Tuesday, 30 June 2015

19.20-Like a stalker

Towards the end, some clean…
…some watch…
…and some dance.


Q1: How old is the Mole?
A: 30
B: 34
C: 40

Q2: What hair colour does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Brown

Q3: Does the Mole wear a skirt or pants?
A: Skirt
B: Pants

Q4: Does the Mole wear accessories on her head?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Murphy Room
B: Dull Room

Becky: “…Do I have to? Alright…That evil, dastardly Gretchen Hertfordshire…she reeks…of suspicion. She pretends to read…her journal…but…she’s lying. Like in the last mission…she…she…tried to sabotage. But she failed…she likes to blame everything on me…doesn’t that scream guilty? She’s the pot calling the kettle black…

Sue May however…also fishy. She pretended to be nice…then betrayed everyone’s trust…and sent those who trusted her home…she has many games up her sleeves…figuratively…she likes to sabotage…she is hard to predict.”

Q6: In Mission 10, which car did the Mole take?
A: Blue
B: Grey

Q7: In Mission 10, did the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Who died by fire?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Chester Chesterfield
F: Elena Crane
G: Fanny Garter
H: Terrence Daniel
I: William Hanes
J: Kimberly Flanning
K: Leonard Windsor

Q9: Who is most likely to die from overexhaustion?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Chester Chesterfield
F: Elena Crane
G: Fanny Garter
H: Terrence Daniel
I: William Hanes
J: Kimberly Flanning
K: Leonard Windsor

Q10: Who is most likely to die by fire?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Elena Crane
F: Fanny Garter
G: Terrence Daniel
H: William Hanes
I: Kimberly Flanning
J: Leonard Windsor

Gretchen: “What a weird quiz. Anyway, does anybody think that Sue May is weird? She’s cunning, evil, manipulative and can put on a show. That’s perfect Mole criteria. She likes to play many games and try to sabotage, like during the showroom mission, where she got 0/9 correct. Blasphemous! She uses reverse psychology, trying to get everyone to think she’s the Mole…I think.

Becky BBBB is a wh***. She should be called Becky BBBB****. I mean, she doesn’t even do much in the game! How can she last till today? The only reason is because she’s the Mole! I know her. She pretends to be demure and nice, fooling everyone, but deep down she’s an evil s***! She stole my fiancé! SHE STOLE MY BUCK! HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH THAT CAMERA!?”

Q11: Who will die of old age first?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Chester Chesterfield
F: Elena Crane
G: Fanny Garter
H: Terrence Daniel
I: William Hanes
J: Kimberly Flanning
K: Leonard Windsor

Q12: Who is the Mole closest to?
A: Leonard Windsor
B: Chester Chesterfield
C: Terrence Daniel

Q13: In Mission 10, in which order did the Mole first do the mission?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd

Q14: Who did Leonard Windsor last choose as the Mole?
A: Gretchen Hertfordshire
B: Sue May
C: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
D: Leonard Windsor

Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Gretchen Hertfordshire
B: Sue May
C: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker

Sue: “This is mandatory? Okay then. Did anyone mention how Becky BBBB is so quiet, such that nobody knows her? She keeps under the radar, a low profile, so that she’d be invisible and the others will not think her as the Mole. She pretends to be sweet but she stole a fiancé, so surely that shows how deceptive she can be. It’s not like she hasn’t sabotaged. She doesn’t even try to redeem or justify herself. It’s like she doesn’t even care because it doesn’t affect her since she’s the Mole!

However, there is Gretchen Hertfordshire. She is aggressive. She is tenacious. She looks like she worked hard to get here. However, on closer inspection, maybe it’s a façade. She wants others to think she got her by merit so they wouldn’t think she’s the Mole! And she actually spends more time fighting with Becky than really playing the game. She has had her fair share of sabotage, so she’d make a greater Mole.”


“Welcome to White-Door Ampitorieum (pronounced M-P-tor-rium), the venue for the finale of the Smole, Season 19! Let us usher in all our dead contestants and watch them revive before your very eyes!”

