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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
Contestants spent a day working on the performing arts, with Scott singing what the others acted out. They managed to succeed in 6/10 rounds, leadinig to 60/100 points for the pot, which is now at 280/550 points. Scott didn't earn an exemption, but did he even need one? Who will be the one in dire need of it?
DAY 15
Daphne: "Scott could have done better. Granted, 6/10 is a decent score, but I question some of his song choices. Could I have done better? Possibly, or possibly not. I don't know as many songs as he does, but that may be a blessing in disguise rather than a curse."
Scott: "Hi guys, it's Scott Treverton again. Today I decided to throw a party because we'll never know when we will die...in the game. I'm now getting a lot of song requests because of my newfound fame."
Vanessa: "Do me!"
Scott: "How could I make a man out of you~"

Mervyn: "What would you sing to describe yourself?"
Scott: "I'm sexy and I know it~"
Vanessa: "That should be my song."

Mervyn: "What would you sing to describe yourself?"
Scott: "I'm sexy and I know it~"
Vanessa: "That should be my song."
Scott: "I'm thinking out loud/Maybe we found love right where we are~"

Vanessa: "Ooh...do Gigi next."
Scott: "Hmm....why do you have to go and make things so complicated?"

Mervyn: "Complicated? Why?"

Vanessa: "Don't you see? He's thinking of Andy but with Gigi in the mix, it's complicated."
Scott: "What? No. I sang that because...it's complicated."

Vanessa: "Mm-hmm."
Denise: "What's up? Dude, I heard you were throwing a party. I have just the thing: a whole lot of happy stuff."

Mervyn: "Drugs. Definitely drugs."

Vanessa: "How did you even get a keg stand?"
Denise: "It's portable and DIY. Now help me bring it down so that we can start the party."

Vanessa: "Ooh...do Gigi next."
Scott: "Hmm....why do you have to go and make things so complicated?"

Mervyn: "Complicated? Why?"

Vanessa: "Don't you see? He's thinking of Andy but with Gigi in the mix, it's complicated."
Scott: "What? No. I sang that because...it's complicated."

Vanessa: "Mm-hmm."
Denise: "What's up? Dude, I heard you were throwing a party. I have just the thing: a whole lot of happy stuff."

Mervyn: "Drugs. Definitely drugs."

