Friday 10 April 2015

18.14-It's one of the most sacred initiation ceremony highlights of joining a clan

Veronica: “Oops. What are you filming? This is called letting loose. It’s one of the most sacred initiation ceremony highlights of joining a clan. Nothing you posers won’t understand. You’ve been brainwashed with sheeple culture anyway.”

Craig: “OI! Did you just take a picture of me peeing? And where did you even get that phone?”
Ernest: “Oh, I found where they hid their phones.”
Craig: “Whatever. Delete that you sicko!”
Ernest: “I could sell the photo on ebay and earn millions!”
Craig: “Don’t make me go up there and punch you and your phone!”
Ernest: “It’s my phone!”
Craig: “…think of the bigger picture, Ernest. We shouldn’t let this sour our relationship.”
Ernest: “Why should I give up a quick money-making opportunity for our relationship? My personal gains are not worth sacrificing.”
Craig: “Why you little…”

Vivian: “Okay, so who do you think the Mole could be?”
Natalie: “I really am beginning to think it is Roy.”
Vivian: “Interesting…”
Natalie: “Aren’t you going to tell me yours too?”
Vivian: “Can I even trust you?”
Natalie: “You still seem jealous of me.”
Vivian: “Nonsense. I’m the better one. Why should I be jealous of you?”

Bryan: “Yeah, we could go watch a movie sometime when we’re out of here…woah.”
Colette: “What’s wrong?”
Bryan: “Nothing. Let’s go back up the elevator shall we?”

Colette: “Oh hi Vivi.”
Vivian: “Er, hi.”
Colette: “You were forbidding me from seeing her?”
Bryan: “No…”

Colette: “Oh, Tammy. Oh.”

Bryan: “Were you two in a coalition? I can’t believe you betrayed us!”
Natalie: “I did nothing of the sort. I can explain, really. It’s not what it seems.”
Colette: “Let me talk to her.”

Colette: “Tammy, please tell me what he said wasn’t true.”
Natalie: “Of course not! Do you trust me?”
Colette: “Of course!”
Natalie: “Then trust me when I say we are not in a coalition. Vivi and I were really just discussing makeup tips.”
Bryan: “Never seen you two so chummy.”
Natalie: “We decided to bury the hatchet. We’re both beautiful.”
Colette: “See? Nothing to worry about!”
Bryan: “You believe her? Aiyaiyai!”
Colette: “We could go and ask Vivi later.”


Ernest: “Whee! So exhilarating!”



Bryan: “I’ll make a guess…”


“Tonight, contestants will leave. Not one, but two of them. That’s right: double execution!”

“Colette Steel…

you are safe!”

“The next contestant…”

“…Is executed.”

“Who is it?”

“I’m sorry Craig Gulf, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Craig: “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Veronica Taylor…


“Ernest Lee…either you or Vivian will be leaving tonight along with Craig. Let us find out your results.”
Ernest: “Just let Vivi go. I have no qualms about sacrificing her to let me advance.”


That means Vivian is executed.

“I’m sorry Vivian Belle, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Craig: “There’s really got to be some mistake. How could we be executed? How could I be executed?”
“Because the Mole chose to execute you. Now please leave.”

Ernest: “That’s so sad! Both of them are in my coalitions! I need to find something to cheer myself up…”
Veronica: “Ergh, good thing those sheeple-advocates are gone. Good riddance.”



Ernest: “Bryan! Join me!”
Bryan: “Well, I don’t see why not. It’ll be fun!”

Bryan: “Woo! I made it into final 6! On a more grim note, Tammy has become more suspicious. Especially when we wanted to confront Vivi after the execution, only for her to be executed. The Mafia game has proven she can be deceptive too! I’ve been fooled by her. I just don’t know why Colette is still so naïve!”

Both Craig Gulf and Vivian Belle have been executed. Who will follow after them?


Some random shots XD

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