It's a cutthroat fight for the final three. Gordon could get an exemption but Jesse, Mason and Jenny weren't keen on letting him have it. They each had secret identities for Gordon to guess. Unfortunately, Gordon spent 25 points asking questions and could only get Mason and Jenny right, thus earning 25/100 points for the mission and 432/900 points for the pot. The finalists are still up in the air and it all rests on the quiz tonight. Who will make it to the finale? Who will be executed last?
Gordon: "I'm not mad at them. I probably would have done the same. I'm just a little upset that the grind didn't quite pay off this time. But I don't need that exemption anyway. I know who the Mole is."
Jenny: "It was actually quite fun pretending to be someone else for a change knowing that it's all fake. Sorry for your loss."
Gordon: "Eh, it's whatever. I don't need to rely on an exemption to win anyway."

Gordon: "So, how's my advice going? Have you tried not being sad?"
Jenny: "For now I'm not thinking about it but I still have to when I attend funerals."
Gordon: "I don't know much about funerals and sadness but I know that trying too hard like this or being unable to release it is unhealthy for anyone in the long run. If you really gotta make yourself cry, maybe try acting. I hear it's a safer outlet and there's no pressure to actually feel the emotion."

Jenny: "I joined this profession because I could empathise with others. But now I can't. And empathy is important in this job. I don't want to fake it."
Gordon: "No I meant quit your job since it's clearly making you miserable and not what's right for you any more. Go for acting. At least you can somewhat be your own boss and choose your gigs. And you said it yourself. You enjoyed it."
Jenny: "But I'm not a good actress. I've never had training."
Gordon: "Then go get trained, duh. Emmy Starr wasn't born an actress."
Jenny: "You know Gordon, sometimes you say the wisest things. It's really giving me food for thought."
Gordon: "Happy to help. If you need someone to manage your finances..."
Jenny: "I'm happy with my current financial situation."
Gordon: "But why settle?"
Jenny: "Not everyone is after riches."
Gordon: "Don't you wanna be successful like me? You can own 4 Porsches!"
Jenny: "Success looks different to different Sims. Not everyone wants 4 Porsches. Some just want to make a difference for others."
Jesse: "The finale's almost here and the season's almost over. I've been finding myself thinking about my sis and bro back home more and more. I don't know what it'll become. Has Sonya told Ewan? I don't want to lose a brother because of what she did. Whenever I get stressed about this I turn to Gordon to help me have fun and forget all my troubles."
Gordon: "I can't believe we ran out of beer."
Jesse: "You're the one who kept asking me to keep chugging!"
Gordon: "A man's gotta know how to drink. At least Mason didn't lock the door so we can use the sauna."
Jesse: "It's not night. He only locks it at night when he wants to sleep so we wouldn't disturb him."
Jesse: "How do you do it anyway? Yesterday I was fighting myself so hard to stay awake and focus."
Gordon: "You suck."
Jesse: "Maybe this isn't the life for me."
Gordon: "Can you really turn your back on this? After you've experienced it? Or turn your back on me? You're the only fun one left, Jesse. Don't disappoint me."
Gordon: "Let's talk about something else instead. Like that girl you banged in the forest."
Jesse: "I told you that?"
Gordon: "Before you passed out drunk. Come on now. Don't be a shy boy. I told you about all my encounters. I even shared tips with you."
Jesse: "It was my first time. I was 14 and so was she. We were working on an illegal weed farm together in California. It was probably the hormones but one night while walking in the forest we kissed and then one thing led to another. It was the first time I felt like a normal teen again."
Jesse: "I didn't last very long though."
Gordon: "That's everyone first time. It comes with practice. But look at you! Daring to explore and take charge of life like a man at 14. Without your big sis knowing too."
Jesse: "Oh Sonya was so worried when I wasn't in the tent. She didn't know but I lied and said we went for a walk to clear the air."
Gordon: "Sonya this, Sonya that. Don't be a mama's boy. You're free now. You're legally an adult. You can do whatever you want without her permission."
Jesse: "She did raise me under hardship."
