In about two weeks, eight contestants went on a journey to the hot deserts of Egypt. Only three survived the entire journey and avoided the mummies, whereas the others couldn't take the heat. With 100/150 points from the last mission, the pot now has a total of 420/1000 points. Who gets to walk away with it, and who walks away with the rest? Will Mercucorp or the resistance prevail?
As the finale approaches, some revise...
...some exercise...
...and some relax.
Sydney: "I'm kind of bummed that there isn't a mission on tomb raiding, but it's all good 'cause I went with Angie to raid a tomb that day."
Sydney: "Ooh, a butterfly."
Sydney: "I don't see these everyday."
Sydney: "Gotcha!"
Sydney: "Ow! Stupid sand in my eyes."
Angie: "We're going all out on Max, right?"
Sydney: "I don't know. I can't help you there any more, mate. I wanna win too."
Angie: "Fair enough. It was nice working with you. Good luck."
Time for the final quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 25
B: 26
C: 35
Q3: What does the Mole work as?
A: Weightlifter
B: Mobile application developer
C: Unemployed
Q4: Which continent is the Mole from?
A: Asia
B: Australia/Oceania
C: Neither
Q5: Is the Mole from Mercucorp or the resistance?
A: Mercucorp
B: Resistance
Max: "I am certain that the Mole is Sydney Wellington. Why? Because I'm still here. Sydney appears to be smart but I bet it's a sham, like in the first mission, because she knew the answers beforehand. And she's annoying so as to try and make us not want to think about her. When she knew I was on to her, she kept trying to drive me crazy. When possible she takes away points. In so many missions she didn't help much.
As for Angie Reese, she is bookish and studious and that is what got her here. I'm not convinced that she found that last exemption by luck but the only possible explanation is that Sydney told her to go there to deflect suspicion. Or she's smart enough to know the exemption is somewhere else. Angie has definitely earned more points than Sydney and sabotaged less."
Q6: In Mission 1, what did the Mole do that other finalists did not?
A: Write things down
B: Read a book
C: Share a theory with Sydney
Q7: In Mission 2, for the Mole's last round, with whom did the Mole look for a relic?
A: With Zhao Qun and Jacob Jacobson
B: With Sydney Wellington and Jacob Jacobson
C: With Giselle Onkat and Melvin Willis
Q8: In Mission 3, where did the Mole first go?
A: Abu Simbel
B: Tomb of Discovery
Q9: Which of the following dares did the Mole NOT do in Mission 4?
A: Learn a foreign song and eat frog legs
B: Eat frog legs
C: The Mole did every dare
Q10: How many points was the Mole's basket worth in Mission 5?
A: 50
B: 80
C: 100
Sydney: "My Mole is here. Both Moles. I'm quite torn between them. My main suspect is Angie Reese. She's smart but so am I. She tries to earn points as a cover up but is also looking for ways to take points away. She chose to sacrifice 80 points, the next most amount, for an exemption which nobody knew where it was. I've got a gut feeling about her since the first day. I found it weird that three of us were looking right at the plaque and couldn't get it but when I arrived suddenly she knew what to do. I took a gamble and I've made it, so...I shouldn't be off.
My other suspect is Max Zhao the China man. I suspect him less even though there are so many clues pointing towards him. But I don't get why he would work so hard to earn points for an exemption if he's the Mole in the dares mission. And he actually seemed sure that I was the Mole when I confronted him. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Just go with the gut. If I'm wrong...well, it's not the first time. I'm just happy to be here!"
Q11: In Mission 6, who did the Mole discuss his/her first dilemma with?
A: Sydney Wellington
B: Zhao Qun
Q12: In Mission 6, what did the Mole's dilemma involve?
A: Sacrifice for the greater good
B: Death by torture
C: Loss of identity for self-fulfillment
Q13: Was the Mole untied during Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q14: In Mission 6, were points earned for the Mole's dilemma?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Angie Reese
B: Sydney Wellington
C: Qun Zhao
Angie: "Based on my knowledge and observations, I am very certain of who the Mole is: Max Zhao Qun. He's been quite blatant, especially when he's not helping, like in the first mission, the third mission and the penultimate mission. He uses exemption as an excuse, a cover-up. That's probably the oldest trick in the book. And Sydney told me she found some clues pointing towards him.
Speaking of Sydney Wellington, the main reason why I don't suspect her is because I trust her. It may be stupid of me and a fatal blunder, but I'm willing to take the risk. I've interacted with her and I don't really think she's the Mole. She's got a strategic mind and is smarter than she seems so I can say she really worked hard to be here, as did I. That just leaves Max. Ha! I got you now, Mole."
"Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 31! Our ex-contestants are back to watch the reveal and find out who is that Mole who tricked them."
"From the resistance, we have Lena Estenson!"
Lena: "I can't believe I'm out first. I had a strategy all planned out, like I know that only the Mole would try to downplay suspicion while everyone else would play it up. Too bad I never got to do it. But hey, achievement unlocked for being the first out, right?"
"The first member of Mercucorp to be executed is Giselle Onkat."
Giselle: "I really shouldn't be wasting my time partaking in such childish activities, but I am genuinely curious as to who is so immature as to be the Mole and rob us all of money."
"From the resistance again, Jacob Jacobson!"
Jacob: "'Ello, everybody! Glad to be back, man."
"Following him is his comrade Aaron Nigel Forrester!"
Aaron: "I am not his comrade. I didn't form a coalition with him."
Jacob: "Just play along, man. Don't ruin the fun."
"Last but definitely not least, our second Mercucorp agent, Melvin Willis!"
Melvin: "Such a shame to be so close yet so far, but I made it really far and I'm proud of it. I didn't expect to go so far to be honest. I thought I'd faint and quit from the heat and exhaustion. But I'm glad I pressed on and managed to enjoy so many wonderful missions and explored the lovely Al Simhara."
"The finalists are making their way down here. Along the way, questions will be answered."
Max: "The door locked behind us."
Sydney: "We need to find the Mercucorp key. It's supposedly very valuable and will take us to the finale venue."
Sydney: "I just wish we didn't have to do this in our formal wear."
Max: "Let's look inside these chests."
Max: "Nothing in here. Come help."
Max: "Oh, maybe this will do something."
Angie: "What is he doing?"
Sydney: "Nothing in here."
Angie: "What did you do?"
Aaron: "Oh joy. Another 'mummy'."
Jacob: "Stop killin' the mood, man! This is juicy!"
Max: "I'll try to fend him off!"
Sydney: "Let's get outta here!"
Angie: "There's no point in running away. Let's face it squarely."
Sydney: "I don't want to be cursed!"
Max: "It doesn't want to respond to me."
Max: "Where did it go?"
Sydney: "Over here. Are your eyes so small you can't see more than a line of vision?"
Sydney: "Get away from me, you c***!"
Sydney: "AAH!"
Max: "What do we do?"
Angie: "I don't know."
Angie: "Oh, check your phone. We've been sent some lines we need to say."
Cameraman: "Don't announce that out loud, you dummy!"
Sydney: "Watch that dress!"
Sydney: "You stinky c***!"
Max: "You can do it!"
Angie: "If she can't win, neither can we."
Max: "I don't quite agree."
Sydney: "Oh, you're going to pay for that."
Sydney: "Argh!"
Sydney: "Ow!"
Sydney: "I...I feel weak..."
Sydney: "Help..."
Angie: "She's down."
Angie: "Oh brother."
Angie: "Let's go before the mummy comes to one of us."
Max: "What about Sydney?"
Angie: "She's getting dragged by the mummy to the sacrophagus. We can't save her."
Max: "You're right. We need to save ourselves first before we can save anyone else."
Angie: "That's the Mercucorp spirit!"
Sydney: "Help me!"
Max: "We still need to look for those keys."
Angie: "Why not you check those chests over there?"
Angie: "Did you ever wonder why Sydney was chosen to be attacked and not you or me?"
Max: "I don't know. Is it because nobody likes her??"
Angie: "I don't think so. I think it's because she's the Mole."
Max: "But why would the mummy attack her...unless..."
Aaron: "Get it over and done with already."
Jacob: "Can you quit yapping, my man?"
Melvin: "This is so scary. I'm on the edge of my seat."
Max: "Sydney's not the Mole."
Lena: "Max is the Mole! I bet he's going to say that next. That's why he knows that Sydney is not the Mole!"
Giselle: "I'm not participating in such pointless discussion."
Lena: "Oh come on. The Mole is clearly..."
Angie: "I am the Mole."
Lena: "Okay I was wrong. To think I was aligned with the Mole. No wonder I left first."
Angie: "I'm afraid I found that valued key. But you're not going to join me."
Max: "I'm not going to get trapped by a trap."
Max: "A few darts won't stop me."
Max: "See? I'm..."
Max: "...Ugh, what's in those darts..."
Angie: "There's a reason why I betrayed my comrades and defected to your side despite being part of the resistance."
Angie: "We share the same values ultimately. Of being selfish. To only think about yourself and your benefits."
Angie: "And while it seemed I was helping you and your ogranisation, the truth is that you were helping me."