Vanessa: "How did you even get a keg stand?"
Denise: "It's portable and DIY. Now help me bring it down so that we can start the party."
Daphne: "The party is the perfect chance to raid everyone's room. They'll all be downstairs."
Daphne: "And it looks like someone left his drawer open."
Daphne: "These are just his clothes. Nothing of particular interest."
Andy: "This reminds me of all the frat parties I used to go to."
Vanessa: "There's a way to create a continuous flow of booze. Let me try and fix that."
Scott: "Our saviour!"
Mervyn: "Guys, I don't think a free flow keg is a good idea."
Denise: "Oh shut up and just give it a try. Either that or don't ruin the fun for the rest of us."
Mervyn: "...Fine. Letting loose once in a while won't hurt."
Mervyn: "Step aside."
Scott: "Where did you learn to do this?"
Mervyn: "Long story."
Scott: "Hey Daphne! Come down and join us!"
Denise: "Yeah, the fun is all here!"
Daphne: "Just a sip. I'm not a fan of beer."
Daphne: "Such childish fun. It's a good thing everyone is enjoying their youth."
Mervyn: "I hope I don't regret this."
Vanessa: "You won't."
Scott: "Support me, Denise!"
Scott: "Glurg..."
Denise: "You're too heavy..."
Scott: "Oof."
Denise: "Oh...sorry, dude."
Denise: "You fine, pal?"
Scott: "Yeah, I'm good."
Denise: "Awesome."
Vanessa: "I have my mini stereo all set up. Time to blast some music."
Daphne: "And that's my cue to go. This is fun and all but I have work to do."
Mervyn: "You should stop chugging the beer like that. It's bad for the liver."
Scott: "The booze ain't gonna drink itself."
Denise: "I'll share some of my happy pills. Just take it like your meds, like this."
Mervyn: "The keg is taunting me. I really shouldn't."
Scott: "Mervyn! Mervyn! Mervyn!"
Denise: "Mervyn! Mervyn! Mervyn!"
Scott: "Just once, okay? Then we won't bother you if you don't like it."
Mervyn: "Fine. Just once."
Scott: "That's my man."
Mervyn: "I don't see how any of this is safe."
Scott: "You don't get anywhere playing safe. Now just shove that tube in your mouth."
Denise: "Want some of this bong?"
Vanessa: "I'm good."
Denise: "More to myself then."
Vanessa: "Just try not to finish them all in one day."
Denise: "Chill, my dudette. I've got plenty."
Mervyn: "Glurg..."
Andy: "Let's grab a refill once Mervyn is done."
Scott: "You did great, man. Really went at it."
Mervyn: "I suppose that wasn't all that bad."
Scott: "My job here is done."
Gigi: "Hey Mervyn. How's it going?"
Mervyn: "I--burp!--am just cooling off. It's getting so hot."
Gigi: "A little. Let me join you."
Mervyn: "That's a surprise-burp! I didn't think you were the type to--burp!--skinny dip."
Gigi: "Same goes for you. Gosh, you're so drunk. Let me help you freshen up."
Mervyn: "I bet I can--burp!--hold my breath longer!"
Gigi: "You are on."
Mervyn: "Eww, water in my nose."
Mervyn: "I win!"
Gigi: "Wanna go streaking?"
Mervyn: "Let's run wild."
Daphne: "The rich rawness...a shot that I've taken before, but it wouldn't hurt to take it again."
Denise: "Ohh....that feels good..."
Denise: "I see love. Love and peace everywhere. It's such a wonderful world."
Vanessa: "I think we should take it down a notch. Most of you amateurs are already crazy drunk."
Denise: "Look at all the colours."
Scott: "Oh, girl, you look smokin' tonight."
Scott: "Mm..."
Andy: "Mmf..."
Vanessa: "Look at them go!"
Denise: "Huh...oh look. The butterfly has spread its wings."
Scott: "Oh girl...guy? What the..."
Andy: "Scott?"
Andy: "Uh...we were all drunk. It's just a little harmless fun."
Scott: "Yeah, no homo man. I've gotta go."
Scott: "Eww eww eww. I just kissed a guy!"
DAY 16

Mervyn: "I passed out in the toilet...I think. I quickly grabbed a towel and ran in here. Some of them are passed out outside from yesterday, and I have a really bad hangover. My memory of yesterday's events is hazy, but if I'm naked and have no idea where my clothes are...what if someone finds out that a respectable cop did such a thing? I promised myself that I would only drink in extreme sorrow."

Mervyn: "I better change into something decent quickly...hey, why is my drawer closed? I never close it."

Denise: "Ugh, my head feels like it's being crushed by the weight of a thousand rocks."

Mervyn: "I passed out in the toilet...I think. I quickly grabbed a towel and ran in here. Some of them are passed out outside from yesterday, and I have a really bad hangover. My memory of yesterday's events is hazy, but if I'm naked and have no idea where my clothes are...what if someone finds out that a respectable cop did such a thing? I promised myself that I would only drink in extreme sorrow."

Mervyn: "I better change into something decent quickly...hey, why is my drawer closed? I never close it."

