Thursday, 1 September 2022

53.12-Bad boy at heart

Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to find a thief who had stolen 60 points from the pot in 4 hours. Despite their best efforts, they failed to do so in time, causing the pot to drop to 301/645 points. The blame game is on as the contestants try to figure out what went wrong. Will they figure out who the Mole is?

Bonita: "The mission was led by Wesley and it failed. He was the one in the city the whole time and could have stopped the thief."

Celine: "Wesley knew that the town was the end-point. So he sent us there, let us waste time and realise the thief isn't there so that we would leave. Not to mention he went radio silent multiple times."

Hugo: "Barbara was useless. I do not know why she left her post to go into the sea."

Bonita: "Celine was the one who said that the thief was near the lighthouse, causing everyone to go there and fail to make it back."

Heidi: "I usually have half the group as my suspect. I've been trying to find one more and I think I can include Cleon. Apart from Wesley he was the only one who was on land and he decided to drive to the furthest point possible at the most crucial moment."

Cleon: "Bonita said the thief was going back to the house so I went back."

Hugo: "Heidi was very enthusiastic but I don't know what she was doing. She even tried to mislead me at sea by making her sailboat suspicious so we wasted valuable time."

Cleon: "Everybody was so reactive, especially Barbara. If the thief had crossed the bridge, it means we should look beyond the bridge. We weren't anticipating enough."

Barbara: "I think there is no point in pointing fingers. Everybody has their part to play and as the one who had intelligence I should take the most responsibility. I should have done a better job coordinating."


Barbara: "Hello Wesley. What are you reading?"
Wesley: "Romeo and Juliet."

Barbara: "Shakespeare! It is rare to see someone be so interested in literature."

Bonita: "He's a rare species. He climbed up the tower in the church."

Barbara: "What? Is that true Wesley?"
Wesley: "Yes."
Barbara: "That's extremely dangerous! You could have fallen!"

Wesley: "I have trained before. I will not fall."
Barbara: "Train? Is this your joke about being a career hitman?"

Wesley: "It is not a joke."

Barbara: "I know you don't like to talk about yourself but there's no reason to lie."

Bonita: "Maybe he has a reason to lie."

Barbara: "If there's anything bothering you, you know you can come talk to me right?"
Bonita: "Let him keep his secrets."

Barbara: "Bonita, you're not helping. It's not good for someone to be so closed off."

Barbara: "Let's change topics. Can you tell me why you like to read?"
Wesley: "I never read before."
Barbara: "You didn't go to school?"
Wesley: "No."
Barbara: "Why not? Was it because your parents couldn't afford to send you to school?"

Wesley: "I do not have parents."

Barbara: "Oh you poor thing. You grew up in an orphanage?"

Wesley: "No. I grew up on the street."

Bonita: "No wonder you talk so slowly and robotically and unemotionally."
Barbara: "That explains why you eat like someone's going to steal your food. You must have starved."
Wesley: "Yes. Until Mary brought me home. She gave me food. She gave me a place to sleep. She trained me and if I did well I would get food."

Bonita: "And if you didn't?"
Wesley: "No food."
Bonita: "That is abuse!"

Barbara: "The training you talk about, is it to be a 'hitman' as you call it?"
Wesley: "Yes."

Barbara: "I'm worried Wesley has been kidnapped."
Bonita: "What a horrible mother to give birth and then abandon him! Since she decided to bring him into the world she should take responsibility."

Barbara: "I've seen cases of parental neglect and even parents who don't want their children before but nothing like this. I feel so sorry for this boy."


Heidi: "That's terrible!"
Barbara: "I'm thinking of calling the police but things are very tricky."

Heidi: "He's an adult now though. I'm not sure what you can do to help."
Barbara: "I have to at least try."

Heidi: "Barb, I know you want to help but there are some things that we can't do. You know that."

Barbara: "I do...if only I met him earlier. Maybe I could have helped him. I can tell he's not a bad boy at heart. He's just been misguided and brainwashed..."
Heidi: "It's not your fault."


Celine: "Oh no! Bobby!"

Celine: "Who killed you? Was it me? I knew I should have taken the lettuce out of that burger."

Hugo: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Celine: "Nevermind. You won't understand. Nobody understands me."

Celine: "I'm so sorry Bobby. I didn't think one leaf would be so potent."

Cleon: "Why did you kill the fish?"
Celine: "I didn't dummy."
Cleon: "I heard you say it yourself."

Celine: "I didn't kill him! It was the lettuce! And Freddy's still alive."
Cleon: "Typical. You have a wicked heart and you're blaming it on someone else."

Celine: "I can't believe I was ever in a coalition with you!"

Cleon: "And I can't believe I was ever interested in you."

Cleon: "I hope she didn't hear that. I wasn't supposed to say it out loud."

