In the last mission, the contestants had to discuss how to divide up 10 corrections exactly in 2 rounds. Ivan was resistant to Caleb's plan, leading to a big argument. Miraculously though, they still managed to succeed, earning 200/200 points, making the pot 267/500 points. Caleb and Bryce secretly caused some mischief. Will the secret correction they took worth it, or will it prove to be useless?
Sophie: "So who does Bryce think the Mole is?"
Caleb: "This is super stressful, meeting on the sly like that. I'm afraid he doesn't have a clue though."
Sophie: "It's the game. If you want to stay, you have to play hard."
Caleb: "I know, it's just...I kind of feel bad. Okay, tell me who you think it is."
Sophie: "I have a few in mind. Ivan is one of them."
Caleb: "I don't think it's Ivan. That's too easy to say. And it would be really obvious."
Sophie: "I know but at this point in time he'd better be the Mole or he's just a huge asshat."
Margaret: "Oh, this is juicy."
Immanuella: "Ivan, I want to speak to you about yesterday's mission."
Ivan: "There's nothing to say. I know you all hate me now."
Immanuella: "I want to apologise. I was really crass and rude to you yesterday. I guess I got too caught up."
Ivan: "Is this some kind of joke? Why are you blowing hot and cold on me?"
Immanuella: "I'm not. I just feel really bad for losing my cool. And I want to know why you feel that nobody can be trusted."
Ivan: "Why can I trust? Look at what happened. You're too concerned with the 200 points but it was pure luck that we succeeded. Everyone is inherently selfish in real life, what more on the Smole? I'm just doing what it takes to survive."
Margaret: "Heyy."
Caleb: "Oh, hi."
Margaret: "I just can't stop thinking about you and know."
Caleb: "Neither can I. Oh, I can feel them rubbing against me."
Margaret: "Are you feeling it right now?"
Caleb: "Absolutely."
Margaret: "Oh...tell me, am I the only girl you've banged?"
Caleb: "The one and only."
Margaret: "But you seem like an expert."
Margaret: "Let me take that off for you...what about Sophie though? You two seem to be hanging out a lot recently."
Caleb: "Let's not talk about her right now."
Margaret: "You and Sohpie must be close. She shares with you everything, doesn't she?"
Caleb: "I...I should go. You should go too. I really don't want Ivan to know what's been going on on the bed."
Caleb: "What am I doing to myself? I'm making a mess of my life."
Bryce: "Am I to blame for the running water, oh so clear? Yet I'll still be there when you come to, as easy as the river flows...that doesn't sound nice."
Sophie: "Hmm?"
Sophie: "Is're writing poetry?"
Bryce: "Hey! No peeking."
Sophie: "It's not my fault you didn't see me there."
Sophie: "But really. You? Writing poetry? That's laughable."
Bryce: "It's a newfound interest, okay?"
Sophie: "Someone like you will never make it. Poetry sucks anyway. And that was quite bad."
Bryce: "Nobody asked for your opinion."
Sophie: "Sheesh, no need to get so uptight about it."
Bryce: "But do you really think it sucks?"
Immanuella: "Dinner's ready, Sophie. Why aren't you eating?"
Sophie: "I'm full."
Immanuella: "Don't be silly. I haven't seen you eat at all today. You can't be full."
Sophie: "I'm on a diet. I'm too fat."
Immanuella: "You need to eat, dear. You're nowhere near fat. Trust me. I'm a nurse."
Sophie: "I'm still not as skinny as those models on TV. I need to maintain my figure."
Immanuella: "Oh honey..."
Sophie: "I'm really not hungry, Ella."
Sophie: "I'm going to...woah."
Immauella: "Are you okay?"
Sophie: "Yes."
Sophie: "I just find it a bit chilly."
Immanuella: "You don't look okay."
Sophie: "I'm feeling a little giddy."
Sophie: "I'm going to read a book."
Immanuella: "You look kind of pale."
Immanuella: "What was that?"
Immanuella: "Oh no."
Immanuella: "I hope she's okay."
Immanuella: "Hopefully she didn't have a concussion or anything."
Time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 21
B: 24
C: 29
D: 30
E: 34
F: 48
Q3: In Mission 3, in what order did the Mole get a scooter?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
Q4: In Mission 3, did the Mole lie about the number of corrections he/she had?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 3, who sat opposite the Mole?
A: Ivan Klades
B: Margaret Welsh
C: Immanuella van Coevorden
D: Sophie Stewart
E: Caleb Styles
F: Bryce Wells
Q6: In Mission 3, how many corrections did the Mole take in total?
A: 1
B: 2
Q7: In Mission 3, in what order did the Mole go down to the room with corrections?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
Q8: In Mission 3, how many corrections did the Mole take in the first round?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q9: In Mission 3, how many corrections did the Mole take in the second round?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Bryce Wells
B: Ivan Klades
C: Caleb Styles
D: Margaret Welsh
E: Sophie Stewart
F: Immanuella van Coevorden
Margaret: "I must be doing something wrong somewhere. I keep seeing things that confirm suspicions as to who the Mole is. I fear I may be getting tunnel vision."
"Tonight, six will become five. Who will leave amidst the unhappy tension?"
"Let's start with the perpetrator, Ivan Klades."
Ivan: "Sure. Hate on me all you want. I'm going to be winning this. Just you wait."
Ivan: "See?"
"Margaret Welsh."
Margaret: "I hope the correction was enough to save me."
"Immanuella van Coevorden."
Immanuella: "I wouldn't want to leave."
"Bryce Wells."
Bryce: "Why don't I have a good feeling about this..."
"Down to two. Caleb Styles."
Caleb: "Here goes nothing."
"Unfortunately, Caleb Styles, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Immanuella: "No way. I can't believe it."
Caleb: "It's okay, guys. I'm out, I'm out. We've all got to come to terms with it."
Immanuella: "It's just getting so hard to say goodbye to each one of you."
Immanuella: "Over the week I've gotten to know you a lot better and I know you're a great guy. You're not selfish and thinks about everyone."
Ivan: "It isn't easy but it's one less competitor."
Sophie: "He was really friendly and interesting, even though we didn't quite always agree in terms of fashion, but he never tried to belittle our tastes and differences."
Sophie: "Such a shame he's gone. I've lost a contact."
Bryce: "I lost my coalition. It's really sad to see him go."
Caleb: "Before I leave, could you give me a goodbye kiss, Marge?"
Margaret: "...Sure. Why not?"
Sophie: "Okay, I'm outta here."
Bryce: "Get a room guys."
Immanuella: "Come on, it's so sweet. What are the odds of finding love on a show like this?"
Ivan: "0."
Caleb: "It was really a great journey, guys. I had a lot of fun and I'm glad to know you all. But it's my time to go. See you all and good luck!"
"Thank you Caleb for joining. We hope to see you again soon."
The practical showmancer has been executed, sealed with a kiss! Who will be the last victim?
"Good morning contestants. Today we have a special tour arranged for just one of you. Which one of you would like the tour?"
Margaret: "Ooh..."
Margaret: "Aah..."
Immanuella: "Okay Sophie, for you. It's a giant golden cup with a babyish face right smack in the centre."
Immanuella: "Oh! I think it's those Egyptian canopic jars!"
Bryce: "I already started."
Immanuella: "Oh...but you can't have gone too far. Is it possible for you to salvage it? Please?"
Bryce: "I'll try but no guarantee."
Bryce: "I can't say I didn't try."
Margaret: "This looks like an afro. Doesn't seem to fit in the museum. Who painted this?"
Margaret: "Oh, I hope this wasn't the black object."
Immanuella: "Did you succeed, Marge?"
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