Last time, the final 8 had to collect envelopes in a field while avoiding being lassoed by a cowgirl. In the end, everyone was lassoed before all envelopes were collected. 100/200 points were earned, making the pot 360/660 points. Justin managed to get an exemption so he is safe for now. Who will be the next to be executed? Who is the Mole?
Zoe: "I still can't believe I ran under the rain in mud, getting chased by a horse. I've taken so many showers and I still feel dirty..."
Nancy: "It's pretty strange that Vlad and Wayne were eliminated so quickly."
Zoe: "I don't even want to think about the mission. Right now both of them are climbing up this list I made."
Lena: "Nancy and Zoe share a room. I think it's clear they have a relationship. A coalition of some kind. They are both mysterious and try to distance themselves. Yet that kind of makes them more suspicious, so I don't think they're the Mole. The Mole is someone who should be suspected but is often isn't. Someone like Tanya. And she sleeps in a room by herself since Poppy left. Wayne too, but he sleeps with Uma and she won't be telling me anything. Justin and Vlad are also in a room too but Justin is becoming too obvious. In short, the more you try to look like a player, the more suspicious you are."
Tanya: "Oops! That's not my journal. I shouldn't be peeping into someone else's. Where is mine though?"
Uma: "I need to do something to help my future plans."
Uma: "Like playing an electric guitar."
Uma: "I guess this is the next best."
Nancy: "Must...stay...in top shape..."
Vlad: "Why are you working out so hard, Nancy?"
Nancy: "I can't slack off for...even one moment...must always be...on the ball."
Zoe: "That girl doesn't know how to relax. Just leave her be."
Uma: "Vlad has been actively trying to socialise with all of us, which is different from the past seasons he entered. I think he just wants to be accepted and treated normally. Also, I'm guessing he's not the Mole this time then."
Justin: "But I can trust you."
Tanya: "No...so I guess I can trust you then?"
Justin: "It's a deal."
Zoe: "I can't wait to be famous once this airs. I feel like I'm being forgotten, or I've fell out of popularity."
Uma: "Don't be so naive, Zoe. The Smole won't make you super famous instantly. I made it very far in Season 20 but I'm still not a megastar yet. You can ask Tanya. She's been on three seasons too. Has anyone treated you like a celebrity?"
Lena: "Do tell. I'm curious too."
Tanya: "Well, for a while everyone on the streets was like, 'hey! You're from the Smole!' But after a while life moves on."
Uma: "I think everybody only remembers the winner and the Mole, not the first to go. That's why I have to do everything in my power to win. I need to win. Speaking of which, I should get ready for the quiz."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Who does the Mole share a room with?
A: Zoe Lin
B: Nancy Harvard
C: Justin Huez
D: Vlad Pire
E: Uma Phile
F: Wayne Goppud
G: Nobody
Q3: Before Mission 5, what did the Mole wear?
A: Everyday wear
B: Swimwear
Q4: In Mission 5, in what order did the Mole enter the field?
A: 1st and 2nd
B: 3rd
C: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th and 7th
G: 8th
Q5: Which car did the Mole take in Mission 5?
A: Cyan car
B: Blue car
Q6: Was the Mole seated in the front or back of the car in Mission 5?
A: Front
B: Back
Q7: In Mission 5, how many envelopes did the Mole bring back?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 4
Q8: In Mission 5, in what order was the Mole lassoed?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q9: In Mission 5, how many times did the Mole go out onto the field?
A: Once
B: Twice
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tanya Sim
B: Zoe Lin
C: Nancy Harvard
D: Wayne Goppud
E: Vlad Pire
F: Uma Phile
G: Justin Huez
H: Lena Estenson
Tanya: "Wait...you mean when they entered? How did I read that wrongly?"
Tanya: "Oopsy. I hope this won't affect my score too much."
The execution will follow right after the pictures of cute animals.
He's not peeing...right?
"Tonight, one more will be executed. Who would like to start the ball rolling?"
Vlad: "I just want to get it over and done with...don't read too much into that."
Vlad: "Woohoo! Nobody's a prude, right?"
"Justin Huez."
Justin: "Phew."
"Zoe Lin."
Zoe: "Hmm..."
Zoe: "Nice, nice."
"Wayne Goppud."
Wayne: "Booyeah! I'm still in the game!"
"Nancy Harvard."
Nancy: "Excellent. I'm on the right track."
"Lena Estenson."
Lena: "I don't have a good feeling about this..."
Lena: "Woo! I'm slowly levelling up."
"Uma Phile, Tanya Sim, one of you will be saying goodbye."
Tanya: "It's probably me. I made a mistake in one question."
"Who will it be?"
Justin: "I hope it's not Tanya."
Nancy: "It's probably Tanya."
Lena: "I don't see Uma leaving any time soon."
"Uma Phile."
"Unfortunately, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Uma: "I guess I shouldn't be pinning my hopes on a reality show. This is discouraging though I had a feeling that if I was wrong, I'd be gone right about now. Oh well. Back to the life of acrobatics for me."
Nancy: "One strong competitor out. Good."
Tanya: "I'm surprised she's gone."
Zoe: "She had such a fiery passion. Always eager to tackle any problem or situation head on. She will be missed, but she's had her time in the past."
Justin: "I did suspect her initially but over time I realised she was a really committed player. It's too bad."
Wayne: "No way. I actually thought that she would be in the finale! She seemed so confident and had prior experience too."
"Thank you Uma for joining the Smole. We hope to see you again."
Powerhouse Uma is executed! Who is the Mole?
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