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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer
As the contestants bid goodbye to Starlight Shores, they also say adios to Denise and Vanessa. With Mervyn being the only one over 30, can he survive or will the youngsters prevail? And what will happen to the current 280/550 points in the pot?
Denise: "I was kinda miffed at first when I was executed, but I've embraced the fact that I'm dead. It's kind of rad, man. I get to be covered in makeup and scared Gigi. But the lack of drugs is real, dude. At least I get to go out and buy some now."
Vanessa: "So...that sucks. I'm not gonna mince my words, I am really, really pissed. Why did I have to be executed? I worked really hard to try and figure out who the Mole was. It just wasn't enough. Sorry to all my loyal friends that I couldn't stay further."
DAY 17
Andy: "5 keys."
Gigi: "Are we starting our next mission already?"
Scott: "I think these are our rooms. I'll take B-02."
Andy: "I don't know what any of it means right now so I'll take C-01."
Gigi: "Then I'm going for C-02."
Mervyn: "Ladies first."
Daphne: "A-02 is for me."
Mervyn: "Then that leaves me with B-01."
Scott: "Let's go check out our rooms."
Mervyn: "It's cozy, that's for sure."
Daphne: "How....small."
Andy: "It's not remarkable but it's fine."
Gigi: "Oh, there's a balcony."
Scott: "Sweet. I finally get a room to myself."
Gigi: "Try having a corpse drop out from the fridge in front of you at 8 in the morning. It's frightening. I wonder how long Denise actually had to be trapped inside that fridge. I'm still trying to recover. It was so traumatic. I think I'm suffering from PTSD."
Scott: "Hello everyone. It's Scott Treverton. There's been a lot of buzz going around about who the Mole could be. He or she took the lives of dearest Denise and Vanessa yesterday. Some speculate that the Mole themselves did it, while some think it's just production telling them to play dead, and the Mole was never around to witness it. I've also got a guest star today. Everyone, give a warm welcome to fellow contestant and potential killer, Daphne Scotts!"
Daphne: "You do realise this isn't actually your show or anything, right?"
Scott: "I'll buy the tapes over from production and release it on my channel."
Daphne: "They own all rights to media, don't they?"
Scott: "True. But viewers can still support me once this airs."
Scott: "So, Daphne, where were you when the deaths occurred?"
Daphne: "I was sleeping, but I suppose my claim is as good as any."
Scott: "For me, I was giving a big poop."
Daphne: "Nobody needed to know that."
Scott: "So who do you think the killer is?"
Daphne: "That is as good as telling you who I suspect to be the Mole."
Scott: "It was worth a shot."
Contestants are travelling to meet up with three professional actors:
Emmy Starr, Kai Leiko and Lilly-Bo Chique.
Together, they must perform a show for three unsuspecting judges:
Matthew Hamming, Alan Stanley and Lenny Shutter.
The aforementioned three have been informed that there is a new sitcom involving some fresh actors, and they are viewing an excerpt from the pilot episode for reaction testing.
The goal is simple: fool the experts. 20 points will be awarded to each contestant who does not get exposed at the end. This is worth 100 points.
If any one of the judges finds out that the contestants are not actually professional actors, that contestant will no longer be eligible for points, but they will not know until the end.
Scott: "Act and not get find out that they're acting? Good luck with that. The previous mission showed me how horrible actors this lot is."
Kai: "It's over, Lisa."
Alan: "Oh it definitely is, with a cliche opener like that."
Emmy: "Why? Just what did I do wrong?"
Kai: "We both need to move on."
Emmy: "It's because of her, isn't it, Ned? Because of Caroline Fletcher."
Kai: "So what if it is?"
Lenny: "Ooh."
Daphne: "Come on, Ned. Let's not waste any more time on her."
Kai: "Goodbye, Lisa."
Alan: "Hey! That's Emmy!"
Matthew: "Indeed it is."
Lenny: "That vixen is so emotionless. She can't act for shit."
Matthew: "On the contrary, I think she's got a lot of potential."
Emmy: "He broke up with me, Dina. 2 years, just gone like that."
Gigi: "Who? That snobbish rat Ned Sanderson? I never liked him."
Emmy: "How can you say that?"
Gigi: "There there, girl. I know just the thing to cheer you up."
Gigi: "I'm going to a Christmas party. My cousin Trina's the host. You should totally come."
Emmy: "I'm not in the mood for a party."
Gigi: "You need to move on."
Emmy: "That's what he said too!"
Gigi: "Ai...it's a miracle how I can still be your best friend."
Lenny: "Why didn't you invite her in the first place if you two were that close friends?"
Emmy: "Are you sure this is the right place? That bouncer looks menacing."
Gigi: "Positive."
Mervyn: "I need to see your invites."
Alan: "Who is this guy? Is he a bouncer or a stereotypical biker?"
Mervyn: "Alright. And you?"
Gigi: "She's with me, Steve."
Lenny: "Why do you even know his name?"
Mervyn: "No can do. Nobody's entering without an invite."
