Twelve contestants spent their summer with the Smole at Isla Paradiso. Three of them were Mole candidates. At the end of it, one Mole was chosen. Which of the final three is that? Is it Agatha Hathaway, Beatrix Domma or Arnold Dacinda? Who will walk away with the 595/1200 points in the pot? It's time to find out now.
The finale ceremony takes place at Rebecca's Café on a lovely summer afternoon. The executed contestants have gathered and are reuniting.
Davian: "Who do you think the Mole candidates are? I think it's Beatrix, Desmond and Dolores."
Kamil: "Arnold, Agatha, Beatrix."
Desdemona: "Oh you think all three of them made it to the end? I think it's Beatrix, Dolores and maybe Desmond."
Augustine: "I think you are a Mole candidate, as well as Everett and Arnold."
Desmond: "I'm not a Mole candidate. I think they are Kamil, Dolores and Arnold."
Augustine: "I think you are the only one who will suspect Kamil."
Dolores: "If I had to guess, maybe Davian, Beatrix and you."
Everett: "Ha. It ain't me. But it could be you. Or Arnold. Or Agatha."
Dolores: "All I know is that it can't be Kamil or Augustine because their panic underwater was genuine."
Claire: "I think the Mole is Beatrix and the fallen candidates are Desmond and Desdemona."
Kayla: "I would guess Arnold, Agatha and Everett."
"Contestants, welcome to the finale ceremony of the Smole, Season 54. It seems like yesterday that all twelve of you were standing in a circle, trying to figure out what you had gotten yourselves into. Today, none of you made it to the end, but I'm sure there were memories made. Does anybody want to share some of their highlights this season?"
Dolores: "Ooh I'll go first. I think my main highlight was getting to meet all of you and take part in such an immersive show. It's difficult to keep a show running for so long so I think you guys did a really great job."
Desdemona: "For me it was the third mission when I had guessed an answer correctly. That was the turning point for me when I began to realise my luck was improving, even if it was only for a short while."
Augustine: "Diving was a first for me and I will not forget it."
Desmond: "I liked that too. I also liked being able to windsurf and manage a resort."
Claire: "Like Dolores, I also enjoyed the human aspect of the game. I'm happy to have met so many of you and I hope we can become friends even after the Smole. I hope to be able to widen my social circle as a result."
"It is great to hear all the wonderful moments of the season. We also heard your suspects. You must be burning with questions right now. Perhaps the most important question of them all is: who is the Mole?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Smole, Season 54's Mole is..."
'...Agatha Hathaway!"
Claire: "Agatha! You're the Mole?"
Desmond: "Well well well. Looks like I was mistaken this whole time."
Everett: "Woo! Amazing job!"
Desdemona: "How did I not realise she was the Mole?"
Davian: "Same here."
Agatha: "Yes, I am the Mole. It was a wonderful journey from start to finish, filled first with cautious optimism, juvenile nerves and even a bit of trepidation, but later emboldened into confidence and joy. I managed to beat the other candidates to become the Mole and I am proud of that achievement. I am also proud that I could keep the pot so low although I must have my fellow candidates to thank."
"You did a splendid job. You managed to beat the other candidates and keep the pot to less than 50% as you said. Shall you walk us through your sabotages?"
Agatha: "My pleasure. My strategy was to be subtle at the start. I did not want to run the risk of being caught too early and be executed. Hence, what I did in the first mission was to get myself eliminated early and lose 10 points. I had also hoped to delay us starting by beginning introductions. It would then come as a literal shock when Claire was eliminated first all of a sudden."
Agatha: "AAAH!"
"Agatha has been eliminated."
Davian: "I think we can't leave the circle until the dome is open."
Agatha: "In the second mission, it was easy to distract Arnold and take our time appreciating the surroundings and not finding chests. But of course, I had to make sure I opened a few eventually or I would stick out like a sore thumb."
Arnold: "Look at all the pretty corals. It feels like I'm tripping."
Agatha: "They are pretty. We should admire them while we still get the chance."
Agatha: "The third mission was easier and harder than I expected. Hard because I could feel Desdemona's presence around the corner but easy because the area was large enough that she couldn't keep tabs on me continuously. I had the freedom of muting and unmuting or ignoring regardless of what they told me. I also tried to get two questions wrong but Desdemona managed to stop that. I was hoping she would doubt herself and change her last answer."
Desdemona: "Ha! Too bad I didn't."
Davian: "Did you not see her randomly turning stereos on and off?"
Desdemona: "Like she said, it was a huge area. At that time I didn't suspect her yet so I gave her free will. You had to be close to the stereos to hear what they said so I wouldn't know if she muted stereos as per instructions or not."
Agatha: "The next mission was very easy for me. I realised I didn't need to do much to steer everyone in the wrong direction. Once I saw what a mess it was, I took a step back and let my co-conspirators take charge."
Agatha: "Desmond knew quite a number of songs, making my time difficult as a Mole candidate for the next mission. When there was one song he did not know, I was internally delighted as I had free rein to sabotage."
