Thursday, 14 December 2017

36.19-I do not want to die

Last time on the Smole, the final four had to try and solve a riddle to obtain numbers which they had to rearrange to form a telephone number. They failed to do so in time, so 0/100 points were earned, making the pot 430/1000 points. Stephanie and Bryan had the chance to earn one exemption by fighting with each other without being exposed by Sylvester or Paris. They succeeded but could not decide who to give that one exemption to so they decided nobody should have it. However, Stephanie showed some regret and rightfully so as she became the season's last victim. As the finale approaches, who will win and who is the Mole?


Paris: "Where do I have to go?"
"Just follow the van in front of you."
Paris: "Zis better be worth it. It is so wee early."


Sylvester: "Hmm? Paris is up earlier than me for once? That's a start."

Sylvester: "I wonder what she's up to if she's up so early."


Sylvester: "Good morning Bryan."
Bryan: "Morning."

Sylvester: "Did you see Paris anywhere? I couldn't find her the whole morning."

Bryan: "She sleeps with you, doesn't she? You should know better than I."
Sylvester: "Don't try to start a controversy with those choice words of yours."

Bryan: "Just having a little fun. Just like what you did when you stole my clothes while I was skinny dipping and threw them in the mud."
Sylvester: "I did nothing of the sort. I danced the night away with Stephanie."
Bryan: "'s not you? Then that must leave Paris. Now I want to find her too."
"Contestants, please gather outside."
Bryan: "Ouch, that was loud."

Bryan: "Okay, this is really strange. Where in the world is Paros?"
"I'm sure you all have noticed that one of you is missing. Paris has been taken away to a burning building. You must rescue her and get her to safety within two hours to earn the last 200 points this season. Good luck. Paris needs it. The fire is real."

Paris: "Help! Ack. I'm trapped!"

Paris: "Someone save me! Zis is so scary. I do not want to die."


Sylvester: : "If the fire really is real, then we better hurry up or she'll die from inhalation of the smoke."

Bryan: "They won't try to play with anyone's life like that. I'm sure the fire is fake."

"Your time starts now."
Bryan: "Looks like there's only one way..."

Bryan: "Up."

Sylvester: "There are two stairs here. Let's split up to save time. I take the left, you take the one on the right."

Bryan: "Fine by me."

Sylvester: "We better double up."

Bryan: "Is it just me or is it hot in here? Is it because I've arrived? Oh my...the fire is real."

Bryan: "There's this huge boulder sitting atop a well. That's strange..."

Sylvester: "Why is a phone booth hiding in the corner? That must be a clue."

Sylvester: "It says to dial the number 166."

Sylvester: "What the hell is going on?"

Sylvester: "Did I just teleport into the world of Doctor Who?"

Sylvester: "I'm not sure what happened but I have a headache."

Sylvester: "AAH! What the hell?"

Sylvester: "I could have gotten electrocuted if I took one step closer!"

Sylvester: "I'm noping my way outta here."

Bryan: "There's an axe behind that rubble."

Bryan: "I just need to clear it."

Bryan: "This is tiring work."

Paris: "Why is nobody coming?"

Paris: "I don't want to do zis any more. I quit! Get me out!"

Paris: "Have I been abandoned? Fais-moi un miracle."

Sylvester: "It pays to wear your swimsuit beneath your clothes."

Bryan: "Got it."

Bryan: "Is this supposed to happen?"

Bryan: "My, this is much heavier than I thought."

Bryan: "It must be incredibly powerful."

Bryan: "I better be careful not to slice my head off."

Bryan: "Time to test your capabilities."

Bryan: "Wow. You're good. I need an axe like this in my life."

Sylvester: "Years of playing Tomb Raider has taught me that torchlights double as levers."

Sylvester: "Huh? Darn it. I trapped myself by activating a trap."

Sylvester: "I guess I should have focused more on the gameplay rather than Lara Croft's...erm...eyes."

Sylvester: "I hope they aren't sadistic enough to lock Paris in a coffin."

