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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Daphne Elanor Scotts, freelance photographer |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant |
Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer
The pot is at a pathetic state of affairs, with only 100/330 points due to the 0/130 points in the latest mission. Denise got an exemption, making her safe from execution. Fortunately, there was only a mere scare as everybody made it through to the next day. However, there will be more than just scares to come in the coming days...
DAY 11
Denise: "Dude, my exemption was for nothing. That's cheating my feelings, dude. Lucky I'm chill about these sort of things. I'm cool with having a wasted exemption. I'm not gonna fight you over it or anything."
Andy: "I wonder if Daphne's a psychopath sometimes. Remember how stoic she was when discussing life and death? Sure, I may have been irrationally touchy because of...history, but she was way too calm about things, compared to say, Vanessa."
Gigi: "What's this?"
Gigi: "Oh my...I need to tell Andy ASAP."
Gigi: "Andy! Andy! Take a look at this!"
Andy: "What is it?"
Andy: "What..."
Andy: "Where did you find this note?"
Gigi: "In your journal. We were revising on the plane and you left your journal behind, and then when I took it out to return it to you this dropped out."
Andy: "Is this blackmail?"
Gigi: "What? I don't understand."
Andy: "Only you and I know about these stuff. This note is clearly written by someone who is very much aware of what happened that fateful day."
Gigi: "You think I wrote it? What benefit do I get out of this?"
Andy: "I don't know. But I thought I could trust you."
Gigi: "Andy! Please! It really wasn't me!"
Scott: "Heya...hey, what's wrong?"
Gigi: "Nothing."
Scott: "I kind of saw what went down just now. I don't know the details but Andy looked mad."
Gigi: "What do you think I should do? He thinks I betrayed him when I didn't."
Scott: "I think I speak for us guys when we say that when we're mad, we need some time to cool off. Give him some space."
Daphne: "I overheard Andy's conversation with Gigi last night. In fact, I heard more than that. I heard some deeply personal issues of Andy's. I decided to play with it and write notes from his friend Zane, making them think that Zane was still alive and that Andy was more sinister than he seems. My motive is simple: I don't like how close the two of them are getting. I'm doing them both a favour. It's not too good to get too close to anyone in this game."
Scott: "Why was I so fiendishly happy when Andy and Gigi fought? I'm confused by my own actions."
"A good evening to all of you. I hope you all have rested well. Beforer I proceed, I need a volunteer. Preferably someone with leadership material."
Denise: "That sounds like Mervyn. He's a cop after all."
Mervyn: "Me? I mean...I guess if nobody else wants to..."
Scott: "But I want to."
Gigi: "Andy, do you want to do it this time? The previous time you backed out and Denise became the sole one."
Andy: "I can make my own decisions. I'm not going to take up this offer."
Mervyn: "If Scott wants it, then I'll give it up to him."
Scott: "Alright! Thanks man. I owe you one."
"Very well. Scott is now a cartel leader."
Scott: "What?"
Mervyn: "That's a serious accusation you're making."
Denise: "Rad. Got any good deals?"
"Hypothetically, guys. Also hypothetically, the rest of you will either be a cartel member or a policeman. The leader must get rid of all the cops to earn the next 120 points. Every 30 seconds a random contestant will be called to step forward by one tile if the leader does not say anything. Otherwise, the leader must call who he thinks the members are to step forward until one is left behind. That one will be eliminated from the game. The leader will continue doing this until one sole contestant reaches him. If that contestant is a policeman, all policemen earn an exemption. If that contestant is a cartel member, 120 points are earned."
Scott: "Sweet. No pressure, man."
Vanessa: "Woo!"
Scott: "I regret letting you talk me into giving you the wheel."
Mervyn: "Don't go over the speed limit!"
Mika: "Don't drive so fast. Are you trying to get us all killed?"
"And the mission begins."
Scott: "Hmm, who should I pick first?"
Daphne: "I'm one of you. I'm part of the cartel."
