Thursday, 15 January 2015

17.02-Be very afraid

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Mole appeared on the Smole before?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Is the Mole above or 30 and below?
A: Above
B: Below or Equal

Q4: In Mission 1, what round did the Mole advance to?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th

Q5: Did the Mole end up in a draw in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 1, did the Mole end up getting picked to advance?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not end up in a draw
D: Yes and No

Q7: In Mission 1, how long did the Mole take to reach a decision in Round 1?
A: Less than 50s
B: 50-60s
C: More than 60s

Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole fall while climbing the pole?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Was the Mole wet at the start of Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tay Swift
B: Taylor Bleu
C: Dominic Kaliton
D: Dominica Kaliton
E: Bernie Thatch
F: Bernice Thatch
G: Lysander Harper
H: Viola Striker
I: Dory Neo
J: Jacintha Neo
K: Kiki Springer
L: Mimi Springer
M: Ryan Elder
N: Ryanna Elder
O: Isaiah Prissy
P: Prissy Chrissy

Tay: “Taylor and I had a strategy. I would choose the option that fits the majority while Taylor would pick any other option. This should cover all bases. It won’t be high, but chances of hitting the Mole are higher, and this is what we need to survive the first few executions.”


“This execution shall take place in this manner. Your picture will be shown first along with your name. If you are safe, your picture will turn green. If you turn red, you and your partner are executed. Yes, it’s double executions all the way until the twist ends!”

Jacintha and Dory.


Bernice and Bernie.


Tay and Taylor.



Ryan and Ryanna.

Half of them are safe. The other half, be very afraid.

Dominic and Dominica.

“I’m sorry Dominic and Dominica, but you are the first pair to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Dominica: “I feel like we haven’t had synergy or worked together…like at all.”
Dominic: “I blame Isaiah.”

Dominic: “Stupid Isaiah. I hope you die next!”
Dominica: “Dominic! Play nice! Leave with dignity!”

Dominica: “Come on Dominic.”
Dominic: “I have to sit in your car? Geez. And thanks a lot. I thought you were good at this? Yet you got executed first twice already! I say your first win was just luck.”
Dominica: “At least I try. Now buckle your seat belt.”
Dominic: “Why?”
Dominica: “Because your big sister says so. And if you don’t you’ll be pulled over.”

There goes powerhouse celebrities Dominic and Dominica! Which pair will be next?

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