Gordon: "And you repaid the debt by being stuck under her wing all these years. Everything you did is for your family. You skipped out on college for family. You got a shitty job at a warehouse for family. It's time to do something for yourself for once. Don't you love this feeling of being responsible only for yourself? If anything, she should start doing something for you."
Jesse: "Is that why you never had a proper girlfriend?"
Gordon: "I'm not gonna let my life get tied down by a girl."
Mason: "Ahem. Hi Jenny."
Mason: "Hi Mason."
Mason: "You know how to play chess? How smart. I love smart women."
Jenny: "We should....we should exchange numbers. Keep in contact after the Smole. Maybe go out for a few drinks. You're...ugh, you're an amazing woman and I hate the thought of never seeing someone as beautiful as you again."
Jenny: "Did I hear you right? I'm married."
Mason: "Shit. That didn't work, huh? It was Gordon's idea."
Jenny: "Of course it was."
Mason: "I hate to say it but Gordon's the one with the most experience here. I'm just tired of being forever alone."
Jenny: "Is he really the best Sim to consult on this matter? He's not the one who's been happily married for years. Unless, of course, what you're looking for is just a fling."
Mason: "It is kind of embarrassing to be 40 and not have a single woohoo."
Jenny: "You're 40. Why do you care?"
Mason: "It's a milestone. I've gotten a career, a house, a car, but I still hold on to the V-card."
Jenny: "Is that really what you want from life right now? Because right now that just sounds like you're doing a checklist."
Mason: "I suppose what I really want is a partner to settle down with. But nobody's gonna date a 40-year-old man. Gordon told me about this Tinder thing and the dating game and it's exhausting. Girls only want one thing and that's Gordon."
Jenny: "Want to hear some advice? I got it from Gordon too."
Mason: "What did he tell you?"
Jenny: "Care less. Sometimes, when we care too much about something it backfires."
Mason: "So what should I do?"
Jenny: "For starters, don't flirt with married women."
Mason: "That's easy enough. I was so embarrassed by the thought of having to say all these pickup lines Gordon had prepared for me."
Jenny: "Gordon's a bad influence. Not just on you but on Jesse too. He's still young and naïve."
Mason: "They probably click better because they're closer in age."
Jenny: "These last few nights Jesse has been showing up drunk to bed at 4am. I can't get a good night's sleep. I even made sure to hide all alcohol I could find this morning."
Mason: "That explains how the stock depleted so quickly."
Jenny: "There wasn't a lot left for me to hide. Jesse's going to turn into an alcoholic at this rate."
Mason: "Don't worry about it. I'll manage him for you."
Jenny: "Thanks Mason."
Mason: "Who said you can be in here?"
Jesse: "The sauna isn't yours only. You can't be so selfish."
Mason: "Selfish? I...what are you doing?"
Jesse: "Gordon and I are trying to see how much heat a tomato can withstand before it bursts."
Mason: "Drop that tomato and come out here. Now."
Mason: "Do you realise how inconsiderate you're being?"
Jesse: "I don't see the big deal. It's harmless fun. I'll just clean it up later."
Mason: "That's not the point! I said that you can't come into my room without me being here and you defied that. I want you to go and take a shower and go and read the news instead."
Jesse: "What? You got to be kidding me. I'm not a child. I don't need to be told what to do."
Mason: "But you're acting like a child right now. I don't want to babysit you either but your actions are affecting everyone else."
Jesse: "I'm an adult. I know what to do and what not to do. I won't go around snooping for your journal."
Mason: "You don't get it. Being an adult means taking responsibility and being considerate of those around you."
Jesse: "Then maybe I don't want to be an adult. I'm finally able to enjoy the childhood that I missed out on and I don't have to think about life for once while I'm on the Smole."
Mason: "I used to respect you. I thought you were the most mature 21-year-old I've met in my life. But I was wrong. You're just being a whiny privileged kid."
Jesse: "Privileged? How has my life been privileged?"