“Firstly we have our favourite explorer Fanny ‘Ashley’ Garter!”
Fanny: “Gosh I hate my name.”

“Following her (like a stalker) is resident cowboy William Hanes!”
William: “Howdy y’all!”

“Next, our first to double execution victims Kimberly Flanning and Hector Lorzo!”
Kimberly: “Stupid Mole.”
Hector: “I’m ready for some action!”

“After that is Walter Fleur!”
Walter: “I knew I shouldn’t have bothered signing up. Wasted all my time just dressing up for this fancy-schmancy occasion. It’s not like I get anything from it.”

“In 9th place is Elena ‘Ellen’ Crane!”
Elena: “I’d bring my camera but the production crew didn’t allow that. Said they have it all covered.”
“That we do.”

“The first row is filled. Look at how excited they are.”

“Next up is Joshua Kaiser!”
Joshua: “Go big or go home. I was aiming for the former but was forced to do the latter. Get ready for my lawsuit. I heard you tried to burn down my replica house and cursed me to death.”

“Er…the ones who did that are Helen Kimchabor and Chester Chesterfield!”
Helen: “I am honoured to be a part of this grand festivity.”
Chester: “Say what now?”

“In 5th place is Terrence Daniel!”
Terrence: “If she’s not the Mole, then the other she must be the Mole! I’ve got it all figured out!”

“And missing out just by a bit is Leonard Windsor!”
Leonard: “I can’t wait to create some memories together. Assuming you all would like to keep in touch after this.”

“As always, we shall watch how the contestants sabotaged and gobbled up those points like a ferocious, vicious cowplant.

  1. Becky, Walter, Fanny and William failed the mission.

William and Fanny have given up!

Becky: “Too hard. Forget it.”

Walter: “I’m hanged. What kind of word is this?”

2. Gretchen, Sue, Kimberly, William and Walter were unable to complete their anagrams. Among them, William and Kimberly only managed to get one of the two anagrams solved. Gretchen was eager to give up.

3. Leonard broke the chain, allowing Terrence to advance. Ellen broke the chain, allowing the disliked Helen at that point to advance. Hector broke the chain, allowing Sue to advance. Gretchen broke the chain, barely achieving points for the group and allowing her enemy Becky to advance. Joshua tried to throw his team off right from the start by saying a filthy word, which could cost points. In the final round, Becky repeated a number, allowing Helen to win the exemption and costing that round’s points.

Joshua: “That idiot Hector. I don’t really mind giving it to a babe like Sue and she is real good, but I wanted that exemption. At least let me fight for it. Aggressively. Heh. I’m surprised she wasn’t grossed out when I started off with cum.”

Helen: “This old man, he played five, he played knick-knack on my hive, with a knick-knack paddy-whack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home.”
Becky: “This old man, he played five, he…”
Helen: “Dear, I said five.”
Becky: “Oh.”
“And Helen wins the exemption, three times in a row! Impressive! 4 out of 5 rounds made it past 10, so 40/50 points, or 220/320 points are added…”

4. Helen survived the sabotage, thus losing points even though Terrence had failed.

Helen succeeds!

5. This is where things went downhill. Gretchen first started off by trying to mislead Joshua into thinking in the wrong direction, which he did. He only got one room correct, whereas Sue and Chester had a big fat zero, though they were rewarded with exemptions for that. Becky’s garage was so devoid of personality that it was hard to guess who built the garage. Sue deliberately threw many off by building a bedroom that seemed like what Helen would build. Becky further propagated this. Terrence’s library was not that easy to guess frankly. Joshua also sabotaged by building a horribly-designed kitchen so that nobody could guess his room. Gretchen copied the house’s living room so nobody could tell who built it.

Joshua: “This must be built by a male because there are urinals.”
Gretchen: “And so a female can’t build it? She’s clearly trying to fool stereotypical, sexist idiots like you.”
Joshua: “Say that again!”
Gretchen: “Eww, don’t flash at me!”
Joshua: “Suck it, b****.”

