Monday, 15 August 2022

53.05-That's kinda racist

The last time on the Smole, the contestants had to re-enact scenes from musicals for Hugo and Wesley, who in turn only identified 2 of the 5 scenes and brought in 40/100 points. Brie found herself isolated from the group during the mission and at the execution ceremony as she was the next to be executed. Who will be executed next? With 160/220 points in the pot currently, can the group do better or will the Mole stand in the way? And of course, who is the Mole?

Wallace: "So I found out Elijah's been doing some mudslinging behind my back, accusing me of ruining everything. He's trying to make me the bad guy. I got my eye on you, Elijah."


Celine: "Ew, is salad all they have left? Don't blame me if anything goes wrong later."

Wallace: "Look who finally decided to join us."
Bonita: "We were all waiting for you."
Barbara: "Apparently there is news for us."

"Good morning contestants. I need you to form two teams. In each team, two of you will be playing Scrabble. The rest of you will help to find letters."

Heidi: "Scrabble? I'm bad at that. I can never grasp all the weird letter combinations that are somehow words."
Bonita: "I can do Scrabble."

Humphrey: "Are you sure Bonita? Because you're Spanish and all."
Bonita: "I played Scrabble a lot when I tried to learn Simlish. Don't doubt me."
Elijah: "That's kinda racist."

Hugo: "That's one Scrabbler. Anyone else want to volunteer? 'Cause it for sure ain't gonna be me."

Barbara: "I can try."
Cleon: "Me too."
Celine: "Fine, whatever. If nobody else is gonna step up then I'll play Scrabble."

Elijah: "Are we all in agreement?"
Wallace: "No."
Elijah: "Anyone else? No? Then overruled, Wallace."
Humphrey: "We still need to decide on the teams."

Celine: "I wanna work with Cleon."
Barbara: "Then I'll work with Bonita. Okay?"
Bonita: "Si."

Bonita: "I think the Scrabblers should choose their team."
Wallace: "No."
Bonita: "Then you should have volunteered earlier. Now it's too late."

Bonita, Barbara, Celine and Cleon are headed to Knijga Library to play a good old game of Scrabble, where they can earn up to 175 points (or more) depending on what words they play. 

They start off with a set of letters and can form words with them. Each Scrabble point is worth half of a Smole point.

However, contestants may find that they will soon run out of letters. They thus require the help of their teammates to find letters. 

Contestants must get pairs of letters each time. They do this by getting the initials of the Sims around town. At the end of the game or 2 hours, the winning team will have a prize in store.

Bonita: " you know what word we can form?"

Barbara: "I can think of BEAR. Your go."
Cleon: "RCAMNAI...criminal, no that's not right..."

Celine: "They made it easy for us. We can play CRAM here."

Bonita: "We need more letters. If we can get P and K, we can attach it to the end of CRAMP. Or we can form COIN if we have I and N."
Barbara: "I'm going to tell the others to collect the letters."
Celine: "It's a good thing we sent our team to collect whatever letters they can find."


Humphrey: "Any suggestions on where is a good place to go and meet new Sims?"
Hugo: "I'm not from here so I have no idea."
Humphrey: "Wesley?"
Hugo: "Don't bother asking him."
Wesley: "We are to collect initials. What are your initials?"
Driver: "Me? Ivan Novak."
Humphrey: "Those are the letters we need!"

Heidi: "Hey, stop!"

Heidi: "Excuse me. What's your name?"
Randall: "Randall Profittor."
Heidi: "R and it. Thank you! I'm Heidi Pachiam-Boey by the way. I actually don't live here..."


Heidi: "The spring festival was a gold mine. I met Randall Profittor, Muhammed Bagley, Nikole Stinson, Tom Stapleson and Ana Matic to name a few. And because I already met them, nobody else could reuse them."


Elijah: "The music is hurting my ears. But there's nobody here in the nightclub...which makes sense since it's not night."

Wallace: "What kind of outfit is that?"
Paulette: "Got a problem?"
Wallace: "Of course!"


Celine: "ANAL. 5 points."
Bonita: "We need more letters again."
Celine: "You're really slowing the game down."


Hugo: "I think we should split up. This is really wasting a lot of time."
Wesley: "I agree."
Humphrey: "Okay. I'll go back and report whatever names we got so far in case it comes in handy."

Elijah: "I only see horses at the beach. The residents must all be indoors on this foggy day."


Bonita: "IJ? What do I do with a J?"
Barbara: "We can think about that later. For now, I think we can form HISS."
Bonita: "Yes. You're right. I know where to place it."

Celine: "Not bad."
Cleon: "Heidi just passed me a bunch of letters."
Celine: "Excellent, but we can only hold 7 at a time."
Cleon: "Let's sacrifice these pairings then."

Wallace: "I'm finally here at this god-forsaken place. Just to give them two bloody letters."


Cleon: "That's the best we can put."
Celine: "Ugh, we need more vowels."


