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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer
After a tense mission, 120/120 points were brought in, leading to 220/450 points for the pot. For Mika, just as she was furthest away from Scott, she was furthest from the truth--the identity of the Mole. Slowly, but surely, the contestants are decreasing in number. Who will be the last one standing? Will it be Vanessa, just like the mission, or someone else?
Mika: "Well...crap. I'm out. I may have been too concerned about this season's twist and misread the clues and alibis. I was thinking too hard about this; that's probably why I lost. It's a shame but I can at least say it was a different experience, travelling every few days and living with a bunch of strangers and doing activities I would never have done in my life otherwise...all in all, it's good."
DAY 13
Scott: "Since I couldn't bring any videographic equipment with me, I'm gonna use this as a substitute instead. I can start a new series and talk about my life and experience on the Smole. I should've thought of this earlier, but better late than never. So, Day 13...Bellum City was a nice place. Bustling but not busy. But it's time to say ciao to it, so goodbye, dear city."
Contestants are on their way to Starlight Shores.
Andy: "What beautiful scenery. Forget about you, Daphne; even I wish I had a camera with me."
Daphne: "I don't take such pointless pictures."
Gigi: "But aren't you a photographer?"
Denise: "A freelance photographer. Which means I take whatever I want."
Daphne: "I'm more interested in taking moving creatures than inanimate objects. Like Sims. Artistic photos of Sims in various forms and stages. My personal preference is youths, though."
Daphne: "My photos have often been used as death portraits."
Gigi: "And that's a good thing?"
Andy: "Gigi, don't be rude."
Andy: "You mean..."
Daphne: "Complete your sentences. Didn't your parents teach you that?"
Gigi: "You don't have to be rude."
Andy: "It's fine, Gigi. So what you're telling us is that your clients often die young?"
Daphne: "My clients and their family. Actually, this is one of my specialties and I'm quite proud of it. I think that your youth is the best time for you to die.
Gigi: "She sounds like a sociopath right now."
Andy: "You're only getting that vibe now?"
Daphne: "What are you two whispering about there? You don't agree with my philosophy? Think about it. We all eventually grow old, grow sick and die, or become a living zombie, awaiting the sweet release. You're better off with someone killing you at that point."
Daphne: "I will not allow anyone to reach that stage if I can help it."
Gigi: "You did not...kill your clients. Please tell me you didn't."
Daphne: "Not all."
Andy: "She must be kidding. There's no way she'd do this. And admit it so openly."
Daphne: "Why wouldn't I? Is it really that much of a stretch? I even killed my own parents."
Gigi: "You killed them?"
Daphne: "I saved them. From old age, from torture in the later years of their life."
Andy: "You robbed them of their lives."
Daphne: "I am an artist, not a thief."
Andy: "Are you just trying to scare us?"
Daphne: "A pity you don't agree with me. Many don't. They either agree with me or they die."
Daphne: "Pray hard that you don't grow old, or you don't meet me when you do."
Gigi: "That taxi ride was absolutely horrible. It was like a nightmare. Daphne just told us that she KILLED her own parents while they were still young, while SHE was still young. That's horrific and borderline insane. Actually, it's way past borderline. Why is she even on this show?"
Gigi: "Do you think Daphne is our killer?"
Andy: "I managed to get Daphne's handwriting sample from Denise. I'm not sure why she has it but they're a match."
Gigi: "So Daphne wrote those letters. She knows about you, Andy. She must've been there."
Andy: "Or she overheard our conversations."
Gigi: "You didn't hear what she said in the taxi? She's batshit crazy! I'm worried for our safety."
Andy: "Let's not be too alarmed right now. I doubt she'll try anything funny. And we're the youngest, so we should be safe."
Gigi: "Do you think we need to warn Vanessa? She's the oldest."
Andy: "She will think we are crazy. Let's just leave it for now."
Gigi: "No way, Andy. She must have been there. Maybe she even killed Zane!"
Gigi: "So none of you actually witnessed him fall?"
Andy: "No. Jay wouldn't have reason to lie, and we were too scared to look for ourselves. We didn't even eat the picnic me and the rest set up."
Gigi: "What if Daphne really was there, and killed Zane. And then threatened Jay? Or if they know each other?"
Andy: "There is only one way to find out."
Gigi: "Don't be rash, Andy. I'm worried for you. There must be another way to find out."
Andy: "No. If Daphne really killed Zane, she deserves to die. How dare she hold Jay and all of us in guilt and torment? She doesn't have any power over us to control us like that!"
Gigi: "It's late. Let's take some time to mull it over and decide on what to do tomorrow."
Denise: "I'm cool with anything, dudette. I'm friends with everyone."
Daphne: "Then you will stick with me for this leg. It's easier to discuss our findings. But you better change your clothes regularly. You stink."