Angie: "Don't trust the Mole. Don't trust defectors. You'll never know when they'll stab you in the back."
Angie: "Because the Mole only works for herself."
"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together to welcome the Mole, Angie Reese!"
Angie: "Hello everyone. I really shouldn't have worn white, but nevermind that. It was actually quite intense for me to be the Mole, to sabotage and fool everyone. I wanted to lay low this season. You really have to be on your guard all the time so as not to slip up. And you have to think like a player but also sabotage like the Mole. I'm not a schemer by heart so it's quite difficult for me but I think I pulled it off."
"You did a good job, Angie. You earned 580/1000 points, or 580,000 Simoleons. However, you have also been suspected a total of 6 times, so you get to walk away with 574,000 Simoleons! Assuming the winner doesn't pick you, of course."
Lena: "I can't believe you just offed me like that! I didn't even get much of a chance to play!"
Angie: "Sorry about that. I had to do it."
Melvin: "Darn. It was a toss-up between you and Sydney. And in the end I picked the wrong one."
"Let us now watch how Angie did it."
"Angie is a smart woman with a lot of intellect and knowledge. That would be immensely useful for a player, but not the Mole. So right from the first mission, she had to find a way to strike a balance.
She started by stalling for time...
Angie: "Let's not rush into things. We need a plan. Can we use Google Translate?"
...she also tried to subtly influence those around her, nudging them in the wrong direction...
Angie: "What do they have in common?"
Giselle: "Hmm...they give me a feeling of death. There is a cross and coffin there"
...and when Sydney came along, Angie tried to do the same while making it seem like it wasn't her idea...
Sydney: "Melvin, you caught that?"
Melvin: "Yep!"
Angie: "Jacob, Giselle and I theorised that it's about the death of a pharaoh."
...but when Sydney proved her prowess, it took Angie by surprise. So Angie knew she had to help to solve the puzzle or she'll look suspicious for not doing something that would be expected from her.
In the next mission, Angie knew where the relics were beforehand. And she knew that she wouldn't be able to earn points as long as she's around, so she did try to nudge the others a little to pick her to go. And by not revealing her identity, she gave herself the option to go another round, which she did...
Angie: "I'm not revealing anything."
Giselle: "We are to assume to be all from Mercucorp, just like the Mole pretends on the Smole. So by not saying anything, you're admitting that you're from the resistance."
Angie: "Suit yourself."
Jacob: "I'll send Melvin, Giselle"
"Unfortunately, the relic has been destroyed. The resistance is bent on not letting Mercucorp profit. As such, 0/120 points have been earned, making the pot 100/220 points. The mission leaders do not get any exemption."
...Not surprisingly, Angie also tried to create confusion.
Sydney: "But not Max or Jacob."
Giselle: "Why not Jacob?"
Sydney: "I am pretty sure he is from Mercucorp."
Angie: "Okay, so right now it's possible that Aaron and Max are from the resistance. That means either Giselle or Melvin could be the last member...or Sydney's the resistance."
Jacob: "Mindf***, man."
In the third mission, Angie was more than welcome to help Sydney sabotage.
Sydney: "Angie, I've got an idea. We tell each other where we took our photos so that we don't go there. And we can try to avoid everyone's other landmarks except for one."
Angie: "Well, if somebody wants to do my job for me, I'm more than happy to oblige."
Angie was definitely not going to earn all the points in the next mission, but she couldn't not earn any if she wanted to keep her identity under wraps. Based on what she knew of everyone, she took a risk and assumed that there were some dares some contestants wouldn't do. By completing the average number of dares, she would be able to hide.
Angie: "It's nice to see nobody backed out and everyone completed their dares. I wouldn't dare to back out or I will become suspicious."
In the fifth mission, it was no coincidence that Angie found the exemption, no matter how hard she tried to say otherwise. She wasn't really afraid of snakes. She just needed an excuse to not earn the points. Knowing where the basket with the second most points was, she picked it to lose it. She then tried to pretend to be guilty about not helping out so went to practise...she just didn't expect to actually succeed in charming the cobra...
Angie: "Wait, what?"
...And because Max failed to earn points and he had the most points, Angie thought that it would make him more suspicious instead.
Angie realised that even at the last mission, both finalists weren't fully sure that she was the Mole, so she laid low...
Sydney: "Great. Then I say Angie kills herself to stop Mercucorp."
Angie: "I felt that since I was the only resistance member left, I had to do it. It was my purpose, to destroy Mercucorp, wasn't it? I said that I would kill myself to destroy Mercucorp. I heard about their evil practices and I frown on them in real life anyway."
