Monday, 10 July 2017

32.09-Drinking on the job

Last time, Margaret got to tour Champs Les Sims, but unbeknownst to her, she would be playing an important role in the mission later. Immanuella had to describe to the other three what to paint and Margaret had to identify where the painted relics were in the museum. She failed but was given a bonus mission to identify who painted which painting, but she failed that too, so 0/90 points were earned, making the pot 267/590 points. Immanuella couldn't bear the thought of losing another contestant but ironically she was the next contestant who lost. With the finale in sight, who is the winner and who is the Mole?


Ivan: "Come on...focus."

Ivan: "I have to win this. I have to.":

Ivan: "Forget about confessionals. It's time to focus on unmasking the Mole."

Ivan: "I need to start revising then."

Bryce: "The finale is nice. It's been a short but fruitful journey. What I just don't like is how Ivan is the only one who doesn't share information about himself or anything he's been involved in. I get why, but still, there's no need to withhold everything. You're not earning any brownie points like that."

Margaret: "This house is pretty boring, don't you think? No music, no alcohol..."
Sophie: "Well, we're leaving soon anyway. I still can't believe it's going to be over so fast. It's like I only got here yesterday."

Margaret: "I know. This just isn't enough. I want more."
Sophie: "Your go."

Sophie: "After this round, we get back to studying, okay? I want to win this. I want the whole world to know me as the winner. I've unwinded enough."

Margaret: "Oh, shut up. Everyone's just burying their heads in their journals. Nobody is coming out to have fun any more."


"Good morning and congratulations on making it to the finale. It is time for your final mission. You will be visiting a house. There are 6 round yellow orbs to collect, each worth 10 points. You have 15 minutes to find them. However, you have to try and enter little rooms as possible. If you are able to take the shortest route to find all 6 orbs, you earn 60 points, but for every additional room you didn't need to go through but still did, 5 points will be deducted, and can continue to be deducted from your current earnings. Good luck."

Sophie: "It's a good thing if we enter a room more than once we don't get doubly penalised."

Bryce: "I kind of wish they bought a car."

Margaret: "Woo!"

Ivan: "Time to rev this bad boy up."


"Your 15 minutes begins now."

Bryce: "Okay, I say we split up to cover ground. 15 minutes isn't a lot of time."

Margaret: "Are you crazy? That's just going to cost us penalties."
Ivan: "But surely you don't expect all four of us to enter a room together. Who knows how big this place is?"

Ivan: "In fact, we're wasting time right now. How about we go in pairs?"
Sophie: "I'll go with Ivan."
Margaret: "Then I'll go with Bryce."
Bryce: "Good luck everybody. Let's do this!"

Margaret: "Which door do you want to enter?"
Bryce: "How about let's try the one on the right?"

Sophie: "They have some nectar here."
Ivan: "Stop wasting time, Sophie."
Sophie: "Hey, it could be hidden here for all you know."

Bryce: "Hmm, some kind of lounge area."

Bryce: "Oh, this must be one of the orbs."

Bryce: "I'll take this if you don't mind."
Margaret: "Go ahead."

Ivan: "This looks like a dining room."

Bryce: "Marge, so..."

Bryce: "I honestly think we shouldn't be so cautious. We need to split up to find all the orbs. The Mole is going to reveal every single room possible anyway, so it's better we get 60 points and maximum penalty than 10 points and maximum penalty. You get me?"
Margaret: "That is true...okay, fine."

Bryce: "Which door do you want?"
Margaret: "I'll take that one."

Bryce: "Okay."

Ivan: "Let's continue forward."

Sophie: "Ivan barely searched each room before entering the next. We don't need to rush, so I don't know why he acted like he was going to miss the train. They're going to hide the orbs. We need to take time."

Sophie: "The owner of this house is obsessed with wine."

Ivan: "It's Champs Les Sims. What do you expect?"

Sophie: "Do you think we should split up? There are a lot of doors and I can only imagine it's going to get much worse from here."
Ivan: "No. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Nobody is going to sabotage if I can help it."

Bryce: "Oh, a bathroom. Hopefully there's nothing down the toilet."

Margaret: "A lounge."

Margaret: "Now this is what I'm talking about. Why don't we get to live here?"

Margaret: "Ah, another orb. We're on the right track then."

Margaret: "I'll take this one."

Margaret: "I'm sure they won't mind me drinking a little while on the job."

Margaret: "Oh, screw it. I'm going to partaay!"

Margaret: "Time to whip out the champagne."

Ivan: "Let's go here."

Ivan: "Margaret's here."

Ivan: "Margaret, are you drinking on the job?"

Ivan: "We have a freaking mission on our hands and you're drinking?"

Margaret: "Alright, chill dude. Want some?"

Sophie: "Hey, weren't you with Bryce?"
Ivan: "You're right. Where is he?"
Margaret: "We split to try and find all the orbs."
Sophie: "Is Bryce the Mole?"

