Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the
A: 28
B: 40
C: 44
Q3: What colour hair
does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Red
Q4: What is the
Mole’s occupation?
A: Thespian
B: TV Actor
Q5: Which room does
the Mole sleep in?
A: Heaven
B: Earth
Philo: “Okay, let’s see here…first there’s Janet Burnes. I
find it wrong to suspect that she’s the Mole precisely because she’s an actor,
but then again, if the producers use reverse psychology, maybe she really is
the one, especially since she can do it. And the producers may be dumb enough
to hire an actor as the Mole. That’s why the host was captured.
Cheryl Peytanna, on the other hand, is annoying. Negative
characters are hardly associated with being the Mole. Reverse psychology again.
And her screamfest one day was so piercing. I never knew she could scream so
loudly that easily. Who knows what else she hides?”
Q6: In Mission 1, in
what order was the Mole killed?
A: Last
B: The Mole escaped
C: The Mole was the
Q7: In Mission 2,
what skill did the Mole try to gain?
A: Charisma
B: The Mole did not
Q8: In Mission 3,
which group did the Mole join?
A: First
B: Third
Q9: In Mission 4, who
sang before the Mole?
A: Nobody
B: Derek Zora
C: Janet Burnes
Q10: In Mission 6,
how many bars of candy did the Mole eat?
A: 0
B: 14
C: 30
Janet: “The Mole…it’s quite a pickle. Cheryl Peytanna is the
only one whom I’m not friends with and dislike. She thinks she’s above the
rest. Maybe it’s not just the position of CEO, but because of the fact that she
knows she’ll be safe as the Mole. And Dickie’s card is such a perfect cover-up,
yet something contrary to her personality as ‘a fair boss’.
Philo Nickelworth is the one whom I trusted since day 1, and
looked up to. We were in a similar yet different situation. Maybe it was this
false sense that blinded me from his true colours. He has been quite low-key.
And he has relied on the least number of cards to get this far.”
Q11: In Mission 5,
what grade did the Mole receive?
A: B
B: C
Q12: In Mission 7
which lane did the Mole take from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 5th
Q13: In Mission 8, in
what order did the Mole first earn a social group?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q14: In Mission 9,
what was the Mole’s high score?
A: 1260
B: 1544
C: 4996
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Cheryl Peytanna
B: Philo Nickelworth
C: Janet Burnes
Cheryl: “So…this is it. I had a taste of how these low-lives
try and earn money to feed themselves. It’s pathetic. And there’s this guy
who’s working for someone else. Is the mole Philo Nickelworth? He’s good at
acting, he needs this chance to shoot back into the field of fame, he’s
remained relatively undetected and unsuspected, yet he’s also hardly ever
Is it then Janet Burnes? She’s also an actor and wants to
show the world she can do more than the vulnerable Juliet. She’s proven her
mettle to me right from the start, that it’s hard to mess with her. And she’s
so suspicious. A woman’s instincts never go wrong, can they?”
Time for the finale! Let’s welcome back our ex-contestants!
“Let us watch the sabotages of each of our finalists:
Let us start with Philo Nickelworth.
- Philo ended up being found and killed, choosing not to put up too much of a struggle.
- Philo did not even try to gain a skill.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- Philo did try to keep things as slack as possible, studying and practising his art skills as little as possible, however it failed.
- He could not eat enough candy to earn points.
- No sabotage.
- Philo did not earn a social group and was the only one not to do so.
- He earned the lowest score of 1260 and did not make it to the 8th tile.
- He misled the others into thinking that the first clue was in the park. He also decided to follow after Janet when swimming for the next clue, minimising productivity.
Looks like Philo isn’t clean, just discreet to the extent
that it has little effect on the pot.
Now, Cheryl Peytanna:
- She managed to escape at the expense of Dawn. This was missed by all as it appeared as though Dawn volunteered or was accidentally killed rather than Cheryl sacrificing Dawn.
- She did not gain a skill in time.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- Cheryl did not really study and struggled to get a passing grade.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- She did not make it to the 8th tile.
- She commanded the others to follow her lead and chose not to swim to find the next clue.
Cheryl looks quite clean, but isn’t a fully upright
Last but not least, Janet Burnes:
- She volunteered to be the killer and was ruthless, trying to kill as many as possible and cut the points down greatly.
- She did not gain a skill in time.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage. She did just enough to earn a C.
- She chose not to eat a single piece of candy, even when Derek fixed the vending machine for her.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- Janet chose to give up prematurely (although time was almost up anyway).
Janet is neither here nor there, but her acting skills led
others to believe her as the Mole, partly also due to the card.”
“Now, let us first answer the big question…who is the Mole?
The Mole has been elusive thus far, managing to fool most of our contestants.