...Sydney was onto Max and Max, onto Sydney. Or so Angie thought. So she made sure to fail Sydney's dilemma by confusing Max, and then pressuring him to make the final decision to make him look like the bad guy. Without much time to think, Max fell into Angie's trap...
Angie: "Do you think that Sydney will try to fool us? Give an answer we wouldn't expect?"
Max: "That's actually very possible."
Angie: "I don't think she'll reveal the whereabouts. There's a reason why we were the ones to make Syndey unconscious. That means Sydney's moral compass is unwavering."
Max: "Don't you think she'll try to fool us then? By picking the other option?"
Angie: "Why would she do that? Thinking about it, I think she'd want the points. After all, she is supposedly the upright one though she works in an evil corporation."
Angie: "Oh, you think she's the Mole."
Max: "I...well, don't you?"
Angie: "I thought it's you."
Max: "Awkward...what if it's you?"
"One minute left."
Angie: "Focus. Quick, give an answer."
Max: "Uh, uh...we'll go with whatever was discussed. Sydney doesn't reveal anything."
...she succeeded in making both of them more guilty while making herself more innocent...
Max: "What the heck, Sydney. Angie was right in saying Sydney would try to go against our train of thought. The instructions was clearly not to question anything and assume everything is true. You will get caught and beaten to death eventually. Escape is futile."
...and because they were wrong about Sydney, she couldn't be untied. That meant Angie was left all alone to do whatever she wanted. Unfortunately, Angie over-complicated matters and as a result actually hit the nail on the head...
Angie: "If we lose our memories, then who do we become? Just another passer-by on the street. We lose our identity. Is Max willing to lose his identity?"
Angie: "I don't think so. He's trying so hard to be the best, and you can't be the best if you're just like the rest. As in, you can't differentiate yourself which is a requisite to be called 'the best'."
Angie: "But Max can't take failure. I'm sure he wants to forget all his past mistakes. And going to the Olympics is his dream, I presume. He'll do anything to reach it."
"Thirty seconds left."
Angie: "I need to think faster. This is so stressful."
Angie: "I have decided. Max will sacrifice his memories for his dreams."
Max: "I don't know about this Mercucorp stuff, but they sound pretty bad from what I hear. But others will remember things that I don't and that can be unnerving. I'm willing to bear with that. I'm anxious to fulfil all my dreams and wishes. I'll do it. Plus, I can always make one of my desires to have others forget things about me too, right?"
...Not that Angie minded. It made Max look like he was the reason why they were wrong about Sydney. And Angie isn't a greedy girl. She's already won more than the winner. Giving them some more money wouldn't hurt.
As the Mole, Angie naturally preferred to keep some distance. And keep some distance she did when Giselle refused to share a bed, allowing Angie to plot in the tent. But that didn't last forever and Angie knew she couldn't keep hiding. Angie had the power to sabotage any player's chances of surviving. So she had to start getting information on who everyone suspected. To do that, she formed coalitions...
Angie: "Lena, I hope to be able to form a coalition with you."
Lena: "Why?"
Angie: "Statistically, we would have a higher chance of winning if we have a coalition. More eyes to see with."
...Angie wasn't going to let her coalition members survive, however, so she decided to lie about her alignment. In a sense. She WAS playing both sides, after all...
Angie: "I'm from Mercucorp."
"Lena Estenson, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Angie: "I lost my coalition almost as soon as I formed one. I don't feel secure. So I decided to ask Sydney and she agreed. We're both smart. Together, we're unstoppable!"
Angie: "I have been going around gathering information. I overheard the conversation between Angie and Sydney. I will predict that Sydney suspects Max Zhao Qun."
Angel: "I should take advantage of the situation. Sydney is from Mercucorp. Using that second mission, that is what I have come to deduce."
...she intended to keep her alignment a mystery as far as possible, to the extent of even proposing that there were more contestants from Mercucorp than the resistance...
Angie: "I just realised something. Nobody said that there was an equal number of resistance members and Mercucorp advocates. In fact, it's likely that there are more from Mercucorp. If Jacob and Lena are both from the resistance, then at most there should only be one left, and that could be Aaron. I could be wrong, of course, but right now this seems probable."
...Angie knew that forming a pact with everyone would raise eyebrows, however, so she decided to only ask when her coalition partner was executed. Unluckily for her, Sydney stayed till the end. Hence Angie needed to find another way of learning suspects.
Angie: "Are you the Mole?"
Melvin: "What?"
Angie: "You heard me. Are you the Mole?"
Melvin: "You can't just barge in accusing others like that."
Angie: "Then answer me."
Melvin: "Sigh...Sydney sent you here, didn't she?"
