suppose."
Sophie: "What are you guys talking about?"
Caleb: "AAH! Oh, how embarrassing."
Sophie: "I salute you for bothering to look good on screen but not for being such a pussycat."
Bryce: "I guess the cat's out of the bag then. Not that we ever intentionally tried to hide it."
Bryce: "Caleb, Dmitry and I were forming a coalition."
Bryce: "Damn it."
Sophie: "Can I play?"
Bryce: "Sure."
Dmitry: "Are you going to join now that you heard us?"
Caleb: "The more the merrier right? More information."
Bryce: "Hellooo. If you're thinking of us four being in the finale, that would require one of us to be the Mole."
Sophie: "It's so hard to concentrate."
Sophie "Is this an all-male coalition?"
Dmitry: "Negative. Ivan doesn't like me. And I don't like him back."
Caleb: "So will you join us, Sophie?"
Sophie: "I have to think about that..."
Sophie: "I'm afraid I will decline. Thanks for the offer though guys."
Caleb: "This is awkward. I never intended to play this way but now I have 2 coalitions. One of them being with Sophie."
Bryce: "First order of business. I want to hear what happened over at the Nectary."
Dmitry: "Can we do this later? It's so boring."
Bryce: "No. Quiz is in the evening."
Dmitry: "If you want to know, Ivan didn't let me participate and accused me of sabotaging when we lost."
Caleb: "Oh, this is interesting. He could be the Mole. And Margaret?"
Dmitry: "She told me she prefers to be called Marge. I noted nothing suspicious about her."
Bryce: "If I were the Mole, I would go to the Nectary since I can directly control whether or not points will be earned."
Monica: "Oh, I've got inspiration to write a new song."
Monica: "I really need to stop talking to myself. At least not in public."
Margaret: "Deal. We share a room anyway so it's so easy to just share info too."
Margaret: "What happened at the music side?,
Sophie: "Nothing really suspicious. Everyone played horribly at first but then we got the hang of it. It's actually not too difficult."
Sophie: "I think the Mole is laying low."
Margaret: " know, you should buy some push-up bras."
Sophie: "Excuse me?"
Sophie: "Actually, you're right. Maybe go for some breast enhancement too."
Sophie: "Let's see how. I have a pact with Caleb which nobody knows about apparently. I can get info from Bryce and Dmitry through Caleb. And I have one with Marge too. It doesn't hurt to build contacts."
Ivan: "F him. Seriously."
Immanuella: "I think you need to calm down now."
Ivan: "I just can't. I'm frigging pissed with him right now. But Margaret Welsh could be it too. I don't know. Excuse me. I need some air."
Ivan: "Gotta stay sharp. I shouldn't be making it that obvious that I suspect Dmitry."
Ivan: "This group is actually quite fine. Everyone shares info willingly...or so I assume. But this could be dangerous as others may know who you suspect."
Monica: 'I wonder if the magnifying glass I brought will be handy. Maybe I can spot some clues."
Dmitry: "Ugh."
Margaret: "Heyy...What's wrong there?"
Dmitry: "Immanuella came to me. She said Ivan said I was sabotaging."
Margaret: "Come with me and tell me all about it." *wink*
Dmitry: "I don't get why you winked but I am so happy you actually trust me."
Margaret: "The Mole wouldn't show their cards so early, dummy."
Immanuella: "Mmm, smells great."
Immanuella: "Oh dear. I added sugar instead of salt. Now it's burning. Let me see how I can salvage this and make it healthier. Or why not I just start anew."
Ignore that guy on the right lol
Monica: "This is great, Immanuella."
Monica: "Your name is very long by the way. Can I call you something shorter?"
Immanuella: "No. Respect my name."
Monica: "Oh...sorry..."
Immanuella: "I'm kidding. You can call me anything, like Ima or Ella."
Monica: "Oh, that was a joke. Haha...ha...I'm so nervous for the quiz..."
Time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Other than hair, does the Mole have anything on his/her head?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 1, did the Mole go wine tasting or play instruments?
A: Taste wine
B: Play instruments
Q5: In Mission 1, what instrument did the Mole play?
A: Guitar
B: Keyboard
C: Bass
D: Drums
E: Piano
F: The Mole did not play an instrument
Q6: Was the Mole seen sitting on the chair near the bar in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was playing an instrument
Q7: In Mission 1, where did the Mole go?
A: Town Square
B: Nectary Basement
Q8: In Mission 1, how many glasses of wine did the Mole taste?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q9: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole first take a glass of wine?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole did not drink wine
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Bryce Wells
B: Ivan Klades
C: Caleb Styles
D: Dmitry Gustav
E: Margaret Welsh
F: Monica Harback
G: Sophie Stewart
H: Immanuella van Coevorden
"Welcome to your first execution ceremony. In front of you is a TV screen. If it turns green when your name is called, you're through. If it's red, you're out."
"Let's start with Caleb Styles."
Caleb: "I don't want to be the first to go."
Caleb: "Phew."
"Bryce Wells."
Bryce: "Oh boy..."
"You're through."
Bryce: "Oh my...I just...I didn't feel that good about my quiz. I'm glad I'm safe,"
"Sophie Stewart,"
"Monica Harback."
Monica: "Here! Oh, oops..."
Monica: "That's nice."
"Dmitry Gustav."
"Unfortunately, you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sophie: "Well...that's a surprise."
Caleb: "I'm not surprised. He left revising to the last minute."
Dmitry: "I accept my fate and shall leave with dignity. I procrastinated too much and left it to the last minute. I am not surprised that I did so badly. It was fun. I got to drink wine on my first mission. But I still wish I stayed for more adventure."
"Thank you Dmitry for joining. We hope to see you again soon."
The Russian astronaut has blasted off! His performance on the quiz was as bad as that half-joke. Who will be the next victim?
"And begin!"
Monica: "Don't we need a plan?"
The gardener has arrived.
And he's after Sophie.
Bryce: "This is so slippery."
Monica: "Boo...why am I jeering you?"
Monica: "Oh dear..."
Gardener: "I'm pretty sure I haven't caught everyone."
Margaret: "AAH!"
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