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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer |
10 contestants flew to Appaloosa Plains to take part in a mission involving flying. They had to relay an equation to Mitchell via a parrot. Unfortunately, Mitchell gave the wrong answer, leading to 0/100 points in the pot. Contestants awoke to a shock when they saw Giovanni floating in the pool. He was the first to be executed. There's much more shock to come.
Giovanni: "Before any lawsuits come in, I should clarify that I am not actually dead. Production informed me in the middle of the night that I was the first to be executed. I took it wihtin my stride. It just wasn't my lucky day. They told me I had to play dead and I agreed. It was a very novel experience, but perhaps pandering too much to the shock factor. I am not disappointed or angry. I just wish the remaining players all the best."
Daphne: "Gio is dead. How sad. In my opinion, it's good that he died now. I believe that the best time to die is in your prime. You don't have to deal with the ailments and troubles that come with age."
Mervyn: "I wasn't acting at all. It was a complete shock. Nobody knew that that was how executions would take place this season. It was so literal. And I've been very stressed recently, so...I just collapsed. Imagine waking up in the morning to what you thought was a dead body at first. You'd definitely be shocked, even if you knew it was fake."
Contestants have packed up and are mid-flight to their next destination: Moonlight Falls.
Daphne: "I wish my camera wasn't taken from me. I would have loved to capture the immortality of Gio."
Mika: "You're scaring me, Daphne. Don't talk like that."
Daphne: "It's a fleeting moment that must be immortalised. The death, the reactions, the raw emotion..."
Mika: "I hope you're not secretly a psycho."
Mika: "I had an alibi that didn't quite make sense at first but now, seeing Gio's death, it's become clearer to me. I think I can safely say that this guy is not the Mole."
Denise: "Dude, there is like a creepy stalker who's been watching me."
Gigi: "Who?"
Denise: "Don't look, but I think it's Mitchell."
Gigi: "Do you think he's interested in you?"
Denise: "If he is, I don't mind a fling."
Gigi: "I think he found out we saw him and is now walking away."
Scott: "We should celebrate having survived the first execution. Let's pop the bottle open!"
Vanessa: "I agree."
Scott: "Hey, save some for the rest of us."
Scott: "Woah, you can hold your liquor. You've nearly taken the whole bottle. I'm impressed."
Mervyn: "I hope you're not a raging alcoholic. If you are, I advise you to seek some help."
Denise: "Don't be a spoilsport, Mervyn. Two days ago I offered you some and you didn't want them either. They won't kill you."
Mervyn: "Actually, they might..."
Denise: "Oh shut up. Nobody likes a wise-guy."
Denise: "All the beds are double beds. I guess we're sleeping together."
Mitchell: "Watch your words please."
Denise: "Let's use this chance to get to know each other better, more intimately. No strings attached. What do you say, man?"
Mitchell: "I say I'm not loose. We can sleep together...I mean, on the same bed, but let's not try any funny business...What am I feeling? It's so weird. I didn't know how to react."
Vanessa: "I don't think Shane would like it if I had to sleep on the same bed as someone else, so it's fortunate there's a single bed here. And I get to have a room all to myself."
"Contestants, it is time to begin your next mission. Who wants to be blindfolded?"
Mervyn: "Blindfold? Hmm...I think I'll pass."
Daphne: "It sounds interesting to not be able to see. I'm game."
Andy: "I wanna have a go too."
Gigi: "I think Andy should have it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. As a friend, I'll have his back and support him all the way."
Andy: "Y...yes..."