Helen: “This room so dark and blank. Only two car spots here.”

Leonard: “Well, an interesting bedroom. It looks Japanese. I think Helen built this. What do you think Becky? Come on, answer me.”

Helen: “This room so bright!”
Leonard: “Gosh this room is gaudy. Hey, a stereo!”
Joshua: “Heh. Clearly someone was trying to mess with you. We’ll never be able to guess this.”

Sue: “Someone here was trying to copy the living room back at the house.”
Helen: “Yes.”
Sue: “This guy is evil.”

Leonard: “This room is weird. Is it a dining room? It looks Japanese too. I think we were fooled! Who could have built this room?”
Becky: “Sue?”
Leonard: “Huh? Sue? Did you say Sue? Hmm….possible. I suppose she’d try to make it look very Asiany but not Chinesey.”

6. The only points were earned when Helen beat Leonard and Sue beat Joshua.

7. Becky refused to tell the others anything. She also destroyed evidence by sitting on a burnt chair. Chester also potentially damaged evidence by using the bath. Nobody noticed the lights, the burnt doors or the wax in the kitchen. Gretchen and Becky fought, causing them to waste time. Terrence actually self-sabotaged by asking Helen to play the questioning of the suspects while he was reading the case file, causing him to be unable to concentrate and analyse it thoroughly. Leonard didn’t contribute much. Sue was eager to tell everyone the sabotages Becky had done. Pretty much everyone did not share vital information. As a result, few came close to the actual occurrence. Sue even gave an absurd theory involving grenades.

Sue: “Becky, I don’t think it’s a good idea to sit on evidence…”
*chair breaks*
Becky: “…Oops…”
Sue: “Great. You destroyed it. You really are trying to sabotage, aren’t you?”

Sue: “I just want to say this: bad choice for a kitchen. Wood? In a kitchen? Seriously? Now, as I was going to say, Becky just refuses to say anything. I ask her but she doesn’t reply. I have to stop and look up to see what she’s doing and what she’s found. Like when we entered and she looked at Joshua’s past achievements, she didn’t say anything. She also just sneakily entered the kitchen without telling anyone. Well, so did Chester, but he’s innocent.”

Gretchen: “B****, how dare you leave without me knowing!”
Sue: “Gretchen, don’t worry. You were still trying out the phone so I followed her in to prevent her from doing anything.”
Gretchen: “Thankfully there’s you, Sue.”
Sue: “But…she broke some evidence. She sat on a chair and broke it.”
Gretchen: “You fat *****! How dare you try to sabotage! You are the Mole, I just know it!”

Terrence: “Hey, I didn’t realise there was something there. I need to take a closer look. Oh! It’s information about Joshua Kaiser!”

Helen: “This is the people? The…suspense? Suspeks? Suspects?
Terrence: “Let’s listen to them Helen.”

Sue: “Goby must have killed Joshua, I think. He probably brought a grenade and exploded the place or something. Gah, I don’t know! He’s the only one with anything relevant to this case! He probably brought a gun to shoot the place to produce smoke! Okay, the grenade one sounds better. I’m sticking with that.”

8. None of them lasted 24 hours. Becky gave up the fighting chance to earn the last few points possible for that mission.

Becky: “I’m not going to sacrifice myself any more for the team since they don’t for me.”
0/50 points have been earned, the pot now having 475/980 points. It’s not looking good.

9. Becky was so soft the others couldn’t hear her. Nobody really helped any other player. Sue was the only one to earn any points in this mission.

10. Gretchen, Becky and Sue were fighting over who was the most trustworthy to do the mission. Sue tried to get the mission to fail without her putting much effort into it by getting the others to have a go so that it would seem as if she didn’t have a part to play in the sabotage. She seemed uneasy about earning bonus points. Becky’s attempt to be systematic resulted in some redundancy and wasted chances. Gretchen locked in an answer without discussion.

