Friday, 12 August 2022

53.04-Fanservice an old man and a weirdo


Last time on the Smole, Hugo and Wesley were treated to short snippets from famous musicals performed by the others and had to identify them. They only identified the first two and Brie's clues were of no help, leading to 40/100 or 160/220 points for the pot. Things did not go as planned. Was it the Mole's fault? Who is the Mole?

Elijah: "I want to know what happened back there."

Celine: "Hugo and Wesley sucked. Wasn't it obvious?"

Elijah: "I meant with us. Heidi was supposed to go fourth and you were supposed to appear in the last musical. And why was it that only Heidi and Wallace appeared in the last scene?"

Heidi: "There was a change of plans. Celine was very familiar with the High School Musical song so we switched."

Humphrey: "Cleon and I couldn't find a wheelchair and we didn't really have any lines so Wallace suggested to just stay out of it so that the scene was more focused."

Elijah: "And you all just went with it?"

Cleon: "He wasn't going to go up unless we agreed to his changes and he was the only one willing to cross-dress."

Celine: "I think it went fine so I don't know why you're so hung up about it."

Elijah: "We had a plan that we all agreed on. Nobody should be changing it without approval from the rest. Heidi was supposed to be Gabriella and you were supposed to be Janet."

Celine: "I wasn't going to fanservice an old man and a weirdo."

Elijah: "And you decided to not voice it when we brought it up."
Celine: "I didn't know what I had to do then. God, can you stop being so annoying?"
Heidi: "I think each of you can say one word less."

Cleon: "To be fair, you also made some last-minute changes. Barbara was supposed to play dead but you decided to include her in the second musical. And you were okay when Wallace and Humphrey couldn't find dance costumes."

Humphrey: "I still don't see how it makes sense for a gang fight."
Elijah: "That was how it was like on Glee."
Celine: "Chill man. We're not the ones you should be picking a fight with."

Elijah: "You're right. Where is Wallace Phallace?"


Hugo: "So that's what West Side Story is about...or whatever I could see of it anyway. Brie's hair was blocking my view."
Brie: "What a lame excuse."

Hugo: "You should groom yourself."
Brie: "Not your problem."
Hugo: "I remember when I first woke up, my hair was very unkempt. I made sure to fix that."

Barbara: "Do you watch movies often, Wesley?"
Wesley: "No."
Barbara: "...Ever?"
Wesley: "No."

Barbara: "What did you like to do when you were younger?"
Wesley: "Train."
Barbara: "Beyond that?"
Wesley: "Eat. Sleep."
Hugo: "Guess not everyone wants to talk about their life."
Brie: "Relatable."


Barbara: "I want to believe that everyone did their best, but there are some things that strike me. For example, Elijah was taking the lead in the discussion of which scenes to re-enact and for some reason he didn't consider that for West Side Story, there is a more iconic scene that was perfect for Bonita to perform. It may have been even clearer rather than silent dance-fighting."


Wallace: "Someone's angry."
Bonita: "I am not angry."
Wallace: "You're angry-dancing."

Bonita: "I am just expressing my emotion."

Bonita: "I'm disappointed that I could not get a chance to shine, or even speak. Each scene had a limited time so they used the first part of the song."
Wallace: "Because we don't have a rope for you to suspend you from."

Bonita: "I know. But I am still upset."
Wallace: "That's why you should have voiced your opinion."
Bonita: "You voice it too much."
Wallace: "Nonsense. You gotta be firm and loud if you want others to take you seriously."

Bonita: "Others would take you more seriously if you did not wear a gnome outfit all the time."
Wallace: "What do you know? I'm just dedicated to my craft."


Celine: "I knew I'd find you here."

Celine: "You say you're a hitman, right? Prove it."
Wesley: "I can't."
Celine: "Why not?"
Wesley: "The targets are dead."

Celine: "Okay wise guy, then tell me: how do you decide who to hit?"
Wesley: "Mary tells me."
Celine: "Who's Mary?"
Wesley: "My boss."
Celine: "And how does she decide?"
Wesley: "When clients pay her."

Wesley: "Mary does not appreciate anyone asking too many questions."