Melvin: "She's trying to use you to sound us out. Take it from me. You shouldn't trust her that much."
Angie: "Right back at you."
Melvin: "Huh? Wait, you don't think...Max?"
Angie: "Sydney and I suspect everybody. But you're a nice fellow and as such I don't believe you are the Mole. I feel obligated to warn you."
...Without actually revealing her true intentions, Angie managed to find out where Max and Melvin stood.
Angie: "My last time to sabotage the others. I have some idea who everyone is on. Sydney and Angie are too strong together. They have to be separated. Max and Melvin are not to be underestimated too. I underestimated Melvin, and Max has some good luck to have gotten two exemptions in a row. Everyone is rather coy and tight-lipped about it though. I can only be sure of one. So I will say Melvin suspects Sydney."
"Unfortunately, Melvin Willis, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
However, Angie always made sure to give the impression that she was a player...
Angie: "I suspected her. It's such a shame for her to leave though. Two players I expected to make it far have been executed as first and second. I think the Mole is playing very strategically this season, giving bonuses to some players by guessing their suspects wrongly or giving penalties to Giselle and Lena by being correct about their suspects."
...even making two predictions in one episode, once as the Mole and another as herself to make viewers think the Mole wasn't her...
Angel: "I should take advantage of the situation. Sydney is from Mercucorp. Using that second mission, that is what I have come to deduce."
Angie: "I have been going around gathering information. I overheard the conversation between Angie and Sydney. I will predict that Sydney suspects Max Zhao Qun." saying Max and Melvin's name last, Angie hoped to throw viewers off as they would assume it was an afterthought by the Mole to add his name in the list.
Angie: "My last time to sabotage the others. I have some idea who everyone is on. Sydney and Angie are too strong together. They have to be separated. Max and Melvin are not to be underestimated too. I underestimated Melvin, and Max has some good luck to have gotten two exemptions in a row. Everyone is rather coy and tight-lipped about it though. I can only be sure of one. So I will say Melvin suspects Sydney."
"Another round of applause for Angie Reese!"
Lena: "I can't belive it. Just wow. You're good, Angie. I'll take off my imaginary hat to you."
Jacob: "And I'll take off my real one."
Giselle: "Impressive display, but I still don't see why I was executed. I had been suspecting Angie since the very first quiz."
Lena: "I thought you didn't care about the Smole?"
Giselle: "Pfft. I'm just trying to prove how ridiculous and rigged this show is. I would've quit anyway."
Lena: "Don't be a sore loser. It's not like you were 100% sure it was her. It's just luck."
Melvin: "Mind blown."
Aaron: "Now, now, let's not give her more credit than she deserves."
Melvin: "Just be happy for others for once."
Aaron: "Fine. Woohoo--"
Giselle: "Oi!"
Aaron: "You're so fantabulous! Clap clap clap."
Jacob: "Man, you must be fun at parties."
Lena: "I think the winner and runner-up should've seen this."
"They did, through a different screen above."
"Speaking of them, let us now welcome our runner-up..."
"Max Zhao Qun!"
Max: "Really disappointed."
Max: "I wanted to win badly. Maybe I was too anxious, too eager. I didn't take the time to consider Angie. I thought it was because I made it into the finale, that's why I was right. Apparently not. I do appreciate having been here, and to think I learnt most from the girl who kept calling me names. She made me realise that I wanted to be the best so badly that I became self-absorbed. It's about working together, both on the Smole to find the Mole and in real life, like with my team. But I'm going to be laughed at relentlessly for failing to pick the Mole even though I'm in the finale."
The look of disappointment as they realise Max picked the wrong Mole.
Jacob: "All's not lost, y'know? Sydney probably got it. That's why she won."
Melvin: "Or history repeats itself."
"Thank you for joining. Now, without further ado, let us welcome our winner..."
"Sydney Wellington!"
Sydney: "You're lucky I could remove all those mummy stains. But now I smell like a c***. I don't understand why I was attacked by the mummy when I won."
Jacob: "Because even though you won, you lost to the Mole, man. She won more than you."
Jacob: "Did you pick Angie?"
"That is indeed the biggest question right now. If Sydney picks Angie, she walks away with 426,000 Simoleons. Otherwise, Angie becomes the sole recipient of the prize money."
Sydney: "I was torn between Angie and Max, but in the end I decided that the evidence should all be pointing to this one, and so I chose..."
Sydney: "...Angie Reese."
Jacob: "Woohoo! Ow! Giselle, what was that for?"
Giselle: "Watch your language, young man."
Angie: "So you picked me? I'm impressed, but I've been impressed by you since the very beginning. If anyone knew who I was, it would be you."