Denise: "So am I. You know that I'm the most likely to be part of a cartel."
Mervyn: "I won't try to influence you. You make your own decision."
Gigi: "We all want the points, Scott. Don't leave me behind and I can guarantee that we will earn the points."
Vanessa: "There's a lot of us to pick from, just don't make the wrong choice in the end."
Andy: "Believe in me, Scott. I'm in the cartel too."
Mika: "Uck, there's water stuck in my ear. Why didn't anyone build a shelter leading to this abandoned warehouse?"
Scott: "I don't know who I can trust yet."
"30 seconds are up."
"Vanessa, take a step forward."
Vanessa: "Yes!"
Scott: "I better not leave it all to chance. I don't have a lot of time to think."
Scott: "Tell me, Andy, why should I let you come closer to me?"
Andy: "I'm not a good liar. So believe in me when I say you can trust me."
Scott: "Okay. Andy, come forward."
Andy: "You made the right choice."
Scott: "Great. Now I have 30 more seconds to think."
Vanessa: "You shouldn't have trusted Andy. He's a policeman."
Andy: "I can also say the same about you, Vanessa."
Scott: "Oh? Why do you say that he cannot be trusted?"
Vanessa: "I don't have a good feeling about him. I'm sure the others feel the same way."
Denise: "That's not true. Andy's a good guy. As in, good for the points. You're the bad one trying to lie."
Scott: "I'l have Denise come forward first."
Denise: "About time, dude."
Vanessa: "No! Don't trust them. They're both bad. If she's covering for him like that, they're both bad."
Scott: "Then who is part of the cartel?"
Vanessa: "Daphne wasn't lying. I suggest her."
Scott: "I'll listen to you. Daphne, come forward."
Gigi: "Please don't let me be the first to be left behind."
Mika: "What are you waiting for? Call me next."
Mervyn: "The decision is yours to make, Scott. Choose wisely."
"30 seconds are up."
"Mervyn, please take a step forward."
Scott: "Down to two..."
Mika: "You're looking right at me, Scott. Are you too afraid to pick me?"
Gigi: "I don't know her alignment but I know my own so take me instead."
Scott: "Mika's giving that weird smirk that makes it hard to believe her, but it could be reverse psychology."
"30 seconds are up."
"Gigi, please take a step forward."
Gigi: "Phew."
Mika: "I can't believe you."
"Mika, you have been eliminated from the mission. Please refrain from talking from here on out."
Mika: "What the--oww!"
Mika: "I'm not upset that I got left behind. I'm upset that he left this choice up to the host, and thus chance. Who gets left behind is a very important decision that shouldn't be taken so lightly."
Gigi: "Time for round 2. Don't leave me hanging this time, Scott."
Vanessa: "I'm trying to figure everything out for you, Scott. And I just don't think Andy's a good apple."
Mervyn: "I don't want to try and sway you. I think Vanessa is quite earnest about this, however."
Scott: "I've come to my decision. Mervyn, come forward."
Mervyn: "Oh, this is a nice surprise."
Scott: "Andy, convince me once more why you desrve to come closer to me."
Andy: "Well, I don't really have much of a reason other than for you to just trust me. I know it's hard but I don't know who else you can trust."
Scott: "Point taken. Andy, come forward."
Andy: "Thank you for believing in me again."
Vanessa: "I have a really bad feeling about this."
Scott: "You keep going against him. I think I'll keep both of you around for now because I feel that you are on opposing sides and right now I can't decide who I should trust."
Vanessa: "Not a bad idea right now but I'm telling you, Andy's a rotten apple."
Scott: "Alright, who do I pick next?"
Scott: "How to choose between three beautiful women..."
Daphne: "That makes me feel disgusting."
Scott: "And I guess I have my answer. Daphne, come closer."
Gigi: "Am I that untrustworthy? Just pick me."
Andy: "I disagree."
Scott: "Vanessa, you have a lot to say. What do you think?"
