The final three had one last mission to fill the pot by 100 points with the help of their fallen comrades. They had to ensure the Mole's train had the most passengers at the end of the mission. Jenny's had 12 passengers, Jesse's had 38 and Mason's had 43. Will the 100 points be added to the pot? Did the mission go as the finalists planned? Who will win? Who is the Mole? Find out now.
The contestants get ready for the big night. Tonight, everything will be revealed.
Jesse: It's been an amazing journey like no other. And I've been on a journey like no other. I've had to say so many goodbyes by now but this goodbye hurts a l'il. But as a traveller, I've come to realise that while you can't make a moment last forever, you can keep those memories close to your heart and cherish what's most important to you.
Mason: Finally the time has come. I tried my best and that's what matters. I wasn't hoping for a finale when I first joined but now that I'm here, of course I want to win. But even if I don't, I'll be glad for whoever does win. All three of us are formidable finalists.
Jenny: Nothing more can be done. The missions have been played and the final quiz has been taken. There's no use thinking about it now. We can only look forward and hope for the best. Whatever the outcome, I'll accept it graciously.
We are here at The Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. The contestants are enjoying a beautiful afternoon reuniting with one another.
Una: "I don't know why I even try. I haven't touched the piano in so long so of course I wouldn't be able to play well any more."
Raymond: "I'm so excited!"
Olli: "Me too."
Ray,ond: "You don't look excited."
Olli: "That's just my face."
Raymond: "Finland is a nice place. I'd love to come back and fully explore it one day. Do you have any recommendations?"
Olli: "Don't visit Oulu. It's not a nice place."
Rhea: "It sucks balls being out first. I came for the sole purpose of having a good time."
Gordon: "It sucks even more being out just before the finale when you know who the Mole is."
Rhea: "I'd love to see you be wrong. That'll make this a little bit better. That and having a kick-ass Mole."
Gordon: "They're all kick-ass in their own right."
Sarah: "I still think the Mole is Mason."
Sonya: "Then why were you in Jesse's train?"
Sarah: "Gordon and I agreed we'd split it evenly and not pick our Moles for fairness."
Sonya: "What a weird strategy."
Sarah: "Your brother's still in the game. Do you think he's the Mole or the winner?"
Sonya: "I hope he's either the winner or the Mole but I'm so proud of him irregardless."
Sonya: "Jesse and I left things on a sour note and I didn't want to disturb him during the final mission. I hope he's forgiven me."
Sarah: "What happened?"
Sonya: "That's not important."
The finalists have arrived in style.
"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together to welcome our finalists: Jesse Maddox, Jenny Undertover and Mason Montgomery!"
Raymond: "Woo! Clap clap clap."
Mason: "I'd like a Powerhouse."
Charissa: "Coming right up."
Jenny: "It feels so surreal."
Jesse: "Are you still trying to cry?"
Jenny: "No. Not at all. This is a happy occasion. I'll let nature take its course."
Sonya: "Jesse, good job. I'm so proud of you."
Jesse: "Sis..."
Jesse: "How are things back home? Does Ewan know?"
Sonya: "I haven't told Ewan yet. We were sequestered and this is something to say in person."
Jesse: "Sequestered?"
Sonya: "Isolated."
Sonya: "I'm sorry. You must hate me for causing the family to become a mess."
Jesse: "So what now? Are we going to go our separate ways?"
Sonya: "That will depend on Ewan."
Jesse: "What do you want?"
Sonya: "For all of us to be together, at least in spirit. I was thinking about what you said. Maybe I have been biased. But I hope to be fairer to him going forward. I'm going to use my savings to support him through college. But if he doesn't accept us...we have to be prepared for it. And if you don't want to stick with me, that's fine too. You've grown up. You can make your own decisions now."
Jesse: "We can tell him together."
Sonya: "Really?"
Jesse: "We'll face it together. I don't want us to split up for good too. So we gotta fight for it, ok? We don't give up until we try everything."
Sonya: "Thank you."
It's time for the reveal. The contestants head upstairs for the viewing.
"Contestants, it's good to be reunited again, this time without the pressure of missing the train. Jesse Maddox, Jenny Undertover and Mason Montgomery: 3 finalists who fought tooth and nail to get to where they are today. The pot is currently at 412/900 points. In the last mission you got to work together as a group again to help the winner earn that last 100 points. We'll reveal if that was earned later, but who will it go to?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to reveal the winner of the Smole, Season 56."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the official winner of the Smole, Season 56: Jenny Undertover!"
Raymond: "Woo!"
Sarah: "You did it Jenny!"
Jesse: "Good job Jenny."
