Friday 17 April 2015

18.16-The bull really made me nauseous

Colette: “Oh, execution ceremony will be here soon.”
Roy: “I will leave. I just know it. There’s no need to get our hopes up.”
Colette: “Unlike you I’d like to stay positive. I believe I can survive if I work hard enough!”


Ernest: “I’m making a guess.”


“Execution time!”


“Roy Dylan Osthmus….

is safe!”

“Colette Steel, Bryan King, one of you will be leaving tonight.”

“Bryan King.”

“I am sorry to say that you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Bryan: “Oh if I had remembered! Then I wouldn’t be executed! I only can warn Colette against Tammy now.”

Bryan: “The bull really made me nauseous.”

Bryan King has been executed! Who else will the Mole pick on?

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