Hugo: "Sounds like the two of you have unresolved issues."
Celine: "He's just upset that I wanted to rope Wesley into our coalition."

Hugo: "Wesley? That' interesting choice."

Celine: "He's actually really nice. Like a puppy even. Very obedient."
Hugo: "So you're treating him like a pet?"

Celine: "I knew you wouldn't understand. I didn't understand him at first too. I thought he was abrasive at first and very rude. But that's just how he is. He just doesn't like talking. If you look beneath the surface you can see that. Just like how you dress like a gangster but you're not that shabby yourself."

Hugo: "Thanks. I've been struggling with myself recently. You know, I lost my memory. They have slowly been coming back to me and I'm afraid that I was a really bad Sim. But your words help me feel better about myself."

Hugo: "Cleon seems like a decent chap though."
Celine: "Some Sims are wolves in sheep's clothing."

Hugo: "Are you saying he's the Mole?"

Celine: "I didn't say that, but I'm not ruling out the possibility."


Hugo: "Hey Wesley. Can I ask you a question? How do you see yourself?"
Wesley: "I do not understand."

Hugo: "Do you think you're a good Sim or a bad Sim?"
Wesley: "Neither. I am just a Sim."

Hugo: "You're amoral?"
Wesley: "What is that?"
Hugo: "It means you don't care about good or bad."

Wesley: "Nobody taught me to care about good or bad. They only taught me how to fight."

Hugo: "Fight? For what?"
Wesley: "For food."

Hugo: "So you think whatever you do is right?"
Wesley: "I do whatever it takes to survive."

Hugo: "Maybe I was a survivalist too. That must be it, given the circumstances. I can't be too hard on myself. Maybe I killed Damon for survival too."


Cleon: "Left, left, no, the other way, no!"

Cleon: "You suck."
Heidi: "You think you can do better? Then let's have a 1v1."

Cleon: "I don't want to be accused of bullying."
Heidi: "Grab a controller bud."

Cleon: "Oh it's on. You pick the race track."

Cleon: "How are you doing better than just now?"
Heidi: "I play this track a lot with my niece."

Cleon: "Your niece sounds like a tomboy."
Heidi: "Thanks. We appreciate it."
Cleon: "Huh?"

Heidi: "We don't want her to be confined to what a girl should or should not do. If she rather play video games than dolls, so be it. I'm not all about princesses and dresses either although my sister had a phase."

Cleon: "I lost?"
Heidi: "Ha! Who's the champion? Who's the champion? Come on, say it."

Cleon: "You distracted me."
Heidi: "Don't be such a sore loser."

Heidi: "Aw, don't pull that face. It's just a game. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose."
Cleon: "I strongly prefer winning."

Heidi: "Well there's still one main game you can win."
Cleon: "What's that?"

Heidi: "The show you're on right now, of course. Unless you're admitting you're the Mole?"

Cleon: "We'll have to wait and see."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have body hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: How many other contestants share a room with the Mole?
A: 1
B: 2

Q4: At the start of Mission 6, where did the Mole sit?
A: Two-seater
B: Three-seater

Q5: What did the Mole wear at the start of Mission 6?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear

Q6: Did the Mole use a car in Mission 6?
A: Yes, a red car
B: Yes, a blue car
C: No, the Mole used only taxis

Q7: In Mission 6, where did the Mole initially go to?
A: The commercial district
B: The town centre
C: The vineyards
D: The golf club area
E: The area between the two bridges

Q8: In Mission 6, which of the following places did the Mole visit?
A: The nectary
B: The science facility
C: The gym
D: The church
E: The hotel

Q9: Who was the Mole with at the end of Mission 6?
A: With Hugo
B: With Heidi
C: With Bonita
D: With Barbara
E: The Mole was alone

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cleon Qwik
B: Heidi Pachiam-Boey
C: Barbara O'Reilly
D: Wesley Snopes
E: Hugo Clemens
F: Bonita Perez
G: Celine Sea


Today's execution ceremony will be at Uvala Beach. 6 contestants will meet here but one will not.

Celine: "I'm the first to arrive."

Cleon: "And it says my destination is up ahead. It must be the beach."

Bonita: "What a beautiful day to tan."

Hugo: "I see everyone sitting under the umbrellas."

Barbara: "The sun is setting. Just in time for me to arrive."

Will Heidi Pachiam-Boey be executed?

Or will Wesley Snopes be executed instead?

Heidi: "I'm here!"

Wesley: "There are two boats here. I do not see anyone."

"Wesley Snopes, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Wesley: "I thought I was an elite. I have been beaten by the Mole. Fooled twice onto the wrong suspect. I have a lot to reflect on."

Wesley: "I am ready to face my punishment, Mary."
"Thank you for joining, Wesley. We hope to see you again."

Wesley the hitman failed to target the Mole and got executed instead! Who is the Mole that killed the killer?

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