In the previous mission, the contestants divided themselves into three groups. Cleon, Celine and Wallace chose movies and identified 2/10 movies correctly based on three-word clues. Barbara, Hugo and Wesley went with books and did better, identifying 7/10 books. Bonita, Heidi and Humphrey chose songs and identified 5/10 correctly. All in all, 42/90 points were earned for the pot to make it 261/485 points. With no exemption to save anyone, anyone could be executed next -- except the Mole. Who is the Mole?
Humphrey: "Coming here to learn how to dance was not on my list when I joined the Smole, but I'm actually enjoying our dance lessons. Bonita says I'm a fast learner too."
Bonita: "Stamp, stamp, stamp, and up! Higher, like this."
Bonita: "Let's try again."
Bonita: "Stop!"
Humphrey: "Did I do something wrong?"
Bonita: "No, no, it was me. You are very sensual."
Humphrey: "Oh sorry. I thought flamenco required us to be physically closer, so I..."
Bonita: "No need to explain. You are right. It is my fault."
Humphrey: "Are you worried about what your husband might think?"
Bonita: "I..."
Bonita: "I actually do not have a husband. Keep this a secret."
Humphrey: "Oh I thought..."
Bonita: "You thought exactly what I want everyone to think. I just want to tell everyone that I'm not looking for a partner in life."
Humphrey: "I see."
Bonita: "...I just haven't moved on yet."
Humphrey: "I understand. Sometimes I also wonder. When should we move on from a relationship? When should we stay, even after the other party has long gone?"
Bonita: "Oh, you did not learn to dance for your girlfriend?"
Humphrey: "No. I'm single."
Humphrey: "I used to have a girlfriend, but she broke up with me two months ago. Two months...she must be doing fine now and moved on. But I just can't do the same. It feels like I'm cheating even though we aren't together any more. It just doesn't feel right."
Humphrey: "Sorry. We were here to learn to dance not hear my sob story."
Bonita: "Channel that emotion into your dance. Let's try again."
Barbara: "You should eat more, dear."
Cleon: "This is enough for me."
Barbara: "Are you sure? It looks so little. And you're so skinny."
Barbara: "I'll go make you something more nutritious."
Cleon: "You don't have to."
Barbara: "It'll be my pleasure to."
Cleon: "I said no!"
Barbara: "Is something bothering you?"
Cleon: "Yes. You."
Barbara: "Oh. I didn't realise you thought that way. I only wanted to help."
Cleon: "You only want to make me fat. Like they all do."
Barbara: "They? Who are 'they'?"
Cleon: "My parents. They just won't listen if I say no or if I'm full. They'll make sure to stack mountains and mountains of food and force-feed me and get upset if I don't finish the whole bowl."
Barbara: "They're just trying to show you their love for you."
Cleon: "By gorging me?"
Barbara: "By giving you food. Food is love. I'm guessing you don't like it?"
Cleon: "They're not respecting me. I'm an adult now. I can make my own decisions."
Barbara: "As a mother myself, I can understand where they're coming from. It's not easy to let go of your child even though you know it's the right thing to do. Have you told them how you feel?"
Cleon: "Of course. I know they just want to protect me but I rather make my own mistakes."
Barbara: "You sound like a very mature boy. You just need to give them time and perhaps show them how you can take care of yourself."
Cleon: "If only they were more like you, Barbara."
Barbara: "I'm flattered but I believe they'll come round eventually. You can use your time on the Smole to show them."
Cleon: "You're right. Thanks."
Barbara: "You're welcome."
Celine: "Salad again? Who keeps making salad?"
Celine: "Aah! Why the hell are you standing so close to me?"
Celine: "What are you...oh, you want this? Here, you can have it."
Wesley: "Really?"
Celine: "Yeah, just take it. I'll go find something else to eat."
Wesley: "Are we friends now?"
Celine: "Friends?"
Celine: "Oh, of course we're friends now, dummy."
Wesley: "Do not call me dummy."
Celine: "Right. Got it."
Celine: "Anyway, friends tell each other everything including suspects. So who do you suspect to be the Mole?"
Wesley: "I do not know."
Celine: "I thought we were friends."
Wesley: "We are. But I really do not know. I suspected Elijah but I was wrong. I need to sharpen my skills."
Wesley: "We are friends, so who do you suspect?"
Celine: "How dare you use it against me...I mean, I don't know either. I thought it was Elijah too."
Wallace: "Did I hear that right? Did Wesley just call you his friend?"
Wesley: "Yes."
Wallace: "Someone as dumb as you can make friends? Pigs will fly."
Wesley: "I am not dumb."