Jenny: "I'm at a loss for words. I didn't expect to be the winner. Up till the end I was still doubting my answers and if I had picked the wrong suspect as the Mole. Of course I could still have and I got luckier. Regardless, I'm thankful for being able to make it all the way to the end and win."
Jesse: "Woo! Go Jenny!"
Sarah: "Girl power!"
Sonya: "That means that Jesse or Mason is the Mole."

"That's true indeed. I know you're on the edge of your seats. One of these two men in front of you is the Mole and the other is the runner-up. Let's reveal who the runner-up is."
"The runner-up of the Smole, Season 56 is Mason Montgomery!"
Gordon: "Well well well, means my man Jesse's the Mole after all."
Raymond: "Good job Mason!"
Mason: "I didn't win and that's always a shame but there's no shame in being in the finale. I think Jenny is a deserving winner and Jesse is an amazing Mole. I tried to tell all of you that I'm not the Mole but you didn't believe me. I tried to earn a bigger pot for you Jenny."
"We can now confirm that you failed to bring in the last 100 points, so the pot is currently at 412/1000 points. However, Jesse's name was put down in the quizzes 10 times, so the pot grows to 422/1000 points. Jenny, you win 422,000 Simoleons and Jesse, you win 578,000 Simoleons! Let's give it up for Jesse Maddox!"
Jesse: "Yup, I'm the Mole. It's been a lot of fun trying to lie and fool all of you. This season they told me to expect a higher pot but I wasn't going to let that happen. I came for the money so I said I'm going to do all I can to stop the points from coming in. But I truly enjoyed hanging out with all of you and although I don't know when's the next time we meet, I'll be sure to say hi when I bump into you again. And Sonya, I hope you can forgive me for lying to you."
Sonya: "Of course I will. You're my brother and you helped us get 578,000 Simoleons!"
Raymond: "I never once suspected you. How did you do it?"
"That's a very good question. Let's see what our Mole did this season to keep the points at bay."
"In the first mission, Jesse had planned on failing, but when he saw how badly everyone else was doing he changed his mind and decided to succeed to win some goodwill. What he did do was to generally be unhelpful or even misleading with the answers, both his own and that of others."
Raymond: "Does anyone know which state Boston is in?"
Jesse: "Texas."
Sonya: "No it's Massachusetts."
Jesse: "Oh I thought he said Austin."
"Jesse's performance relative to the others led most contestants onto the wrong start by suspecting those who failed. Many of you suspected Olli."
Olli: "Me? Is it because I could not complete the race? I am not good at trivia and gymnastics focuses on the upper body not the lower body."
"However, there was one contestant who had a different line of thought."
Jenny: "I don't completely buy the idea that Jesse, Sonya, Raymond and Gordon can't be the Mole. I think that the Mole may have been pressured to succeed. I'm mainly looking at Gordon and Raymond."
"Meanwhile, Rhea decided to go all in on Olli."
Rhea: "Let's not bring that up."
"In the first quiz, five contestants got an offer. How were those 5 chosen? By the Mole, right in the first mission. If he managed to shout 5 contestants' names, the offer would appear for them, otherwise nobody would get an offer. Jesse chose 5 contestants he thought were most likely to take up the offer. We got to see him naming some live in the episode too."
"It turned out that one of you benefitted from the offer. Sonya, the fastest one to take up the offer for the first quiz, scored the lowest. That offer pulled her score up, allowing her to tie which sent Rhea home."
Rhea: "You fucker."
Sonya: "I had no idea I was that close to going home first."
"In the second mission, Jesse broke the chain a couple of times. In the first bonus mission, Jesse deliberately cheated so that none of the judges would turn for him. It didn't work on Fjord, but it was enough to prevent 50 points from being earned."
Una: "Called it."
"By the second quiz, more eyes were onto Jesse for his bold sabotage. Gordon narrowed it down to him and Olli. Sarah included Jesse and Mason in her sights while Jenny put Jesse's name down for the first time. However, Jesse managed to get the rest to doubt his suspiciousness in subsequent missions."
Sonya: "I remember telling Jesse how Jenny should be our prime suspect because she was much more subtle in her sabotages. She only got 2 chairs turned which would force Jesse to do extraordinarily well."
Jenny: "I told you not to be too trustful of anyone."
Sonya: "Jesse told me you told him not to trust me too."
"In Mission 4, Jesse found it difficult to sabotage because Jenny was in charge of the whole storyline and was genuinely moved by it, so he did his best. What he did do was to try and veto Jenny as many times as possible so that she would settle for a worse storyline."
Sonya: "Everything Jenny did was suspicious to me. The judge really disliked her acting and she was a big star of the music video. I read too much into things."