Becky: “…Lousy.”
Sue: “Are you trying to jeopardise our chances, Gretchen? There’s no need to Mole around now.”
Gretchen: “Well, sorrreeee for trying. Why not you give it a go if you think it’s so easy?”
Sue: “I just might. Pink, Green, Red.”

Becky: “…Green, green….green.”
Gretchen: “See what she’s done? You b****, don’t make me slap you on live television!”

Sue: “Very funny, locking in the answers without discussion.”

And that sums up the sabotages!”

“You all went wrong when answering the quizzes.”
Chester: “You bet. I think I clicked on a wrong option by accident, causing my downfall.”

“The three damsels are locked up in these rooms. They are very distressed.”

“It is now time to answer a very important question. Which one of them is the Mole?”

“The final three are given keys. Only one of the doors will open. That door will reveal to all who the Mole is. Are you ready?”


Kimberly: “What?”
Hector: “Shocker!”
Walter: “You can say that again.”
William: “Haha. She reminds me of my wife. Cunning.”

“The Mole is…”

“…Becky Beaker-Baker Barker Becker!”

Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker did well this season. She was so quiet and mysterious nobody could really put a finger on her and her status. She never tried to justify her actions but many attributed that to her personality. Her sabotages were rarely subtle but it was thought to be too obvious to be sabotages. In a last bid attempt to throw others off, she tried to seem like the only one who wanted to win the bonus mission, even though it was detrimental, as she was confident that the others would ruin things. Unfortunately it failed. She didn’t need to sweat it too much however, since all of you played a part in awarding her points. Tentatively, she has earned 420/1000 points, or 420,000 Simoleons!”

“Only two ladies remain. Who’s the winner and who’s going home with nothing?”

“They have been given another key. This key will open the winner’s door.”

“The winner…”

“…Of the Smole, Season 19 is…”

“Sue May!”

“Sue May has played an excellent game this season. From the start, she tried to control every single contestant in the household using her charm, charisma, angelic disposition and beauty. Her only flaw was that she sent others in the correct direction by accident, causing many except her to choose Becky as the Mole. When she realised the error of her way however, she kept a cool head and attempted to mess with the others’ minds even further, even deciding to reveal her true self to send others into panic and think whether they were the Mole. Unfortunately Terrence’s execution made the others sure she was not the Mole, but she still gave it a shot, tricking Leonard and attempting to create confusion in Gretchen. She deserves it. You tentatively win 580/1000 points, or 580,000 Simoleons! Tell us your feelings.”

Sue: “You summed my strategy up pretty well! I’m glad and relieved that I won. All of you are fools, I must say, for letting me bewitch you. Of course, I must admit Becky’s quite a good Mole. I didn’t think of her at first and was originally fooled by Helen’s prowess. Gretchen did of course make things difficult and I did have to worry, though not too much, because I believed she was onto Becky longer than I was. I plan to use the money to buy a new car.”

Becky: “…I want to buy some…jewellery. Being a Mole…was stressful…but I pulled through…I just avoided contact and….communication with others…I am glad all this is over…because of how Gretchen and Sue treated me. I felt so upset….but I had nobody to turn to…I guess you’re alone in the game, especially when you’re the Mole…and I am upset about the bonus mission…sigh…please don’t believe Gretchen’s lies however. You all have seen how cruel she is…”

Hector: “Well, it comes as a shock indeed that the Mole is Becky! Least expected that! I thought it was Sue!”
Helen: “I am glad I was removed before Sue revealed herself to be bad. Otherwise I will be very confusing.”
Chester: “It’s unfair! How come I chose Becky and I was out!”
“Because so did most others.”
Chester: “I believe Sue didn’t!”
“Her victory did partly depend on luck…and exemptions.”


“Before we forget, let’s let out our runner-up of the season. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Gretchen Hertfordshire!”

“Gretchen Hertfordshire is a smart woman. Originally she planned to be professional and not pick Becky ‘just because’. She tried to pick options that seemed to fit the majority at first. However, due to her prior knowledge of Becky, she soon caught on that Becky was more than met the eye and started choosing her. Unfortunately, her arrogance and overconfidence did send her down the wrong path. She also did start second-guessing herself and that probably cost her the most.”