Celine: "So if I tell you to hit Wallace, you won't do it?"
Wesley: "No."
Celine: "If I pay you?"
Wesley: "No. Only Mary tells me what to do."

Celine: "You're not going to ask me why I asked if you would off Wallace?"
Wesley: "No."
Celine: "Well to avoid any misunderstanding, it was only to test your reaction."

Celine: "Real hitman or not, that guy is a certified weirdo."


Humphrey: "Hi Bonita."
Bonita: "Hello Humphrey. Are you here to learn how to dance?"
Humphrey: "Huh?"

Bonita: "You said you wanted to learn how to dance. Was that just to patronise me?"

Humphrey: "Oh, no of course not. I was just, err, occupied with the Smole stuff. But yeah, I'd like to learn."
Bonita: "Then let's start."

Humphrey: "Now?"
Bonita: "Show me what I am working with."

Humphrey: "What have I gotten myself into?"

Humphrey: "What do I do?"
Bonita: "Whatever you want."

Humphrey: "I can't really dance, so I'll just...tap my feet?"

Bonita: "Good, good. You have rhythm."
Humphrey: "Thank you."
Bonita: "Your footwork needs a lot of work though."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Anesthesiologist
B: Social Worker
C: Professional Hitman
D: Wildlife Conservation Researcher
E: Car Salesman
F: Flamenco Dancer
G: Costume Designer
H: University Student
I: Unemployed

Q3: Does the Mole sleep in a double bed?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: What role did the Mole play in Mission 2?
A: Performer
B: Audience
C: Reviewer

Q5: What musical re-enactment did the Mole first appear in in Mission 2?
A: The Greatest Showman
B: Hamilton
C: West Side Story
D: High School Musical
E: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
F: The Mole did not perform

Q6: In Mission 2, which of the following roles did the Mole play?
A: Anne Wheeler
B: Phillip Carlyle
C: Alexander Hamilton
D: Eliza Hamilton
E: Bernardo Vasquez
F: Troy Bolton
G: Gabriella Montez
H: Janet Weiss
I: The Mole did not play a character

Q7: Did the Mole identify a musical correctly in Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Not applicable

Q8: In Mission 2, how many performances did the Mole act in?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5

Q9: Did the Mole speak during Mission 2?
A: Yes
B: No 

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cleon Qwik
B: Heidi Pachiam-Boey
C: Barbara O'Reilly
D: Wesley Snopes
E: Brie Rhiannon
F: Humphrey Hotness
G: Elijah Elliott
H: Hugo Clemens
I: Bonita Perez
J: Wallace Phallace
K: Celine Sea


Barbara: "It's raining. They should have cancelled the execution ceremony. They didn't even provide an umbrella. What if we catch a cold?"

Barbara: "I've arrived. I hope I'm at the right location...oh, there's something there."

Barbara: "Just what I needed."

Heidi: "An umbrella!"

Wesley: "In the umbrella is a note; Congratulations, you are safe."

Cleon: "The umbrella was hidden in the bush. I wonder where everyone else is. Maybe they switched things up for this ceremony."

Humphrey: "Why is nobody else here? Have I been executed?"

Humphrey: "Hey an umbrella...oh, I'm safe!"

Bonita: "In my favourite colour too."

Hugo: "Bonita found an umbrella. Am I supposed to find one too or did she take the only one here?"

Elijah: "I'm still in this race."

Wallace: "Ahoy! What do we have here?"

Wallace: "A blue umbrella just for me. And it has a note too."

Hugo: "Well camouflaged. I was worried for a moment there."

Only two contestants left to find their umbrella to the next episode. Who will find it? Will it be Brie Rhiannon?

Or will it be Celine Sea?

Celine: "An umbrella! Just what I need, albeit too late."

Celine: "What's this? Congra...oh. Well that's great but it didn't have to be at my expense."

Brie: "I've been standing around and nothing. What's going on?"
"Unfortunately, Brie Rhiannon, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Brie: "Oh...I saw it coming. I thought I had the best position in the mission but it turns out I had the worst. I had no idea what happened. And my social game is bad. I don't think I would have gotten further anyway so at least I got my feet wet."
"Thank you for the pun and for participating. We hope to see you again."

Brie the loner has been singled out snd executed! Does the Mole blend in? Who is the Mole's next target?

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