Wallace: "You're dumber than a brick. Don't think you became smarter just because you read a few books."
Wesley: "I am not dumb."
Celine: "Careful now. He's a hitman. If you make him mad he'll kill you in your sleep."
Wesley: "I will not. I only kill if told by Mary."
Wallace: "Who's Mary? You know what? Nevermind. You're not just dumb. You're retarded. A hitman? Please. Come up with a better threat."
Wallace: "Now go eat your veggies like a good boy."
Celine: "He really went to eat as told? Oh my god, he really is retarded."
Celine: "Having a 'hitman' as a 'friend' could be really useful. I suspect Wesley's actually autistic so he's going to give me honest information, which I can milk all the way to my advantage. Aren't I smart?"
Cleon: "I've been thinking. For someone who keeps failing her exams, Celine sure is smarter than she seems. She solved the puzzle in the first mission, can memorise lines and information well and she can strategise. I hope she's not pretending to be dumb."
Hugo: "This feels good."
Heidi: "It does, yeah? It's always good to pamper ourselves once in a while."
Hugo: "Only if we got the money."
Heidi: "I'm going to get a drink. You want one?"
Hugo: "Nah I'm good. Hey, can I ask you about your tattoo?"
Heidi: "Oh, the one on my back? It's a tribal tattoo. All the men and women in my tribe get one on their back. Pretty cool, right?"
Hugo: "I wonder if my tattoo has a similar meaning too."
Heidi: "You have a mermaid on your chest. I'm not sure what it means but I'm pretty sure it's not a tribe."
Hugo: "Maybe I was a bad man in my past life after all."
Heidi: "Hey now. Not all tattoos are for bad boys. And so what if you were in the past? What matters is now, and you seem like a decent man right now."
Hugo: "Thanks for the consolation but who's to say that I am right now? I just forgot my memories."
Hugo: "Anyway, didn't you say you wanted a drink? Let's go grab one."
Hugo: "I can't believe I'm actually indulging myself right now."
Heidi: "There are health benefits to it, so let loose once in a while."
Hugo: "They have beer here. Hey, do you drink beer?"
Heidi: "Not really. I prefer a classic fruity cocktail."
Hugo: "Well today's your day to try something new."
Hugo: "Cheers."
Heidi: "Cheers."
Hugo: "Aah, refreshing."
Hugo: "Ugghh..."
Hugo: "I poured one out..."
Heidi: "Are you okay? You look a bit dazed. Do you need medical attention?"
Hugo: ", I'm fine. I just need to be alone right now."
Hugo: "I...I killed someone."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the colour of the quilt the Mole sleeps with?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: White
Q3: Is the Mole married?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 4, which car did the Mole take?
A: Red car
B: Blue car
C: Taxi
Q5: Did the Mole drive in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: What did the Mole have to identify in Mission 4?
A: Movies
B: Books
C: Songs
Q7: How many hints did the Mole give in Mission 4?
A: 3
B: 4
Q8: Which of the following did the Mole guess incorrectly in Mission 4?
A: La La Land
B: Exit West
C: Macarena
D: The Mole was giving a hint to one of the above items
Q9: In Mission 4, in which order did the Mole give clues?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cleon Qwik
B: Heidi Pachiam-Boey
C: Barbara O'Reilly
D: Wesley Snopes
E: Humphrey Hotness
F: Hugo Clemens
G: Bonita Perez
H: Wallace Phallace
I: Celine Sea
The rain has stopped just in time for the execution ceremony. 8 contestants will congregate at this beach while the executed one will be sent to a different location. Who will be executed?
Heidi: "Ahoy! I hope I'm the first and not executed."
Humphrey: "Looks like I made it."
Hugo: "This looks like a secluded spot. Where is everyone?"
Hugo: "Oh there they are."
Celine: "Safe again."
Cleon: "Yes!"
Barbara: "Ahoy maties!"
Bonita: "I see land and Sims."
Two contestants left: Wesley Snopes,
...and Wallace Phallace.
Humphrey: "Woo! Wesley, you made it!"
Celine: "Great. Now we can all go home now. My skin is getting sunburnt."
Cleon: "What happened to your shirt?"
Wallace: "What? This is a dead end. Did you give me the right directions?"
"Wallace Phallace, unfortunately you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Wallace: "Fuck this. I did nothing wrong. I'm bloody sure the Mole is a woman so I spread between the possible women left. I can't have been wrong. I demand a recount!"
"This isn't an election Wallace."
Wallace: "I demand a recount!"
"Thank you for joining Wallace. We hope to see you again."
The disagreeable gnome Wallace Phallace has been executed! Is the Mole a woman or a man? Who is the Mole?
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