Agatha: "Ah there it is. 'Đây không phải là một màn hình chính xác'. It has all the random strikethroughs and accents."
Augustine: "You did not go with her?"
Desmond: "What difference would that have made? I wouldn't know either way."
Augustine: "Or you are a Mole candidate letting her sabotage."
Agatha: "The courtroom mission brings me the most delight. I was chosen by your rankings to be the judge. The answer then was simple: punish the innocent. I gave Desmond and Arnold a slight push by favouring them too, such as by sustaining their objections and shutting down Desdemona's attempts to bring the truth to light."
Agatha: "I have made my decision. After reviewing all the evidence and testimony, the one I find guilty is..."
'...Beatrix Domma."
Desdemona: "Damn it."
Arnold: "Exemption baby!"
Desdemona: "Exemption?"
Desdemona: "Grr. I was so frustrated. I should have known it was due to you."
Agatha: "At Hobart's Hideaway I took the lead to be the front desk receptionist. I could set guests on a bad foot and ruin their first impressions immediately."
Agatha: "Welcome to the Hotel Hobart Hideway~"
Royce: "But I'm checking out."
Agatha: "You can check out at any time but you can never leave~"
Agatha: "In the mission after that, it was also fairly straightforward. The more words that were incorrect, the more confusing the instructions would be for Claire. I capitalised on the other contestants' lack of knowledge to strike."
Arnold: "Me three. Agatha, any thoughts?"
Agatha: "I vaguely heard this before. I think it's brown journalism to indicate mudslinging. We pick A: Marron."
Agatha: "The penultimate mission worried me because I did not expect everyone to be agreeable. Fortunately Beatrix saved the day. Arnold and Claire's plan also gave me a good excuse to throw random dye at others."
Agatha: "If we can't reach an agreement then let us just change back to our original colours so nobody gets an exemption."
Agatha: "Finally, in the final mission, I was only aware of the phrase but not the corresponding object. I thought it would be good to stay consistent and be subtle but it backfired on me as I ended up with the correct item. Thus, I had to change my strategy to steer the clues in the wrong direction, such as by trying to get Arnold to say one of the words in the phrases and disqualify that round."
Arnold: "I can't continue. I'm going to end up saying a word."
Agatha: "I already said my word. Just find something to continue."
Arnold: "Emotionally?"
Agatha: "To ensure my status as Mole, I tried to point out certain sabotages that I think a Mole candidate made so that at least half would suspect them and execute them. I think this twist allowed me to portray myself as a contestant more convincingly as I was also on the lookout for other Moles candidates."
Claire: "I would say."
"Thank you Agatha. Both finalists have suspected Agatha as the Mole but only 6 times, which means Agatha will keep her share of the pot, which is 599/1200 points or 599,000 Simoleons. It took more than half the season for anyone to begin seriously treating Agatha as a suspect and choosing her name in quizzes. In the final quiz, one scored 27/30 and the other scored 29/30."
"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it's time to welcome the runner-up of the Smole, Season 54."
"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Arnold Dacinda!"
Arnold: "Yo yo yo!"
Arnold: "I'm gonna be honest. I came here for the money. I'm not the Mole nor the winner so this kinda sucks for me. But hey, they say the process is as important as the end right? It's been fun for me. I learned how to scuba dive, I learned how to windsurf, I learned how to spice up the bedroom. I followed the money and it eventually led me to Agatha. At least I have that going for me."
"Thank you Arnold. You did a good job. You were the first to have Agatha as your Mole. Unfortunately, too many mistakes were made in the final quiz."
Arnold: "Hey I'm happy to lose to Beatrix."
"This means that our winner of the Smole, Season 54 is none other than Beatrix Domma!"
Augustine: "She was hiding there the whole time?"
Desmond: "She really is a spy."
Augustine: "I thought she was trying to lie about her job the whole time."
Beatrix: "Yes, it is me, the winner. This victory sweetens things a little. I had one goal in mind and that was to win. I can use this as a bargaining chip."
"Congratulations Beatrix. You win 601/1200 Simoleons, or otherwise 601,000 Simoleons! It's the closest to an equal split we've ever had."
"Beatrix took a long time to figure out Agatha was the Mole. She only considered that the Mole was her and not her partner Claire at the ninth mission and quiz. How did she get so far then? Her strategy of being a fake Mole worked well, executing many. It is poetic that in the first mission, her elimination was delayed by others who sacrificed, and in the quiz, her execution was delayed by others too. A little cunning goes a long way. In Beatrix's case, it brought her all the way to victory."
"It is known: our winner, our runner-up and our Mole. But there were three Mole candidates this season. Agatha was the llama, the second-in-line to be the Mole. Who was the first?"
"Beatrix Domma, are you a Mole candidate?"
Beatrix: "Sadly no."
"Arnold Dacinda, are you a Mole candidate?"
Arnold: "Not me."
"Then who are the Mole candidates?"
