Tuesday, 5 December 2017

36.14-Guilty conscience

In the last episode of the Smole, the final six were split into two teams for a game of tag. However, there was a spy on each team who worked for the other team. They could earn an exemption by either betraying their team or keeping their cover. In the end, Bryan and Paris survived, leading to 40/60 points for the pot or 325/730 points in total. While Sylvester outed himself by eliminating Stephanie, Bryan remained undetected and thus earned an exemption. Who will be part of the final five?


Stephanie: "I think it is strange how Sylvester chose to expose himself by tapping me out. If he hadn't done so he may still have gotten an exemption for being undetected. He definitely wasn't going to get one because for eliminating us both because Colt was not eliminated by him, so did he misunderstand the instructions? Or was there an ulterior motive? Granted, the instructions were quite misleading for the spies. Which team was theirs exactly? By belonging to both teams, they end up belonging to none, if you catch my drift. Maybe he thought he was actually part of the opposing team even though 'my team' and 'the other team' were in the context of no spies."

Colt: "I wanted to create a cohesion. So I gathered everyone in the pool for a day of bonding. Hopefully the animosity can be broken."

Ainsley: "Why are we all gathered in the pool?"
Colt: "I want us to relax and have fun. Forget the game. Forget the rumours. Just enjoy each other's company."

Bryan: "It won't be easy. I'm not going to mince my words."

Stephanie: "I...I really don't feel comfortable talking to all of them..."

Bryan: "I'm sorry. I don't think it'll happen. It's unsalvageable."

Ainsley: "Someone has a guilty conscience."

Stephanie: "There is still so much negativity. I don't feel right staying here."


Colt: "That didn't work out."
Paris: "Why are you suddenly so helpful?"
Colt: "It's actually quite painful to watch everyone tear each other apart like that with words. And I want to make amends. If nobody is going to take the first step, then it looks like I have to be the one to help rebuild the trust in us. If I don't do so, it'll be too late."

Colt: "I haven't grilled hot dogs for a long time. Cooking was never my forte."

Colt: "They don't look half-bad. I just hope it's not too late to fix things."

Colt: "Does anyone want hot dogs?"
Ainsley: "It's quite strange of you to be offering food. I'm not going to take it."
Bryan: "Forget about him. He'll just find a way to twist your words and use them against you. Be careful of him."

Colt: "I failed horribly. Watching everyone's behaviour cleared up my visioni quite a bit. I'd been a spiteful old turd and so are all of them right now. I'm trying to help improve the relationship but nobody is accepting. What if my children had been trying to do the same, and I've been the one rejecting them all this while?"

Time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How many other contestants share a room with the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q3: Who shares a bed with the Mole?
A: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
B: Sylvester Roscoe
C: Nobody

Q4: What did the Mole eat before Mission 7?
A: Waffles
B: Autumn Salad
C: Cereal
B: Bread and Jam

Q5: In Mission 7, in the car, was the Mole a driver or passenger?
A: Driver
B: Passenger

Q6: In Mission 7, which team was the Mole part of?
A: Colt's team
B: Ainsley's team
C: The Mole is one of the above

Q7: Was the Mole a spy in Mission 7?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Who did the Mole eliminate in Mission 7?
A: Colt Fogey
B: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
C: Nobody

Q9: Who eliminated the Mole in Mission 7?
A: Paris Virginia
B: Sylvester Roscoe
C: Nobody

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stephanie Ball
B: Paris Virginia
C: Ainsley Ruth Del Rino
D: Colt Fogey
E: Bryan Seacrest
F: Sylvester Roscoe


"Another one of you will say goodbye. Who will it be this time?"

"Stephanie Ball."

Stephanie: "Phew."

"Colt Fogey."


"...you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Colt: "Damn."

Colt: "I was hoping to make a change, a positive difference because this house really needs it. But it looks like I can't do that now. I'm actually grateful for this time because I've been given a lot of time to think. And now it's time to put those thoughts into action."

"Thank you for joining, Colt. We hope to see you again."


Bryan: "I see you two have finally decided to take his peace offerings..."

Stephanie: "I just think it is a shame that he left. He may have been cantankerous at times but deep down he had a heart of gold. He must have been disappointed when he left."

Bryan: "I for one think thatto honour him, we should try to put aside all our differences. No more under-the-table triflings or petty moves."

Ainsley: "He was a difficult old grouch to deal with but he was trying to change that. And whose fault was it that he left in disappointment, unable to see us eat the hot dogs he specially made for us? It's partly my responsibility but I can't be the only one to shoulder the blame. Everyone here had a part to play in this mess."
Bryan: "And I hope that we can clean up this mess just like he wanted."

The oldest man lasted till sixth before he was executed. Can the group finally put aside their differences and work together for the betterment of the pot?

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