Bryan: "This water looks unsafe."

Bryan: "But this whole place is unsafe. So whatever."

Bryan: "Maybe I should have thought this out a little more."

Sylvester: "Thankfully nobody's in there but a mummy."

Sylvester: "You've got to be kidding me. It's alive?"

Bryan: "I'm not sure how long more I could have held my breath."

Sylvester: "AAH!"

Sylvester: "Bryan? How did you get here?"

Sylvester: "Nevermind that. Get back in. There's a mummy chasing us!"
Bryan: "Way ahead of you."

Sylvester: "Sorry. Catch you another day."

Sylvester: "Adios!"

Mummy: "That's just not playing fair."

Bryan: "This door has to be the answer...oh."

Bryan: "If I calmly walk in a straight line I can probably avoid the flames."

Bryan: "Woah nearly got me there."

Bryan: "Yeep! I don't want to know if the fire is real."

Bryan: "Phew. Made it unscathed. It's a good thing I decided to take a dip first."

Sylvester: "This is so realistic. It's really hot and I'm hardly wearing anything."

Sylvester: "Can I do a somersault past it?"

Sylvester: "I can."

Sylvester: "I think I got a few burns but that's just a day in my line of duty."

Sylvester: "I am thankful for all the survival classes they taught in the police academy now."

Sylvester: "I felt like a hero in this mission. Bryan and I had to rescue Paris from a burning building. Because I was a policeman, Bryan was more willing to listen to me. I like being in charge. But every time I'm in charge I muck up. I'm starting to wonder if I'm not meant for bigger things like Grandpa was, that I'm destined to remain as a lowly cop for life."

Bryan: "It's a maze."

Sylvester: "I'm actually almost convinced Paris really is in danger but it could be a repeat of last mission."

Bryan: "A dead end."

Sylvester: "Uh oh. I think I stepped on something."

Sylvester: "Yyyup."

Sylvester: "Zzz..."

Sylvester: "Zzz..."

Bryan: "What happened?"

Bryan: "It could have been me ambushed."

Sylvester: "You try stepping across."

Bryan: "That's the only way, right?"

Bryan: "What are you doing?"

Bryan: "Zzzz...."

Bryan: "Aaahhh..."

Bryan: "Never doing that again."

Bryan: "I hope this wasn't the magnitude of the electric chairs some time ago."

Bryan: "Sylvester, what are you doing?"
Sylvester: "Finding another way."
Bryan: "So you decided to let me get electrocuted for fun?"

Sylvester: "Not necessarily. There's no other way out of this maze. I think we just need to tread carefully."

Bryan: "Phew. We made it across."

Sylvester: "Not another one. I think there are hidden switches that activated these traps."

Bryan: "There's a burn mark here. And it's getting hotter. I think we're getting close to the source of fire."

Sylvester: "Not going to torture myself a second time."

Sylvester: "But we've got to save Paris, at least for the points."

Sylvester: "Ugh...blame myself for following in Grandpa's footsteps."

Sylvester: "I'm coming to save you, Paris."

Sylvester: "I didn't die once so I won't die again, right?"

Sylvester: "Zzz..."

Sylvester: "I'm an idiot."

Sylvester: "I never was the best policeman in the force."

Sylvester: "I...I..."

Bryan: "Are you okay? You shouldn't have done that."
Sylvester: "I'm fine. It's just that we're running out of time according to my watch so I wanted to find Paris quickly. If her life is really at stake, we need to be working harder than this."
Bryan: "You need to work smart, not work hard. I'm not a policeman but surely they've taught you how to assess danger."
Sylvester: "But everyone is watching! I have to prove myself."
Bryan: "Is that your motivation? No wonder you've stagnated at work."

Bryan: "Anyway, enough chatter. I'm sure there's a way to turn this off...see? I've had to personally help with wiring electricity for a game show I hosted once. I know what I'm talking about."

Bryan: "We're out of the maze. How much time left?"
Sylvester: "An hour."