Denise: "You have no right to interfere with my way of life, dudette."
Daphne: "My room, my rules."
Denise: "Alright, dudette. Chill."
Andy: "I guess we are going to sleep in the same room again?"
Vanessa: "No way. You two have always been alone in the same room since forever. It's time to separate you two. Gigi, stay with me instead."
Gigi: "Well...let me discuss this with Andy."
Andy: "It's not a bad idea. You can find out more about her. And don't let her sleep alone again. If she's the Mole, it's making things too easy for her."
Gigi: "We'll be roomies, Vanessa."
Vanessa: "Yeah, that's more like it. I've picked the perfect room for us. Follow me."

Vanessa: "It's a bit cramped but it's simple and no-fuss. Just how I like it."

Vanessa: "It's a bit cramped but it's simple and no-fuss. Just how I like it."

Mervyn: "Oh, I get a room to myself. That's nice."
DAY 14

Scott: "What's up, everyone? It's Scott Treverton, your one and only. After today, 2 weeks would have passed on the Smole. Can you believe it? I survived two weeks in the game. To Jaycee and all the naysayers, you were wrong! Oh, and Jaycee, you owe me 50 bucks now because I made it to Day 14. Now, can all of you keep a secret? Last night was so awkward. I could hardly sleep. It's the first time I'm sleeping with Andy. Alone, too! I just couldn't help but satre at him sleep, and my mind wandered everywhere. I guess it's just 'cause I'm not used to sleeping in such a big room with just one other guy. It's weird, y'know? Okay, I hear someone pounding on the door. I better stop hogging this space. If you want to see more of me, or want me to make it to the end, do support me on Patreon. Every penny counts in making quality videos for all of you. I also wanna hear your thoughts, so post them on my page. I'll read them when I get back. Bye for now!"

Mervyn: "Man, Scott took forever. It was like he was a girl getting ready for prom. Don't tell him I said that. I just came in here to vent. I'm worried for Denise. I think she's addicted to all the vices in this world. She's stick-thin and look at her sallow complexion. She just looks so unhealthy."

"Good morning, my final seven. Today, I need one singer. The rest of you will be split up into two groups, with the singer acting as the messenger. Who shall it be?"

Gigi: "I can sing."
Andy: "I support Gigi being the singer."

Denise: "I've heard her in the shower. Girl can sing."
Scott: "So can I."

Gigi: "But you were the cartel leader in the last mission. Give someone else a chance."

Denise: "Let's not fight here. I'm sure there's a way to resolve this, my dudes."

Vanessa: "You're right. I vote for a sing-off! We can use that karaoke machine too."

Scott: "I'm game. I'm just worried that Gigi here is scared."
Gigi: "Oh, it's on. Just don't cry mommy when I beat you."

Vanessa: "The smell of gunpowder is strong."
Denise: "You brought a gun? Why would you? I abhor violence."
Vanessa: "It was a metaphor."
Scott: "Ha! How about this song?"
Gigi: "It's so annoyingly catchy...but I'm down."
Gigi: "Because you know I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble~"
Scott "I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble~"
Andy: "Oh come on, this song?"
Denise: "It's so groovy, man."
Daphne: "The harmony is so off-putting."
Gigi: "Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size~"
Scott: "She says boys they like a little more booty to hold at night~"
Mervyn: "I'm impressed by Scott's ability to sing. I didn't know he could sing. I'm voting for him to be the singer."
Andy: "I'm supporting Gigi no matter what. She CAN sing."
Vanessa: "What kind of sister would I be if I didn't support Gigi? We're sharing a room, after all."
Daphne: "Gigi is trying too hard to show off. I think Scott will do better."
Denise: "Gigi is young and Scott is older. I think Scott will have more singing experience. I've got your back, Scott my man."
Gigi: "I guess the jury has spoken. It's all yours, Scott."
Scott: "Sweet ride!"
Andy: "I wonder what we will have to do."
Gigi: "Could you...you know, drive a little faster?"
Mervyn: "We've got to stay within the speed limit. It's better to be safe than sorry."
Andy, Denise and Daphne are one group. They are given a list of past Smole contestants. They will be narrated the life after the Smole for a certain ex-contestant. They must then act it out for Scott to guess. (He is also given the same list)
Scott has to sing a song to the other group consisting of Gigi, Vanessa and Mervyn. This group must guess the ex-contestant (from the same list) from the song. If successful, 10 points will be earned. The roles will then reverse and this will continue for 10 rounds, making this worth 100 points.
If Scott is able to get the groups to guess the right contestant every time, he would obtain an exemption.
Andy: "Guys, the first scene is starting."
Sylvester: "I always had this nagging sense of inferiority around her, and I wanted to prove myself, and dispel all those rumours that I was only with her for the money."
Sylvester: "My win really helped to debunk that. The media had a hard time spinning the story now that I had the fame and money as my girlfriend, but yet was still with her."
Sylvester: "Our relationship definitely improved. I can't thank the Smole enough for giving me this opportunity to make my life better."

