Tuesday, 12 December 2017

36.18-The fate of two

In the previous episode, the final four had to solve a riddle within two hours. They failed partly because of Stephanie and Bryan's acting skills which fooled Sylvester and Paris. However, with only one exemption to be given out, the two actors decided not to let anyone have it at this critical moment. Was it the right thing to do for either of them? Who will be the last victim? Who will win? And who is the Mole?


Stephanie: "Even though it was all an act, I can't help but feel some personal emotions were mixed into this. Bryan was right about some things. The world isn't written in a book. There's more about life I can learn than that. I came here for a reason but I'm only pushing the boundaries when forced to. That last mission challenged me in ways I've never been before. Maybe that's why the whole experience has been fairly unpleasant. I need to step out from the world of books more into the real world."

Bryan: "It's all coming to an end. I feel like I've barely even gotten to know some of you. So I'd like to pose this question to all of you: what do you want to get out of this experience?"

Bryan: "Stephanie, do you want to start? You need to speak up more."

Stephanie: "Um, okay...um...I wanted to try something different. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. I hope to grow into a more confident woman after this."

Sylvester: "I don't actually know what I want. I just felt this desire to join the Smole. I guess I'm so used to acting on impulse, huh?"
Stephanie: "On the bright side, we haven't heard any complaints about theft any more...although that's probably because everyone is more careful and guarded."

Paris: "I know what I want."

Paris: "I want to win and save ze money to go on my trip and see ze snowy mountains."
Bryan: "I think we already know that. Any spiritual takeaway?"

Paris: "I am a free tinker."

Bryan: "Right. Now then, I suppose it's my turn."

Bryan: "I want to become a better person out of this."

Bryan: "I wanted to re-introduce myself to the world and may have gotten carried away. For that, I apologise, though the one I need to apologise to most isn't here. I just hope the audience gets to know me a little better and hopefully don't see me in too negative a light."


Bryan: "It's about time I really let loose and have fun."
Paris: "Meh. But what a pity to trow zem like zat. Cloze are invented for a reason."

Paris: "I have to teach him a lesson about treating cloze with respect."

Paris: "A celebrity mus be able to handle a scandal, eh?"

Paris: "If he does not want to wear, zen let us not force him."

Bryan: "Alright, it's getting cold. Hey...where are my clothes?"

Bryan: "It can't have just flown into mid air. Thankfully I brought this towel to dry myself up."

Bryan: "Someone's trying to play a prank on me."

Bryan: "I am pretty sure I put them here. How did I not see anyone take them though?"

Stephanie: "Is that Take Me Home, Country Roads? Can...can I join?"
Sylvester: "Sure. Come closer."

Sylvester: "Or I'll just go to you. That works. Let's dance together."
Stephanie: "But...but this is not a song for dancing."
Sylvester: "Then I'll skip to the next song. Numa Numa is more of a dance song."

Stephanie: "The truth is...I don't know how to dance."
Sylvester: "Just let loose. Let your body move to the beat. Nobody's going to laugh at you. Just pretend you're inventing a new dance move."
Stephanie: "That makes sense...like this?"


Time for the final execution quiz. The Mole will no longer nominate half the contestants for execution as this will provide an unfair advantage to the one not chosen. Instead, everyone is vulnerable to be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have short hair or long hair?
A: Short
B: Long

Q3: Does the Mole wear a hat?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 9, during the briefing, who sat opposite the Mole?
A: Sylvester Roscoe
B: Paris Virginia
C: Bryan Seacrest
D: Stephanie Ball

Q5: In Mission 9, who sat beside the Mole during the briefing?
A: Sylvester Roscoe
B: Paris Virginia
C: Bryan Seacrest
D: Stephanie Ball

Q6: In Mission 9, was the Mole a driver or passenger during the commute from place to place?
A: Driver
B: Passenger

Q7: In Mission 9, was the Mole pretending to fight?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 9, did the Mole find a clue?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 9, during the debrief, who sat on the Mole's left?
A: Paris Virginia
B: Stephanie Ball
C: Nobody

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stephanie Ball
B: Paris Virginia
C: Bryan Seacrest
D: Sylvester Roscoe


"Your last but most important execution ceremony to date. Three of you will enter the finale. Who will they be?"

"Sylvester Roscoe."
Sylvester: "I believe I picked all the right options."

"You are the first of the final three."
Sylvester: "Yeah!"

"Paris Virginia."

Paris: "Zis is it."

"You are entering the finale."
Paris: "Oui Oui!"

"Bryan Seacrest, Stephanie Ball, one of you will join Sylvester and Paris while one of you will miss out by just a bit."
Bryan: "Do you regret not taking the exemption?"
Stephanie: "A little...but we couldn't decide on who should have it."

"Who would like to know their result first?"
Stephanie: "This is possibly the last time I get to do something bold...I'd like to know please."

"Stephanie Ball. The fate of two lies on your shoulders."

Stephanie: "Eep!"
"Unfortunately, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Stephanie: "Sigh...better sooner than later. Maybe i had been right all along and I shouldn't have started to doubt myself...there's no point in speculation now. I wish the final three all the best."

Bryan: "What a relief. It's too bad she's gone but I hardly knew anything about her. She was silent but strong and I think she should be proud of what she's accomplished."

"Thank your for joining, Stephanie. We hope to see you again soon."

"Sylvester Roscoe, Paris Virginia, Bryan Seacrest, congratulations on making it to the final three. But one of you knew that you'd make it here all along, didn't you? Hopefully the other two are fully armed."

The final three have been revealed! Who is the Mole? And who will win?

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