On the Smole, the contestants had to pair up and give each other directions. 100/160 points were earned, making the pot 361/645 points. Hugo and Bonita both secured an exemption for themselves, leaving Humphrey to be executed in their place. Will either of them be executed next, or is either of them the Mole?
Celine: "Why are you dancing by yourself in the corner?"
Bonita: "I am just expressing myself."
Celine: "Why? Is it because Humphrey was executed?"
Bonita: "Yes. We argued before he was executed. I never got to finish teaching him how to dance either. We are ultimately both emotional Sims and he was a good confidant and friend. I miss him."
Celine: "I thought Cleon was a friend too but I was wrong."
Bonita: "What did you say?"
Celine: "You shouldn't get too attached to anyone in this game. Anyone can leave after all."
"Contestants, I have bad news for you. Last night, someone stole 60 from the pot. The pot has been reduced to 301/645 points. However, you can get those points back if you are able to find the thief and corner the thief to give back the points. You have 4 hours for this. The information shown on the screen in front of you is what we have gathered so far. Good luck."
Cleon: "It shows that the camera footage from the house shows that the suspect left only a couple hours ago and went left."
Hugo: "Plavi Raj is huge. There's no way we can track down the thief."
Bonita: "Now a map is showing."
Heidi: "Where are we?"
Wesley: "Here."
Barbara: "I suggest we split up to cover more ground. The night venues will not be open so early, so the thief cannot be there."
Celine: "You look like you have something to say."
Wesley: "I do. The city area is the most dense. We need more Sims to cover ground there, and one to get a vantage point. The thief is unlikely to linger around the area, so only one of us needs to be there and walk along the river up to the waterfall. One of us can go to the business district. The vineyard area is very open except for the campsite. One of us can go there. One of us can explore the area between the bridges."
Celine: "Sounds like he's got it all mapped out. Maybe you really are a hitman."
Cleon: "I think the manpower is spread too thinly."
Celine: "We don't have enough manpower dummy."
Wesley: "The highest point is at the church. I can go there."
Bonita: "I will join you at the city. I will not let anyone take our points away."
Celine: "The city's probably the cleanest area right? I'm going with you."
Heidi: "I'll take the vineyards."
Barbara: "I will go to the business district."
Cleon: "I will search between the bridges."
Hugo: "You said the thief is unlikely to be in the area right? Then I'll take this one and do a quick sweep and join whoever needs help."
Barbara: "We also need someone to do intelligence. We can get a report every 45 minutes on the last known location of the thief. I'm willing to do it if nobody minds."
Heidi: "We trust you. It sounds like we have a plan."
Hugo: "Anybody home?"
Barbara: "I should start with this building."
Cleon: "The thief was said to be wearing black. Have you seen anyone wearing black pass by in the last couple of hours?"
Tom: "Can't say I have. But there were many cars that drove past us earlier today in the wee hours."
Cleon: "Then that's a dead end. I'll keep searching the area. One...by...one..."
Celine: "We're in the city."
Bonita: "The church is there."
Wesley: "I will climb up. You and you can search the surrounding area."
Celine: "Oh my god! Is he crazy? We need to stop him!"
Bonita: "Ai yai yai, this is what they call a mad lad."
Wesley: "Oh. There is an elevator here. But it does not go higher above."
Wesley: "This brick is jutting out."
Wesley: "Almost there."
Celine: "I...I think I need to sit down."
Bonita: "What is he made of?"
Wesley: "GO!"
Hugo: "Only three Sims here."
Hugo: "The suspect was wearing black...I caught you, thief."
Colette: "Thief? You have a fertile imagination. You think this is the Wild West?"
Hugo: "So you're not it?"
Colette: "I don't know what you're talking about. If you want to play cowboy there's a horse ranch over there."
Hugo: "Oh. Maybe the thief found a horse."
Heidi: "Not a soul to be seen for miles. That's depressing."
Celine: "This is totally not creepy. Hey, where's Bonita?"
Bonita: "Are you in here? No."
Bonita: "Are you in here? No."
Bonita: "Are you in here? No again."
Heidi: "Hello? Anybody home?"
Barbara: "Oh, what is this? New intelligence. I better tell the rest."
Barbara: "Attention everybody. I have new information: the thief crossed a bridge. Over."
Cleon: "I already knew that."
Hugo: "To the bridge!"
Hugo: "I thought riding on horseback would be faster. Is there a gas pedal I can step on?"
Barbara: "I should show some initiative and scout the sea in case they try to escape by boat."
Cleon: "Wesley said not to check the nightclubs...but what if the thief is hiding in here because it's closed?"
Heidi: "Hi there. Did you see a man in black pass by?"
Jayme: "No. Business has been slow today. You are my first customer."
Heidi: "I see. Can I take a look in there?"
Jayme: "No. That's for employees only."
Heidi: "Suspicious. Almost like..."
Heidi: "...you're hiding a thief in there!"
Jayme: "No entry!"
Jayme: "No entry!"
Heidi: "I got banned from the nectary shop. Not my proudest moment."
Barbara: "Attention everyone. I have new intelligence. The car the thief used was found abandoned by the gym. A gym-goer said somebody hot-wired their car and sped off with it."
Cleon: "What kind of car is it?"
Barbara: "I'm not sure."
Cleon: "Okay. I'm heading over to the gym."
Hugo: "I'll join you at the gym as soon as I get rid of this horse."
Cleon: "Horse?"
Hugo: "Long story."

