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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
The last mission added 85.100 points to the pot, making the pot 405/750 points. However, contestants had a chance to take points out of the pot in exchange for a secret or alibi from an executed contestant. A heated discussion eventually deterred everyone from doing so, protecting the pot. While Scott did not have to worry, Andy became the next one to be executed. With only one more mission in their way, who will win? And more importantly: who is the Mole?
Andy: "Well, I'm out. Am I disappointed? You bet. I was this close. I was confused and couldn't think properly when I took the quiz. Blow after blow, I just wasn't concentrating and made the mistake of suspecting all three at various questions. That's my fault. Whatever. I wish the final three all the best. And I hope Gigi ends up winning this. I hope she's not the Mole."
DAY 22
Contestants are now at their last stop: Sunset Valley.
Daphne: "I am in the finale. I expected nothing less. I play to win. And win I shall. At least nobody actually was that dumb to spend points yesterday. If you wanted them, you should have collected them way beforehand. Doing so now would be too little, too late."
Scott: "Hey everyone! I'm Scott Treverton. Do I sound preppy? I do, right? It's only because I'm in THE FREAKING FINALE! Woohoo! I proved to all you doubters that I did it. Try beating this next season, Jaycee. IF you ever get in, that is. I am actually quite sad to have seen Andy go. I didn't mind anyone leaving; just not him. But what shall I do with my newfound gayhood now that I'm surrounded by ladies? I could make predictions on who's the Mole, but that'll be spoiling the fun. But I want to know who you think it is. Is it Daphne? Is it Gigi? Or is it me? Leave your comments on my page, and remember: donate if you support me, or if you want to see me win!"
Scott: "Gigi, are you excited to be in the finale?"
Gigi: "Of course. Who isn't? It's just a shame Andy couldn't be with us."
Scott: "True. But we can make the most of it by enjoying it for him."
Gigi: "Of course."
Scott: "Could I ask you something? So...I recently found out I was gay."
Gigi: "Oh, at last."
Scott: "Wait? You already knew? But how can you know before me?"
Gigi: "We all knew, Scott. Vanessa was taking bets on how long it would take before you would realise that yourself."
Scott: "Wow...anyway, I came out of the closet and I declared my love to Andy...I mustered all my courage."
Gigi: "And? What did he say?"
Scott: "He was straight."
Gigi: "Ouch. But he is. Don't be disheartened, Scott. I'm sure you'll find someone out there who'll love you back just the same."
Scott: "But..."
Gigi: "Sometimes in life, things don't go your way. You can't force love. Not everyone is gay, and not every gay is into you. Just like how not every guy I meet will love me, or I will love."
Scott: "I guess...I just thought we had something special. Something different from all the past girlfriends I had."
Gigi: "Of course it's different. You're dating a boy now."
Scott: "That's irrelevant."
Gigi: "Is it now?"
Scott: "Well...whatever. Can I ask you another question? Gigi, would you play a villain?"
Gigi: "That's random. But it depends...oh, do you think I'm the Mole?"
Scott: "No, I'm just asking because...well, I have information regarding that."
Gigi: "You have my secret, don't you? It doesn't matter now. We're already here. No secret can have a hold over any of us now."
DAY 23
"Contestants, good job once again on being in the final three. You have made it far. Today is your last chance to earn points."
"You will be visiting a room with 10 suns. There are also 10 switches. Each switch will change the light of one sun."
"All you have to do is get the suns to a different colour."
"Hurry though, because you only get 40 minutes. This is worth 150 points, all or nothing. Good luck."
"Your time begins now."
Scott: "No time to lose, guys. This panel is inviting me to step on it."
Scott: "So, what happened?"
Scott: "The second sun turned blue."
Gigi: "Okay, we now know what that switch does."
Daphne: "It looks like we failed already."
Daphne: "This sun over here is also blue."
Daphne: "Gigi, let's try these panels right here."
Gigi: "Okay."
Daphne: "I see some changes."
Daphne: "The third sun turned white."
Daphne: "The fourth one is golden."
Daphne: "The first sun turned blue."
Daphne: "What just happened? They briefly changed colours before all the lights turned off."
Scott: "Did any of you step on the wrong thing?"
Gigi: "Is it me? I was the last to step. Sorry guys."
Daphne: "This panel must be a reset switch. This is very handy."
Gigi: "You're not mad?"
Daphne: "Why should I be? Now if we mess up, we can just restart by stepping on this."
Scott: "Alright, let's redo everything we did up to before Gigi reset it all."
Gigi: "I will take this one then."
Gigi: "That's gold too."
Scott: "No, it's more yellowish. The other sun was more orange. Anyway, this is Sun number 9."
Gigi: "Sun 6 is red."
Gigi: "Is the eighth one silver or platinum?"