"Olli and Gordon got the first exemptions of the season. It was crucial for Olli because he would have been executed if not for the exemption."
Olli: "I was still executed next anyway."
"In Mission 5, Jesse knew who the mini-Mole was. His goal was to last up until the final four and be a cover for Raymond. In the first mini-task, he earned nothing; in the second, he called out iconic songs to force the rest to name more obscure songs which weren't on the billboard; in the third task, he earned nothing again; in the fourth task, he only brought in 2 points. Sadly, Raymond was too obvious and was quickly seen through by many."
Jesse completed his mural before the second policeman got to him. Unfortunately, it's worth 0 Simoleons.
Raymond: "It was so stressful. I couldn't be the main Mole. I don't know how you can do it Jesse."
Jesse: "You did a great job helping me lose money."
Jenny: "I played reverse psychology yet again and made Raymond my main suspect from here."
"Jesse wanted to try many activities in Mission 6 but he made sure to fail some of them."Jesse managed 2 tricks.
Jesse: "I couldn't fail too many of them. I was worried I was becoming too obvious."
"The contestants remaining had a chance to ask the Mole questions. The Mole was behind the wall, lighting candles to answer their questions."
Olli: "Are you a woman?"
Jenny: "Dear Mole, were you eliminated during the mini-Mole mission? No. I see. Thank you Mole. I know you are now."
Raymond: "Hi Mole, do you consider yourself to be average weight? Yes? Thank you!"
Raymond: "I thought I was being clever by asking a question that I knew was going to come out in the quiz. It didn't help though."
"For what it's worth, Jesse was not actually average weight among the final 6 contestants."
Jesse: "I wasn't? Hm, I thought I was. It's not like I could actually weigh everyone."
"In Mission 7, Jesse once again used Raymond as a cover for his sabotages. He secretly dropped a few red jellybeans while picking a few non-red jellybeans while Raymond wasn't looking. His plan worked as our two finalists were further convinced that Raymond was the Mole they were looking for. Mason even decided to go all-in on Raymond. Luckily for him, Raymond was executed that very night."
"This is the bowl they had transferred the red jellybeans to. There were a few yellow jellybeans in the mix."
Mason: "I knew taking that Quiz 5 offer was worth it."
"Actually Mason, you were saved twice, but the offer wasn't it. You scored very high because Raymond and Jesse was in the same group, which is what caused you to turn your sights to Jesse. The other time you were saved was your exemption. You too would have been executed if not for it."
Mason: "Oh my. Lucky me."
Sarah: "But not me. I was honed in on you. If you had been executed I may have reconsidered Jesse."
"The next mission was a big failure because Jesse and Gordon had decided to misinterpret ground coffee beans as potatoes. Jesse was key here in misconveying what he had heard."
Jesse: "Hi, what is mahan...something pavut?"
Food truck guy: "That means ground beans."
Gordon: "I remember thinking Jesse was giving stupid ideas. We visited empty places and he even wanted us to read every single book in case there were answers there. But I didn't realise he cleverly gave the wrong Finnish word. I thought since there was a translation it must have been right."
Jesse: "I gotta thank you for the potato suggestion. I was going to try and harvest a different kind of bean instead but you had suggested something so ridiculous I had to go with it."
Una: "None of you thought to question the idea of potatoes in coffee?"
Mason: "No. We thought that Finnish coffee had to be weird if it was going to be an entire mission."
Olli: "Hey."
Jenny: "Blue food colouring was also an ingredient."
"Jesse was unable to insert himself into the next bonus mission but it worked out in the end for him."
Sarah: "Mason had later admitted that he barely cooks which made me very suspicious of him for wanting to go for this mission."
Mason: "You admitted the same thing too."
Sarah: "We were all amateur cooks. We signed up for the Smole, not Masterchef."
"It's no coincidence that Jesse made the host laugh least in the next mission. He didn't go up on stage too many times compared to Mason and Gordon, even sitting out for one round. When he did try he often gave bad lines."
Jesse: "My sis made this vest for me."
Jenny: "Hahaha! Oh my gosh I'm actually tearing up from laughing."
Jesse: "All of this is very insensitive."
"Gordon had the exemption and could get into the finale. However, the other three weren't keen on letting him succeed, especially not Mason and Jesse. Jesse tried to be as vague and misleading in his answers as possible."
Mason: "I still can't believe I got it right by accident but it worked out in the end. Otherwise we would have gotten yet another 0."
Gordon: "I did think that Jesse was a warehouse employee in real life so maybe it was a clue."
"That wasn't a clue but we'll get to that later. We now get to the final mission in which all of you were involved. Jesse did his best to get passengers to board other trains instead of his."