Denise: "I dunno who the other chick is, so we must be looking at Sylvester."
Daphne: "How can you not know Bertha Blonde? She is famous. You should at least be informed of that."
Andy: "Ladies, focus."

Andy: "Maybe we can tackle this from the cop route? We all know Sylvester is a policeman."
Denise: "There are thousands of cops on the show, dude."
Daphne: "A hyperbole for sure, but Denise is right. How will Scott know which policeman you are referring to?"

Denise: "Hmm...how about we also act out a winning pose?"
Daphne: "I was thinking of a more iconic scene. Like the final mission."
Andy: "Oh yes, that definitely was a memorable one. It was so cool, although it looked dangerous."
Denise: "Dudes, how about we do both?"

Andy: "Okay, but how will we divide the roles?"
Daphne: "You have to play the part of Sylvester. You are the only male."
Denise: "I don't mind playing the one needing saving."
Daphne: "I shall see where I can slot myself in."

Scott: "I can't hear anything. Is that on purpose?"

Denise: "Dude...help me. I'm a damsel in distress and I need to be saved. Oh I love clothes."

Andy: "Fear not, Paris. I will save you!"

Denise: "I magically have a hand mirror and I must look good while being saved. I mean, help!"

Daphne: "Stop, Officer Roscoe. You aren't rescuing this lady so easily."
Andy: "Who are you?"
Daphne: "I'm the producer, aka your worst nightmare. I have kidnapped her and will burn her in a stake. You are not to foil my plans."

Scott: "What the hell? Is this really from a past season?"

Andy: "I must defeat this villain first."
Daphne: "Come at me."

Denise: "The fire is raging! Quick, save me before I am toast!"

Denise: "Woosh! Woosh! Imagine the fire, and there will be a fire."

Denise: "Wow, they're really going at it. If I didn't know better, I would think they had an actual feud."

Daphne: "I am defeated...and I will get my revenge for actually attacking me, Andy."

Andy: "Come, let us move away the boxes so that you can escape!"

Denise: "Oh, thank you so much, Sylvester dude."

Scott: "The acting is really bad. I can't tell if it's deliberate. I betcha that they don't want to be seen as good actors."
"Who do you think they are trying to depict?"
Scott: "Who's the main guy? Who are they trying to depict? Let me see my list."

Scott: "This feels like some cartoon show. Like a cat-and-mouse or cop-and-thief kind of show...oh, could it be Sylvester? Or is it...nope, there's no Paris. I betcha it's Sylvester. Now I just need to think of a song...I have an idea. I'll do the Looney Tunes theme song. I betcha that someone will recognise it."
Scott: "My repertoire consists only of pop songs and cartoon theme songs. I didn't realise this was what the mission required me to do."

Gigi: "Hey, Scott's singing something."

Scott: "Da da da da dadadada, dadada Da DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~"

Vanessa: "What. The. Hell."

Mervyn: "Is it over already?"
Gigi: "So short? No lyrics? How are we supposed to guess?"

Vanessa: "We need a replay button."
Mervyn: "Let's just make do with what we've got. Maybe he's trying to signal to us that the contestant doesn't talk a lot."
Vanessa: "Or is short."
Gigi: "Or childish."

Vanessa: "Dada? Daddy? Is it supposed to be a father?"

Gigi: "Then why would he sing this song of all songs?"
Vanessa: "Maybe he can sing but doesn't know a lot of songs."

Gigi: "Actually, it sounds like a song from a show...I can't think of what the show is right now though..."
Mervyn: "Hey, Philo Nickelworth is a TV actor, right?"
Vanessa: "We don't have all day. Sure. Let's go with Philo Nickelworth."

Vanessa: "I expected that."

Mervyn: "Okay, we need to recover and focus on the next round."

Denise: "I dunno who the other chick is, so we must be looking at Sylvester."
Daphne: "How can you not know Bertha Blonde? She is famous. You should at least be informed of that."
Andy: "Ladies, focus."

Andy: "Maybe we can tackle this from the cop route? We all know Sylvester is a policeman."
Denise: "There are thousands of cops on the show, dude."
Daphne: "A hyperbole for sure, but Denise is right. How will Scott know which policeman you are referring to?"

Denise: "Hmm...how about we also act out a winning pose?"
Daphne: "I was thinking of a more iconic scene. Like the final mission."
Andy: "Oh yes, that definitely was a memorable one. It was so cool, although it looked dangerous."
Denise: "Dudes, how about we do both?"

Andy: "Okay, but how will we divide the roles?"
Daphne: "You have to play the part of Sylvester. You are the only male."
Denise: "I don't mind playing the one needing saving."
Daphne: "I shall see where I can slot myself in."

Scott: "I can't hear anything. Is that on purpose?"

Denise: "Dude...help me. I'm a damsel in distress and I need to be saved. Oh I love clothes."

Andy: "Fear not, Paris. I will save you!"