Bryce: "This looks like a storage room."

Bryce; "There must be a reason why this is jutting out. If I move this..."

Ivan: "Or it could be Margaret. Whatever. We'll find him later. Let's just continue with the mission."
Margaret: "At least let me grab the orb first."

Bryce: "Someone's obsessed with himself."

Ivan: "Hmm, nothing here."
Sophie: "I do not want to look down the toilet. Someone didn't flush."
Margaret: "Eww."

Margaret: "You know what? I shouldn't have let Bryce out of my sight."

Margaret: "I'm going to find him."

Ivan: "F her. She's just trying to get away from us. Sophie, let's continue on."

Margaret: "God dammit, Bryce. Where the hell are you?"

Margaret: "He better not have gone through every room. Wait..."

Margaret: "There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Stop Mole-ing."
Bryce: "What?"

Bryce: "I wanted to test Margaret. See if she was willing to split up. When it was just the two of us she agreed. Hmm...I can't say she's not suspicious, but nobody is 0% suspicious. But then later we bumped into each other and suddenly I'm the bad guy."

Margaret: "We're sticking together now. You're not leaving my sight."
Bryce: "Can you not come so close to me? It's a bit awkward know, the kiss."
Margaret: "Oh come on, I won't bite. Unless you want me to. Kidding. I'm not into that."

Ivan: "Wow. Just wow. Narcissist."
Sophie: "Hey, at least it's not a mirror, right?"

Sophie: "Everything looks pretty new and well-maintained."
Ivan: "Stop playing already."

Bryce: "Oh, looks like a hallway."

Bryce: "Oh, look here."

"7 and a half minutes left."
Margaret: "Oh dear."

Bryce: "I think we should split up again."
Margaret: "Okay, fine. I take the door on the left and you on the right. We meet back here when we're done, alright? No funny business."

Margaret: "Oh."

Margaret: "What a large study. At least someone knows how to enjoy life. Everyone knows you need wine to read."

Margaret: "Oh, hiding here, eh?"

Bryce: "Hmm, I was expecting something more lavish and narcissistic."

Bryce: "Let's see here."

Bryce: "Well, look what fell out."

Bryce: "This is going great so far."

Margaret: "Bryce, are you still here?"
Bryce: "Over here! I found another orb."

Bryce: "Shall we enter this door together?"
Margaret: "I think that's the bathroom. Unless, you know..." winks*
Bryce: "On second thought, let's just get out of here."

Sophie: "A storeroom."
Ivan: "I think someone's been here before. I bet that bowl had an orb. Let's carry on."
Sophie: "You're not going to search the boxes?"
Ivan: "There are only 6 orbs. I don't think there's more than one in each room. We're really short on time."

Ivan: "Hmm...there are no gaps or anything here."

Margaret: "This...I don't even know what kind of room this is supposed to be."

Bryce: "I'll check behind."

Margaret: "This is like some kind of puppet show."

Margaret: "Hey Bryce, don't move for a sec."

Margaret: "Oh, you're looking pretty funny there. I wish I could take a photo of this. Let's put up a little skit, shall we?"
"Five minutes left."
Bryce: "Maybe some other time."


Margaret: "I have 2 orbs."

Bryce: "I have 3."
Margaret: "Oh, Sophie's here."

Margaret: "Sophie, how many orbs do you have?"
Sophie: "None."
Margaret: "None? Then we're still missing one. Where is it?"
Bryce: "Where's Ivan?"

Ivan: "Someone knows how to enjoy himself."

Ivan: "A glass of wine while relaxing in the tub...if only I could afford such a life."

Margaret: "Ivan disappeared at the most crucial moment. Sophie said they just got separated somehow. Like, how?"


"Time's up! 5/6 orbs have been found. The shortest route would involve entering 6 rooms which have the orbs. However, you entered 6 more rooms that you didn't have to, resulting in a -30 penalty. Altogether, you have earned 20/60 points this mission, making the pot a grand total of 287/650 points. It could've been worse. There was one room nobody entered."

Ivan: "I don't know how we missed that room but clearly the last orb had to be in there. I just can't believe we brought in so little in our last mission."

The pot has been finalised but the winnings and winner have not. Who will win? Who is the Mole? Find out in the grand finale!



Ivan: "You don't understand."


Ivan: "I'm not here to make friends. I couldn't care less about how you feel or what you want. All I know is that I want to win."
Bryce: "Fine! It's my fault for trying to be nice."

Ivan: "Now you know. I'm not going to even pretend to be all cheery and friendly because I'm not interested in that. Especially in a game where everyone is lying. That'd be stupid to be friendly."
Bryce: "So you're insulting me now."
Ivan: "I'm telling you to give up and focus on the Smole, or GTFO."



"The finalists are eager to know about the results and I know all of you are anxious too."



"It's time for the moment of truth. Who is the Mole?"

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