Sylvester: ""

Bryan: "It was a scene from a dystopian novel. The debris, the strewn cars...the fire was real. I could smell the smoke and burnt metal. It was real. All so very real."

Sylvester: "What...what the hell happened?"

Bryan: "We aren't too late, are we?"
Sylvester: "Let's just keep walking."

Bryan: "Let's not forget that this is all just an immersive experience. I'm sure Paris is safe and sound. It's just so easy to lose yourself in this."

Sylvester: "I'm not sure what you call safe but I'm pretty sure that isn't."

Bryan: "What...oh...oh my god."

Bryan: "Did that just explode?"
Sylvester: "It's been smoldering for too long."

Bryan: "You wanted to prove yourself to the world, right? Get a promotion? Well, now's your chance."
Sylvester: "Gulp...We have to save Paris."

Sylvester: "Come on. We're both scared like hell. But we have to do this. It's the right thing to do. She's counting on us. The world is counting on us."
Bryan: "We'll be heroes. Everyone will know us as the brave saviors."

Paris: "Faites moi sortir d'ici! Je ne veux pas mourir ici!"

Paris: "Je ne veux plus le faire. Momma, ramène-moi à la maison."

Paris: " least I still look good. My cloze are still intack."

Sylvester: "I hope we're not too late. I pray she's not buried in the rubble."
Bryan: "That'd be cruel...but that's what they've been doing to us."

Bryan: "I'll continue searching elsewhere. I hope they haven't taken this too far this time."

Paris: "I want my momma..."

Paris: "Aie!"

Paris: "Chaud Chaud Chaud!"

Paris: "I am on fire again!"

Paris: "Momma, je veux aller a la maison. Je ne veux plus jouer à ce jeu."

Paris: "So scary..."

Paris: "My buttock is on fire!"


Paris: "How many sets of cloze must I burn?"

Sylvester: "Is, it's just rust."

Bryan: "I heard screaming. Paris, is that you?"
Paris: "Who is zere?"

Bryan: "What a relief. Thinking back, it's kind of silly that we thought you would be dead or something."
Paris: "I am burned. I breaved in so much smoke. I am on ze verge of dying."

Bryan: "There's no water or extinguishers around, are there? I suppose that would be too easy. I'll help you move these metal crates then."

Bryan: "Ooh! Hot hot hot! Sylvester! Come help!"

Sylvester: "I'm coming!"

Paris: "I'll help."

Sylvester: "Paris! We've found you at last."

Paris: "Finally help has arrived."

Paris: "I feel so weak."

Bryan: "What matters is that you're alive and well."
Paris: "I am not well. I am miserable."
Sylvester: "Why is there a hand mirror here?"

Paris: "Can we leave now?"
Sylvester: "Yeah let's get out of here. I don't want to spend another minute down here in this urban wasteland."

Sylvester: "Keep up everyone."

Paris: "My feet hurt. Wait for me."

Bryan: "We're at the entrance."

Sylvester: "Quick. Let's get out of here."

Paris: "Dank you for saving me."
Sylvester: "Don't mention it. It's our job."
Bryan: "Literally. We had to rescue you to earn points...oh shit, how much time do we have left?"

Paris: "Then we should quickly go."
"Congratulations for rescuing Paris and bringing her out but did you make it in time? You took 1 hour and 59 minutes, so yes, you managed to take all 200 points from this mission to add into the pot, which now has a total of 630/1200 points! Good job on turning the tables at the very last minute."


The contestants take a well-deserved shower or bath.

Sylvester: "Looks like I have to wear something different. It's like I'm the only one who doesn't have multiple sets of the same clothes."

Paris: "I am still in trauma but I am relieved. It is amazing how everybody worked togeder to save me. Even with all ze rumours and distrust, we still worked as one team. Zis is what I wanted ze group to be like ze entire time. I did not involve myself in zeir affairs but if I was ze cause of ze bonding zen perhaps I should have stepped in earlier. At least we did well."

The finale is just around the corner. Is your Mole the right one?

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