Denise: "I magically have a hand mirror and I must look good while being saved. I mean, help!"

Daphne: "Stop, Officer Roscoe. You aren't rescuing this lady so easily."
Andy: "Who are you?"
Daphne: "I'm the producer, aka your worst nightmare. I have kidnapped her and will burn her in a stake. You are not to foil my plans."

Scott: "What the hell? Is this really from a past season?"

Andy: "I must defeat this villain first."
Daphne: "Come at me."

Denise: "The fire is raging! Quick, save me before I am toast!"

Denise: "Woosh! Woosh! Imagine the fire, and there will be a fire."

Denise: "Wow, they're really going at it. If I didn't know better, I would think they had an actual feud."

Daphne: "I am defeated...and I will get my revenge for actually attacking me, Andy."

Andy: "Come, let us move away the boxes so that you can escape!"

Denise: "Oh, thank you so much, Sylvester dude."

Scott: "The acting is really bad. I can't tell if it's deliberate. I betcha that they don't want to be seen as good actors."
"Who do you think they are trying to depict?"
Scott: "Who's the main guy? Who are they trying to depict? Let me see my list."

Scott: "This feels like some cartoon show. Like a cat-and-mouse or cop-and-thief kind of show...oh, could it be Sylvester? Or is it...nope, there's no Paris. I betcha it's Sylvester. Now I just need to think of a song...I have an idea. I'll do the Looney Tunes theme song. I betcha that someone will recognise it."
Scott: "My repertoire consists only of pop songs and cartoon theme songs. I didn't realise this was what the mission required me to do."

Gigi: "Hey, Scott's singing something."

Scott: "Da da da da dadadada, dadada Da DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~"

Vanessa: "What. The. Hell."

Mervyn: "Is it over already?"
Gigi: "So short? No lyrics? How are we supposed to guess?"

Vanessa: "We need a replay button."
Mervyn: "Let's just make do with what we've got. Maybe he's trying to signal to us that the contestant doesn't talk a lot."
Vanessa: "Or is short."
Gigi: "Or childish."

Vanessa: "Dada? Daddy? Is it supposed to be a father?"

Gigi: "Then why would he sing this song of all songs?"
Vanessa: "Maybe he can sing but doesn't know a lot of songs."

Gigi: "Actually, it sounds like a song from a show...I can't think of what the show is right now though..."
Mervyn: "Hey, Philo Nickelworth is a TV actor, right?"
Vanessa: "We don't have all day. Sure. Let's go with Philo Nickelworth."

Vanessa: "I expected that."

Mervyn: "Okay, we need to recover and focus on the next round."
Casey: "Life after the Smole continued as per normal. Occasionally I'd bump into someone who recognised me, but for the most part I was still a housewife."
Casey: "I wasn't keen when my sister joined. It was too much attention after a while. When Season 24 took place, everyone in school remembered that the mother of Jerald and Franklin was on the show. I was worried that there was too much pressure put on them."
Casey: "I also wanted to make up for the lost time I could have spent with my kids. I'm now less strict with them. They saw a different side of me, and I saw a different side of them."
Mervyn: "So we just need to re-enact this scene, right?"
Gigi: "I don't think that's the case. There are four characters but only three of us."
Vanessa: "Maybe children are considered half a character."
Vanessa: "I'll be Casey."
Gigi: "I'll be the sister."
Mervyn: "Then I guess I'll be one of her sons. We probably don't need both."
Scott: "I hope this group is better."
Vanessa: "Life after the Smole continued as per normal....bla bla, I'm a housewife. I don't think he can hear us anyway. Otherwise I can just tell him I'm Casey Eughberton."
Gigi: "Hey big sis. What's cooking?"
Vanessa: "Man meat."
Mervyn: "Let's stick to the script, please."
Gigi: "Sorry. Casey, I want to join the Smole, Season 24. Please?"
Vanessa: "No."
Gigi: "Why not?"
Vanessa: "Because...because it's too much stress and I'm your sister....psst. Next scene."
Mervyn: "Oh. Sorry."
Mervyn: "Mama, I wanna go to the arcadeee. Please?"
Vanessa: "Since I was on the Smole and got a life lesson and then some, I'll be less strict on you and say yes. Let's play!"
Scott: "Was that one skit or two?"
Scott: "I saw two children and a mother. I betcha that's Theresa, Casey or Vivian. I don't think it's Vivian because of their relationship...I don't think Theresa had two children. I have no idea how many children Casey have, or whether she has a son and a daughter, but I think she's most likely the one. You betcha."
Daphne: "Shh. Listen."
Scott: "Drivin' that train/High on cocaine/Casey Jones you'd better~"
Andy: "He sang the name Casey. I think that's who we're looking for."
Daphne: "Our answer is Casey Jones...I mean, Casey Eughberton."
Denise: "Yeah, man. Totally."