Hugo: "What a seedy-looking parking lot."

Hugo: "The Blackfyres...the name sounds familiar...ugh, why does my head hurt?"

Hugo: "Hey, there's someone there."

Hugo: "You there! What's your name?"
Ashley: "Eek! The police!"

Hugo: "I'm not the police...and she's gone."


Barbara: "Bonita has a secret talent in Scrabble. She wasn't kidding when she said she knew how to play."


Barbara: "Wesley just gave us the vowels we needed."
Bonita: "I play VESPA."
Barbara: "Wow you're good."

Celine: "I can't believe we're losing to a foreigner. We need to catch up and play a word on the pink square."
Cleon: "Is ENT a word?"
Celine: "I don't think so. We have to be careful about what we play as invalid words don't count."

Heidi: "I'm here with two letters!"
Cleon: "Just in time."


Elijah: "Finally I meet a soul."

Elijah: "Hi there, nice to meet you. What's your name?"
Alexandra: "Alexandra Cordero. And yours?"
Elijah: "Elijah Elliott."


Barbara: "PAR. And we're out of letters."
Bonita: "Why are they so slow?"
Celine: "I told you we shouldn't have played CAT. We gave them another chance to double the word."

Cleon: "We can form PARS."
Celine: "Wait! Don't play that. We'll be giving them another opening with that triple word tile beside."
Cleon: " about we stall? We wait until we get better tiles."
Celine: "Sounds good to me."


Humphrey: "All right, who do we have here?"

Wesley: "What is your name?"
Mateo: "Mateo Bodul."
Wesley: "Okay. You can stop now."
Mateo: "Here? In the middle of nowhere?"
Wesley: "Yes. No. Bring me to the library first."

Wallace: "What's your name, boy?"
Ari: "Ari."
Wallace: "Last name?"
Ari: "Case."
Wallace: "Good. Ari Case, your drinks suck."


Celine: "Took Wallace long enough."
Cleon: "We have too many letters. I say we get rid of this pairing. Then we can spell AS."
Celine: "Or better yet, ASH."


Heidi: "20 minutes left. I need to hurry."

Heidi: "Hello? Anybody home?"

Heidi: "Hey, someone's there! Excuse me, can you stop for a moment?"

Jesse: "Oh no wrong way! Sorry I'm late. Could you move out of the way?"
Heidi: "Wait, could I at least have your full name?"
Jesse: "Jesse Rushing. Now excuse me."


"Time is up. Contestants, you each get a chance to play one final word before the final scores are tallied."
Barbara: "What word can we play to make this count?"
Bonita: "BAMS...No, ANALS. We can claim the double letter."

Celine: "We need to get rid of the J."
Cleon: "We have nowhere to put it. We shouldn't have accepted the last letters from Heidi."
Celine: "Damn it. We pass. We can't form a word. This is going to cost us."

"The Scrabble game has ended. We have tallied your points. Bonita and Barbara, your last word is not valid. Hence, the S will be counted as a leftover tile to be deducted from your final score. Barbara and Bonita, your score is 102. Cleon and Celine, your final score is 88. Congratulations to Team Barbara and Bonita for winning."

Bonita: "We won!"
Barbara: "Good game."
Cleon: "Good game my ass."

Cleon: "We were turning the tables. We were sabotaged."
Celine: "Woah chill."

"Cleon and Celine, please take your leave. Bonita and Barbara, we will be calling your teammates over. Please wait."
Barbara: "You played really well. We couldn't have won without you."
Bonita: "You were very calm and clearheaded too to help me avoid mistakes."


"Congratulations team. As the winning team, you get a chance at an exemption. However, only one of you can get it. 95 points have been earned in this mission. Each of you can bid up to 95 points. The exemption will go to the bidder who gets the closest to the average without going over. Barbara, may we start with you?"
Barbara: "Surely."

Barbara: "This group doesn't look like the sort to waste all our hard work. I'm the first so there's no knowing what the average might be so I'll bid what I'm comfortable with: 10 points."

Bonita: "Hugo might try to bid high and Wesley is hard to read. Maybe Humphrey too. I worked the hardest in this mission. I should get the exemption. I need to pick a good number...70 points."

Hugo: "I'm not sure what the rest bid. What is a safe number to go for? Maybe I'll go with the average, which is about 50 points."

Humphrey: "I can't bid too high or I'll go over. But I also really want that exemption. It's the first exemption of the season! I'm in a dilemma. I think I'll go with a number that's slightly over a third but less than half, like...35, no, 36 points."

Wesley: "I need to be precise but I do not know how the others put their bids...32 points."

"Contestants, you have made your bids. The average bid is 39.6 points. The closest bidder is Humphrey, with 36 points. Congratulations. This means your final earnings for this mission will be 59/175 points."
Barbara: "That's disappointing."

Humphrey has claimed the first exemption of the season. Was it worth it? Who will go home if not Humphrey? Who is the Mole and will never go home?

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