"Let us follow Sydney on her journey to the win."

"Sydney is a party animal who loves going to the beach and enjoys laughing at other people's expense. On first glance, she would look nothing like a winner. But right from the very first mission, she surprised everyone. She was smarter than she seemed, being the one to figure out what exactly the message was and earning the group's first 100 points.
Sydney: "I got it! What if it's fake? It's not a real message from the pyramids. There's no way they can get them."
Jacob: "To think we were killing our baby brain cells for nuffin', man. Nuffin'!"
Angie: "Of course."
Angie: "It took us quite a while to realise that those weren't hieroglyphs, but rather just a crpytogram with random pictures. And to think Sydney found that out. She's smarter than she looks."
Sydney: "Peanut! I think the O is supposed to be an A!"
Angie: "Then this is N, then..."
Sydney: "The answer is 'Sand looks like peanut butter'!"
"Jacob Jacobson, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sydney: "Jacob's not the Mole any more. That leaves my other suspect left: Angie. It's so hard to scheme and pretend that you don't think anything of her."
As for what Sydney thought of Giselle, well...
Sydeny: "F******* c***."
Sydney: "So I'm going to try and kill Jacob. Sorry, not sorry. I think he's in the resistance."
Sydney: "I think Max is the resistance."
Max: "What?"
Max: "I am not! We agreed--"
Sydney: "He secretly told me that and tried to shsuh me up."
Giselle: "Interesting, but why are you telling us this?"
Sydney: "To earn points, duh!"
Angie: "Jacob, I think we should send those who haven't played yet for the last round."
Sydney: "But not Max or Jacob."
Giselle: "Why not Jacob?"
Sydney: "I am pretty sure he is from Mercucorp."
Angie: "Okay, so right now it's possible that Aaron and Max are from the resistance. That means either Giselle or Melvin could be the last member...or Sydney's the resistance."
This mission also made her realise that Max was from Mercucorp from the way he behaved.
Sydney: "Based on Max's reaction, I think that Max is from Mercucorp. Hopefully I'm right."
Sydney was very strategic...
Sydney: "This is how you sound like right now, mate. Nweh nweh. Just like a baby."
Sydney: "Don't get mad at me now. Your eyes are almost disappearing!"
Max: "I had enough of you. You're just the Mole, trying to psych me out."
Sydney: "Excuse me? You're the Mole!"
Max: "I am not the Mole."
Sydney: "Angie, I've got an idea. We tell each other where we took our photos so that we don't go there. And we can try to avoid everyone's other landmarks except for one."
...but she wasn't used to scheming and thinking two steps ahead, so her plans didn't always work out...
Aaron: "Angie and Sydney approached me and told me not to do anything so that everybody but the Mole gets an exemption. I think that expectation is highly unrealistic."
Sydney: "So I know you and Aaron are in it together. And now that Aaron's on the block, we gotta save him."
Melvin: "What about Jacob?"
Sydney: "F*** him. Not literally but anyway, I was thinking if you could tell me who he currently suspects and whether he's part of the resistance or not."
Melvin: "Why would I do that?"
Sydney: "I'm trying to help him too, mate. At least I can go in and try to save Aaron by giving a wrong guess."
Melvin: "I will do that myself, thank you very much."
"Welcome to your final execution ceremony. Tonight, one of you will miss out on the chance to be a finalist. Some of you could steal Angie's exemption for yourself. Sydney was the first to do so."
"She failed to do so."
Sydney: "F***.""
...but she would always make sure her plans would benefit her either way...
Angie: "Oh, how devillish. You want to make everyone get an exemption but one, making that contestant executed automatically. Are you going to do it to Max?"
Sydney: "No. As much as I like to, that's wasting it. If we can make sure the Mole is the only one without an exemption..."
Angie: "But how can we convince everyone else to do the same?"
Sydney: "We try. If it doesn't work, we become suspicious, which is a win."
Melvin: "Aaron's my partner. I can't leave him in the lurch. I am going to say that he's in Mercucorp to give him a bonus point. Hopefully he hasn't been lying to me. Of course, I could also be lying that I'm in Mercucorp and give myself a penalty, which hurts nobody this time."
...if she couldn't force her Mole Jacob out, which she wanted to because she was always wrong about her suspicions, she would at least become more suspicious. In the end, she managed to sway Melvin to help Aaron while she herself gave Jacob a penalty, resulting in his execution.
Sydney: "So I'm going to try and kill Jacob. Sorry, not sorry. I think he's in the resistance."
"Jacob Jacobson, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sydney wasn't one to step out of her comfort zone. She chose to be herself and it that caused her to be suspicious or disliked, so be it...