Bonnie: "My time on the show was short-lived, but that was secondary. I learned about my long-lost father on the Smole."
Bonnie: "I tried to search for him when my season ended. But being on an international show was detrimental to my job as a private eye, so my boss told me to lay low, hoping that the craze would eventually die down and I would be forgotten and unnoticed once more."
Bonnie: "It's been a long while, but I have yet to find him. I missed the golden opportunity. One day..."

Vanessa: "What language was Despacito in again? Spanish? We don't have an Ainsley Ruth."
Andy: "Which one of you wants to be a private eye?"
Daphne: "I would."
Andy: "I'll play the lost father...Denise...er, be shady."
Daphne: "What is going on? That woman appears to be dealing drugs....with my father?"
Daphne: "How can that be? I've been searching high and low for him. At long last, I've found him, only for him to be a drug dealer? I know your name is Herb, but you don't have to actually be dealing weed and all!"
Scott: "The focus is so much clearer now. I betcha Daphne could work on her expressions but all in all I betcha that the one I'm looking for is a woman who is a detective...that's Bonnie. I know. I'll go with the CSI theme song. I bet that Mervyn would know this."
Scott: "I woke up in a Soho doorway/a policeman knew my name/He said you can go sleep at home tonight/If you can get up and walk away~"
Vanessa: "Yay, lyrics!"
Mervyn: "I know this song. It's from that show."
Gigi: "The CSI one, right? This song is by The Who. Now why would he sing this song?"
Vanessa: "Someone mysterious...I think it is Skye."
Gigi: "I think you're thinking in the reverse direction. My thought is with Sylvester Roscoe. What do you think, Mervyn?"
Mervyn: "I was thinking Noira Green, because the supernatural is mysterious."
Gigi: "Then why not sing Supernatural or something?"
Mervyn: "You seem pretty sure that you're correct, and it fits the theme, so I would agree with Gigi."
Vanessa: "Alright, but don't blame me if we are wrong. This is Sylvester Roscoe!"
Vanessa: "See? It must be Skye!"
Sydney: "I was celebrated and treated like a god when my friends and family saw my spectacular win. They were amazed by how I managed to discover that Angie was the Mole. Some even thought I was the Mole. That would be fun too, but I wouldn't trade what had already happened."
Sydney: "Angie and I remained in close contact even though we lived miles apart. A few weeks later I invited Angie over to Australia for a reunion so that my friends could see the Mole in person. I held a Smole-themed party. It was fun guessing who the Mole was this time."
Sydney: "Later, Angie convinced me to take a trip to Al Simhara. It was far hotter than I remembered, but I live in Australia, mate."
Sydney: "Together, we adventured and met Cairo on the way. It's such a small world, ain't it? It's funny how we can meet contestants from other seasons."
Vanessa: "Go die, mate. You're Egyptian and you smell."
Mervyn: "Hey! You are rude!"
Vanessa: "I'm a stereotypical Australian gal who lives in sunny Australia, where the weather's like 40 degrees Celsius and above. I don't know how you can survive being barefooted, Cairo."
Vanessa: "It's so hot. I wanna have a party. I will invite my good friend the Mole, Angie!"
Gigi: "Hi! I'm so glad you invited me. Let's dance!"
Scott: "Er...I had an idea until Gigi came along. Then all bets were off. I saw partying, dancing, and something about being really hot, so I would go for Sydney. I would sing the Australian national anthem but I don't know how to, and I bet the others couldn't recognise it anyway. Maybe if I go for Australian singers..."