Gretchen: “I hate you Sue. I hate you even more, Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker. I will make sure to ruin your life!”

“Now let us watch the clues.

  • Remember the four duck-lamps on the dining table? They’re actually a clue. The four ducks’ beaks/bills are a reference to Becky’s last name. They both share a similarity: They have four Bs. (Beaks/Bills & Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker)

  • One of the fortunes in the fortune cookie machine read ‘The Mole is dark’. This is actually referencing Becky’s dark clothes.
  • Episode 3-The hidden exemption was given to the one who made it to 40. 40 is Becky’s age.

“And Helen wins the exemption, three times in a row! Impressive! 4 out of 5 rounds made it past 10, so 40/50 points, or 220/320 points are added. A hidden exemption was to be given to the one who made it to 40, but seeing as nobody even made it past 30, nobody gets it.”
  • Episode 7-The case file in the morgue had one purple lipstick mark. Becky wears purple lipstick. Unfortunately the only one who touched the file was Terrence and he was not thorough in his analysis.
  • Episode 9-The contestants had to visit ‘Funky Monkey Purple Lounge’. The reason it was a PURPLE lounge was because of Becky’s lipstick colour.

The final 4’s next mission is coming up. They each pick a fortune cookie. Inside will be a number. They will then head to Funky Monkey Purple Lounge, where they will take turns reading (based on the number) a portion of the Google translated songs and seeking help from the other three. When all these are done, they then proceed to write the name of actual song before translation. Each correct identification earns 5 points. This is worth 20 points.
  • Episode 10-There was a purple-and-black light at the back of the wall. This is a clue to Becky’s iconic colours.

“And that is it!”

“The clues are few this season but it’s not like the contestants really needed it. This is because Becky was chosen as the Mole 18 times (partially thanks to Sue). As such, 180 points are removed from the Mole’s pot and given to the winner’s pot. This means that Becky earns 240,000 Simoleons and Sue wins 760,000 Simoleons! Congratulations to both of you, especially Sue! Your strategy really did pay off in the end. Your mistake helped you earn more!”
Becky: “…”

“Thank you all for watching the Smole, Season 19. Now, it’s time to party!”

Leonard: “What’s the time now?”
Terrence: “About 10.30PM. Why?”
Leonard: “What the heck. I don’t care. I want to party till the sun goes up!”

Walter: “Why must you rascals always block my view of the television!?”


William: “Well, looks like it’s getting late. See ya, beautiful! I dun mind if you use me over n’ over again, just as long as we keep in touch!”
Sue: “Erm…let me see…I’m not going to be your mistress nor do I want to incur your wife’s fury, so FAT CHANCE.”

Helen: “I never really know you very well. Let us make friends.”
Fanny: “You would have known me better if I wasn’t the first to be executed!”
Helen: “There, there, it’s all over.”

Leonard: “Bye everyone! I think I really need to get home now. I had great fun and I shall remember this day forever! Oh, now I’m all tearing up.”

And that concludes the season! If you are interested, Gretchen got an average score of 64.2% while Sue got an average of 71.5%

Bonus shot. Funky Monkey Purple Lounge is really bright.

Epi 1
Epi 2
Epi 3
Epi 4
Epi 5
Epi 6
Epi 7
Epi 8
Epi 9
Epi 10
Sue May
Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
Gretchen Hertfordshire
Leonard Windsor

Terrence Daniel

Chester Chesterfield

Helen Kimchabor

Joshua Kaiser

Elena Crane

Walter Fleur

Hector Lorzo

Kimberly Flanning

William Hanes

Fanny Garter

*Red =executed, green =exempt, italics =scored the lowest but safe, black=not in game.
**All quizzes except the first are upon 15. The first quiz is upon 10.
***For the first two quizzes, whoever Elena picked was executed.
****Helen surprisingly won the first three exemptions.

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