Gigi: "Come on."
Emmy: "It's ok, Dina. Let's just go home."
Mervyn: "Just go on ahead...I don't think you're even dressed in the right theme. That hardly qualifies as an elf hat."
Lenny: "Awkward two seconds of silence."
Gigi: "Okay, now you just insulted me. I dressed her up."
Mervyn: "Go home and cry."
Gigi: "Do you know who I am? I'm Dina McClinte, cousin of the Trina McClinte, and niece of the Benjamin McClinte. If you don't let both of us in, I'm going to complain to Trina that her party sucks because her bouncer is doing a shitty job. And then we'll see what happens."
Mervyn: "Yikes. Okay, go on in, you two."
Alan: "I don't think he can act."
Matthew: "My thoughts too. He could be a novice actor."
Lilly-Bo: "Dina! I see that you made it."
Gigi: "No thanks to your good old bouncer Steve."
Lilly-Bo: "He's just protective. Who's your plus one?"
Gigi: "Trina, Lisa. Lisa, Trina."
Emmy: "Hi."
Lilly-Bo: "So glad you came, Lisa. Go and enjoy yourselves, you two. I'll go tend to the other guests."
Scott: "And look who brought in the sexy bitches...witches! I mean witches! Let's burn them at the stake!"
Scott: "It was a joke, guys."
Alan: "Ah, and here's the token black."
Aiden: "I don't know him, everybody."
Andy: "Great, is he going to hide behind a plant in shame again?"
Gigi: "I have an idea..."
Emmy: "Hey! Who pushed me?"
Gigi: "Oh look, a mistletoe! Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
Andy: "Er..."
Emmy: "It's just a stupid tradition."
Gigi: "Come on, you over there! Chant with me! Kiss! Kiss!"
Scott: "Are you crazy, Gigi...I mean, GG, well played."
Scott: "Ugh, I'm gonna regret this. Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
Lenny: "I bet he's gay."
Andy: "It's just a stupid tradition, so how about we just get this over and done with? Please our fans?"
Alan: "Subtle breaking of the fourth wall, there. This show has hope."
Gigi: "Woopie!"
Gigi: "So, having fun? I saw quite a few hot beefcakes looking your way."
Emmy: "It wasn't all that bad."
Gigi: "I know that look. You've got someone on your mind already. You go, girl!"
Emmy: "I...I guess I do. But I didn't get his number..."
Gigi: "Who? Don't tell me you're into that crazy cowboy there."
Emmy: "Of course not. Only a blind man would be interested in him. It's..."
Gigi: "Oh, it's Aiden, isn't it? The guy who kissed you?"
Emmy: "Oh, that's his name."
Gigi: "I was right!"
Emmy: "But there's no point. He's already left."
Gigi: "It looks like we're going to have to brave the storm if we want to chase after your lover."
Scott: "What's up, ladies? The name's Omar, but you can call me tonight."
Gigi: "I heard your name over and over. Get a hint, Ogly."
Scott: "Is that your new nickname for me? How cute. We're moving so fast."
Emmy: "You seemed to know Aiden."
Scott: "Know him? That's nothing compared to the kiss you two shared. Wowza."
Gigi: "Give us his number."
Scott: "Hiw about you give me yours first, sexy?"
Gigi: "Never."
Scott: "Then the deal is off. Not like it matters anyway. He lives in San Fran. Calls are gonna be expensive."
Emmy: "San Fran?"
Scott: "Cisco, yeah. In fact, his flight is tonight. He's probably on his way to the airport right now."
Gigi: "I guess we know what we're doing. Lisa, let's buy the next ticket to SF!"
"That is the end of the pilot episode of Love Is In The Air. Thank you for taking the time to watch, Lenny. Do you think they acted very well?"
Lenny: "It's meh. I think Emmy Starr is the one carrying the show. I'd watch anything for her."
"If we told you some of them are not actually actors, who would you think they would be?"
Lenny: "Fake actors? Wait, that's an oxymoron. Some really can't act, but I think that's experience-related. They are newbies, so they suck at first."
"So, all of them are professional actors to you?"
Lenny: "If you want to put it that way, then yeah."
"If we told you some of them are not actually actors, who would you think they would be?"
Alan: "I had a feeling. My first thought would be the one who played Omar. I believe he said the wrong name in the show, right in the first episode. Who found that guy, anyway? And he's supposed to be comic relief, but I don't find him very funny. The only time where it felt like he was an actor was when he saw the two main characters kiss. I could sense his inner turmoil and conflict."
Alan: "I also think the bouncer isn't an actual actor. He was probably someone picked from the streets. He didn't seem to fully grasp the role of a bouncer. He wasn't convincing, and it was so telling when he just let the two girls in."
Alan: "I have a weird feeling about the cousin. I feel like I've seen her somewhere before but then again, maybe I'm getting old. I don't think she's a real actor. She didn't have that chemistry with Emmy or her in-show friend. I'll just play it safe and say she's not an actor."
"If we told you some of them are not actually actors, who would you think they would be?"