Who is it?”
“It’s Philo Nickelworth!”
Philo: “Surprised anybody?”
Woman on TV: “No way!”
Philo: “Yes way. It was fun. I learnt that I was hardly ever
suspected, and I’m glad to say that my acting skills are still superb. I’m
hoping this will raise my fame. I’m sorry if I offended some of you and looked
like a grumpy old fella, but that’s because I am. So my earnings are little,
but I can here to be known, not to make money, so that’s fine, because I
believe with this comes in the big bucks.”
“You’ve earned 460/1500 points, or 460,000 Simoleons! You’ve
only been suspected 5 times, so an extra 50,000 Simoleons are removed from the
pot, making your total earning 410,000 Simoeleons! Congratulations on being
such a successful Mole! You do have a chance of earning the whole thing though,
because one of our girls up there selected the wrong Mole.”
Philo: “Really? Maybe it does pay off!”
“Now who’s that coming down the stairs? Our second placer…”
“Cheryl Peytanna!”
“Ouch, stop with the screamfests.”
Cheryl: “Shut up and die.”
Cheryl: “It’s impossible! How could I have lost? I’ve always
been seeking for perfection, and the cards I used helped ensure it! I even took
a calculated risk in the final quiz…only to realise I’m wrong! My only comfort
is that I’m not a commoner and don’t need the money.”
“Thank your for participating, Cheryl. To be fair, if you
did win, all your money would go to Philo. So, sorry Philo, your winner got the
right Mole.”
Philo: “Darn.” *grumble*
“Let us welcome down our winner!”
“Janet Burnes, you are officially the winner of the Smole,
Season 16! You earned 1040/1500 points, or 1,040,000 Simoleons and an
additional 50,000 Simoleons for having the team mates guess Philo 5 times! You
officially earn 1090,000 Simoleons! Congratulations!”
Janet: “Thanks. It has been fun. I don’t think I did much to
look like the Mole. It was probably that card I played. I am glad to say that
cheaters never prosper, and I tried to play as fair a game as possible. I
suppose I spent more time with Philo than Cheryl, so I can connect the dots
better. Still, I’m so happy that I won! Now let me act out an excerpt of Romeo and Juliet!”
“Err, no need.”
Charlotte: “This is disgusting. Why am I even here?”
"These are the results for our finalists. Cheryl had an overall
40.9% while Janet had 62.9%.”
“Now we shall watch the clues.
- Some cards mention ‘player’ instead of ‘contestants’. This is deliberate. A player here would be a pun, referring to a person in a play, which would require an actor. Philo is an actor. (This is one clue that is a distraction and a misleading one)
- Episode 1-Philo is the fourth to be introduced, alluding to his status as the Mole (which has 4 letters). This may not be a strong clue however.
After her we have
Philo Nickelworth, 44, TV actor.
- Episode 3-The bag of money was placed in between the portraits of Janet and Philo. In the bag was also a note (if anyone had bothered to check before doing the quiz) that said ‘The Mole is nearby…watch your back.’ The second part of the note has no relevance, but the first part indicates that the Mole was close to the bag of money. Philo’s portrait was close to the money.
- Episode 4-The tables were arranged in a 4 by 4 square. It actually represents Philo’s age, 44, or 4x4, or 4 squared.
- Episode 5-Almost every single song sung had relevance to Philo, showing that he was the Mole.
- ‘Vegetables’ referred to the fact that he was vegetarian
- Derek’s song was by Nickelback, which sounds similar to Nickelworth
- Janet’s song was ‘Payphone’ by Maroon 5, which was the inspiration for Philo’s clothes and colour
- Cheryl’s was by Sam and Max (which is a comic strip and video game series. One of the characters is Philo Pennyworth, who sounds similar to Philo Nickelworth)
- Dawn’s song is ‘Price Tag’, referring to money Philo which was after
- Jillian’s song was ‘Call me Maybe’, which starts with ‘C’ (Philo was option C on the Mole quiz that episode).
- Only Chad’s song was irrelevant.
Philo’s song is “Vegetables”
by Beach Boys.
Derek’s song is “Burn
it to the ground” by Nickelback.
Janet’s song is “Payphone”
by Maroon 5.
Cheryl’s song is “Good
for You (Good for Me)” from Sam and Max.
Dawn’s song is “Price
Tag” by Jessie J.
Jillian’s song is “Call
me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen.
Q10: Who is the Mole?
C: Philo Nickelworth
- Episode 6-There was a balcony in the dorm, which was reminiscent of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, as Charlotte correctly identified. However, the real clue was in the fact that there was a nod towards a play (the specific play being irrelevant), meaning that actors were involved. Philo is an actor. (Yes, this is one of the many clues meant to distract people into thinking Janet was the Mole)
- Romeo and Juliet was showing on the TV in the Sugar Shack. The clue is that it was a TV show, and hence there would be TV actors. Philo is a TV actor.

