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Daphne Eleanor Scotts/Caroline, 24, freelance photographer |
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Gigi Fruit/Dina, 21, university student |
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Mervyn Aubridge/Steve, 34, traffic policeman |
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Scott Treverton/Omar, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Andy Slam/Aiden, 21, unemployed |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer
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Guest starring these guys |
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And them too |
The final five got a chance to hone their acting skills in this mission, where they worked alongside real actors to fool resident experts Matthew Hamming, Alan Stanley and Lenny Shutter. Unfortunately, only Andy and Gigi managed to pull the wool over their eyes, leading to 40/100 points added to the pot, which now stands at 320/650 points. Now that everyone's gotten a good look at the acting skills of everyone else, can they better deduce who the Mole is before the Mole gets to them?
DAY 18
Mervyn: "..."
Mervyn: "My mind keeps going back to the past. It's in a mess right now. I need to clear it out. Some mistakes leave you with regret, but you've got to plow through the regret and live with it. Denise would tell me to meditate..."
Scott: "I don't know what was wrong with me. I feel so funny. It's an awful sensation. It was just a kiss. Why did i need to have such a big reaction? At first I thought it was Gigi, but when Emmy smooched...but I watch straight porn. That makes me straight, right? Even though I fantasise about moments alone with Andy...but I watch Mika all the time. I love booties. That makes me straight."
Daphne: "So Gigi can sing and she can act. What else can she do?"
Gigi: "Another note from Zane...don't believe Andy. He's lying."
Gigi: "Who keeps playing these pranks?"
Gigi: "Andy, someone sent another note."
Andy: "This has gone on for far too long. I need to confront Daphne."
Gigi: "There's no need to go to that extent."
Andy: "And let her keep sending these messages to you? I need to know what she's trying to prove. Is she trying to scare us? Make us suspicious of each other? That's pathetic."
Gigi: "Andy, wait! There's no need to make things ugly."
Andy: "Daphne Eleanor Scotts, that's enough."
Daphne: "Did nobody teach you manners?"
Andy: "You're one to talk. Why do you keep sending those notes to Gigi?"
Daphne: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Andy: "Drop the pretense. I know you know about Zane."
Daphne: "Ah, so this is why you've been so hostile towards me lately."
Andy: "Just what do you know about that day?"
Gigi: "Andy, stop!"
Gigi: "Let's not fight with her."
Andy: "Why are you scared of her?"
Gigi: "I'm not scared of her. I just want everyone to live in harmony."
Andy: "That's going to be a bit difficult when someone seems to be trying to threaten us."
Andy: "Were you there that day?"
Daphne: "You already know the answer to that, don't you?"
Gigi: "Wait, you really killed Zane?"
Daphne: "It was perfect. His facial expression was priceless. The fear and desperation. Of both of them! It was such a sight to behold. A pity I don't have the photos to show right now."
Andy: "You're a monster."
Daphne: "They were young, but it wasn't going to last forever. I was granting him eternal youth. And now, I have given him immortality."
Andy: "I can't believe you would do this! Just what have they done to you?"
Daphne: "Nothing. It's just that he would have been...25 this year. Help me with my maths here."
Andy: "He had a great life ahead of him. And you singlehandedly destroyed it."
Daphne: "I wouldn't say singlehandedly. All of you lent a helping hand."
Gigi: "I...so you forced Jay to push Zane?"
Daphne: "Dear, dear, someone wasn't paying attention."
Gigi: "Just...how?"
Andy: "She's right. Zane isn't one to get manipulated that easily."
Daphne: "Maybe not, but he did care for his friends. Isn't that so, Slam?"
Andy: "He did...and he often let his emotions get the better of him."
Daphne: "That's his weakness. An exploit I could capture. You and your other friend Clarice were setting up the picnic. I managed to bring Jay away and tell him that I poisoned your beer."
Gigi: "And he believed you?"
Daphne: "He knows what I can do."
Andy: "Hold on for a second there."
Andy: "We didn't have beer."
Daphne: "Are you sure? Perhaps you were so distraught you forgot about the events before."
Andy: "I distinctly remember this because Clarice hates the smell. She made us promise not to bring any beer."
Gigi: "I didn't know that."
Andy: "I never told you about it. It didn't seem important."
Daphne: "Oh. Then it must have been my mistake. I couldn't see clearly with the thick brushes in the way."
Andy: "You've never been to Pierton Cliff, have you?"
Gigi: "It took place at Pierton Cliff?"
Daphne: "I have. Multiple times."
Andy: "If that was the case, surely you would know that there are hardly any trees or vegetation there."
Gigi: "He's right. I've been there before too. It's pretty clear."
Daphne: "Then how did you not see Jay push Zane down the cliff?"
Andy: "Because it's sloped. The place where I set up the picnic was at a lower point than the edge of the cliff. I couldn't have seen them, but they would have been able to see me."
Daphne: "Damn it."
Andy: "Why did you lie to us?"
Daphne: "I thought it would be fun."
Andy: "Fun? You think playing with the idea of my friend's life is fun? You think trying to make us paranoid is fun?"
Daphne: "Yes. The two of you were too monotonous, too one-sided. I needed to see complexity in you."
Gigi: "I don't even know when to believe you any more."
Andy: "Go win an Oscar. Let's go, Gigi."
Gigi: "We're back to square one. Zane probably really is dead."
Andy: "I knew I shouldn't have believed it, but...I just wanted to."
