Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to solve a murder, with Felix, James, Kairel and Gabriel being suspects. Lewis decided to spend two extra clues to help the investigators Janice and Gladys but in the end they still failed utterly, hence 0/100 points were earned, making the pot 150/680 points. Felix earned a hidden exemption for not being chosen as the murderer. He is safe but who is not? And can the group raise this pathetic pot up?
Gladys: "James has been rather distant and unparticipative in missions. Like he's deliberately avoiding key positions. I don't necessarily suspect him but it's hard to ignore this fact."
James: "Whenever I think of which position the Mole would want, I see Gladys. She is in my coalition but it would be a fool to absolutely trust a rival."
Felix: "That's what she did. I know she's committed worse crimes. So I'm hoping to be able to engage you after the show to sue Gladys."
James: "Can you afford my fees? Consultation fees alone border the four-figure range."
Felix: "...Can it be cheaper?"
James: "No money no talk."
Felix: "Fine. Forget I ever asked."
Lewis: "It's hard to trust my coalition. It's not them; it's me. My past has made it hard to trust and as a result, it becomes very lonely. When you are the one who betrayed their trust, you end up losing yours as well."
Felix: "I'm soliciting both of your help. Gladys is our nemesis. We must bring her down. I want revenge."
Janice: "Am I hearing things? You're actually having a conversation that doesn't involve your wife...directly?"
Janice: "Then of course I'd be happy to help. I've been digging up information about her. Long live the Internet."
Janice: "Your case will just add to the stacked evidence against her. I'm confident we can find some way to bring her down."
Felix: "Hopefully, but I don't trust the justice system there. There's a reason why she's still up there despite all her scandals. I'm willing to play dirty."
Lewis: "I wouldn't want to do that. I'm all for justice but I don't want to stoop to their level."
Lewis: "I'm sure that we will be able to defeat them. Especially with your notes, Janice."
Kairel: "Come on, don't be such a sourpuss. Let loose and live a little."
James: "And waste my time away? No thank you. I have more important matters to handle."
Kairel: "Like what? You're not even reading your journal. You're looking at a law book for Christ's sake. Who are you planning to sue?"
James: "I just don't want to forget my job."
Kairel: "It must be suffocating to lead your life. This is the perfect time to get away from it all. Just remove it all: your tie, your clothes, your image, your burdens. Come and be free with me."
James: "...Alright. But only to get you off my back."
Kairel: "James! James! James! James! James! James!"
Kairel: "Why do you even have swimming trunks...see? I knew you were dying to do this."
Kairel: "Woo!"
James: "How refreshing."
Janice: "If you're smart enough you know to bank everything on Felix since he's exempt. That way you get to keep the 200 points a little while longer."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which is the Mole's place of birth?
A: Sunset Valley
B: Starlight Shores
C: Hanoi
D: Johannesburg
E: New York
F: Illinois
G: Nevada
Q3: Before Mission 6, who did the Mole sit with?
A: Gabriel Ruen
B: Felix Kuchappe
C: Janice Ilien & Kairel St. James
D: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez & Kairel St. James
E: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez & Janice Ilien
F: Lewis Stewart
G: James Christian Sol
Q4: In Mission 6, which car was the Mole in?
A: Blue
B: Pink
C: Yellow
Q5: In Mission 6, did the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 6, how many others were there in the car with the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 3
Q7: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's role?
A: Forensic Scientist
B: Investigator
C: Suspect
Q8: In Mission 6, which of these potential weapons belong to the Mole?
A: Metal pots
B: Candle
C: Detergent
D: Pillow
E: The Mole was not a suspect
Q9: In Mission 6, in what order was the Mole seen by the investigators?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole was not a suspect
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Gabriel Ruen
B: Kairel St. James
C: Felix Kuchappe
D: James Christian Sol
E: Lewis Stewart
F: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez
G: Janice Ilien
Kairel: "I've been going on the same suspect for a long time and I'm still here. I feel confident to take it up a notch and cash on this. Fingers crossed."
"Tonight, one more contestant gets executed. Felix is once again immune to execution so his face won't be shown on the screen. The same goes for one of you."
"Only three more. Who will not be safe: Gabriel Ruen, Janice Ilien or Kairel St. James?"
"And the last one safe is..."
"Janice Ilien."
"Unfortunately, that means Kairel St. James, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Gabriel: "He was such a fun guy who knew how to make me laugh. I don't want him to go. The house will be boring without him."
Kairel: "Aw shucks. I'm glad I'm still loved and will be missed. But I was so sure of it. I had been on him since the dawn of time. Oh well."
Kairel: "I guess this is goodbye for good. Maybe it was too early to show hand. Maybe next time. Good luck to all of you! I'd love to see if my Mole ends up being the winner."
"On average, you bet 21 points that Kairel was the Mole. With his execution, you now only have 179 points to dabble and play with. Use them wisely."
The cutesy likeable Kairel has been executed, taking with him 21 points! Will tensions soar with his departure?
Please do not highlight whatever is below if you do not wish to get spoilers.
James: 80
Lewis: 20
Janice: 30
Kairel: 20
Gabriel: 50
Gladys: 60
Lewis: 60
Felix: 20
Janice: 60
Gladys: 100
Janice: 100
Gladys: 100
Janice: 100
Felix: 200
Gladys: 20
James: 20
Lewis: 20
Felix: 80
Janice: 20
Kairel: 20
Gabriel: 20
Gladys: 10
James: 10
Lewis: 40
Felix: 20
Janice: 10
Kairel: 110
Gladys: 41
James: 16
Lewis: 20
Felix: 46
Janice: 46
Kairel: 21
Gabriel: 10
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