Scott: "I think it's pink. A very faint, light pink."
Scott: "There's still this one at the end that won't turn on."
Scott: "Maybe this one at the end will turn it on. I'll give it a try."
Scott: "Yes! I'm so lucky. The last sun is now deep blue."
Gigi: "I think we need to have some order in this, otherwise it's just random guessing. I'll try that panel over there."
Gigi: "Let's go in a clockwise manner, starting from this panel."
Gigi: "I can't tell what just happened."
Daphne: "The third sun is now pink while the eighth one is white. I think they swapped colours. I'm writing this all down, by the way."
Daphne: "Let us label these panels. I'll call this Panel B."
Gigi: "Then I'll try C next. Oh, Sun 2 is blue...or cyan, more specifically."
Daphne: "And Sun 5 is yellow."
Gigi: "Let's see what mine does."
Gigi: "Sun 2 is now green."
Gigi: "Sun 3 is purple."
Gigi: "Sun 1 is now orange."
Scott: "So, this is Panel E. Let's try it."
Gigi: "We already know what this does."
(*Somewhere along the line I got confused as to which panel triggers what, so unfortunately there are some errors. Scott should now be on Panel F instead.)
Scott: "3 and 4 swapped colours."
Gigi: "Okay, let's go for those two over there."
(I got confused here too. Sun 3 and 4 should change colours, not 2 and 5 as shown.)
Gigi: "We should all try to take note if possible."
Scott: "This is Panel G."
Scott: "Sun 1 is now green as well."
Scott: "And the one next to it is purplish-pink. A different shade from the other two. Let's call it magenta."
Gigi: "It appears to me that F will swap colours."
Daphne: "Sun 2 and Sun 5 changed their colours."
Daphne: "Now that we know everything, let's reset."
Daphne: "Hopefully there isn't a limit as to how many times we can reset."
Gigi: "We don't know that, so we better use it sparingly."
Scott: "Guys, let's gather. We've seen what each panel does. Now in which order do we step?"
Gigi: "Daphne wrote it all down."
Scott: "Can we trust her? No offense, but it is possible some accidental mistakes were made."
Gigi: "We don't have all day to keep testing though."
Scott: "I know."
Daphne: "We do a different kind of test. Something which will help to verify my notes."
Gigi: "That's a good idea. Let us listen to her."
Daphne: "I'm not sure it's wise to put all the trust and responsibility on one, even if it is me."
Gigi: "I know but you have all the notes right now."
Scott: "How about we just try and turn on all the lights and then decide from there?"
Gigi: "Sure. That works too."
Daphne: "Fine with me."
Scott: "I remember what this panel does."
Scott: "Sun #1 is green."
Scott: "#2 is magenta."
Daphne: "That tallies with what I have. I will try Panel H."
Daphne: "Sun 3 is white, 4 is orange."
Scott: "On top of that, Sun 1 changed from green to blue."
Gigi: "Let me try this one."
Daphne: "Sun 2 is now cyan, Sun 5 is yellow. So far so good."
Gigi: "Panel E, was it?"
Scott: "6 is red, 8 is pink. Oh, 9 is yellow too."
Daphne: "This was Panel J. The last one."
Daphne: "It seems connected to the last sun."
Gigi: "That's great. What suns are left unlit?"
Scott: "Sun 7 which is in front of me."
Daphne: "I don't have anything that corresponds to Sun 7. No wait, I do. Gigi, try Panel D."
Gigi: "Okay."
Scott: "Sun 7 is now yellow."
Daphne: "That's not good. We now have 3 yellow suns. And this is different from what I originally had. Wasn't Sun 7 supposed to be the same colour as Sun 2? It's an anomaly."
Scott: "There are no anomalies, only imperfect explanations."
Gigi: "Wow. Deep."
Scott: "Why thank you. I was quite good at science back in school."
Scott: "Alright, I'll try this one next to me."
Gigi: "The first and sixth sun have swapped their colours. Now 1 is red and 6 is blue."
Less than 20 minutes left.
Daphne: "We made a mess of things. I'm very confused right now. Let's reset this puzzle."
Scott: "No! What if it causes a penalty, or three tries and we're out?"
Gigi: "I agree."
Daphne: "Then it's not our fault."
Scott: "Yeesh. Okay, I'll try this one first. 3 is white, 4 is orange, 1 is blue."
Scott: "This is so frustrating."
Daphne: "Panel G can turn on the cyan light in Sun 2. I think that's the correct colour."
Daphne: "Oh no. Wrong panel."
Scott: "Please don't tell me we must restart again."
Gigi: "Let's just work with what we have first. Hmm..."
Gigi: "You wanted cyan, right?"
Daphne: "Yes. I'm afraid I may have screwed something up."
Gigi: "If I'm not mistaken, we should try Panel B. Ah, that's the one."