Matthew: "Clearly not Emmy. She's far too recognisable. I think the bouncer isn't a professional actor. Not was the cowboy in the Afro. I don't get his character, to be honest. The mistress has some potential to be a really interesting character but it just wasn't enough. I think she's a diamond in the rough that hasn't been found. Too rough and unpolished to be an actor."
Matthew: "The cousin also wasn't pulling her weight enough. Wasn't trying hard enough, so she's not an actor. The ex-boyfriend tried too hard. He behaved like someone who wanted to fool everyone that he can act would behave."
Matthew: "Lastly, that guy...Aiden. I don't see him as a main character even though the show is leading up to it. Yet I don't think he's not an actor. I blame the pacing and angle of the show. He wasn't shown enough for me to make a good judgement. So he's safe in my books."
Gigi: "What the hell, Scott? You called my actual name while filming. That's a dead giveaway that you're a phony."
Scott: "Sorry, my bad."
Gigi: "And you were supposed to lead the chant, not me. It's almost as if you didn't want Andy and Emmy to kiss."
Scott: "I didn't."
Gigi: "Why? Are you the Mole?"
Andy: "It's just an onscreen kiss. What's the big deal?"
Scott: "I just don't like it, okay? You shouldn't go around kissing women like that."
Andy: "So I should kiss men like you, like that night?"
Scott: "What? I...no! I'm not gay...I think."
Scott: "I just don't want Gigi to get confused or jealous with you planting your lips on anything that looks like a woman."
Gigi: "How many times do I have to say that we are not in a relationship?"
Scott: "You aren't?"
Mervyn: "I should apologise for spacing out earlier and forgetting my lines."
Lilly-Bo: "You did?"
Mervyn: "Yes...oh right. You weren't in that scene."
Mervyn: "To be fair, we weren't given a lot of time to memorise our lines and everything. We were rushing to complete everything within a day."
Lilly-Bo: "Excuses."
Mervyn: "I...I'm sorry. I am making excuses for myself."
Lilly-Bo: "You guys should have let me be one of the leads. You want to earn points, don't you?"
Mervyn: "We agreed on letting some of us shine. If someone recognises all three of you and all three are the leads, it will be very clear that the rest of us are faking it."
Lilly-Bo: "You just don't want me to succeed!"
Mervyn: "Calm down. We have nothing against you."
Lilly-Bo: "I should have taken the role of Lisa. I know what she feels. She was written for me. And instead I've been given the role of an extra and couldn't perform to my fullest potential."
Mervyn: "Erm..."
Lilly-Bo: "And to top it off, I'm still recovering from a toothache."
Daphne: "May I get a picture with you?"
Emmy: "Of course, dear. Anything for a fan."
"Everyone, please gather round."
"The moment you all have been waiting for. Our three judges have watched your performance and are very sceptical about the abilities of tomorrow's actors."
"Scott, Matthew Hamming and Alan Stanley both thought you were not a professional actor."
Scott: "What? I thought I did so well. Sure, there were a few hiccups but every one makes mistakes."
"Daphne, Matthew Hamming did not think you were a professional actor."
Daphne: "He is right, but I briefly appeared. I am surprised he took enough note of me to know I could not act."
"Lilly-Bo, Matthew Hamming and Alan Stanley did not think you were a professional actor."
Lilly-Bo: "What? The industry is so cruel."
"Mervyn, Matthew Hamming and Alan Stanley did not think you were a professional actor."
Mervyn: "Darn it, God."
Lilly-Bo: "God had nothing to do with this. Respect Him."
"Kai Leiko, Matthew Hamming thought you were not a professional actor."
Kai: "Matthew is a snob who thinks everyone who isn't him isn't professional."
"Gigi, Emmy, Andy, you convinced all three that you were actual actors. 40/100 points have been earned as such, making the pot 320/650 points."
Daphne: "Not bad."
Andy: "It is indeed not bad, but I hoped for something better."
Gigi: "I passed...Matthew Hamming thought I was an actor. I owe it to your tutelage, Ms. Starr."
Steve (Mervyn)
Caroline (Daphne)
Omar (Scott)
Trina (Lily-Bo)
Lisa (Emmy)
Aiden (Andy)
Ned (Kai)
Dina (Gigi)
Lisa breaks up with 2-year long boyfriend Ned. Seeing her heartbroken, her friend Dina decides to bring her to a Christmas Party hosted by cousin Trina.
They try to get past the bouncer Steve.
At a Christmas Party, Aiden accidentally walks under a mistletoe. Dina notices this and pushes Lisa under the mistletoe. Egged on by everyone, they kiss.
Omar is the comic relief during the party.
Party is over and Lisa decides she wants Aiden's number but he has already left. She speaks to the lingering party guests Omar and they reveal that he has gone home to San Francisco. Lisa buys the next ticket to San Fran.
Daphne: "What? Someone is already residing in A-02?"
Daphne: "Who is this Cyrus Best guy and why is he half-naked in my room with the door locked?"
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