Janet: “Hey! There’s Romeo
and Juliet showing!”
Charlotte: “Hmm…”
- Janet had to do a commercial for ‘Peony Soda’. Peony is a disyllabic word, and the first letter of each syllable is ‘P’ and ‘N’ respectively. ‘P’ and ‘N’ are the initials of Philo Nickelworth.
As we wait for time to
pass, let’s watch a commercial.
Janet: “Hmm…what
should I be doing? Ah, I know! I’ll drink a Peony Soda! Aah, refreshing!
The scent of fresh peonies in my throat, so refreshing! It tickles my
palate. I love you Peony Soda!”
This commercial has
been proudly brought to you by Peony Soda.
- Episode 8-Philo made ‘Buddha Jumps Over the Wall’. Neither the Citrus Oxide nor the fact that it was a Chinese cuisine had anything to do with the clue. The real clue was in the name, which contained Buddha. Philo is Buddhist.
Derek: “Hey, what you
Philo: “I’m making Buddha
Jumps Over the Wall. It’s a Chinese dish.”
Derek: “Dawn said she
loved Chinese food, and it may have been passed onto me.”
Philo: “I’m going to
add Citrus Oxide.”
Derek: “Fruity.”
Philo: “Because I
can’t eat meat, so I’m compensating with this.”
- Episode 9-The game was a big clue. Firstly, each tile did represent each contestant, but there were only 11 tiles. The only one not represented in one tile would thus be Philo.
- But beyond that, there is another clue. Each tile also represents a part of Philo.
- The fire represents red, found on Philo’s scarf.
- The sunglasses represent glasses, or Philo’s glasses.
- The black coat represents a man, which Philo is.
- The colour tan refers to the tan skin colour, which Philo has.
- The red skirt represents the colour red, which Philo can be spotted with.
- The woohoo symbol on a card represents the card of Alexander, held by Philo.
- The grey colour represents Philo’s age.
- The blue colour represents one of the primary colours used to make purple, which Philo prominently wears.
- The muscle represents masculinity, and Philo is masculine.
- The stage represents acting, and Philo is an actor (though of a different kind)
- The cherry represents red again, which Philo has on his scarf.

Episode 10-The final 3 were dubbed ‘Pink and Purple’. At the
start it was asked which pink would win and which purple was the Mole. There
was only one finalist in purple, and that was Philo. Hence, it was indirectly
revealing that Philo was the Mole.
…which Pink will win
and which Purple is the Mole?
“And these are all the clues!”
Cheryl: “Stupid journal.”
Philo: “Maybe I can keep this and sell it for a load of cash!”
“Thank you for joining us on the Smole, Season 16!”
They look like monkeys.
Charlotte: “Why did I drag myself here? It’s so awkward.”
Dawn: “Derek! I missed you so much!”
Derek: “I missed you too! Let’s kiss some more!”
Cheryl: “See? If we had formed a coalition from the start we
both might have made it to the finale. And I might have won.”
Charlotte: “Then I wouldn’t be happy. Now I’m leaving.
Derek: “Oh Dawn…”
Dawn: “Oh Derek…I don’t remember us kissing yet. Shall we do
Derek: “Let me take a leak first.”
Dawn: “Oh my adorable, hunky, intelligent Derek…hey, where
did he go?”
Here are the other ex-contestants in their formal wear, just
in time for the party.
Chad: “Oh gosh, I feel so stressed out! I’m being filmed
doing this silly thing! And what shall I do after I leave? I still have no
purpose in life…Philo? Any advice? Should I follow a religion?”
Epi 1
Epi 2
Epi 3
Epi 4
Epi 5
Epi 6
Epi 7
Epi 8
Epi 9
Epi 10
Janet Burnes
Philo Nickelworth
Cheryl Peytanna
Derek Zora
Charlotte Burnot
Chad Denizen
Dawn Lytton
Jillian McLaughlin
Argyle Sinclair
Iris Ollie
Demetria Krissatina
Uma Phile
*Red means executed, blue means quit, faded green means card
earned, green means card played, orange means effector of card but not card
player. Blue and red override faded green and green, green and faded green
override orange.
**All quiz results shown are after cards have been played.
***Janet only suspected Philo twice—at the start and at the
end. She is the only player to really suspect Philo.
****In Episode 3, Iris was the going to be the other
executed contestant, so she made a wise decision and taking the money since she
would leave either way.
*****This season, most contestants started off with a high
score but deteriorated towards the end.
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