Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to find a thief who stole 60 points from the pot. However, they failed to do so in 4 hours. As a result the pot became poorer by 60 points to 301/645 points. Wesley thought he found the Mole all this while but he was proven wrong when he was the next executed. Who is the Mole that has executed so many?
Heidi: "I can't believe we're going camping."
Celine: "Ugh."
Barbara: "It will be good fun."
Hugo: "We'd like to check in for 2 days one night. 6 Sims."
Celine: "So?"
Heidi: "They don't have tennis equipment."
Celine: "What? How can they have a tennis court but no tennis equipment?"
Bonita: "A dip at night is so refreshing."
Cleon: "Are these the kind of trailers you stay in?"
Hugo: "Nah, it's not so fancy. It's also not so small."
Cleon: "Since we were going camping, I suggested using this chance to change roommates, at least temporarily. It will be good to switch things up and more importantly I can observe my suspects."
Barbara: "It's very homey."
Celine: "It's cramped. Don't sugarcoat it."
Barbara: "I think it's lovely."
Celine: "They only have one bed!"
Hugo: "Do you prefer taking the left side or right side?"
Heidi: "Left please."
Celine: "I knew there was something up when we went camping. When we woke up in the morning there were a whole bunch of Sims in our rooms."
Today's mission is worth 95 points. Due to a sudden outbreak of Smolepox, the guests at Cvijet Campsite have been relocated to the contestants' rooms. Unfortunately, some of them have been infected with the contagious disease.
The contestants are currently not aware of who are infected. However, if at least 60% of the room contains infected Sims, everyone else in the room will be infected. The contestants have to isolate all the infected Sims in one hour to earn all the points.
To help them, Heidi and Hugo will be researching this infectious disease. They have to complete tasks to find out what the symptoms are.
Heidi: "Play Tetris and get a high score of 400,000 to get the first symptom. I can do that."
Heidi: "I'm an expert at Tetris."
Hugo: "I'll go find another task...what the fuck? I have to clean the urinal with my pee?"
Heidi: "Good luck buddy. What a good day to not be a man."
Hugo: "What the hell are these stains? Did someone shit in the urinal?"
Hugo: "Time to get cleaning."
Cleon: "Is there really nothing we can do now?"
Bonita: "We don't know the symptoms of Smolepox."
Bonita: "She looks tired."
Selena: "Of course. I was supposed to be on holiday and then this happened."
Diane: "I just wanted a single ladies' night out. Is that too much to ask for?"
Barbara: "At least we know it can't be either of us."
Celine: "Each of you tell me why you're sick, ok?"
Viktor: "But I'm not sick, ok?."
Brenda: "Neither am I."
Zed: "I feel fine."
Celine: "Oh my god, help can't come fast enough."
Hugo: "Damn it! I ran out of pee. I need to find something to drink."
Hugo: "Give me a huge glass of water."
Thelma: "Water?...As you wish, sir."
Heidi: "No! I lost!"
Bonita: "Room 2, have you made progress?"
Celine: "No, we're still waiting."
Cleon: "Maybe we can discuss how we are going to isolate. Does one of us have to give up our rooms?"
Celine: "Please no. It's squeezy enough as it is."
Bonita: "We are theorising that one of the symptoms is tiredness. One of the Sims here is very tired."
Selena: "Wouldn't you be tired of this shit?"
Diane: "Ok already. We heard that many times."
Heidi: "Yes! Okay, what's the symptom...oh, it's saying 'okay'. Let me display it on their screens..."
Bonita: "Symptom #1: Saying okay. Okay. I mean, not okay. I mean, understood."
Cleon: "We now need to pay attention."
Bonita: "Everybody is staying silent now."
Nick: "Stop wasting everyone's time and admit you're sick. We need to know who's infected."
Barbara: " said okay just now."
Celine: "Anyone can say ok. It doesn't mean I'm infected."
Barbara: "But it's clearly a symptom."
Barbara: "You need to isolate yourself immediately Celine."
Celine: "Not gonna happen. At least not so soon. If I'm infected we would all be dead already. Besides, there's nowhere for us to isolate."
Barbara: "I think that lady over there is infected too."
Brenda: "The name's Brenda. And I didn't say okay just now."
Heidi: "The next symptom is hidden somewhere in this campsite."
Heidi: "Oh, didn't mean to interrupt a wedding."
Heidi: "But it must be done in the name of science."
Clay: "Will you marry me, Percy Biglow?"
Percy: "Yes! A million times yes!"
Heidi: "What does it even look like?"
Percy: "Clay Woody, will you marry me?"
Clay: "I do."
Heidi: "Barb will kill me if she knew I disrupted a wedding."
Heidi: "Could you stand up for a moment? I'm looking for something."
Erika: "Boo! Get out you wedding crasher!"
Hugo: "Finally it's clean. I better head back to the computer."
Hugo: "What? The symptom can be found in one of the rooms?"
Cleon: "I'll take a look inside."
Bonita: "Ok."
Cleon: "Did you just say ok?"
Viktor: "Does anyone have a nail cutter?"
Celine: "Nothing in here."
Cleon: "These are just the clothes."
Barbara: "The cabinets don't contain anything but dirty crockery. Maybe if I wash them something will be written on it."
Bonita: "Room 2, I think I'm infected. How many on your side are infected?"
Barbara: "At least two."
Bonita: "Everyone else seems fine so far. Should I come over to your room?"
Barbara: "No, it's not safe. If you come over, there will be 3/6 infected Sims. There could be a hidden fourth Sim that is infected and will cause the whole room to be infected."
Bonita: "Maybe the whole room is already infected?"
Bonita: "How about we send me and one safe Sim over?"
Barbara: "Yes that sounds good."
Selena: "I'm willing to go. I'm not infected."