Denise: "Ugh, my head feels like it's being crushed by the weight of a thousand rocks."
Andy: "We may have partied a little too hard yesterday. Vanessa, how are you not drunk?"
Vanessa: "I can hold my liquor, unlike you guys. If I'd known I wouldn't have let you guys near the keg. It's for grown-ups who can handle it only."
Andy: "Very funny. I'm going to take a bath. You should too."
Denise: "Huh...I'm not drunk, Andy."
Andy: "Yep. She definitely needs a bath."
Vanessa: "I'll carry her. You go on ahead."
Vanessa: "Hop on. I've got a strong back. God, just how much did you smoke last night? The after-effects are still persisting. And I'm not talking about the smell."
Denise: "I'm being kissed by the sun!"
Gigi: "What's going on?"
Vanessa: "Had a little too much...I won't say to drink. The high is dying down and she's sobering up but I thought some sun would do her good."
Vanessa: "So Gigi. Let's talk about you. It's good that you and Andy have finally patched up."
Denise: "Like I say, make love, not war."
Vanessa: "Do you really?"
Gigi: "Wait, we're not like that. We aren't together."
Vanessa: "Then are you friends with benefits?"
Gigi: "What? No!"
Denise: "Dude...the two dudes kissed."
Gigi: "Who?"
Vanessa: "Andy and Scott. But they were definitely drunk."
Gigi: "Oh. Doesn't bother me too much. Andy was a frat boy. Frat boys do all sorts of crazy things. Kissing a guy is nothing."
Vanessa: "So kindhearted of you."
Denise: "Andy and Scott, dudette."
Vanessa: "Yes. Andy and Scott."

Denise: "I just discovered something horrible. I've run out of my drugs. All of them. My weed, my meth, all emptied. I didn't realise I had used up so much so fast. Now what do I do? I feel sadder without it already. Life now seems so gloomy. And I won't be able to calm down before the quiz!"

Denise: "I just discovered something horrible. I've run out of my drugs. All of them. My weed, my meth, all emptied. I didn't realise I had used up so much so fast. Now what do I do? I feel sadder without it already. Life now seems so gloomy. And I won't be able to calm down before the quiz!"
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is out of the game.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Currently, which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Red room
B: White room with platform
C: White room with metal bedposts
D: Room that does not fit any of the above descriptions
Q3: Who does the Mole sleep with currently?
A: Andy Slam
B: Scott Treverton
C: Gigi Fruit
D: Vanessa Whitley
E: Denise Wildflower
F: Daphne Eleanor Scotts
G: The Mole sleeps alone

Q4: In Mission 5, which car was the Mole in?
A: Blue car
B: Purple car
C: Pink car
D: Yellow car

Q5: Was the Mole driving in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: Which group was the Mole in in Mission 5?
A: Group to perform first
B: Group to perform last
C: Not Applicable

Q7: In Mission 5, who did the Mole think the last ex-contestant was?
A: Skye Lowe
B: Victor Pluck
C: Chris Winters
D: Michael Anderson
E: Not Applicable

Q8: In Mission 5, which ex-contestant did the Mole roleplay as?
A: Casey Eughberton
B: Angie Reese
C: Bonnie DeValentino
D: Cairo Kong
E: Morris Delven
F: Paris Virginia
G: Not Applicable
Q9: In Mission 5, which song did the Mole hear?
A: Walk Like an Egyptian
B: Chandelier
C: Not Applicable

Q10: Who is the Mole?

Vanessa: "I know I'm in a dangerous situation. Why? Because I suspected Mika. And she wound up dead. I could have been executed during that non-execution round. I need to work harder and think very carefully. How I regret trying to be invisible. I couldn't watch what anyone else did."

Vanessa: "Oh look at you! You're actually looking for something to eat."
Denise: "I'm starving, dudette."

Vanessa: "You really need to beef up. You look like a gust of wind can blow you away."
Denise: "Why not you shut the fuck up?"

Vanessa: "That was uncalled for."

Denise: "Maybe someone thought it was spices and mixed it...Daphne. It must be Daphne. I must go and find her."

Vanessa: "Aren't you going to eat?"
Denise: "Mind your own goddamn business."

Vanessa: "She has zero chill today."

Denise: "Why is my hangover so bad, man? My headache isn't going away."
Vanessa: "Are you okay?"