Andy: "Such a riveting performance."
Denise: "I love how he's so passionate about it."
Daphne: "It's pretty clear that he sang Chandelier. The question is why."
Denise: "It's an anti-party anthem. Who hates parties?"
Daphne: "Giselle Onkat."
Andy: "Walter Fleur."
Andy: "Giselle doesn't sit right with me. I can't really recall, but I don't thikn she was against parties."
Daphne: "She didn't like frivolous activities."
Andy: "Not all parties are frivolous. What about upperclass social engagements? Fundraisers? Birthday parties? They're very meaningful."
Daphne: "Walter hates going out, not specifically partying."
Andy: "But which party doens't involve going out? Think for a moment, Daphne."
Daphne: "Home parties."
Andy: "Pretty sure Walter hates those too."
Daphne: "I don't understand your sudden hostility towards me. It's like you fight me because of you don't agree with my religion."
Andy: "Drop the pretense."
Andy: "What if it's neither?"
Denise: "1,2,3, drink...I would think this song is about me."
Andy: "Chandelier by Sia...hmm...oh! What if it's the singer? Sia is Australian, and we only have one Australian which is clear cut"
Denise: "He should've gone for the national anthem like that, or some country song."
Daphne: "Do you know how to sing the Australian national anthem?"
Andy: "Maybe Scott's also itching to show off his vocal range. So, we're set?"
Daphne: "Sure. Our answer is Sydney Wellington."
Dawn: "I actually don't remember much of my time on the Smole. When Derek came and contacted me I was weirded out at first because we went our separate ways after the Smole, and I forgot about him completely."
Dawn: "He was upset at first but he couldn't stay mad for long. And I fell in love with him all over again. He's like, so hot."
Dawn: "It was an LDR that took a lot of effort and commitment. Derek couldn't give that. He had his life halfway across the globe. We decided to break up in the end but he still stops by once in a while. We appreciate the company and compliments. Now, we're more like friends with benefits."
Dawn: "I don't remember how we ended up at this stage but that just gives me the chance to create fresh new memories and start over. Maybe some day I'll forget everything again and love him all over like it was the first."
Andy: "I love you so much, mm..."
Daphne: "Ew."
Andy: "Bear with it. I don't like it any more than you do."
Daphne: "Erm, who are you? I don't know you."
Daphne: "But you're...so...big...and chunky and a load of man meat. So hot! I can't believe I just said that."
Denise: "Yawn, I just woke up. It's morning. AKA Dawn. Get the hint, dude."
Scott: "Never thought I'd see that. It makes me irrationally angry for some reason...it's all just an act. Focus. I better get this one right too."
Scott: "A flirty girl who is forgetful screams Dawn to me. I bet it's her. But what was Denise doing? It's like she just woke up or something...I bet that's a red herring. I'll just ignore her and think of a song to describe Dawn."
Scott: "Despacito/I don't know how to sing something burrito~"
Mervyn: "Oh god why? Why this song?"
Gigi: "He doesn't even know how to sing it."
Gigi: "It means 'slowly'. Who's very slow?"
Vanessa: "A lot of them, physically. There are two old men in the mix too."
Gigi: "Then it's probably neither."
Mervyn: "Dawn is slow too, in the brain."
Vanessa: "Why, yes! You're a genius, Mervyn. The context also fits. It's such a sultry song."
Gigi: "Our answer is Dawn Lytton!"
Jonathan: "I decided to become more philanthropic after the show. I became a much more notable figure in the business world. I also earned the title of Reverend in my church."
Jonathan: "I tried to keep in touch with all the others from the first season. We were the pioneers, after all. At first, everybody reunited and talked about our lives, like I am doing now. But interest couldn't be sustained."
Jonathan: "I still followed the Smole. It was an innovative, marketable concept. I could see some familiar faces from the first season once in a while. Between Season 15 and Season 20, I couldn't understand why Victor and Reginald stopped keeping contact with me. I thought they were complacent. But I got a deeper understanding of Victor on Season 20. It's strange that I learned more about him as a viewer rather than from the horse's mouth."
Vanessa: "Guys, let's just forget about trying to retell the story. Scott won't know. Scott can't hear us. There is no point. And I don't think that's the point."
Mervyn: "Okay, but what do you propose?"
Vanessa: "Something that really captures the essence. Like, when Scott sees this, he'll shout 'Betcha it's Jonathan!'."
Gigi: "Let's brainstorm this."
Gigi: "Oh, I'm so touched that two rich men are fighting for me."
Vanessa: "You think that just because you're a millionaire you can have any girl you want? Such a playboy."
Mervyn: "Jonathan, you have to realise that you can never beat me. I'm richer and hotter than you are. I could even bang Victor's niece."
Vanessa: "Disgusting."
Scott: "...Oh? It's over. I don't get it."
Scott: "I just realised that Derek's also an option. If I saw it, I bet I would have gotten it wrong. So it was better that I missed him at first."
Scott: "It's so unclear though. It could be anyone. I don't even know who I'm supposed to be guessing: Vanessa or Mervyn? Or Gigi? They better not have sabotaged."
Scott: "I bet it's Derek Zora. Now time for a song for him..."