Andy: "I'll always have your back. That's what a friend does."
Gigi: "Are you okay? What are you muttering about?"
Andy: "Huh? Oh, thanks for your support but I think I'll let the lady have her chance this time."
Denise: "I want to too. It sounds wild."
Mitchell: "Does nobody realise it's not all fun and games? This must be a key role. I want this role too if these are who are up for the running."
Denise: "Are you going to fight with me, loverboy?"
Mitchell: "What? No, no, you can take it."
Denise: "That's what I thought."
Vanessa: "Heh."
Denise: "Looks like it's between you and me, dudette. And I can only think of one way to settle this."
Denise: "Scissors,"
Daphne: "Paper,"
Denise: "Stone!"
Denise: "Again!"
Daphne: "Scissors, paper,"
Denise: "Stone!"
Denise: "Yesh! I win!"
Daphne: "But...fine. I admit defeat."
Denise: "Yo host dude, looks like I'm your girl."
"Denise, please follow that black van outside."
"The rest of you are split up into good fairies and evil fairies."
Mitchell: "Ew, fairies are girly."
Vanessa: "I agree. Why can't we be ogres or vampires or something?"
Mitchell: "What the hell, Vanessa?"
"You will be scattered around a maze and will have to escort Denise to the exit. If Denise bumps into you, you may escort her to wherever you want until you bump into another fairy, who will take over your duties. In the maze are also various checkpoints corresponding to each one of you. The evil fairies must escort Denise to their own checkpoint to activate their exemption. If a good fairy is with her at the end of the maze, 100 points are earned. If a bad fairy is with her at the end of the maze, the bad fairies will get an exemption each, provided they fulfil the stipulated condition above."
Mitchell: "These wings are kind of cool, I guess. Though a little weird."
Denise: "Sometimes in life, you have to listen to your heart and feel, instead of just relying on one sense. I'm ready."
Denise: "Ow!"
Denise: "I'm ready to be guided in the darkness."
Denise: "Man, I really need a smoke right now."
Denise: "Ow! Hey, this wall is kind of soft."
Scott: "I'm not a wall."
Denise: "A talking wall!"
Scott: "Are you high?"
Denise: "I'd love to be right now."
Scott: "Right. Anyway it's good that you bumped into me. It's time to escort you, my princess."
Denise: "How sweet."
Scott: "Just stay close."
Scott: "I expected an actual blindfold, not opaque goggles. But I guess they do the same thing."
Scott: "And this way. Perfect."
Scott: "Damn it. An evil fairy."
Denise: "Fairy? You sure you're not high?"
Andy: "I see you guys. It's time for me to take over."
Scott: "Run!"
Andy: "You're not running away!"
Andy: "Gotcha. Time for me to take over, Scott."
Scott: "Damn it. Just be wary, Denise. He's going to lead you to the wrong places."
Denise: "So you're evil?"
Andy: "You're going to take his word for it?"
Denise: "I don't see a reason why I shouldn't."
Andy: "Because he's evil."
Denise: "As in, the Mole?"
Andy: "No...I don't know. He will get an exemption and no points if he leads you out of the maze."
Denise: "Oh..."
Andy: "I'd say me but I'm not sure you will if I say it."
Denise: "I will."
Andy: "Then me."
Denise: "Okay."
Denise: "You know the way out or what? It feels like forever in here."
Andy: "I don't. Nobody does. We just have to try and find our way without bumping into any baddies."
Andy: "Speaking of which. It's a good thing we managed to lose Scott. Although he couldn't do anything just now anyway. It's against the rules to take over again immediately after someone else has taken over you."
Denise: "Dude...I'm lost."
Andy: "So am I, actually."
Denise: "That's not what I meant."
Mervyn: "Hey, I'm over here!"
Andy: "I'm leaving her in your hands. Don't let the evil ones bump into her."
Denise: "Andy explained to me what's going on while we were walking. You have any checkpoints you need to cross?"