Wesley: "If only they did not take away my sniper rifle. I have to rely on the others. I am not used to that."
Celine: "Bonita, there you are. Did you see anyone suspicious?"
Bonita: "No."
Bonita: "No."
Bonita: "There is a car!"
Celine: "After it!"
Heidi: "The vineyards are clear. I'm going over to the city to assist. Wesley, you've been very quiet. How are things over there? Wesley? Celine? Bonita?"
Celine: "We're giving a car chase."
Heidi: "Where?"
Celine: "Where did it go?"
Bonita: "We lost it!"
Celine: "The thief could only have gone in there."
Bonita: "Isn't this Heidi's area?"
Cleon: "I'm at the gym and we spoke to the car owner. The car was a silver Big Lemon."
Bonita: "We chased after the wrong car."
Celine: "Update: Heidi, you don't need to come over. The car wasn't a Big Lemon."
Cleon: "What took you so long?"
Hugo: "Sorry. I needed to hail a taxi."
Hugo: "Where's the car victim?"
Cleon: "He left long ago. Do you think the thief went back the way we came?"
Barbara: "I have new intelligence from the bridge authority. A suspicious man in a silver car crossed another bridge. I'm going over to the long one now. Over."
Hugo: "Damn it. We went the wrong way."
Barbara: "Wesley, I'm here in the city. Can you tell me where you are? Wesley?"
Wesley: "A blue car just came in. That is the car we drove. Why did they not station themselves?"
Bonita: "It's starting to rain."
Celine: "Can we end the mission now then?"
Barbara: "Just to update everyone, I am waiting under the long bridge and I have not seen any Big Lemons drive past."
Barbara: "I think the car drove past this bridge long ago."
Wesley: "No suspicious activity in the city area. Requesting status update from the other locations."
Cleon: "Hugo and I are driving on the bridge."
Celine: "I am asking the clothes store owner if anyone came in to get a disguise."
Celine: "Ooh, this dress is not bad."
Bonita: "I am observing a potential suspect. He is sitting in the rain reading a book."
Heidi: "You should approach him Bonita. Where are you? I'll join you."
Bonita: "Disgusting!"
Bonita: "Nevermind. He is a flasher not a thief."
Barbara: "I got another update. The stolen car has been found abandoned by the road near a beach."

Cleon: "Everyone needs to be more reactive. Go to all the beaches!"
Hugo: "And tell us which beach you're at!"

Wesley: "I do not see a car in this beach."
Bonita: "There is a beach near the city. I am going there. I saw boats. The thief could be planning to escape by boat at the beach."
Celine: "The lighthouse! The thief could be at the lighthouse! I'm with a taxi driver and he told me shady things happen at the lighthouse."
Heidi: "Barb, you're on a boat right? You should help keep a lookout for any boats."
Barbara: "But the sea is so vast."
Heidi: "I'll join you."
Barbara: "Hi everyone. I think I found the car. It's at a beach near the long bridge."
Wesley: "Copy that. The thief has already escaped by sea. Everyone is to scour the sea."

Hugo: "I see a suspicious sailboat. It's trying to row very quickly. I think that's the thief making his escape."
Heidi: "I see it too. It's near an island. I'm going after it."

Bonita: "Yes. There is a sailboat near the island going back to our house."
Celine: "Oh of course they'll pull a stunt like that. Send us on one big goose chase only to end up where we started."
Cleon: "I'm nearing our house. I'm going to keep a look out for any boats that reach shore."
Heidi: "Wait a moment..."
Hugo: "The one I was chasing was you?"
Barbara: "Hello. I just received another intelligence. The suspect was spotted near town."
Heidi: "You've got to be kidding me. I just came from there."
Wesley: "I saw a man in black leave a house."
Celine: "Then do something! I'm still trying to find a place to dock. Oh wait, you're stuck on the church tower."
Heidi: "Hurry up!"
Hugo: "I am!"
Bonita: "We will not make it back in time."
Barbara: "I hope the others can catch the thief."
Cleon: "I have to go all the way back."
Hugo: "Where's the thief?"
Heidi: "Now is not the time for an umbrella!"
Wesley: "The thief left the port from the other side."
After 4 hours, the group failed to catch the thief, leaving the pot at 301/645 points. Was it the Mole's fault?
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