"Second dare: eat frog legs."
Sydney: "No way."
"Third dare: learn a foreign song."
Sydney: "I'm not interested in learning some gibberish language, no thank you."
Sydney: "I don't want to die, mate."
...she wasn't here to make friends in the first place. She was in it to win it.
Towards the end, she just couldn't keep a straight face and lie outright to her coalition partner. That just wasn't her. But being smart, she made sure not to give too much away. That way, if Angie really was the Mole, she wouldn't be able to say with confidence who Sydney suspected...
Sydney: "I realised the boys are in a coalition together. So you think one of them is lying?"
Angie: "I wouldn't put it past them...wait, do you think I'm the Mole?"
Sydney: "I've been suspecting everyone, mate. I'd be f****** stupid not to suspect you too. But I'm not telling you my main suspect in case you really are the Mole." a result, Angie really couln't pinpoint who Sydney suspected, even having been misled to make a wrong prediction in Episode 8.
Angie: "I have been going around gathering information. I overheard the conversation between Angie and Sydney. I will predict that Sydney suspects Max Zhao Qun."
Ultimately, Sydney was trying to earn points whenever it was within her ability to do so. Others may have underestimated her at first, but hardly anyone will doubt her prowess after seeing her victory."
"A warm round of applause for Sydney Wellington, everybody!"
"Congratulations. Sydney Wellington, you are officially the proud winner of the 31st season of the Smole and 426,000 Simoleons! Please say a few words."
Sydney: "Gladly. I'm really happy to be sitting here. It was tough and if I wavered for just a bit longer I may have decided to go with the China doll over there. At least I can say that I'm right for once, and I actually win something this time! Woohoo!"
Giselle: "Oi!"
Sydney: "Shut up and sit the f*** down, c***. I'm not done. I am really glad I chose to join this season and take it from me, future winners: follow your heart, take clues with a pinch of salt and just be yourself and enjoy the experience."
"Well said."
"Angie may have covered her tracks well, but there will always be a trail left behind. Here are the clues that point to Angie."
"Firstly, the banner has a clue. The contestants are arranged according to who they are working for: Mercucorp (behind) or the resistance (in front). But Angie is from the resistance, so what's she doing behind? It's because she's the Mole, the 'double agent' who is helping Mercucorp.
The plaque in the first mission would change once every few days. Here are all the messages and what they mean:
- 24 divided by 12 = 2. This is pointing to Season 24, Mission 2, with 12 contestants. The title of the mission was 'Don't NG'. NG sounds like Angie. Alternatively, you could treat this maths equation as something very intellectual and nerdy, which describes Angie.
- Listen to the Mole. This is telling you that the Mole would say some clues, or some clues would sound like Angie is saying tem, such as the one below.
- Chinese Mayday (Episode 7). There is a Chinese boy band called Mayday. One of their songs has English letters in them: 恋爱ING. This could be treated as the Mole saying that it is 'I, Angie'.
- Please Q (Episode 10). Technically, the sign is wrong and should say 'Please Queue'. Yet one would realise that without all the vowels, the word is still pronounced the same. This again is a clue to Angie being the Mole as it is referencing the plaques that had 'NG' in them. Without the vowels, Angie's name would still be pronounced the same way.
- Le Pap (Episode 10). Rearrange the letters and one should get 'Apple', famous for its iPhones. And what are programmes on the iPhones called? Apps. Angie is an app developer. Alternatively, one could take 'le' to be French and rearrange 'pap' to get 'app', so the message would say 'the app', which still points to Angie's profession.
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Angie's formal wear |
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Charity McProsper's formal wear |
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Angie's sleepwear |
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Mei Leow's sleepwear |
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Angie's athletic wear |
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Angel's athletic wear |
Angie's sleepwear also consists of cat slippers, as seen in Episode 7. But it was said that Angie doesn't like cats so why does she wear those? Because it's a clue. Ancient Egyptians used to worship cats. And we see that Angie is the only one with cats. Hence one is supposed to draw a link between the two and realise this is a clue.
Angie: "I don't like cats, so I'm not really bothered either way."
Every time there was an execution, the 'suspense time' was 25 seconds. (aka I pressed the Enter key 25 times during the execution ceremony every time). Angie is 25.
The titles provide a clue. Do note that they can be interpreted in different ways, but this is the 'correct' way to interpret them to get the Mole.
- Episode 1-Divided Camps. Angie was divided from the group and had to sleep in a camping tent.
- Episode 2-Triple Agent. Angie is from the resistance but old Lena she was from Mercucorp. In addition, she's the Mole who's really working for herself as was said earlier this episode, so she's essentially a triple agent.