Mervyn: "Not for the good guys. It's not easy being good."
Denise: "Tell me about it. That's why I'm like, fuck you, fuck me, fuck the world. It's cathartic. Try it."

Mervyn: "Maybe later. I don't want others to hear us."
Mervyn: "I'm just trying not to make mistakes."
Denise: "Dude, we all do sometimes. Chillax. It's not the end of the world. To anyone who says otherwise, fuck them."

Mika: "I heard Denise. If I can try to follow the sound...damn these walls, they make tracing her hard."

Gigi: "I'm not going to sit around waiting for the sky to drop. I'm going to look for Denise. Or maybe a way out, then I'll lead Denise."
Mervyn: "You sure are chatty."
Denise: "When you can't see, you have to rely on your other organs. Like your mouth."
Mervyn: "I thought it would be hell being with Denise. But getting to know her some, I realised she's not that unbearable."

Scott: "Here's the plan. We find the exit and block it. That way we will definitely end up getting the exemption."
Daphne: "But you will need to find the checkpoint first. And we should probably locate Mika and Vanessa too."

Scott: "Well, that's true...but that's why one of us takes Denise and finds the exemption while the other becomes the bodyguard. If a good fairy intercepts, the other of us can intercept back. But first order of business is to find the exit."
Scott: "I can't imagine how difficult it is for Denise to walk around without being able to see. You'll never know what's ahead of you."
Daphne: "The unknown is as scary as it is beautiful."
The group managed to recoup their losses in this mission, but the celebration will be short-lived as the next execution draws closer.
On a side note,
Vanessa: "I'm gonna do a backflip. Make sure you make me look like I'm flying."
Vanessa: "That was cool. But now I'm bored again. When is Denise going to come?"
Mervyn: "Crap. I think I'm really lost. I'm not doing my job well."
Denise: "If it's the wrong way then just turn around...ow!"
Gigi: "Denise! Glad to have found you."
Mervyn: "I'm glad to have found you too. I'm certain I've been walking in circles."
Gigi: "Don't worry. I'll take good care of her."
Denise: "Are we going to stand here all day yapping or are we gonna move?"
Gigi: "You walk first. I'll stay behind to cover you in case someone sneaks up from behind."
Gigi: "Hey, wait up for me."
Denise: "Cant keep up?"
Gigi: "It looks like we found a checkpoint."
Denise: "Cool. Now what? I'm restless and I haven't had my daily fix yet."
Gigi: "We keep on moving."
Denise: "You ever watched The Killing Thing?"
Gigi: "What?"
Denise: "You don't know? The movie with the famous quote, where you put that killing thing in between your teeth but you don't give it the power to light or something."
Gigi: "I believe you just misquoted The Fault in Our Stars."
Gigi: "Be careful!"
Denise: "What?"
Gigi: "It's a dead end. We went the wrong way."
Denise: "I hate mazes. They're so trippy."
Daphne: "By the way, why are your wings so small?"
Scott: "I don't know. They gave me a small pair of wings to wear around. It's not like I had a choice."
Denise: "If I don't get out in ten minutes, you are officially the worst tour guide."
Mika: "I hear footsteps. I think Denise is right across this wall. Ugh, how am I going to get on the other side in time?"
Scott: "Aha! Denise!"
Daphne: "Shh!"
Denise: "I heard some whispering behind me. It didn't sound good. I'm not sticking around to find out."
Gigi: "We're being followed. Run!"
Denise: "But I can't see where I'm going!"
Gigi: "Hold on to me!"
Scott: "Quick! They're getting away!"
Daphne: "If you didn't blow our cover we would have gotten her by surprise."
Gigi: "AAH! Let me go!"
Daphne: "You're not going anywhere, Fruit."
Gigi: "Denise! Just run! Look for Andy, Mervyn or Mitchell!"
Andy: "Go! I'll stall them!"
Andy: "You shall not pass!"
Scott: "Grr...Let me pass or I'll have to kiss you."
Andy: "Go ahead. I'm well-liked by all genders."
Scott: "What...come on, that's gross."
Andy: "Don't you feel the tension?"
Daphne: "If I'm not getting to her, neither are you."
Gigi: "I'm sure Mervyn or Mitchell will find her."
Daphne: "I doubt it. If she walks out of the maze alone, we will all lose."
Gigi: "Hey, that's really neat. If only I could take a photo of it."
Daphne: "Hm? Where?"
Gigi: "There."
Gigi: "See ya!"
Daphne: "I've been fooled! I can't believe I fell for such a trite ruse!"
Denise: "Who's that?"
Gigi: "Shh. It's me."
Denise: "About time."
Gigi: "Sorry about that. But why did you stop though?"
Denise: "It's really windy here, so if I'm not mistaken..."
Denise: "We are near the exit."
Daphne: "Frick! I can't believe I lost them."
"Congratulations on making it out, Denise. Because you exited with Gigi, you get 100/100 points, or 100/200 points for the pot!"
Gigi: "Yay!"
Denise: "That's rad."
On a side note,
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