Daphne: "I still can't figure Panel C out. I think we're already wrong, so let's just try it."
Scott: "Real helpful there."
Daphne: "Now 2 is green, 3 is purple, 1 is orange. I don't see a pattern though."
Gigi: "But we wanted cyan for Sun 2, didn't we? We should try and swap it back."
Scott: "No, no, no. This is tiring and stressful. We're not going back and forth on the same damn thing."
Gigi: "He's right. Maybe it'll work itself out in the end, or cyan isn't the right colour."
Daphne: "Scott, watch out!"
Scott: "Woah, phew. Thanks for the warning. Good thing I only touched the edge."
Scott: "I still think we should turn on all the lights first. E turns on the most if I remember."
Scott: "Yep."
(Sorry again. It should be Sun 6 that's red, not Sun 7.)
Gigi: "We now have two same colours: Sun 5 and Sun 9. We need to change them."
Daphne: "If I recall, Panel A will change the colour of Sun 8 with a different sun."
Gigi: "Panel F was also a swapping panel."
Daphne: "But it's a wildcard. It seems to swap between different suns each time."
Gigi: "We just have to dare to try. Pray hard, everyone."
Scott: "The orange and pink swapped."
Gigi: "We need to turn on that last sun too, don't we? Fortunately it's simple enough."
Daphne: "This sun is always not turned on. I think it's our last sun."
Daphne: "Number 7...hmm..."
Gigi: "Daphne!"
Daphne: "What is it?"
Daphne: "Damn it!"
Daphne: "I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't paying careful attention."
Gigi: "Nevermind."
Scott: "It appears we have some colours that swapped positions again."
Gigi: "We know Panel D causes Sun 7 to light up, right?"
Scott: "It always clashes with another sun of the same colour."
Daphne: "Then we end up with 3 suns all with the same colour and we become stuck."
Gigi: "What if that's it? What if it only clashes because there is a repeated colour already present? So if there's no repeated colour..."
Daphne: "But there currently are. Two of them."
Gigi: "Oh, snap."
Scott: "Hmm...Sun 2 turns cyan and Sun 3 turns white though, so eventually there won't be a repeated colour for Sun 7 to follow."
Gigi: "You may be on to something there."
Scott: "Well, may I do the honours?"
Daphne: "It's not like we/ve got anything to lose."
Gigi: "The two suns have switched to a different colour."
Daphne: "And look! Sun 7 is now a different colour from the rest."
"Congratulations. You managed to solve the puzzle in time and earn 150/150 points! The pot now has 555/900 points. It's a very good finish. Give yourselves a pat on the back."
Daphne: "We actually did it...at last."
Gigi: "Yay! We did it, guys! Teamwork makes the dream work."
Daphne: "I apologise. The mental stress was extremely high, more than I had ever handled in the past, so I froze during the mission and became confused. I made so many unforgivable errors. I could tell everyone was frustrated but I am glad nobody blamed me. It is a good thing it all worked out well in the end."
The final three had a nice finish with the full 150 points in the bag, making the pot 555/900 points. Who will walk away with it? And who is the Mole?
Starting from leftmost panel, going clockwise, the panels shall be labelled from A to J. In a similar fashion, label the suns 1 to 10.
If it's confusing, from that view above, the panels are:
To get all the suns in a different colour:
- Step on Panel G. Sun 1 will turn green, Sun 2 will turn magenta.
- Step on Panel H. Sun 3 will turn white, Sun 4 while turn orange, Sun 1 will turn blue.
- Step on Panel J. Sun 10 will turn blue.
- Step on Panel B. Sun 2 will turn cyan, Sun 5 will turn yellow.
- Step on Panel C. Sun 2 will turn green, Sun 3 will turn purple, Sun 1 will turn orange, or Sun 1 will turn purple and Sun 3 will turn orange. If the latter happens, step on Panel C again.
- Step on Panel E. Sun 9 will turn yellow. Sun 6 will turn red. Sun 8 will turn pink.
- Step on Panel A. Sun 8 and Sun 3 will swap colours. Sun 3 is now pink while Sun 8 is now purple.
- Step on Panel F. Sun 3 will swap colours with Sun 4. Sun 3 is now orange, Sun 4 is now pink.
- Step on Panel F. Sun 2 will swap colours with Sun 5. Sun 2 is now yellow, Sun 5 is now green. If you Step on F again, Sun 1 will swap with Sun 6, and then step on it again and Step 8 will happen again.
- Step on Panel D. Sun 2 will turn cyan. Sun 3 will turn white. Sun 7 will turn into the last colour (magenta) if there are no repetition of colours. Otherwise, Sun 7 will turn into the repeated colour.
- Panel I is a reset panel.
Video solution:
If you want to play along, there is a link here: https://smolegame.onrender.com/