Angie: "I'm from Mercucorp."
"Attention. You have been split into different rooms for a reason. You two are Mercucorp agents. Angie Reese is from the resistance."
Angie: "Don't trust the Mole. Don't trust defectors. You'll never know when they'll stab you in the back."
Angie: "Because the Mole only works for herself."
- Episode 3-Traitor. Angie is the traitor because she's the Mole. Alternatively, Angie was supposed to be helping Mercucorp find a relic but she betrayed them by destroying it. Alternatively, because she pretended to be from Mercucorp and helped to find a relic and told Lena and Sydney that she was from Mercucorp, she's the resistance group's traitor.
- Episode 4-Be sure. Giselle picked Angie as the Mole but wasn't sure and spread her answers. Angie is 'telling' Giselle to be sure of herself and go all out on Angie.
- Episode 5-Hidden in plain view. Angie's face is hidden in her photo yet she is clearly visible.
- Episode 6-Finding information. Angie is trying to find information from Sydney about who Melvin and Aaron suspect so that she can give them a penalty.
Sydney: "It's going as planned. Jacob is on the block. If he's the Mole, Aaron's going home."
Angie: "It's also probable that Aaron goes home because he knows less than Jacob."
Sydney: "Yes, that's why I'm thinking of asking his dear partner Melvin on their thoughts. Melvin's a nice guy. He'll tell me."
Angie: "Share with me later."
- Episode 7-Past confessions. Angie confessed she was the Mole when she said 'Mole-ing'. This happened in Episode 5, which was in the past.
- Episode 8-Imitation. Angie was called Angel once, as though she's imitating Angel Stewart, Season 30's Mole.
Angel: "I should take advantage of the situation. Sydney is from Mercucorp. Using that second mission, that is what I have come to deduce."
- Episode 9-Same yet different. When Angie earned her exemption, she was using a different basket from the rest. Yet that basket and the one she initially chose both contained a cobra (same).
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Later, this guy comes to show that there was a cobra in Angie's basket. |
- Episode 10-Relax. Angie was relaxing by meditating.
- Episode 11-Betrayals. Note that it is pluralised. Angie betrayed Sydney who helped untie her and who was also her coalition partner. In addition, Angie betrayed the group because she was the Mole.
- Episode 12-The last laugh. Before the finale, Angie was the last one to laugh.
Now, on to specific episodes. In Episode 1, Angie said 'Can we use google translate?'. This doesn't sound like Angie at all. Why would she make such a comment? Because she was told to. Malinda Kathleen REESE is the creator of a Youtube series called 'GOOGLE TRANSLATE Sings'.
Angie: "Let's not rush into things. We need a plan. Can we use Google Translate?"
The message in Mission 1 said 'Sand looks like peanut butter'. This is a reference to Reese's peanut butter cups, a popular American candy bar.
Giselle: "Those fools above are of no help."
"Time is up! The answer given is 'Sand looks like peanut butter', which is correct! 100 points have been earned."
In Episode 5, Angie said 'Mole-ing'. She's confessing. She's saying 'Mole-I, Angie'.
Angie: "I didn't really intend to play the game by Mole-ing..."
In Mission 4, there were 5 dares. There were also 5 contestants, so to earn the maximum points, 25 dares had to be completed. Angie is 25.
In Episode 11, Angie said 'you shouldn't have trusted me'. She cannot be trusted because she's the Mole.
Sydney: "Ow!"
Angie: "You should never have trusted me. I'm the enemy after all. I'm from the resistance. You aren't."
"And those are the clues!"
Max: "I still can't believe a racist won."
"Thank you for being part of the Smole, Season 31, be it through watching at home or participating. Perhaps we'll see you again."
- Black means not in game, red means executed, green means exempt, italics means player scored the lowest.
- Orange penalties/bonuses were as a result of someone guessing whether another player was from Mercucorp or the resistance. Blue penalties are as a result of the Mole correctly predicting who the player suspected. If that box is blank, the player received no penalty or bonus.
- Scores reflected are those that have taken into account all penalties and bonuses.
- The penalties/bonuses reflected are net penalties/bonuses.
- Angie wrongly predicted who Sydney suspected in Quiz 4, thus Sydney only received one penalty.
- Jacob socred the lowest for the first 2 quizzes and survived, yet was executed in the third quiz despite not scoring the lowest.
- Sydney's score increased the more quizzes she took.
- Giselle was the first player to suspect Angie but was executed because of a tie.
- "3/Giselle" (Zhao Qun, Quiz 2) should be italicised. I forgot to.
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