Mason: "Maybe not in the material sense, but you have a caring sister and brother. Everything I've been hearing from you so far is how ungrateful you are to your sister especially once she left. It's almost as if you were pretending to be close to her when she was still around."
Jesse: "What the hell? My closeness with her is real! It's just..."
Mason: "I don't know the full details but whatever problems you face, you don't have to face it alone. At least you still have siblings unlike me. Whatever problems I have, I have to deal with it alone."
Jesse: "No they're the problem. I know they're gonna force me to make a choice between them when I return to reality."
Mason: "Face it like a man. You can talk things out together and face whatever comes together. Don't withdraw yourself before you even get a chance to make that decision, else at the end of the day you won't even get the chance to choose. Then you'll be truly alone."

Mason: "I didn't want to probe further because it's clearly a sensitive issue for you and I don't want to step on a social landmine again, but I'm a very good listener and problem solver. Sonya's not here right now but maybe I can help. If you tell me your problems, we can figure something out together."
Jenny: "Ever since that quiz twist was revealed I've had two suspects in my mind: Jesse and Mason. Both of them are still here today but I need to make a decision now."
Jesse: "I can pretty much eliminate one suspect but that still leaves two: Gordon and Mason. Both of them have been suspicious. Which of them is it? I can only bring one Mole with me to the quiz."
Gordon: "Somewhere deep down I'm still thinking that it could be this other contestant. Mason and Jesse have been two of my suspects since the first day as they're men, but only one of them is actually it."
Mason: "I still have two suspects and I have to narrow it down now. Now's the worst time to take a risk. But now's the only time. Jesse or Gordon? I hope I make the right call."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is special about the Mole's current bedroom in the Smole?
A: It is directly connected to a sauna
B: It has bunk beds
C: It has a fireplace
Q3: Does the Mole wear a necklace every day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 10, which car did the Mole use?
A: Blue car
B: Purple car
Q5: In Mission 10, did the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: How many times did the Mole make the host laugh in Mission 10?
A: 8
B: 6
C: 5
D: 3
Q7: In Mission 11, what was the Mole's role?
A: Dater
B: Bachelor(ette)
Q8: What was the Mole's secret identity in Mission 11?
A: Santa Claus's elf who wanted to overthrow him
B: TMNT's Michelangelo
C: Feels extreme emotion when hearing the word "the"
Q9: In Mission 11, who was to the left of the Mole?
A: Mason Montgomery
B: Jesse Maddox
C: Gordon Emery
D: Nobody
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Gordon Emery
B: Jesse Maddox
C: Mason Montgomery
D: Jenny Undertover
"It's a lovely cozy winter evening. The four of you have beat six other contestants to sit here tonight. The finale is almost in sight, unfortunately one of you won't reach it. Who will be the last contestant executed?"
"Jesse Maddox."
Jesse: "Yes! Yes I'm in the finale! I made it."
"Mason Montgomery."
Mason: "Good, good. I made the right call."
"We could have an all-male finale this season. Either Gordon or Jenny will be executed."
"Gordon Emery."
"Unfortunately, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Gordon: "Fuck."
Jenny: "Oh I'm so sorry."
Gordon: "I could have been in the finale. But I did what I did and don't have any regrets. This is gonna be one kick-ass finale. I can't wait for the reveal."
"Thank you for joining Gordon. We hope to see you soon."
"The finalists are known. Congratulations to the three of you. Mason reached another quiz and thus takes another 10 points out of the pot, so it's now at 422/900 points. There's still one more chance to fill the pot and beat the Mole. But who among you is the Mole?"
"Is it the advantage-driven mirror mall manager Mason Montgomery?"
"Is it the emotional and transparent Jesse Maddox?"
"Or is it the mysterious stone-cold Jenny Undertover?"
One more mission and then the finale. Stay tuned!
Next episode...
"It's time to take your final quiz."
Jesse: "There were several questions that were about a mission we hadn't even done yet."
Una: "Jenny's on that train."
Jenny: "Is nobody boarding?"
Jesse: "I need you to get all of them off this train."
Jenny: "I need to get back onto my train."
Mason: "Stop ruining things for me!"
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