Vanessa: "I think that Andy is deffo a cop, so I say let's bring Gigi forward. Besides, Denise was trying to protect Andy so valiantly in the first round. She must know that they are on the same team."
Scott: "Okie dokie. Gigi, come forward."
Gigi: "Thanks, Vanessa."
Denise: "Dude, what the hell? You really gonna trust Gigi and Vanessa over me?"
"Denise, you have been eliminated. Please refrain from talking from here on out."
Denise: "Yowza!"
Denise: "I think a needle went up my ass. That's not where I usually poke them."
Andy: "I think you were a bit hasty but I get that time is pressuring you. But think about this: Vanessa is going on a gut feel. I bet Denise is also going on a gut feel that I'm not a cop."
Vanessa: "That...that is a valid point."
Scott: "Daphne, wanna get up close and personal with me?"
Daphne: "Over my dead body."
Scott: "Ha. It's fun teasing her."
Mervyn: "That's not very nice."
Scott: "Gigi, tell me why you should be the first to step onto the green tile."
Gigi: "Well...mmm..."
"30 seconds are up."
"Mervyn, please take a step forward."
Scott: "Okay, so you're a cop, right?"
Mervyn: "A traffic cop."
Scott: "Details, details. You've been to police school too, haven't you?"
Scott: "I wanna consult you. Who do you think I should let come closer? Gigi is really desperate."
Mervyn: "Hmm, I shall address the tension between Andy and Vanessa. I am more inclined to believe Vanessa than Andy because Vanessa is sincere and Andy just doesn't look like he's trying that hard. He's like: well, I know I'm the cop, let me see how long I can fool Scott."
Andy: "Hey!"
"30 seconds are up."
"Andy, please take a step forward."
Scott: "A little too late. Oh well. If Andy made it, I know instantly who else should come too. Come, Vanessa."
Scott: "Alright, I think I have an idea on how to weed the good from the bad. Gigi, who do you think is a cop: Vanessa or Andy?"
Gigi: "I trust Andy, so Vanessa is the cop."
Scott: "And you, Daphne?"
Daphne: "It's a false dichotomy. It could be irony. Both of them may be good but pitting against each other because they are unsure."
Scott: "You seem really assured."
Daphne: "I know myself."
Scott: "Then come forward."
Gigi: "I had a bad feeling about this, if I was always left to the last."
"Gigi, you have been eliminated from the mission. Please refrain from talking from here on out."
Down to four.
Scott: "How do I choose from this group? Someone's lying to me. Someone's hiding something from me."
Mervyn: "I'm not hiding anything, I swear."
Vanessa: "Neither am I. I have nothing to hide."
Andy: "All this is just mere speculation, Scott. Do what feels right to you."
Daphne: "You guys are wetting yourselves over something you can't control."
Scott: "I feel that Daphne is definitely someone from the cartel. Take a step forward."
Daphne: "Naturally."
Mervyn: "I'll help you find clues. I've been listening to what everyone has been saying so far. But I'll only share if if you let me advance."
Vanessa: "And now he's threatening. Because he's insecure because he's a cop! Am I right?"
Mervyn: "You are wrong. I was supporting you, Vanessa, but now I'm not sure. It may even be that both you and Andy are ganging up to fool all of us."
Andy: "Oi. If you think I'm a policeman, then I think you're one too!"
Scott: "This is tough. I'll let fate decide."
"30 seconds are up."
"Andy, please take a step forward."
Scott: "Excellent. Vanessa, you come forward too."
Mervyn: "You have to deal with it eventually. Stop dragging your feet. If you think one of them is bad, get rid of them ASAP."
"Mervyn, you have been eliminated. Please refrain from talking from here on out."
Mervyn: "So many pricks..."
Andy: "Ugh, this is excruciating. I really don't know why I was thought to be the policeman by Vanessa and Mervyn. I think they're in cahoots."
Scott: "It's really hard to decide."