Jesse: "Sorry but I'm gonna need you to go."
Sarah: "Jesse! What are you doing? Stop! Get back in here!"
Jesse: "I knew that Lola Belle was famous and if she left, many other passengers would follow, so I asked her to leave at the pit stop. Raymond was also being very helpful here again, helping me to divert them to Mason's train."
Raymond: "I'm really bad at this game."
Jenny: "It was so strange that you and Sarah decided to pick trains that you thought didn't have the Mole."
Sarah: "We wanted fairness and didn't want to influence how you three wanted to play it. Meanwhile you also didn't seem to care."
Jenny: "I was the first train. I had no idea how many passengers the others had until the penultimate station. All I knew that I definitely did not have the most. And up to that point, I still was hesitant."
"Jenny had actually hedged her bets in the final quiz and thus did not get too involved. She said the Mole did not have the most crowded train in one question and then said he had the most crowded train in the next question."
Mason: "And I still lost? That final twist really screwed me over."
"You also did make a few mistakes in the first few questions. You scored 25/30 while Jenny scored 28/30."
"Jenny, what do you plan to do with your money?"
Jenny: "This win maybe signifies a new start. I've been thinking about Gordon's suggestion to take up acting. I'll probably start using it to pay acting classes and see if it's something I want to pursue in the future. I still want to do good and help others so I'll be setting a portion of it for charity."
"A noble cause."
"We now know what the Mole did, but for those of you who needed more help, we had clues this season to point you in the right direction."
The first clue lies in the recap segments. The order the executed contestant was called in the execution ceremony was the order you could spot the Mole in the episode immediately following it.
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Rhea was the 5th to be called when she was executed in Episode 2. In Episode 3, the 5th image we see contains Jesse. |
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Una was 7th to be called when she was executed in Episode 5. In Episode 6, the 7th image contains Jesse. |
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Sonya was 1st to be called when she was executed in Episode 7. In Episode 8, the 1st image is Jesse. |
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Olli was 4th to be called when he was executed in Episode 10. In Episode 11, the 4th image contains Jesse. |
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Raymond was 3rd to be called when he was executed in Episode 12. In Episode 13, the 3rd image is Jesse. |
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Sarah was 5th to be called when she was executed in Episode 15. In Episode 16, the 5th image contains Jesse. |
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Gordon was 3rd to be called when he was executed in Episode 18. In Episode 19, the 3rd image is Jesse. |
In Episode 3, the library contained a poster of a soccer player. Jesse bears a striking resemblance to Richie Striker (no pun intended), a professional sports player (and likely soccer player).
In Episode 7, there was a newspaper article about the Women of Finland (WOF). This isn't the actual name of the association. WOF is an acronym for Wheel of Fortune, Jesse's favourite gameshow.
Jenny: "The Finnish women's association, also known as Women of Finland, plan on striking this weekend."
In Episode 8, Raymond was the mini-Mole. Parallels can be drawn here between him and the actual Mole. In the mini-execution ceremonies, Raymond was always seated in the top-left quadrant or corner. The Smole banner is also divided into four quadrants, with Jesse being in the top-left.
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Raymond is always seated in the top-left corner. |
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Jesse is the only one left in the top-left corner. |
In Episode 10, Jesse was the only one who could be seen talking to his reflection with his reflection clearly visible. This is a nod to him talking to himself because he's the Mole.
In that same episode, the answers to the contestants' questions could also serve as clues. Although it was not known which side represented which answer at the time, as the season progressed it became clearer.
Olli: "Are you a woman?"

Jesse: "Hey Mole, are you blonde?"
Jenny: "Dear Mole, were you eliminated during the mini-Mole mission?"
These 3 answers were the same. The Mole was thus either a blonde woman who was eliminated during the mini-Mole mission (which could only be Jenny by that point) or a non-blonde man who survived to the end of the mission.
Raymond: "Hi Mole, do you consider yourself to be average weight?"
If the answers to the above 3 questions were no, Mason can be safely eliminated as the Mole, leaving only 3 possibilities: Jenny, Jesse and Raymond.
Gordon: "Hey Mole, are you a man?"
Gordon's question is the inverse of Olli's first question and thus not add much value.
As the season progresses, Raymond is executed, thus only two Sims could be the Mole by final 5: Jenny or Jesse.
In Episode 16, the studio had 3 wall panels. The bowl, the focus of that mission, was aligned with the middle panel. Jesse, the Mole and focus of the Smole, is a middle child.
"We've come to the end of the season. Let's give a big round of applause to our winner, our Mole and our finalist, and to yourselves for making this season a success once again."
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