Denise: "Maybe someone confiscated them. It could be Mervyn! He always was against me using them. Or maybe Scott and Andy wanted all of it to themselves."
A: Red room
B: White room with platform
C: White room with metal bedposts
D: Room that does not fit any of the above descriptions
Q3: Who does the Mole sleep with currently?
A: Andy Slam
B: Scott Treverton
C: Gigi Fruit
D: Vanessa Whitley
E: Denise Wildflower
F: Daphne Eleanor Scotts
G: The Mole sleeps alone

Q4: In Mission 5, which car was the Mole in?
A: Blue car
B: Purple car
C: Pink car
D: Yellow car

Q5: Was the Mole driving in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: Which group was the Mole in in Mission 5?
A: Group to perform first
B: Group to perform last
C: Not Applicable

Q7: In Mission 5, who did the Mole think the last ex-contestant was?
A: Skye Lowe
B: Victor Pluck
C: Chris Winters
D: Michael Anderson
E: Not Applicable

Q8: In Mission 5, which ex-contestant did the Mole roleplay as?
A: Casey Eughberton
B: Angie Reese
C: Bonnie DeValentino
D: Cairo Kong
E: Morris Delven
F: Paris Virginia
G: Not Applicable
Q9: In Mission 5, which song did the Mole hear?
A: Walk Like an Egyptian
B: Chandelier
C: Not Applicable

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Andy Slam
B: Daphne Eleanor Scotts
C: Denise Wildflower
D: Gigi Fruit
E: Vanessa Whitley
F: Scott Treverton
G: Mervyn Aubridge

Vanessa: "I know I'm in a dangerous situation. Why? Because I suspected Mika. And she wound up dead. I could have been executed during that non-execution round. I need to work harder and think very carefully. How I regret trying to be invisible. I couldn't watch what anyone else did."

Vanessa: "Oh look at you! You're actually looking for something to eat."
Denise: "I'm starving, dudette."

Vanessa: "You really need to beef up. You look like a gust of wind can blow you away."
Denise: "Why not you shut the fuck up?"

Vanessa: "That was uncalled for."

Denise: "Maybe someone thought it was spices and mixed it...Daphne. It must be Daphne. I must go and find her."

Vanessa: "Aren't you going to eat?"
Denise: "Mind your own goddamn business."

Vanessa: "She has zero chill today."

Denise: "Why is my hangover so bad, man? My headache isn't going away."
Vanessa: "Are you okay?"

Denise: "Maybe someone confiscated them. It could be Mervyn! He always was against me using them. Or maybe Scott and Andy wanted all of it to themselves."
Vanessa: "Denise, snap out of it!"
Denise: "I can't live without them. They're my babies. They are my world."
Denise: "You took them, didn't you? Give them back!"
Vanessa: "Enough is enough."

Denise: "Ow!"

Denise: "You slapped me?"
Vanessa: "I'm not your mother but you've forced my hand. If you're not going to take good care of yourself, then I'm going to have to do it for you."

Denise: "Ow!"

Denise: "You slapped me?"
Vanessa: "I'm not your mother but you've forced my hand. If you're not going to take good care of yourself, then I'm going to have to do it for you."
Denise: "Mind your own business."
Vanessa: "It's my business if you don't stop being an annoying prick. Now go and eat."
Vanessa: "Good girl."
Vanessa: "I need a drink."
Vanessa: "I know my limit so I won't end up like Denise. Or Scott or Andy."
Vanessa: "Look at the rainbow...."
???: "Come here, Vanessa."
Vanessa: "I feel like dancing."
???: "I can assure you that this will be more fun than dancing."
Vanessa: "Whu...ok..."
???: "You may be the strongest, but even you're no match for me, and you're no match for alcohol...'happy' alcohol."
DAY 17

Scott: "Hey, the keg is still here."

Scott: "Is that someone sleeping over there?"

Scott: "Vanessa!"

Scott: "Hey, the keg is still here."

Scott: "Is that someone sleeping over there?"

Scott: "Vanessa!"
Daphne: "Did you hear about the commotion downstairs? Apparently Vanessa is dead."
Mervyn: "There were marks on her neck. Someone strangled her."
Gigi: "AAAAAH!"
Mervyn: "What is it? My heart can't take another heart attack."
Gigi: "She...she..."
Gigi: "She's dead!"
The Mole was bloodthirsty and claimed two victims in one night. Everyone seemed to have a scare but were any of them merely acting?
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