Scott: "I'll just get this over and done with. Vanessa, come forward. I trust you."
Vanessa: "I'm glad you finally see it that way."
Scott: "Now it's the two of you."
Andy: "Maybe none of us are cops. Then it wouldn't matter."
Daphne: "He's been throwing accusations to everybody."
Andy: "She's very calm and composed. A very good liar. She can slip by undetected. I say be wary of her."
Daphne: "He just flipped again. Now he's calling me the cop when he said it wasn't anyone earlier."
Andy: "I said MAYBE none of us are the cop. But I'm clearly wrong now that you've spoken."
Scott: "Vanessa, I need some help here."
Daphne: "Don't rely on Vanessa. Are you a man or a wuss?"
Scott: "I need to think this through. But at the back of my mind the time is ticking."
Scott: "Do I let in Daphne?"
Scott: "Or Andy?"
Gigi: "It really feels like time slowed down. The tension is intense."
"Red card, Gigi."
Gigi: "Oops, sorry."
Daphne: "Let him move forward."
Scott: "Are you sure?"
Daphne: "Yes. You are running out of time."
Scott: "Okay then. Andy, you heard what she said. Come closer."
Andy: "Thank you. I don't know why you sacrificed yourself, but thank you."
Scott: "Don't tell me you've really been the policeman all along."
"Daphne, you have been eliminated. Please refrain from talking from here on out."
Denise: "I was waiting to see her get poked."
"You get a red card too, Denise."
Denise: "Fuck rules!"
"Don't make us throw you out."
Down to the last round. Scott is given one minute for this round to make a decision before we make a random one for him.
Scott: "It was sooner or later. Want to make your last pleading statements?"
Vanessa: "Yikes. This is nerve-wrecking. We don't have time so I'll keep this short. You trust me. I don't trust Andy. I hope that's enough of a reason for you."
Scott: "And Andy?"
Andy: "You can't go around making big decisions based on feeling alone. I don't know if Vanessa is the cop, but she's been adamant that I am. She's just trying to use me as a scapegoat. The only plausible explanation if she's a policewoman herself. I'm innocent, I tell you."
Andy: "I think I've heard enough. I choose to bring forward...Vanessa."
Vanessa: "Wait, really?"
Vanessa: "Thank you so much for believing in me. I was worried for a moment you would listen to Andy."
Scott: "There are so many possibilities but Andy is quite suspicious now."
Andy: "I tried, at least. I knew you were going to bring her to the end but I thought I would make a last-ditch attempt to convince you otherwise."
"Andy, you have been eliminated from the mission."
Scott: "This is it. I hope I'm right."
"Now, for the moment of truth. Vanessa, step inside the white boundary."
"Mika is a cartel member."
Mika: "You shouldn't have forsaken me first."
"Denise is a member of the police force."
Denise: "Didn't expect it, did ya? Neither did I."
"Gigi is a cartel member."
Gigi: "It's too bad but I hope you made the right decision in the end."
"Mervyn is a policeman."
Mervyn: "I may have been able to make it further but I was so worried I would be found out."
"Daphne is a cartel member."
Daphne: "Did you alternate on purpose, Scott?"
"As for Andy..."
Scott: "Where did this fence come from?"
"The ground. Neat, huh? Anyway, there is one policeman and one cartel member remaining."
Scott: "Oh boy. It's just gotta be that way, mustn't it?"
Vanessa: "I believe the answer you are searching for is in this box."
Scott: "What is it?"
Vanessa: "Open it. Production just passed it to me moments ago."
Scott: "120 points!"
Scott: "YEAH!"
Vanessa: "Woo! I'm so excited."
Vanessa: "I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! Andy was the policeman! You can't go wrong with a woman's instincts. I'm glad Scott decided to trust me in the end."
With 120/120 points in the bag, the pot now has 220/450 points contained. While the group celebrates, the Mole plots its next move, and soon, for one, the smile would turn to misery.
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