Bonita: "You sit down."
Selena: "Ok."
Cleon: "What's going on?"
Bonita: "I think I'm infected, ok? So I will send myself and one non-infected Sim over to Room 2 so that the room doesn't cross the threshold."
Cleon: "I have to stay or there will be no contestant in Room 1. That probably isn't a good thing to have."
Nemoj ići nigdje gdje te moje oči ne vide.
Zašto je to opasno - to ni'ko nije rek'o joj.
Bonita: "It's one of these two. I'm thinking of sending the man over."
Cleon: "No. The man is suspicious. I think we should send the woman over."
Bonita: "Do what you want."
Cleon: "Room 2, we are sending Bonita and another woman over."
Barbara: "Aha! I found a note! The next symptom is that infected Sims will be disgusted when eating vegetables."
Barbara: "Celine, you are 100% infected."
Celine: "No I'm not. I've always hated vegetables."
Celine: "Nothing good will come out of me eating it."
Barbara: "But if you are not sick, you have to prove it."
Celine: "This doesn't prove anything."
Cleon: "Celine is sabotaging."
Celine: "I'm not. Fine. Nothing good will come out of this. I warned you."
Barbara: "I need to see your reaction."
Celine: "I'm lovin' it. Really. Best meal I ever had in a dingy campsite."
Bonita: "We are here."
Celine: "Why are you here?"
Barbara: "Room 1 sent them over. Bonita is sick but the other lady is not."
Celine: "I've eaten the vegetables. Happy now?"
Bonita: "It doesn't prove anything. You could be disgusted by it and still eat."
Celine: "Shut up."
Cleon: "Get over here."
Selena: "Why?"
Cleon: "I'm going to serve both of you your leafy greens. Eat it and tell me what it tastes like."
Nick: "You kidding me? I hate salads."
Nick: "But if it's what I must do to prove my health, it has to be done."
Selena: "Mmm, fresh."
Selena: "Mmm, fresh."
Cleon: "I think all of us are fine. Room 1, send over your healthy Sims."
Barbara: "I think we can wait a while for the next symptom."
Celine: "But in the mean time we can try and determine who are healthy and who are sick. The minimum healthy Sims here must be 4, or else all of us are infected."
Heidi: "Is it in here?"
Heidi: "Eek! Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt your...ahem...session."
Hugo: "The task I have to do to get the next symptom is to taste all the ingredients in this soup right?"
Deshaun: "That is correct. Bon Appetit."
Hugo: "I see carrots. There must be broth in there. I think green peas too."
Hugo: "Is that pot in there? Yes, I can smell it...I can remember it."
Hugo: "No it wasn't pot. It was weed...more than that. I sold more than that, but to her, only weed and pot. I couldn't ruin a young girl's life."
Hugo: "What a joke. Couldn't ruin a young girl's life but still sold to her. I need to focus."
Bonita: "Cleon said this woman is healthy so that is one."
Barbara: "I'm fine too so that's two."
Diane: "Who else?"
Hugo: "Found another symptom?"
Heidi: "No. I couldn't find the symptom in the whole campsite so I'm looking for another task."
Hugo: "I think there was carrots, green peas, pot and cucumbers in the soup...wrong? Was I supposed to include water?"
Heidi: "If I swing a little higher...aha! I see it! The next symptom of Smolepox is singing lyrics wrongly."
Bonita: "The three of you, sing a song."
Zed: "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?"
Bonita: "Enough. You next."
Viktor: "Daleko
Nemoj ići daleko - tako su rekli joj.Nemoj ići nigdje gdje te moje oči ne vide.
Zašto je to opasno - to ni'ko nije rek'o joj.
Slutila je sile koje čekaju ju, odavno."
Brenda: "Happy birthday to you. Repeated four times. Done."
Celine: "I think Viktor could be infected."
Barbara: "Was that Spanish?"
Bonita: "No, Croatian."
Celine: "I still think it's him. The other two seem fine."
Cleon: "Then why is there a threshold of 60%? I think there are two more sick Sims in Room 2."
Celine: "Or maybe there are two infected per room and you're hiding one of them from us."
Bonita: "Or you are infected too."
Cleon: "Ok I'll eat my vegetables to test."
Barbara: "You said ok. I think it's better you come over."
Celine: "It's too cramped. And if everyone's here that's not called isolation."
Bonita: "We send over the healthy ones."
Cleon: "Oh, there's no more vegetables in the fridge. Did you know there were only two plates?"
Celine: "We do now."
Barbara: "We must be very careful about who to give it to. I think we can give it to Brenda just to confirm if she really is fine."
Brenda: "Ew, this tastes like dog poo. Gross."
Celine: "We have our second infected Sim."
Cleon: "Great. Now send the healthy ones over. We're running out of time."
Celine: "Should we send him?"
Bonita: "I don't know."
Celine: "If we're all infected, we can just leave him in here to be infected too."
Zed: "Hey!"
Barbara: "He seems fine so far. I think we can let him cross over."
Bonita: "Room 2 is sending over three healthy Sims."
Barbara: "I'm still not sure about you, Cleon. Can you sing a song to ease my mind?"
Cleon: "Haiz...hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times...and that's all I know."
Barbara: "I suppose it will have to do. Now we just wait for the time to tick down."
The mission has ended. The contestants have tried to isolate the infected Sims from the healthy ones but did they succeed?
In Room 2, everyone is infected, but Celine and Bonita were originally healthy. However, as long as Room 1 consists of fully healthy Sims, 95 points would be earned.
Unfortunately, there is one Sim who is infected in Room 1: the lady in green. The mission has failed and no points have been earned.
The pot still stands at 301/740 points. The contestants are losing steam. Can they overtake the Mole or will the Mole have the last laugh?
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