Scott: "This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill/fifteen percent concentration and power of will~"
Andy: "I'm pretty sure I heard this song at the NBAs."
Denis: "Who's sporty? Derek?"
Daphne: "I thought he didn't want to be known as all brawn and no brain."
Scott: "Fifty percent pleasure, fifty percent pain/And a hundred percent reason to remember the name~"
Andy: "But he was a bodybuilder. And this sounds like a workout song."
Denise: "And they just sang about remembering the name. Dawn can't remember a lot of stuff."
Daphne: "If you are sure...is it Derek Zora?"
Andy: "Hm? I was so sure it was him."
Cairo: "After the Smole, I went to Egypt to find my family. I didn't have much luck though, and I gave up rather quickly. I didn't know what to say even if I did meet them."
Cairo: "I did bump into some of the most notable players from Season 31 though. I made an unlikely gang of friends, so it's not a total waste of time."
Denise: "Meow...meow...I'm those cat God things."
Andy: "I am the great Pharoah of Egypt. Respect me. Fan me."
Denise: "We are in Egypt, dude. I'm a pyramid."
Daphne: "Chin chow. We are now in Hong Kong."
Denise: "Dude, you have such a messy heritage. Get it? Hairy-tage?"
Scott: "I don't get it. That was so messy. So I bet that Daphne is Chinese, and I betcha that Denise is a pet. I don't see Sue May here...hey, Cairo is half-Chinese, right? I bet that's who they're referring to."
Scott: "Ay on whey oh, Ay oh whey oh/Walk like an Egyptian~"
Vanessa: "Walk Like an Egyptian. That's clear enough. It's gotta be Cairo."
Mervyn: "Wait. What if he's referring to Season 31, which happened in Egypt? There are quite a few of them."
Vanessa: "Yeah but how are we going to choose the right one?"
Vanessa: "No discussion is needed. If we are wrong, we blame Scott. The answer is Cairo Kong!"
Angie: "My friends and I would always joke about me being unreliable and a rotten liar now that they've seen me on the Smole. They don't mean it though."
Angie: "I was always the adventurer. I went back to Egypt a few months later because I was so mesmerised by its culture. I wanted to learn more about it so I talked to the locals. Some of them recognised me."
Angie: "I even made a new friend: Sydney. We would often chat online. We decided to travel to Egypt again for old times' sake."
Angie: "I can say that the Smole has trained me to be more resilient. I went through harsh weather conditions and a stressful season with excellent competitors. I can survive anything."
Vanessa: "Like, why did they make me come down to a tomb in a dress?"
Gigi: "Production said we needed to find a key. Our last mission as a team."
Mervyn: "Are we really a team? You're from the resistance, Angie. Sydney and I are from Morcucorp."
Vanessa: "Sometimes I wonder if we're really on the same side, Asian Boy. You left me tied up in that last mission!"
Mervyn: "A mummy! It's coming for you, Sydney!"
Vanessa: "Oh don't you dare, mate."
Vanessa: "Angie, let's party like we're gonna drop! I hope Scott recognises that I am Sydney."
Vanessa: "AAH!"
Vanessa: "The mummy got me!"
Mervyn: "We need to keep moving."
Gigi: "Let us split up to look for the key."
Gigi: "Why do you think Sydney was chosen?"
Mervyn: "Because she's the Mole."
Gigi: "I don't think that's the reason."
Mervyn: "What makes you think so? Unless..."
Gigi: "I'm the Mole. And you won't leave this tomb."
Gigi: "You shouldn't have trusted a defaulter."
Gigi: "Betcha didn't see that coming."
Scott: "That was quite a fair bit. Let me analyse this slowly for each character."
Scott: "They did a lot of things but I can't visualise what. They looked afraid of something...I bet Gigi is Ella Marie. That means Vanessa is Cindy. I wonder what Mervyn is trying to do though. Gigi threw something...it must be referring to the mission where they threw baseballs as a voting system. Mervyn is a filler character because they didn't need him, I can bet you that."
Scott: "Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone/I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run/You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess/It's a love story baby, just say yes~"
Daphne: "It's so cheesy. It's clearly a fairy tale character."
Denise: "I think love songs are sweet. We need more songs like this. Spread the love!"
Andy: "Cindy Veer was like the Cinderella in her season. Can we agree it's her?"
Denise: "But weren't there Shakespeare references?"
Andy: "I don't know anyone who's a Romeo or a Juliet here...I don't think any of them are lit teachers either."
Daphne: "What did Michael Anderson study?"
Denise: "You said fairies right? Fairies are like genies. Noira is a genie."
Andy: "This song is called Love Story, which fits many. But they also did talk about princesses."
Daphne: "Scott's songs aren't precise enough, so we can argue any way we want to fit each contestant."
Andy: "I think we should go for the most direct option, which is Cindy Veer."
Rose: "I was disappointed that I was the first boot. I had so much I wanted to achieve. Lily didn't make it far either."
Rose: "When the show aired, I apologised to Lily again for distrusting her. Thankfully she didn't hold it to heart."
Rose: "I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I did things differently. Like, if I trusted my sister more, or controlled my temper a little bit better. I really want a second try."
Andy: "You are hot."
Daphne: "Screw off."