Andy: "See? I was right in confronting Daphne. At least now we know that she knows nothing about that day, other than from our conversations. I don't know why you were so reluctant to do it."
Gigi: "It's just going to be so awkward in the future. And she'll probably hate us."
Andy: "Then let her hate. Our lives don't revolve around Daphne, or anyone else. We don't live to please them."
Gigi: "I know, but I just don't want to end up in the same place I was before."
Andy: "What do you mean?"
Andy: "Gigi, I've opened up to you so much. You know that you can open up to me too, right?"
Gigi: "I was lonely once. So, so incredibly lonely. I had zero friends. My parents didn't like anything I did. They refused to support me, or my dreams. I had to rely on loans to even get through uni."
Gigi: "I just don't want to end up lonely again. That's why I want to be everybody's friend."
Andy: "Gigi, you don't need everyone to be your friend. Because I'm here for you. Even if the whole world turns their back on you, I'll still be your friend."
Gigi: "Thank you so much for everything, Andy. I'm really glad to hear that."
DAY 19
Daphne: "Mervyn, I found out about your secret."
Mervyn: "Which secret?"
Daphne: "You're wising up."
Daphne: "Your secret says that you're always a nervous wreck. I couldn't tell at times."
Mervyn: "I am?"
Daphne: "It can't be wrong. So I hope you have a good explanation."
Mervyn: "I guess you will learn of it eventually...I beat a red light."
Daphne: "Is that it?"
Mervyn: "What do you mean?"
Daphne: "I just expected the reason to me more...whelming."
Mervyn: "What? This isn't a big enough secret to you?"
Daphne: "Frankly? No, it isn't. You're making a mountain out of a molehill if you say it is."
Mervyn: "Why does nobody understand the severity of this? An accident could have occurred because I didn't follow the traffic rules. And I'm a traffic cop. I cannot afford to blunder like this."
Daphne: "If you do run over someone, I hope it's someone young."
Mervyn: "What's up with you and dying young anyway? That sounds like you have depression."
Daphne: "I don't. I just don't want to go at my worst."
Daphne: "Which you soon will. I'll lend you some of my beauty products later."
Mervyn: "Or maybe you're just vain, not depressed."
Daphne: "You're changing the subject. I've held up my part of the deal. I'm sorry it took so long. So it's your turn."
Mervyn: "I don't understand."
Daphne: "We had a deal in the first week, in Moonlight Falls. Don't pretend you forgot. You give me my secret if I give you yours."
Mervyn: "Oh, right. But I don't have your secret."
Daphne: "Don't lie to me. I found out that my secret is with you."
Mervyn: "I really don't. What I do have is Gio's secret, which became useless very quickly."
Daphne: "But...damn. How did that happen?"
Daphne: "Nevermind. You give it to me."
Mervyn: "I don't see what's the use but sure. His secret is something to do about being willing to do anything for a cause, though he'll do it humanely."
Daphne: "Thank you."
Mervyn: "So does this mark the start of a coalition?"
Daphne: "It's pretty late to have one...but yes, I suppose it does."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is out of the game.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does the Mole stay in currently?
A: A-02
B: B-01
C: B-02
D: C-01
E: C-02
Q3: In which order did the Mole take the room key?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
Q4: In Mission 6, what car was the Mole in?
A: Yoshomoto Evasion
B: Wornado Triaage
Q5: Was the Mole a passenger or driver in Mission 6?
A: Passenger
B: Driver
Q6: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's character?
A: Steve
B: Caroline
C: Omar
D: Aiden
E: Dina
Q7: Was the Mole expoesed to be a non-professional actor in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 6, who found out the Mole was not a professional actor?
A: Matthew Hamming
B: Matthew Hamming and Alan Stanley
Q9: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's character's role?
A: Bouncer
B: Mistress
C: Comic relief
D: Male lead
E: Female lead's friend
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Andy Slam
B: Daphne Eleanor Scotts
C: Gigi Fruit
D: Scott Treverton
E: Mervyn Aubridge
"I hope you have grabbed everything. The taxi to the airport should be arriving shortly."
Mervyn: "Oh no. I think I forgot to turn off the stove."
Scott: "Relax. The hotel staff will do it later."
Mervyn: "No. I can't be so irresponsible. It's extremely dangerous. Wait for me."
Mervyn: "Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!"
Mervyn: "Where is the extinguisher?"
Mervyn: "It's not in the room. I should get out and tell the management."
Mervyn: "The door won't open. I'm trapped!"
Mervyn: "I need to break down this door."
Mervyn: "Ack! The smoke is building..."
Gigi: "What's taking him so long?"
Daphne: "And the taxi, too."
Mervyn: "Hot hot hot!"
Gigi: "Mervyn!"
Andy: "We need to help him!"
Scott: "Mervyn! There's a fountain outside! Jump into it!"
Mervyn: "AAAARGHH!"
Gigi: "What...what just happened?"
Andy: "He sounded like he was in a lot of pain."
Scott: "Should we go check on him?"
Gigi: "But who?"
Daphne: "I'll do it."
Daphne: "Oh. He's burnt pretty badly."
Daphne: "Our partnership was short-lived."
"The taxi is here."
Scott: "What about Mervyn?"
"Mervyn has been executed. Only you four remain."
Things were getting too hot for Mervyn to handle. He failed to find the Mole. Can the other three do better?
Looks like his head's on fire.
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