Kamil: "It is me. I am the bot."
Davian: "No way."
Desmond: "I knew it. If this was a normal season I would be in the finale since the first quiz."

"Kamil was our first Mole candidate. He was a simple-minded man who was here for money but unlike the rest of you, he was working on the opposite camp. He survived and got lucky when he went into the first quiz answering only himself when his answer key would not be counted, but he quickly became the lowest scorer in the second quiz, sealing his fate. Kamil is our bot; who is our alien, the third Mole candidate?"
Davian: "It's me. I'm the alien."
Desdemona: "You gotta be kidding me. Both of them were seated beside me?"
Dolores: "Hey I was right! I suspected Davian. Why didn't you last longer?"
Agatha: "You're telling me that my position was secured from the third quiz onwards and I didn't need to do all the remaining quizzes?"
"That's right. Our last Mole candidate is actually our first boot. He too lost because of the quiz and not because he was highly suspected. This eager young Kenyan sprinter had a good start but unfortunately in this marathon, he lost to Agatha in the end."
"Kamil and Davian had both prepared thoroughly for this season and had many sabotages planned. Unfortunately they could not execute most of it, but let's review what they did manage to do, shall we?"
"Let's start with Davian."
Davian: "Ok. My strategy as the Mole was to be enthusiastic and a good team player. I wanted to be trusted and thought of as a hardworking guy who just cannot earn points. In my first and only mission, I was guiding everyone, kick-starting the mission to look helpful. I wanted to delay the clues for as long as possible. When I got to do a task, I made sure to make myself look tired but actually not exert myself."
"Time is up. Davian's heart rate is at 80bps."
Desmond: "Did you even try?"
Davian: "You...saw me..."
"Kamil, how about you?"
Kamil: "I was told to sabotage so I only thought about sabotage. But in the first mission I did not sabotage. My sabotage was to not do anything."
Desmond: "I had a strange suspicion about him so I went with it. I was constantly trying to test Kamil and see how he reacts."
Kamil: "In the second mission my sabotage was to not find chests. But I had panicked after the shark attack and lost too much oxygen to stay in water safely."
Dolores: "That actually made me write off Kamil. I would never have guessed you were a Mole candidate."
"There we have it. We had a glimpse of how the other two candidates would have sabotaged if they were the Mole. Most of the clues this season were focused on Agatha because of the early executions of Kamil and Davian, but there were still a few that pointed to them. Let's review them now."
"The first clue of the season is in the trailer video. All 3 Mole candidates had an artificial Mole attached."
Agatha: "We can start by way of introductions. I'll go first. My name is Agatha Hathaway. You may have read a few of my works before, such as The Adventures on Hornwry Lane, Room Goes Dark or Rise of the Llamas. I write horror novels for a living. I'm 42 years old this year and I joined to get more inspiration for my next novel. A pleasure to meet all of you."
"The second clue is in the first episode and points to Agatha. She dressed as a llama. One of the novels she wrote was Rise of the Llamas."
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Agatha Hathaway (introduced self 1st)
B: Arnold Dacinda (introduced self 3rd)
C: Augustine Irrawaddy (introduced self 2nd)
D: Claire Bennett (introduced self 11th)
E: Beatrix Domma (introduced self 6th)
F: Desmond Mulder (introduced self 5th)
G: Dolores Gatsby (introduced self 4th)
H: Everett Decker (introduced self 9th)
I: Kayla Kyla (introduced self 8th)
J: Kamil Zakari (introduced self 10th)
K: Desdemona Villegas(introduced self 7th)
L: Davian Lemming (introduced self last)
"The third clue is in the first quiz, specifically the last question. Only the three Mole candidates were listed in their order of introduction in the first episode."
Desdemona: "I think he was Belgian too if I remember correctly. 'Er is één verrader' looks Belgian."
"In Mission 5, one of the sentences (Er is één verrader) translates to 'There is one traitor'. In the context of the Smole, this means there was only one Mole candidate left. Agatha could have realised this if she knew another language."
"The remaining clues point to Agatha. At Hobart's Hideaway a pink flamingo could be seen. Agatha uses a pink parasol."
"The official Smole wiki listed 54 Moles. Astute viewers would have realised an additional female Mole was included. This hints to this season's Mole being a woman."
"Congratulations. You are the Mole."
Llama: "Splendid. Does this mean all the other Mole candidates have been executed?"
"You will only find out at the finale ceremony. You can only confirm that the first Mole candidate has been executed since you are the second in line."
"We occasionally hear the Mole candidates speak. Viewers may be able to identify the candidates based on their speech pattern. An example is in Episode 19. We hear the llama say 'splendid', something only Agatha has been known to say, like in Episode 17."
"The last clue is actually right here. If you had explored the venue before the finale ceremony started, you might have noticed a crate with a symbol on it. It's the female symbol upside-down, once again hinting that the Mole is female."
"That's the last clue and last segment of the ceremony. Thank you to everyone who made this season a success."