Andy: "Mm, I like it when you're feisty."

Denise: "Keep calm, dear sister. It is a worthless pursuit."

Daphne: "I want to change the cast. I don't like him."

Denise: "Change comes from within."

Scott: "Someone's pretty angry. Scarlett? I don't think she was so feisty though I can't remember. And then there's that other woman who seemed really calm. Was Denise acting as herself? I feel that she really stole the show. Bet she forgot that she was supposed to play someone else."
Daphne: "Screw off."

Andy: "Mm, I like it when you're feisty."

Denise: "Keep calm, dear sister. It is a worthless pursuit."

Daphne: "I want to change the cast. I don't like him."

Denise: "Change comes from within."

Scott: "Someone's pretty angry. Scarlett? I don't think she was so feisty though I can't remember. And then there's that other woman who seemed really calm. Was Denise acting as herself? I feel that she really stole the show. Bet she forgot that she was supposed to play someone else."
Scott: "Hmm...the calmest one is Lily Flowerina. This is one of Denise's better roles."
Scott: "I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill~"
Gigi: "Oh, an Ed Sheeran song! I'm a big fan of him."
Vanessa: "Flowers...he must be talking about the Flowerina sisters, but which one?"
Mervyn: "I think Rose is more of a supermarket flower."
Vanessa: "You talking about the flower or the girl?"
Mervyn: "Er..."
Gigi: "You are indeed more likely to find roses in the supermarket than lilies. I think that is our answer."
Vanessa: "Oh that was a lucky one."
Morris: "My life after the Smole improved a bit, career-wise. I was starting to get more gigs and roles because everyone wanted to cash in on my success. Sometimes it felt so lonely and cold, as I knew they were more so interested in the idea of me rather than interested in me itself. It's a cold, hard industry that I must learn to survive in."
Morris: "My love life wasn't looking so great. I couldn't find real suitors. And things are just so awkward with Monique. We still stay together but we talk less now, and when we do it's only about work. I screwed things up in that department. Especially when I was the cause of her execution. I bet she still holds it against me for that."
Mervyn: "I am so frustrated."
Gigi: "Why?"
Mervyn: "All you do is talk about work. I love you so much but you don't love me back. And then you become so distant."
Gigi: "Morris...you know we can't. We must be strictly professional. That is our role."
Mervyn: "It's because I misled you, wasn't it? I know, you were right and I was wrong. You can blame me but don't treat me like a stranger."
Vanessa: "Ding dong."
Gigi: "Work is here."
Gigi: "Come on in."
Vanessa: "Ah, yes, Morris Delven. He won the Smole, didn't he? He's quite the looker...I know just what I can do to make it famous."
Vanessa: "Monique, here's the money."
Mervyn: "NO!"
Scott: "I don't recall anyone being a gigolo...there aren't any female pimps either. Unless you're telling me it's Scarlett. Or could it be Yves? Or is this one Derek? Who else had some kind of love that was built on monetary transactions?"
Scott: "Could it be Morris? Or Michael? He is pretty submissive in my memory. Hmm...I'm leaning towards Morris but just in case, I'll sing a song that can encompass them both. I'll sing about the frustrations, the mood."
Scott: "I want to make it right, that is the way/To turn my life around, today is the day~"
Andy: "Oh, High School Musical."
Daphne: "It's a song about someone who made mistakes and wants to repent."
Daphne: "Morris made a mistake. I seem to recall that happening."
Andy: "I don't. And what about Victor? He was consumed by the hate when we saw him the third time, and this song is pretty riled up."
Denise: "He won two seasons and made it to the finale in one. He needs to chill out, man."
Daphne: "Some of us are perfectionists."
Scott: "Am I the type of guy who means what I say/Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it~"
Denise: "Our guy gambled."
Daphne: "Or simply engaged in a general vice. Skye?"
Andy: "No."
Daphne: "Why? It is a compelling answer."
Andy: "Because...because..."
Denise: "Dude, you need to put aside your differences for the greater good."
Andy: "Because...if it was him, it would be easier to just go for a song about evil or criminals."
Daphne: "He wants to portray the multi-faceted nature of Skye Lowe."
Denise: "Hey, Chris Winters is a money-minded guy who did something wrong too, right guys?"
Andy: "Shit. We have too many answers."
Denise: "Take our time. We aren't being pressured. It's our last one."
Andy: "I get the feeling that we are to listen to the mood and context of this song rather than the lyrics."
Denise: "Focus on the big picture. You're talking my language."
Daphne: "I sincerely think you're wrong."
Andy: "You don't have a right to voice your opinion."
Denise: "Are you a woman? You change your mind on her so much."
Daphne: "Fine. Go with the mood. I don't care. Really."
Andy: "This song talked about heartbreak too. Skye isn't involved in it."
Daphne: "So should we trust Denise?"
Denise: "I'm chill with anything."
Andy: "She keeps giving suggestions but doesn't act on them. I think it's Morris."
Daphne: "Then we'll go with Morris Delven. This has been going on for too long."
60/100 points have been earned, making the pot 280/550 points. Below is the list of ex contestants this season's cast was given:
The list of ex-contestants:
Skye Lowe
Aaron Nigel Forrester
8. Angie Reese
4. Sydney Wellington
Giselle Onkat
Lena Estenson
Jacob Jacobson
7. Cairo Kong
London Yorkshire
Theresa Meyers
5. Dawn Lytton
Michael Anderson
1. (3.) Sylvester Roscoe
Yves Kalin
Victor Pluck
Scarlett Phine
6. Jonathan Griar
3. Bonnie DeValentino
Chris Winters
Herb DeValentino
2. Casey Eughberton
9. Rose Flowerina
Lily Flowerina
10. Morris Delven
Noira Green
Walter Fleur
Vivian Belle
Walter Fleur
Vivian Belle
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